10 Most Notorious Housing Projects In Brooklyn (New York)

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with a total area spanning a bit more than 70 square miles in a population of more than 2.5 million in 2015 Brooklyn remains the most densely populated part of the city of New York an independent village until the beginning of the 20th century this borough recently underwent radical and extensive changes today finding a house within its boundaries requires both luck and access to large amounts of money hipsters artists and international tech firms have reclaimed the streets turning the area into a thriving center of liberalism and multiculturalism if you happen to travel through the city you shouldn't be surprised to find different ethnic groups peacefully coexisting and sharing its spaces nevertheless the New York City Housing Authority still maintains and operates several public housing complexes these locations originally built to provide less wealthy families with an affordable dwelling place still offer plenty of fertile ground for crime and other illicit activities as a rule of thumb strolling through the projects is never a wise idea local crime lords and gangs impose their own versions of the law with violence arguably being a constant threat if you really can't help the need to visit these parts of the city the following lines can surely help here are the ten most dangerous projects and Brooklyn's number 10 Red Hook houses completed in 1938 nearly a year before World War two would erupt in Europe Red Hook houses is one of the several reforms introduced by the Roosevelt administration the main objective behind the creation of this complex was giving the city of New York a functional space within which to grow when its doors first opened in 1939 rent was less than $6 a month according to accounts the complex features some of the most advanced technologies of the time Eleanor Roosevelt herself would visit to families in 1940 praising the looks of the sturdiness of their homes today things have changed in 1988 Life magazine labeled the Red Hook council complex as the crack capital of America in more recent times survey showed how a large part of its occupant lived on welfare and carried a firearm there's still hope though crime in the area seems to be going down number 9 van Dyke owns part of a much larger series of healthy known as Brownsville the Van Dyke homes complex was recently expanded the 100-year units financed by the NYC h.a in 2015 were purposely designed to house extremely low and low income families in an effort to promote education and keep young tenants away from crime the site also offers a wide range of services community rooms computer areas employment workshops social services specialists and clinics are all available within the village no matter what it looks like there's still much to be done in the summer of the same year local newspapers reported an increase in murders and other violent activities starting on May 29th 2015 its people were killed within the premises in less than 12 days two years laters crime remains a major issue number 8 coward houses similarly to the other places in the neighborhood of Brownsville the Howard house is complex often makes it to the news standing from east of York - Pitkin Avenue the ten state provided buildings are known as some of the most dangerous in the area local residents are forced to keep their heads down while drug addicts and gangs commit a series of petty crimes pinned among robberies assaults threats and shootings those who don't fly the colors of a specific group have had to adapt in order to survive among those things a 28 year old man was recently gunned down in front of the projects following a rather heated argument with a fellow resident despite the abundance of witnesses it took police almost six months to locate and arrest the perpetrator such delays may further highlight the need for caution while navigating the area number seven brownsville houses the entire neighborhood of brownsville is considered a nightmare by a tenant the brownsville houses post several dangerous gangs who won't miss a chance to terrorize other inhibited and what can only be considered as a continous show of force the internet is full - purse with articles recounting the life and events that characterize this neighborhood in 2012 Time magazine ran a story that perfectly showcasing the situation photographer Reed Young who visited Brownsville while working on a documentary on crime in Brooklyn was told it would be insane to walk around without an escort things haven't really changed since then even though gentrification is slowly catching on Brownsville remains an extremely troubled part of the city solving murders in maintaining the peace is still a top priority for local law enforcement officers with cases piling up and in astonishing rate number six Lewis Heaton pink ounces the Lewis Heaton pink ounces on Linden Boulevard are the pink houses true home turf the game well known to both local residents and law enforcement had already been indicted for robbery as early as 2003 the 24 eight story buildings provide the perfect ground for all kinds of mischief often run down and left for abandoned these units are taken over by drug addicts gang members and peddlers dealing guns and narcotics perhaps in an effort to draw attention to the issue a YouTube channel known and show up films released a dedicated series of videos that would in the pink alpha project heat that's the name of the show aims at giving its viewers a pretty accurate representation of life in the low-income part of Brooklyn number five Tilden houses as other parts of Brownsville these buildings were first constructed to help the city's growing population the Tilden houses complex and it's eight structures are yet another infamous spot in Brooklyn gang related and drive-by shootings can be easily witnessed in the area those who live here between the 70s and 80s still remember the peculiar atmosphere that characterized that period gunshots and loud noises were extremely common at the time to the point where most wouldn't even pay attention to them indeed according to the New York Times in 2011 a young mother was killed and several children were wounded when a gunman opened fire on a group of rivals in a different article some of the tenants even confessed having given up walking outside at night for fear of being wrong number four ingersoll houses at 102 monument walked right along Myrtle Avenue in East Brooklyn the housing project known as ingress Hall houses can be found currently managed by the New York City Housing Authority and first completed in 1944 this complex includes 1823 apartments scattered across an area of almost 23 acres in recent times the neighborhood further plunged into chaos according to multiple sources poor living conditions and widespread despair can be blamed for a long series of crimes murders rocked the streets around the Ingersoll houses for long a couple of years ago for instance a 76 year old man was gunned down and what is still believed to have been a drug history high rates of unemployment and little to no alternatives encourage an increasing amount of young people to take up a career in crime as the bodies pile up local residents admit to being scared and most importantly quickly running out of hope number three marci houses best known as the first place and childhood home a famous businessman jay-z the Marcy houses are only a handful of miles to the left of central Brooklyn the 27 buildings making up this complex guild a total of 1705 apartments the rapper who's now worth more than 8 million dollars often mentions the time spent at the Marcy houses throughout his childhood in his many songs The Empty never fails to remind his listeners how drug dealing gangbanging and the constant threat of dead irremediably shaped his life today overpopulation poor conditions in an exceptionally high crime rate still play a major role in the area according to estimates more than 4200 people live within these projects many of these come to terms with violence at an early age eventually accepting it as a part of their existence number two Eleanor Roosevelt Houses named after the longest-serving first lady in the history of the United States this group of buildings is a place that more than 2000 people still call their home located on Pulaski Street the towering structures can be easily recognized for miles away the dirt brown facades littered with tiny windows hid at a life that is far from being pleasant throughout its existence the Eleanor Roosevelt Houses saw waves of crime violence repression and suffered from the lack of an efficient long-term solution recently these streets were once again flooded with drugs and firearms in March 2017 a police operation succeeded in shutting down the local drug ring and led to the arrest of eleven people alongside other evidence officers confiscated fun heroin crack cocaine and more than 25 pounds of weed number one Tompkins houses life at the Tompkins houses in Bedford Stuyvesant is so miserable that the NY CH a had to issue a statement in mid-2016 in the message delivered to all residents the government agency apologize for the lack of maintenance and the inability to grant standard living conditions rundown buildings don't seem to be the only problem around that neighborhood violence in the street is still rampant although some residents would swear the actual number of primes went down during the last ten years or so in 2014 residents witnessed the brutal murder of two police officers only a handful of feet away from the main gate one ismael Brinsley approach to park patrol car and proceeded to unload his handgun at point-blank range both officers died within seconds the killer who fled on foot would later take his own life using the same walk this was our list of the 10 housing projects of Brooklyn that you should steer clear of have you ever had a chance to walk through some of these locations know some stories or first-hand testimonies about the life in a public housing complex let us know in the comments
Channel: UnitedGangsTV
Views: 681,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O-4MUYbufyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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