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[Music] all right fun topic today guys we're going to be doing the top 10 most iconic aemon patterns in jungle music history some of these patterns come from some huge classics so shouts out to the jungle music originators the idea here is to understand how to re-sequence the amen and then take the knowledge to create your own patterns and if you don't know already my name is stranger and my mission is to help you succeed in music production if you love drum and bass and dance music then this channel is for you and of course all of today's patterns and midi files as well as the aim and break can be downloaded down in the link below all i ask of you is to like this video and subscribe to my channel also there's many more amen patterns out there so comment down below and let me know what other patterns you'd like to see in a future video as well if you're a beginner to music production then make sure you take my ableton essential exercises i have four series of classes where i take you through the basics of drum programming and writing baselines it's available on skillshare down in the links below and if you sign up today you'll get one month three of their free trial all right without further ado let's get right into it so before we begin it's important to get to know the different parts of the original aim and break so the aim and break the original drum roll is a four part pattern essentially it's a drum loop with a little drum variation at the very last bar and a half indicated by this section here and actually this section of the aemon is the most used because there are some unique hits here for example in this section you get a full kick and a ride symbol which you don't get anywhere else as well at the very end you get this crash followed by a snare which makes this section very unique so what i've done here is i took that last part and i split it into different sections indicated by the number one two and three as well as the corresponding colors so one we have the kick and then two we have a snare shuffle followed by snare shuffle [Music] and then you have the crash followed by snare so we're going to be using these three sections copying and re-sequencing it to create our 10 most iconic aemon patterns i could have done this exercise using midi but i just thought it'd be a little more visual to show you the actual parts of the aemon in audio format however if you guys enjoy sequencing breaks using midi hopefully you guys can translate what you see here into midi notes i usually sequence my breaks in media as well but having a more visual format in this video will help you identify the different sections that are being used and re-sequenced by the way if you're interested in using these patterns i've included all the midi files as well as the audio clips down in the link below so get ready guys all right so the first pattern we're gonna do is soldiers fade to black and for those that don't know soulja is also known as lemon d legend in the drum and bass world and this pattern is actually used widely in drama based so it's a pattern you should definitely get to know it's been used by dillinger in tracks like acid track it's very simple to do all we take is section one and two and loop it now we're going to duplicate this section now the unique thing about fade to black is that he pitches the amen down every other bar so we're gonna just pitch this down a couple semi-tones and then we're just gonna duplicate this section and let's check it out and let's share this in context of some [Music] bass oh yeah jungle all right moving up the difficulty level we're now gonna be doing the terrorist pattern by renegade so this pattern is pretty easy to make we take this entire section and we're going to loop it twice in this four bar pattern here [Music] and then at the very end we're going to fill it with two kicks like that and then we're gonna take the snare here and fill it here and add it here and then we're gonna add one kick here like that in this kick we're just gonna lower the volume by let's say negative four db so it kind of sprouts up like that all right let's hear it with the bass big up all the junglists all right next up we're going to do one of my personal favorites djss black all right to do this pattern we're going to take this kick duplicate it twice and then we're going to take just the first part of the snare here so we have this [Music] and then we're going to be doing a stepper pattern by clapping this section here with the kick and snare duplicating it twice and then we can extend this section like that [Music] and then we're gonna duplicate this section now we're gonna take one of these rides here and then fill the section here and here so it's like that [Music] and then this very last bar we're gonna remove this little roll here just keep one of them and then we're gonna add a little kick roll at the end of the first two bars so we're gonna take this little section here just paste it here and we can actually cut this a little make it a little more stuttery [Music] and finally one little change here we're gonna move the snare up here and extend a section here now check it out [Music] now we're gonna take this entire four bar pattern duplicate it once and then we're gonna make a little change up here on the very last two bars take this entire sequence like before and then copy two kicks at the end and we're gonna add snare to fill the gap here like that [Music] so now we have this [Music] let's hear it with the bass all right guys you got to raise up your lighter for that one all right the next pattern is more of a modern hit it's dimensions uk now he doesn't actually use an amen in his track he uses more of a helicopter or paris brick however i have seen other tracks that subsequently use the same pattern but with other breaks such as the aemon so i thought it'd be useful to go through this pattern and it's very easy to do all we do is take a kick here and then take the snare section here then duplicate it across until the end of the second bar and that's the pattern we can just duplicate it to fill up the rest of the pattern and this is what we have and let's share with the base [Music] easy peasy all right moving up the difficulty level we're now into level two territory with more complex patterns and this one's a popular one you got it it's j magick's your sound and to do this pattern all we do is take the kick duplicate it three more times and then we take the crash number three duplicate it three times again so we have this and then we're gonna take the first snare shuffle pattern of number two and duplicate this uh three times and then this fourth time we're gonna duplicate it one more time and then stretch it across like that now just one little alteration we're gonna take this kick and fill the section here like that now let's check it out [Music] let's hear it with the bass your sound hey if you want to support me you can grab a number of my products i have a gnarly serum preset pack with over 150 face melting base presets as well i have some ableton project files to jump start your next idea if you're not ready yet you can pick my free serum preset pack and my free sample pack for more information check the links down below [Music] all right next one is a legendary track it's shyfx and uk apaches original nutta all right to create the original neta pattern we're actually going to take the second snare and shuffle pattern of number two so this section here drag it down and then we're going to duplicate it across until the end of the second bar so like that get rid of that section there now we can duplicate it to fill up the entire section [Music] now he just adds some double snares at certain sections so i'm gonna take the snare and then drag it across like that i'm gonna color it blue so you can see the double snare [Music] and then he takes this part out shifts this one over and then adds another double snare here [Music] and then this section is replaced by double snare so we can just take this section here just drag it over like that and let's hear the bass yo rude boys and rude girls light it up all right next one is another one of my personal favorites it's breakages here comes the drums remix on reinforced records shouts out to all the old-school eamon crew and this one what we do is we have two kicks like that [Music] and we take two snare sections like this and then we just duplicate this section here [Music] we add a kick here and then we take this entire section [Music] and then we're gonna duplicate it like that and this second phrase we're gonna take this snare move it across like that duplicate this twice like that oh one more thing we're going to take this kick and we're going to pitch this down by a couple semi-tones so we have this all right let's hero the base oh yeah all right this next one is a monster in the aemon world it's a classic it's uh splashes babylon all right so throughout the track in babylon there is a number of different amen patterns but we're going to focus on the first four bars of the drop because i think that's the most iconic part of the pattern that's the sequence that most people remember and to do that pattern we're going to take the kick and we're going to take this snare duplicate it three times and then we're going to take the kick snare pattern here and drop it in like that [Music] and then we're going to take that kick snare pattern again like that duplicate the snare and stretch it across like that so that's the pattern and we're going to duplicate this across to fill the end of the pattern now this last section here is going to be replaced with a snare roll and we're going to take this piece of a snare and just duplicate it across like that so let's check it out now if you want to finesse that drum roll a little bit you can automate the volume a little bit like that oh yeah big it up all right up to level three this is where we get more difficult with more complex patterns a few different tricks such as reversing snares as well as using time stretching for certain patterns so the next one we're going to do is a raga jungle classic it's remarks rip all right to do this pattern first we're going to take the kick and then take the snare duplicate it three more times like that and then stretch the last one out like that [Music] and this snare here we're gonna reverse it so go into the audio editor click this button reverse the snare color this yellow so we remember [Music] now that's the first bar of the sequence there's three more bars to sequence okay so take the kick again and then we're gonna be taking the number two section up to this here and we're going to be pulling this to the end of the second bar like that then we're going to take this snare duplicate it twice this one just has a different tonality and we're going to reverse it all right so far so good let's keep going alright the next bar is a little more complicated we're just going to be taking three parts of the kick here like that and then we're going to fill this in with a reverse snare like that now we're just going to leave a space here for now add a nut another reverse snare here and we're going to be taking the middle of two sequins here like that and then we're going to be filling the empty space with the ride symbol from number one so drag this here and then we're going to drag this here now the difference with this section here is we're going to make a stutter of the ride symbol so zoom right in now we're going to be taking the middle of the ride like this section here copy it across and duplicate it like that okay check out what we got [Music] and then the very last bar we're going to fill it with two kicks and then a snare roll like this and we're gonna zoom right in take the snare like that like that okay so now let's listen to what we got now he just repeats this four bar pattern adds a little variation on the end with a double snare like that [Music] okay now let's listen to the whole thing with the bass going out to all the junglists all right on to the final pattern this is the holy grail of eamonn track and this goes out to all the choppage heads out there we're going to be doing breakage's remix of acid rain now we're just going to be doing the first four bars of the drop again the track goes a little more complex with various patterns throughout the track but we're just gonna be focusing on the first four bars which i think is the most iconic part of the track so to start let's take the kick and snare of this section here then duplicate it and we're going to duplicate the snare across like that okay all right and then the next bar take the kick and then we're going to take the second part of number two as well as the crash pull it over like this and then fill this section with the snare okay next section we have a double snare like that we're just gonna take this section here and then take another snare like that then we have a kick then we have the snare again like that and then we're just going to take the second bar and fill it in like that so this is the pattern now i've taken the break and i've highlighted certain sections red as well as hot pink those sections we're going to be replacing with time-stretched snares and this is what gives acid rain that distinct sound so to create the time stretched snares i'm pulling in a single hit of the snare into this a kaiser app now i've done a full video using a kaiser so if you haven't seen that video yet then make sure you check it out in the link below where i show you how to use this but basically i'm using this settings here and creating this snare and then i'm saving this file and importing it into ableton just so you can see things are more clearly i moved the snares down to the second lane and this time stretched kicked down on this bottom lane now i haven't replaced it yet so it still has the same snares and it's the same pattern now we're going to replace it with the time stretched snares so here's the snare now i'm going to be pitching it up by nine semitones and then we're just going to be shortening the snare a little like that i can add a bit of a fade and then simply take this and replace each snare here now this one we're going to have to take this piece here i'm leaving a little bit of a trail here it sounds more natural this way okay let's hear it so far now this slice here and just go stretch it fade out like that and i'm going to be pitching it up by one octave and this last one i'm going to be pitching it down and then i'm going to replacing these two hot pink kicks with some time stretch kicks and let's check out the pattern and then put on the base [Music] oh yeah where are all the choppage heads at all right so those were the top 10 most iconic ayman patterns there are definitely more so i may do a part two where i do 10 more patterns but to me these are some of the most popular amen tracks out there i think if you learn these patterns this will help you become a better jungle producer and as you can see all it is is learning how to use that very last phrase of the amen and resequencing each part so get to know these patterns practice it and you're under your way to becoming a serious junglast all right hope you guys enjoyed watching my process on recreating some of the most iconic amen patterns in jungle history learn these patterns intricately and you'll be on your way to becoming an aemon master and remember these are only 10 of some of the most iconic patterns out there if you want to learn other patterns comment down below and let me know what you want to learn anyways that's it for today guys thanks for watching keep practicing and i'll see you at the next video
Views: 142,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jungle ableton tutorial, dnb ableton tutorial, amen break tutorial, how to make jungle music, how to make jungle ableton, amen break, how to cut amen break, how to breakbeat, breakage choppage tutorial, choppage jungle tutorial, drumkfunk tutorial, dillinja tutorial, metalheadz tutorial, oldschool jungle tutorial, oldschool drum and bass tutorial, jungle music tutorial, how to jungle music, how to jungle breaks, jungle breaks tutorial, how to chop breaks, drum and bass
Id: zqTB5XSjmzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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