10 most ridiculed states in America. North Carolina?

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let's face it some states end up as punch lines more often than other states I mean who hasn't heard of dating a close relative joke about Arkansas if you've never heard one of those jokes I'd like to welcome you to America go to a bar and just wait eventually you're gonna hear an Arkansas joke and probably a few that involve a rabbi a priest a gypsy with a bad perm walking into a bar today's video is about states that get ridiculed most often most of this ridicule comes in the form of stereotypes stereotypes are a solid form of humor sadly crybabies like to defend people and place it by saying that it's just a stereotype then they like to throw it in your face like some sort of accusation and you should feel bad for mentioning this stereotype because it's untrue okay so they might be a little untrue but stereotypes didn't just show up they are normally earned I grew up in a Beach Community in Southern California while I was in the Army without fail as soon as someone from Middle America found out that I was from Southern California they would start doing a surfer Jeff Spicoli impersonation using the word dude a whole lot that's a stereotype here's the thing I knew dudes at the beach that talked just like that there are or were people in Redondo Beach California just like Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High so how do we come up with this list I asked a few questions on different surveys about what people thought about States and the people that lived there those surveys turned into a series of State bashing responses over 1600 people left comments that we sifted through and came up with this list this is the result got it get it good let's take a look number 10 Tennessee Tennessee is most often associated with the old Burt Reynolds movie called Deliverance most people have actually forgot what happened in this movie or anything about the movie they just know the stereotypes and the memes and things like that have you ever seen a t-shirt or a meme that says paddle faster I hear banjo music that comes from this movie in the movie four friends decide to take a canoeing trip down the Chattooga River now it's not Chattanooga like in Tennessee it's Chattooga it's not even in Tennessee but for some reason people seem to think this movie was filmed in and about Tennessee in the movie some inbred Hillbillies capture poor old Ned Beatty and he doesn't escape until he's had some Backwoods Lovin yes worst case scenario and in the movie they had a banjo scene that's why the joke's so funny paddle faster I hear banjo music but yeah it wasn't filmed in Tennessee it had nothing to do with Tennessee people just think it's in Tennessee Tennessee also has a long history of moonshine shine and stills and hillbilly escapades they do have some backwood places to this day but nothing like it was in the 1920s or 30s but it was so backwards back then it's kind of stuck about 100 years later one of my favorite Tennessee Jokes which I'm sure can be and has been connected to other states but it goes like this what's the most popular pickup line in Tennessee nice tooth number nine Kentucky Kentucky is a lot like Tennessee they share a lot of the same things other than Deliverance references I mean they've got a long proud history of hillbillies which they're not ashamed of maybe in some of the big cities they are but they kind of taken that old lifestyle and take a little pride in it it's strange but to the outside world Kentucky has a history of moonshine and feuden hillbilly Clans back in the 1940s there was a bunch of films about mon paw Kettle everyone seems to think monpa Kettle these days were from Kentucky or thereabouts what's funny about this one is they had nothing to do with Kentucky modpa Kettle are from outside of Seattle Kentucky also has a reputation for heavy drinking and not having much education which is really strange one either they do some serious drinking in Kentucky so that's not a stereotype that's just a fact the uneducated thing not as much as people might like to think they've got some serious universities there Eastern Kentucky University Kentucky state Moorhead State Murray State Northern Kentucky University University of Kentucky University of Louisville and Western Kentucky University along with a bunch of private liberal arts colleges and private colleges in general when it comes to their normal schools like K-12 they're not doing that bad either they're normally ranked somewhere between 15th and 25th different Studies have different rankings number eight Indiana I have heard many jokes about how flat Indiana is it's a farming State I mean it's farmland for as far as the eye can see Farmland tends to be a little flat now I've brought this up before and people bring up some Park they have where they have some hills a few scattered Hills here or there does not shake the reputation of being a very flat State most the jokes I've ever heard about Indiana have to do with how they love their basketball and they still act like it's 1950s America one of the people in the survey quoted me from like a video I did three years ago I did a video about Indiana and one of the facts that I found which I thought was very interesting okay maybe not as interesting as hysterical but there used to be a website called condoms.com and they had a stats page and of course when you find that out you gotta look at the stats Indiana ordered more extra small condoms than any other state I can't believe it somebody brought that up that's like from three years ago they quoted me I think the biggest reason Indiana gets ridicule gold is nobody remembers it's there I mean if you sat down with 10 friends and you all started writing down all the states you could remember I promise someone would forget Indiana or it would be towards the end when you know you're all okay did I do this one did I do that one oh yeah Indiana number seven New Jersey yeah New Jersey yeah how could you not ridicule New Jersey I mean they've set themselves up they let shows like The Real Housewives of news Jersey exist then they had the Jersey Shore back in the early 2000s you had guys with horrible spray tan and their hair all done up like six inches above their head with so much hair product it was sad The Sopranos was cool but it didn't really help their reputation now that's how most stereotypes and that's where most ridicule will come from movies TV shows things like that when it comes to real people from New Jersey I brought this up before they've got this way of communicating where they stand a little close they talk a little loud their hands are waving around and they don't mind using the f word when they ask you what church you go to or any subject yeah but the Jersey sure did not do New Jersey any favors and those stereotypes and jokes still go on to this day the show went off the air about a decade ago number six Arkansas I honestly thought this would have been number one but as I sat down and read some of the comments I see that these days other states are at the front of the line when it comes to ridicule and jokes and stereotypes I mean Arkansas was the standby for dating your cousin jokes since forever Arkansas has a lot of Backwoods areas and that sort of thing I guess happened back in the day and that stereotype sort of hung around the neck of Arkansas like an anchor overall Arkansas really doesn't have a great reputation other than like I've said many times the northwest corner of the state everywhere else is yeah it's Backwoods or dangerous like Pine Bluff and Little Rock there's an old joke about Arkansas that goes how do you know you're from Arkansas your mom's been in a fist fight at a sporting event now there's a lot of strange facts about Arkansas that I could put here but the most alarming one I've ever seen is they have three times as many parole officers as they do dentists number five Florida Florida's been moving up the ranks in the ridicule department for some time now thanks to the Florida Man memes there's a definition for Florida man and this is what it sounds like Florida man is an internet meme first popularized in 2013 referring to an alleged prevalence of male persons performing irrational or absurd actions in the U.S state of Florida internet users typically submit links to news stories and articles about unusual or strange crimes and other events occurring in Florida with stories from the news that often start off with Florida man you know they have those for every state Ohio man drives forklift to local bank and starts flipping cars stuff like that but when it comes to Florida you always see those and it is always freaking weird there's one right now it's like Florida man confesses to murder after human foot is seen sticking out of his yard by neighbors I saw a meme one time had a guy with a mullet walking an alligator on a leash down the street and it said Lord a man doesn't care most people seem to think Florida is Miami Orlando Tampa places like that but that inner part of Florida is Backwoods I would argue more backwards than Tennessee and Kentucky put together number four Mississippi Mississippi is the standard punch line for most jokes when it comes to States and they brought it on themselves I mean they lead the country in so many different negative stats it's scary there's a saying in the southern states that goes there's always Mississippi that's because no matter what's going on your State Mississippi is probably worse off so there's always Mississippi I've also heard that one as thank God for Mississippi and there's actually a definition of that one on Wikipedia and I'll read it to you thank God for Mississippi as an adage used in the United States particularly in the South that is generally used when discussing rankings of U.S states since the state of Mississippi commonly ranks near the bottom of any ranking residents of other states also ranking near the bottom say thank God for Mississippi since their presence as the state in the 50th Place spares them the shame of being ranked last as an example Mississippi ranks the worst when it comes to business opportunity educational achievement obesity rate overall health poverty rate life expectancy and quality of life if you're from Mississippi and you want to give me a hard time right now I'm just the messenger don't get mad at me fix your state the people are always friendly the state's just been a mess since they outlawed free labor number three Oklahoma Oklahoma is often refer red to as the poor man's Texas it's also got a reputation for being flat and Barren in the comment section the surveys a lot of people brought up the poverty rate in Oklahoma which isn't great they're not the worst there's far worse Mississippi being one of them it was a couple years back though that Oklahoma led the nation in the highest rate of residents on public assistance so that kind of tells me yeah they got some poverty issues mostly it's going to be in the rural areas Tulsa Oklahoma City they got their issues but they're not rampant with poverty like a lot of other major cities in this country this one I could see as yeah it should be on the list I don't think it should be number three that's my personal opinion but it showed up an awful lot number two Oregon there was a time when Oregon mostly Portland was the coolest place to move to in the United States it was always in the top five for the most move two cities we had the hipsters here and things were good the hipsters left and the homeless moved in actually some of those hipsters may have lost their job and now they're the homeless who knows for whatever reason people like to make fun of Oregon these days the beaver state has been put through the ringer for I'd say good five years now somewhere around 2018 maybe 2017 something took a serious turn most of that has to do with Portland obviously but more and more people are making fun of all the Oregon backwood counties that want to join Idaho it's like they want one of those movements where they break up the state now just recently Idaho put a thing on the floor of their state legislature that said that the politicians in Idaho could actually talk to the people of Oregon about this move and have discussions about it that's as far as it went the people for the greater Idaho movement here in Oregon have taken that as like some major win and it's going in the right direction I got some bad news for those people it's being treated like a joke in Idaho it's never going to happen for quite a few different reasons One Idaho would have to pay billions of dollars to Oregon for that land you don't just get to switch the Border you gotta purchase the land from the state of Oregon and all the buildings that are state-owned and all that stuff is part of it Idaho is not going to want to spend that money on top of that Idaho Oregon and the United States Congress have to agree to this move Oregon's not going to want it to happen because that will mean Oregon will lose political power in Washington Idaho is not going to want it they might want the political power but like I said they're gonna have to dish out a whole bunch of money that the citizens of Idaho aren't going to go for then it has to go through the U.S Congress and I'll tell you one thing the federal government's not going to okay this starts a dangerous precedent every state has some counties or some cities that don't really agree with what's going on in the state like the people in eastern in Oregon that means every election cycle when something doesn't go the way some portion of the state wanted they're gonna try and pull this and it's going to become a political bargaining chip Austin is completely different than the rest of Texas they're gonna want to move do you think Michigan wants Detroit no they're gonna try and throw them out Upstate New York and New York City are completely different are they going to want to split California will try and split into nine different states it'll never happen if it does it won't be in our lifetime but this has become sort of a joke it's online there's memes my understanding from a couple people I know in Idaho it's kind of a joke amongst them I mean then you got all the typical stuff the politics and Oregon and the homeless situations of Portland Salem and Eugene the amount of beer and strip clubs we have all of that is ammo looking for people to make fun of Oregon and a lot of it we earned all right before we get to number one don't forget we have another Channel called on this day there's a link down below for that we'd love it if you went over and subscribe all right on to number one and number one California who didn't see this one coming this one was obvious from the very beginning if you're online long enough you know California is ridiculed relentlessly especially in the last 10 years or so they've gotten themselves into a lot of different situations both politically socially and environmentally that really makes the state look bad now a couple things about California we all know it is one of the top five most beautiful states there is there's no arguing that they have some of the best beaches they have the most entertainment but they've also made some really poor political choices for the first time in the state's history people are actually moving out at a higher rate than they're moving in that's never happened before until the last two years now I do know there's some studies right now that say it's even and it's barely a percentage point that there's a difference in the last two years but it's still when you've been gaining triple digits and double digits almost every single decade and almost every single year in the state's existence when they actually Break Even or lose a percentage point it's news it's not a good sign if you want to get an idea what I'm talking about if you've never heard any jokes about California if you want to read snide remarks about California any video I've done that has the word California in it read the comment section there will be a few eye-opening things that are one how delusional people are about what's really going on in California two how accurate they are about other things and three how many people on YouTube really need a hobby I honestly never thought I'd see the day California would become a bigger punch line than let's say Mississippi or Tennessee but here they are at number one congratulations California you're number one all right that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed I hope you got some information out of it now go out have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 154,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Travel Education, States, USA, US States, united states map, Arkansas, California, Oregon, Mississippi, family friendly memes, memes, memes i found on the internet, North Carolina
Id: POuch2hLsNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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