10 Most Insane Ocean Phenomena

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the oceans and seas contain many mysteries within their depths after all water covers about 71% of the earth so it's not surprising the mysterious and strange things that are discovered each day some mysteries are explained by science while others remain unexplained ever seen the ocean glow blue at night or seen an underwater crop circle even an underwater Mayan cavern was recently found stay tuned as we check these out and more steaming black sea you probably didn't know this but it turns out that the seas can actually produce smoke well not the kind of smoke from fire but smoky water clouds and they even look black this strange phenomenon called sea smoke frost the smoke or steam fog occurs when very cold air moved over warmer water it forms when a light wind of very cold air mixes with a shallow layer of saturated warm air immediately above the warmer water in other words you need to be in the right place at the right time to see it some photographers have caught some amazing photographs of sea smokey and it turns out that smaller bodies of water are the best places to catch this happening some will argue that it's not really smoked but it's short looks like unknown so everyone loves a good mystery and in 1997 in the South Pacific Ocean a mysterious bloop sound was recorded that was very loud low frequency and had a unique pattern that had some people thinking it was some new creature lurking in the depths the interesting thing is that the sound came from near the location of HP Lovecraft's a fictional city of our Lee where a creature called Cthulhu is imprisoned researchers continue to look for the noise and in 2005 they mostly gave up and said that the noise was made from a giant iceberg breaking off from a glacier of course people are always going to go for the most generally accepted explanation but no one can say for certain what the strange noise was water hinge the seas are bound to cover many things which were previously on land thousands or even millions of years ago back in 2013 some researchers discovered a giant monumental stone structure beneath the surface of the Sea of Galilee this mysterious structure is cone shape and made of unhewn basalt cobbles and boulders it is estimated that the entire structure weighs about 60,000 tons heavier than most modern-day warships the structure is nearly 32 feet or 10 metres high and has a diameter of 230 feet or 70 meters if you've ever seen Stonehenge it's just half the diameter and not nearly as high the thing is no one has any idea who built it or why it was built in the first place although it might seem like a giant random pile of boulders it was definitely made by humans and was built on dry land and is said to be more than 4,000 years old now researchers want to excavate and study some more so you'll likely hear about this again in the future immortal creature you might think that everything in the world perishes after sometime nothing lives forever right well you might be wrong when it comes to a tiny jellyfish no bigger than your pinky nail this tiny jellyfish shocked researchers when they found it because it has the benjamin button like ability to revert back to the polyp stage when it's threatened with starvation it has earned the nickname immortal jellyfish and it wasn't until the 1990s that this incredible phenomenon was discovered the cool thing is that now scientists are studying the small creature in hopes to find a cure for cancer or maybe even unlock the secrets of immortality prop circles everyone knows what crop circles are it's also well known that there are some very creative people who are pulling this off but what would you think if you saw some of these underwater that sounds like way too much trouble to go through and you wonder if it's even possible the fact is that divers have found these all over underwater and it was a complete mystery of who or what was making these things of course the first thing you would think is that some human must be responsible be underwater crop circles which sometimes measured as big as seven feet or two meters in diameter remained unexplained until someone finally put up a camera and in 2011 the culprit was caught in action it turns out that the male pufferfish is responsible for making bees intricate circles and does it to attract the female it takes them seven to nine days to complete their circle convergence there are a lot of strange and natural occurrences when it comes to the ocean one of those is the convergence of the baltic and north seas you're probably thinking big deal but it's actually really cool once you realize you can actually see this with your own eyes it's almost like some kind of magic the phenomenon is actually a hotly debated topic and happens in the province of Skagen in Denmark above the water you can actually see where the two seas meet each other but remain separate because of the salinity but others say that the whole thing is a hoax and the waters mix together just fine either way it can still be seen from space where the two seas clash together however there are places where there are actually rivers underwater which don't mix such as the eerie underwater River in Yucatan Mexico while some divers were checking out a cave system they discovered something incredible a point where the heavier saltwater was separated from the fresh water the photographs of this incredible phenomenon are unreal milky sea phenomenon sailors aren't strangers to the water and they have likely seen many things that other people didn't know about for decades for hundreds of years sailors reported encountering what many called a strange milky glow to the sea as far as the eye could see for many years this strange phenomenon was unexplained and it wasn't until 2006 that researchers captured a satellite image of a blueish milky sea several years later some experiments determined this glow was from bioluminescent bacteria these bacteria glows so that fish will eat them sounds strange but the bacteria thrived in the guts of the fish the strange thing is that scientists don't know how these bacteria gather together in such large numbers as to be seen from space the satellite image shows a 160 mile long patch of this bacteria or 250 kilometers and by the way their glow is continuous unlike other organisms that produce a flash of light this phenomenon can be captured on beaches all over the world at night and you can actually see the blue waves at night which seems incredible and unreal the Mayan underworld sometimes things are found completely on accident and in the case of underwater cave exploration sometimes the biggest discoveries come in very small places a diver who was investigating some flooded caverns in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula swam through a small passageway underwater which was barely big enough for one person when he came through the other side he discovered something that researchers have been looking for a connection point between the saqqaq so an endo Soho's underwater cave system inside of this cavern was a time capsule that goes back to the last ice age in which water levels were 330 feet or 100 meters lower than they are today over 200 spots inside these caves have archaeological remains which include Mayan altars ancient human bones and even the fossils of extinct animals michaei bear while most of the stuff in the caves belonged to the Mayans there was also some relics from a much older era water which crept into the caves over time preserved the bones of extinct animals like the giant sloth and meatloaf Ateneo which were ancestors of the modern elephant purple orbs while some researchers were on an exploration aboard the vessel Nautilus some divers were looking around the ocean floor off California and found the strangest thing a small purple orb or blob no one had any idea what it was or where it came from it left many researchers stumped as to what it could be and some joke that it could be some spider egg sac or maybe it even belonged to a small octopus the tiny egg looking orb was named blob as purple as' and apparently the diver who retrieved it had to battle a crab for the specimen looks like the human won the battle but research is still ongoing some researchers believe that these could have been laid by a new species of snail but others aren't so sure so what do you think it is in birth of an island while there are many things that you could encounter in the ocean what happened to this crew was beyond imagination the crew of the yacht mic-n was sailing through the South Pacific Ocean near the islands in Tonga when they suddenly noticed that the water in the distance had changed to an unusual and strange color and the most bizarre thing was as they got closer the sea turned to stone sounds like something right from the Bible but it really happened what the crew didn't know was that a volcano was erupting just a few miles away and it was literally pushing up new land before long it looked as though there was a beach in the middle of the sea as the crew looked on in wonder and off the LEM seemed to bubble up right out of the ocean and was like the Sahara with rolling hills of sand as far as the eye could see the crew of the yacht had just witnessed the birth of an island it almost looked as though they were going to be on land soon but they instead found themselves surrounded by a huge the floating pumice stone they looked out and it seemed as though the sea had disappeared during this time they still had no idea that a volcano was erupting until they saw a pillar of black smoke shooting up into the air the eruption happened at an underwater sea mount called home reef near the vivan islands in Tonga eight months after the islands buried some of the stone pumice had washed ashore in Queensland imagine being at sea and watching a volcano form an island that might be a little scary of an experience we hope you enjoyed the video which one of these was your favorite let us know in the comments and if you liked the video then don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you'll be the first to know when a new video arrives thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Interesting Facts
Views: 449,963
Rating: 4.7030077 out of 5
Keywords: strange phenomena 2018, ocean phenomenon, ocean, oceans, mystery ocean, mysterious ocean, mysterious, something strange is happening, on earth, interesting facts, top 10, top 5, best, list, strange, science can't explained, mysterious ocean discoveries, ocean anomalies, unexplained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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