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athletes are under a lot of pressure while competing in their respective sports with hundreds of cameras filming them at all time and hundreds of thousands of spectators watching at home and in the stands it's easy to mess up and embarrass yourself today we're going through the ten most embarrassing moments in sports this next moment comes from an ice hockey game and is one of the many reasons why I won't be playing ice hockey professionally but this player who is the goalie for the team actually falls through the blistering cold ice he gets one of the teammates to actually help him out and the game was then called off because well the rink was pretty much destroyed after this point [Applause] this next moment actually comes from a baseball fan who rushes onto the field dressed in a skin-tight red suit this streak art wasn't well received and the security I have to actually chase him and try and tackle him but this guy is very slippery managing to dodge most of the security and so one of the players actually helps take down the streaker by tripping him he's then brutally tackled to the ground this basketball NBA clip is hilarious Drona's Phoenix Suns game the players are resting but fans take their shot to try and dunk the hoops themselves by bouncing from trampolines but this one particular boy had taken part bounce is so higher he literally falls through the net backwards [Music] [Music] [Applause] this next clip comes from a basketball match in which the Mott boy actually gets way too involved in the game more boys help keep the flaws in basketball games pristine for the players but this particular mop boy stays on sir for the court for a little bit too long and it's to run off the players approach [Applause] Cristiano Ronaldo is a loving father but you probably wouldn't think that after watching this clip while plan for your ventus Ronaldo receives a trophy and is joined by his son his girlfriend and also his mother the trophy is awkward and hard to hold up and Ronaldo accidently hits his son in the face with it [Applause] [Applause] Kevin James is an actor and comedian who you might recognize he's definitely not a tennis player and you definitely think that after watching this clip in a real tennis ground with many fans watching this match shows Kevin trying to perform an under legs hit with his racquet but completely messes it up and ends up actually running into the wall sending fans into fits of laughter [Applause] my goodness look out [Music] this next clip is a classic this little kid spectator is caught staring at the camera and make hilarious faces join this MBA match he says that the camera for so long in this match and because of this weird moment at the match and this moment both went viral [Applause] getting tough right now I couldn't tell us well that's what flared the nostrils treaded locked in not Lincoln or as Baker exchange at the buffet the other day was more like look yeah hey gun baker exchange at the buffet the other day now she's on to it yeah he just communicate [Music] this next clip shows a beautiful woman who was caught staring and rough way on a Dow at the REO opening in 2014 she quickly looks away after she thinks that he might actually catch her but she's completely unaware the camera has seen all of it and the Dow has probably seen this clip before along with hundreds of thousands of other spectators [Music] these next guys are in charge of carrying footballers on stretchers if they are injured so severely that they are unable to walk properly but they don't do a very good job especially in this clip where these two guys can't pick up the stretcher properly and keep dropping the player onto the floor [Music] [Music] this MBA player was running so fast that he can't stop himself from running into this waiter carrying a tray full of drinks over to a customer the woman spills all of the beer and gets soaking wet it's probably the worst luck you can get as a waiter as she's forced to clean herself up and bring another tray up [Music] thanks watching you guys subscribed you in around here and I'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: Top Extract
Views: 6,913,085
Rating: 4.5419221 out of 5
Keywords: 17-11-2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twzdd-9bjh4&t=182s, 50 MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS IN SPORTS!!!, 20 MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS IN SPORTS, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-QIXHHulG0
Id: rMl6JU_SMmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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