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hello everyone today me and Larry Pilgrim are going to be showing you 10 different tricks and skills you should learn on your mountain bike I'm on a regular mountain bike Louie is on his a bike this is to show you that these can be used on any type of mountain bike that you choose to ride we're gonna start things off very simply with one of the best-looking and easiest tricks this is the wheelie so for the wheelie I've put my seat up a little bit once you get used to it you won't need to do this but you want to be in a low gear power lean back and as long as your arms are straight like this you'll be able to get up if you like that it's really hard because your weights too far forward if you're struggling with the wheelie from a sitting down position you can start standing up and just lunge into it like that and if you're a smaller person that's going to help you out but the most important thing really is the arm straight and a low gear and you'll get the front wheel in here make sure that you keep your finger over the rear brake because if you go too far you're going to pull that brake to bring the front back down if you don't pull that you'll just flip over and land on your back and that's gonna suck especially on concrete right this is skill number two which is the cut is gonna need a firm like this and it's one of my favorite things to do on the trail you've probably seen it in videos before it's basically hitting a berm completely wrong it looks really stylish it doesn't really do anything for your speed so probably don't do it in the middle of your race run I'm gonna get up there now show you what a normal berm smash looks like and then a cutty so that was a normal bomb here basically it's gonna be way quicker doing it like that just following the berm normally for a Kutty though you're gonna want to cut off the entrance of the berm hit it kind of at the midpoint and it should look something like this cut the entrance so that was a Carty as you can see I'm aiming for the middle part of the berm pumping as hard as I can just as I get to the berm back.we loses grip fires look sick if you're gonna be filming stuff so you should definitely do that down in the trail for some fun and yeah it's pretty sick so we're gonna move on to skill number three number three this is something pretty fundamental part of mountain biking this is a roller here and if you were to hit it full speed and didn't now to pump you just hit it like a jump which obviously wouldn't be very good and you won't be able to keep your speed up I'm going to show you now with a bit of pumping skills you can maintain speed and not die I'm approaching the pump bump and as I get to it I'm preparing and then I'm letting my bike come up into me as I go over it that's gonna keep my speed and stop me from getting air and then when I get slowly starting coming over it I can push my weight back down with my bars and my legs and that's going to keep the bike planted on the floor and then you can look ahead and then carry on down the rest of the trail this can be used in between jumps this same motion of coming down compressing can actually give you speed in between jumps best place to start learning it would be at a pump track you'll know when you're fully dialed because you can go around a pump track without having to pedal at all so we're now going to move on to the next skill the skill number four I'm going to show you the difference between racing and boosting a jump which is terms you may have heard before I'm more of a racer so I'm gonna be showing you that option and Sam's gonna be showing you the boost option this is what racing a jump hook I'm coming up the lip now and as I get to the top of it I'm pushing my bike through the jump and lifting it up to my body whilst trying to stay as low to the ground as possible this is a real good way to hold your speed and go a lot further on jumps which is good for racing as you can see there that was much higher and I'm still pulling the bike up to me but in a different way I'm approaching the jump we've actually a little more speed the more speed you have the higher you're going to go as my front wheel starts coming up top of the lip I'm really pulling high on the front and then as the front wheel leaves I'm then tucking up with the back in this one I don't suck up into a ball I'm just showing you how you can get that extra pop just by the way you leave the lip there we go it's a nice bit of height if you're going to do some tricks now I'm gonna do with exactly the same speed my version of racing the jump so you can really see the difference for those of you out there that have messaged me in the past that is how you get more height on a jump more speed get some extra pop off the lip and then you saw on the second go there that if you push through in the way Louie said and kind of like pumping you can go a lot faster which helps you keep your speed which is why that's called racing a jump and the other way is boosting your jump let's move on to number five so skill number five is the stuffy which I'm sure you all know and have sinned before it's a real fun little trick to do it's the best place to start learning a stuff beyond is a relatively steep Bank like this better to do it on a grass ones if you crash it's going to be a softer landing and the way to deal with stuffy is you're going to want to sort of preload and pop slightly over the bars and then you're going to want to start feathering the front brake you want to get it sort of to a point where if you pulled it any harder it would lock up and you'd go over the bars and if you do it any less than that you'll find that you're not gonna be able to hold the weight over the front wheel so you just come in bit of a bounce front brake and down you go once you've got the basics of the stop you down and really get yourself familiar with the front brake control you can then hit things with speed and actually do them on the flat ground look at this I can do it on flat and then link into this hill for an ultimate stop II will you still free let's get to the next one number six I'm going to show you how to do a 180 on a mountain bike there is actually two ways to do a 180 so I'm going to show you the way I like to do I'm going to show you the other way afterwards that is with a bit of a J hop so I've got a bit of compression turn you see so it's all about that turn at the start I'm because of the suspension I'm compressing in starting to turn and you come up pull up on the front release your body to spin it round then as your back wheel leaves the floor you can really continue that rotation the other way you can do it is with full-on bunnyhop both wheels off the ground at the same time you need to wind up before you do it turn then hop both wheels at the same time this isn't as good and if you're going to go faster and start doing more tricky things the first option with the J hop is definitely the way to go so once you've done a 180 you're facing the wrong way and one of the most fun things to do on a bike is ride backwards start things off with the fake you should find a small slope even this size is enough just to see what it feels like to go backwards another way you can get into it is off your front with a pivot like this usually you'll spin out like that because of the momentum of the turn into it which is actually a good thing because you can't keep going backwards forever so once you've done a 180 you'll already have that feeling of coming back to straight so you can 180 like this and then eventually you'll be able to do that number eight the hots Emmanuel can be used anywhere so a lot of guys are doing recently landing jumps in manual I like to use it out on the streets to hop up a curb landing manual so you can start this off just on the grass like this you can hop and land in a manual like that that is a fundamental skill you're going to need if you want to do jump to manual or hop up something to a manual so the best place to do it is on a flat bit of ground grass is nice because if you crash it's not going to hurt there's a little take off over there in the grass I'm going to do a big jump and landing manual to show you how fun it is there's our manual number nine this is the nose bonk this is absolutely awesome you can use this all around the bike park your trails or out in the streets as you can see the nose bonk is a very simple trick and you can use it on any obstacle you desire the best way to learn the nose bonk is actually just off a curb like this and approach my desired object which is a curb I'm not going to use the front brake you then hop forwards like that so it's the motion of going onto the front wheel and you just place your wheel where you want it bonking your desired object and that is it it's as simple as that so get out there and get bonking for the final scale of the video we're a relatively steep berm for this sort of area and I'm going to be showing you the skanda flick basically where you approach your bum you're gonna want to skid your back wheel out the opposite way to the berm and then lean in and hit it normally and if you're going quick enough and it's on a steep enough Hill you can sometimes actually hit yourself of your own fire which is pretty fun so I'm going to show you what one looks like now flip the wrong way again and you did really awesome let's get scandi oh I love that such a simple thing but just feels epically fun so the next time you're out riding your local trails think slightly outside the box I mean hit one way hit the next whatever just get out there and have some fun I hope these ten tips have helped you in some way and if they didn't help I hope you've at least enjoyed it that is the end of the video hope you guys enjoyed it that would be awesome if you need some comments and we stick you subscribe see in annex on [Music]
Channel: Sam Pilgrim
Views: 4,338,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam pilgrim, sam pilgrim biking, sam pilgrim mtb, mtb edit, sam pilgrim riding, sam pilgrim mountain bike, sam pilgrim 2017, biking, mtb, riding, pilgrim, bike, sam, 2018, mountain bike skills, mtb tricks, how to mtb, mtb how to, mtb tutorial, mtb skills, tricks you should learn, sam pilgrim how to, how to wheelie, how to jump, how to ride a bike, best bike of 2019, skills and tricks
Id: J_4e6q2jT3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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