10 More Upcoming Movies That Are Already Doomed

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while it's always nice to be surprised by an unexpected hit the writing does very much appear to be on the wall that these upcoming movies are destined to underperform if not outright flop with critics or movie goers or possibly even both now it had certainly be great to be proven wrong when it comes to the following movies of course but audiences have become incredibly Adept at smelling a dud a mile away and this lot all these movies right here they wreak a bit sadly so I'm Gareth this is what culture and here are 10 more upcoming movies that are already doomed number 10 Rebel Moon part two the scar Giver needless to say Zack Snider's epically damped squib of a sci-fi movie known as Rebel Moon would have almost certainly flopped had it been given a conventional theatrical release yet such matters are simply trivialities to Netflix you had Snyder shoot both this movie and its sequel back to back and so Rebel Moon part two was already well into postproduction before this first movie dropped in December and got panned and absolutely obliterated by critics and the average movie goer wasn't that much of a fan of it either and while the trailer for the sequel does at least suggest that this second movie is going to be the more action-packed and No Nonsense of the two given the uninspired Seven Samurai Star Wars Harry Potter mish mash thing that we got the first time around do we have any reason to expect that this follow-up is going to be any better though the lack of concern about box office pretty much leaves this movie immune to poor R views it's worth noting that part one didn't exactly post some really impressive viewing figures when it dropped on Netflix so there's no reason to suggest that the follow-ups going to do any better and it also doesn't help that this particular movie is also going to release a couple of weeks after a surely Superior sci-fi Blockbuster sequel in June part two which I'm very excited about number nine Toy Story 5 back when a fourth Toy Story movie was announced many fans were understandably quite unhappy about the whole thing considering that Toy Story 3 ended on the most perfect of conclusions and most people would just like do not touch that thing leave it leave it alone Toy Story for nevertheless turned out pretty well serving as a quite nice post script for Woody and Buzz and and now we can we can leave them they're quite happy they're going off living their lives that can be that but of course it couldn't just be that because back in 2023 Disney decided to once again just dip back into the Toy Story well and we're now going to have a fifth one a fifth one I'm going I'll John Cena on this thing again many people have bulked at this idea because while we know that Toy Story movies are very rarely well know pretty much never bad this is clearly just a move to stem Disney's recent string of animated flops and it's probably not because someone's got an incredible idea for a Toy Story Sequel and it just has to be done yeah when you factor in that Lighty year was a bit of an unexpected flop recently and that is still tied into this whole Toy Story verse that's actually provided proof that this franchise is not completely bulletproof so don't be that shocked if Toy Story 5 does massively underperform at the box office in comparison to its predecessors and just does okay numbers and for Disney that would honestly be a bit of a nightmare really now I want want to know something is Toy Story the greatest movie franchise of all time well if it's not you tell me what is in the comment section down below do it number eight Back to Black ever since Bohemian raps CID made loads of money at the box office and brought home a ton of oscars Hollywood has seemingly been doing everything in its power to just churn out as many musical biopics as humanly possible and next up we have back to black the dramatization of singer Amy wi House's life and premature death now wi House's story is definitely a fascinating and tragic one that might befit The Cinematic treatment but the trailer for Sam Taylor Johnson's film suggests it's just a bit of a generic surface level take really with actress Marissa orabella not resembling win housee nearly enough more to the point of C kaia's 2015 documentary Amy felt like such a concise and effective summation of the star's life that it's tough to imagine this rather cheap looking narrative version living up to it furthermore the film has actually been endorsed by win House's father a controversial figure in her life who in that 2015 documentary was was pretty much shown to be someone who exploited his own daughter as such it's reasonable to expect a relatively sanitized straight laced biopic here many of the singers diard fans have questioned the film's necessity at all and if they're not even convinced about why this movie has been made in the first place then this particular movie does not have much of a chance of breaking out into the mainstream does it number seven Bill and Ted 4 2020 is third Bill and Ted movie Bill and Ted fa the music wasn't a a great sequel but it more or less avoided the pitfalls of belated comedy followup it was a watchable it forgettable romp that didn't completely disgrace the legacy of its predecessors yet as the film only made $ 6.3 million at the box office this one did very much feel like a oneandone but at the start of the Year star Alex Winter actually revealed that writers Chris Madson and Ed Solomon were actually working on a script for Bill and Ted 4 with the intent to get it into production at some point in the near future however given that Bill and Ted 3 was just pretty okay Against All Odds going back to the well one more time does feel like temp ing fate a little and fans will likely be a little bit less charitable this time around because they've not been waiting 30 years for the sequel then again this is all assuming that this fourth film this potential fourth film actually gets in front of cameras of course considering that face the music wasn't exactly a storming Commercial Success number six The Exorcist deceiver last year's The Exorcist believer the direct sequel to William frein's 1973 Masterpiece was the dud that everybody expected it to be really few were asking David Gordon green to give the exist series the sequel Trilogy treatment that he gave to the Halloween series but hey ho here we are in 2021 Universal spent a staggering $400 million on the rights to The Exorcist franchise and they were intent on producing a new Trilogy of films starting with believer of course and while it did actually perform decently relative to its $30 million budget Universal were probably expecting a little bit better than 137 million worldwide given the pretty penny that they'd pay for the whole thing up front considering that believer was widely panned by critics and a lot of fans to be honest and even given a dreaded C Cinema score see I tell you it doesn't really seem as though the plan sequel The Exorcist deceivers going to do that well either furthermore green who was expected to direct the entire Trilogy walked away from the sver in January at which point Universal removed it from its upcoming release calendar which pretty much means it's likely not going to hit that April 18 2025 date it was scheduled for it's very much a damn sequel either way when you look at it because they direct continuation is unlikely to muster much interest let's be honest but the overall Exorcist brand might be too damous at this point for people to care about another Standalone entry with universal having spent so much money on the IP already though something will likely happen soon you expect something will be brought out number five the kickass reboot Trilogy late last year kickass director Matthew Vaughn announced that he's rebooting this entire R-rated superhero franchise or to be more precise he's going to unleash a brand new Trilogy of related films vaugh later added that these movies would center around a whole new cast of characters meaning that we're probably not going to be reunited with Dave and Mindy from the first two movies since then he's already confirmed that this entire new Trilogy of movies will be kicked off with the already filmed skill fights with this being directed by his longtime stunk coordinator Damen Walters while the two following movies have the working titles of RAM and kickass except vaugh is actually making quite the Assumption here of The audience's Hunger for More Kick-Ass movies isn't let's be honest most fans Lo the second Kickass movie which was not directed by vaugh and given that it's been more than a decade since that sequel came and went is there even a audience for this kind of stuff anymore what felt fresh in 2010 may just feel a bit pay in 2024 especially as Deadpool's already made rated our boundary pushing superhero Fair totally mainstream at this point plus accepting that V had a pretty wonky trap record when it comes to his movies over the last couple of years his involvement is not the stamp of assurance it used to be but simply this may not be kick ass after all number four megalopolis one of the most fascinating if surely ill-fated projects currently in production right now is definitely megalopolis the Epic sci-fi drama from the legendary Francis Ford copela the film revolving around the rebuilding of New York City in the wake of an absolutely catastrophic catastrophe has been cop's passion project for over 40 years with the filmmaker struggling to find funding for his ambitious career coder though many just assumed it had never really come to fruition but in one of the old time baller moves made by a master Craftsman Copler decided to sell off a huge chunk of his wine Empire to fun the movie himself for a cool $120 million you know he just really wants to get this movie made doesn't he and he's certainly amassed one hell of a cast to help him out you've got Adam Driver Forest Whitaker Natalie Emanuel Lawrence Fishburn Aubrey Plaza Sheila birth Jason swartzman Talia Shire Dustin Hoffman and Jean Carlo espacito they're all involved and while there's a lot of Justified excitement around what is surely going to be cop's final ever movie unless you Liv to like 200 the risks for this particular project speak for themselves conventional funding Avenues wanted nothing to do with this for possibly good reason there were reports of a troubled shoot and let's be honest Copo has not made a good film in like 25 years as he it is very much easy to picture megalopolis being a widely polarizing movie that doesn't really turn much profit though at this stage in cop's life and career I think he just wants to get the film out there and go ha I did it number three red one Dwayne Johnson and Chris 7's new holiday themed Blockbuster rap shooting in February 2023 and there was a release date originally set for 2023 Christmas period obviously however word on the temple went curiously quiet over the last year until mid days before Christmas where it was announced that it had actually been delayed for like a whole another year and it's going to be November 2024 and it drops now while on one hand the SAG after strikes were cited as the main reason for this pushing back of the movie's release date and let's be honest the film does absolutely have to be released around the holiday season because cuz look at it reports did soon emerge that this movie is in absolutely D Straits behind the scenes reliable Insider Jeff Snider claims that he heard the movie is a quote unquote unmitigated disaster while noting an apparent lack of Chemistry Between Johnson and Evans and that the problems are so deep with this movie re-shoot won't even help while on one hand blam Blockbusters are basically Johnson's brand at this point given that red one is teaming janji director Dr kdan with Fast and Furious writer Chris Morgan it's reasonable to expect a bit better here now yes Amazon still have a year to try and Wht this movie into some kind of shape but if the Scuttle butt can be believed it's not looking very good number two Captain America Brave New World it is not dramatic to suggest that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is at its all-time lowest ever point after face 5 kicked off with the franchise worst reviewed movie ever in Antman and the was quantum Mania and most recently saw the Marvel deliver the lowest box office gross in Marvel History 2 that's Marvel Cinematic Universe history though the upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine movie should off for some respect some much needed respect for both Marvel fans and the folks behind the movies things are looking decidedly less encouraging for Captain America Brave New World for starters casual fans just have not embraced Sam Wilson as the new cap I like him but a lot of people don't making it highly unlikely this fourth film recaptures its three predecessors Zeitgeist appeal beyond that Insider reports have detailed disastrous test screenings which have necessitated 4 months of re-shoot and they're set to take place from May to August of this year causing release date to go from May 3rd of this year to next year's February while on the one hand you must applaud Marvel for taking the time and money to try and fix one of their most crucial upcoming projects the fact they clearly didn't have the fundamentals bolted down before shooting started is quite concerning isn't it when you pair a lack of Chris Evans and so much behind the scenes turmoil it's tough to have anything but low expectations for cap 4's ability to be both a commercial and critical success fingers crossed though hey I'm a I'm a positive guy let's see what happens number one magazine dreams magazine dreams premiered at the 2023 Sundance Festival to largely positive reviews with people enjoying its intense and insightful look into the world of bodybuilding the only problem well it's problematic star though Jonathan Major's performance as Killian Maddox did earn him some decent reviews early on and even caught it some early Oscar consideration the film's release strategy was derailed a few months later in the wake of harassment and assault allegations made against Majors while originally set to release on the awards friendly date of December 8th 2023 last October Disney pulled the film from their release calendar and once majes was found guilty in December it was reported that Disney likely wouldn't even release the film at all either on streaming or in theaters as such it's likely that Disney will just probably sell the distribution rights off at some point whereafter magazine dreams are likely to just be dropped onto VOD at some point and then just disappear off into the ether it's a disastrous if understandable results for such a well-received film given Major's involvement and the parallels between his hyper aggressive protagonist and Majors real life crimes above all else it's tough not to just feel for director Elijah bham this dude had his big breaks scuttled by stuff completely out of his control so hopefully he has a bit more luck on his next project eh we're sending you all of that look there you go Elijah
Channel: WhatCulture
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Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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