10 MORE Questions NOT To Ask A Blind Person!

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- Can you see this? How many fingers am I holding up? I can't see. (cheerful music) Hey guys, it's Molly here again for another video, and I'm excited for this one because I feel like you guys really enjoyed this video the last time I did it, I did the top 10 things to never ask a blind person, linked below. And I've got 10 more. And I'm sure I've got 30 more after that in me. So let's do this, but before we jump into it, Hey, there I've got merch and it's only on sale until December 4th. Get it before it's gone. You want you some Killer Bee merch. This is the pocket tee, the bee is like flying out of his little home in the pocket. It says #killingit. Cause we are the killer bee club over here. It's pretty dope. There's a ton of other stuff. Check it out. Link pinned below without further ado. Actually that's a lie 'cause I'm going to put a disclaimer here. So disclaimer, I openly talk about my disability. I'm happy to talk about it. My passion, what I feel is my purpose here on this earth is to educate people. But that's just me. That is not every blind person that is not every disabled person. A lot of people in this situation just want to let go about their daily life and do their thing. Have a normal job, have a normal family not have to talk about their disability all the time. It's not the path that I've chosen in life. The path I've chosen is to be passionate about breaking barriers about breaking stereotypes passionately sharing every inch of my life with the world. So for me, I'm comfortable answering some of these questions, but I'm putting them in here because I know a lot of my blind friends are not, I don't think it's appropriate to randomly ask blind people this because I know I have a lot of times where I like get into a taxi or I'm buying lipstick at Sephora and the random person without knowing me without knowing that I'm public about my story. Without knowing that I'm comfortable talking about it will ask me these questions and I'm like, dude I'm a stranger, but you think it's okay to like ask me this personal bizarre question. It's not. So what I'm saying is feel free to comment down below and ask me a world of questions. I'm happy to answer them in videos. But if you see a blind person on the street corner like maybe don't go up to them and randomly ask them anything you want. I'm happy to be your like token blind person to answer all your questions. But honestly, even some of these some are like all of these questions also like I've actually been asked more than once. Some of them you're going to hear and be like somebody actually asked that. But yes, my friends, these are real questions that real human beings have asked me multiple times. Some of these I just frankly think are like funny and cute which is why I'm throwing them in. Finally, without further ado, let's get into it. Number one. So you're like dare, right? No, I'm not a super hero. I'm like myself. I'm like Molly. That's who I am. And Molly happens to be blind. I'm not like some fictional character who's blind. No. And people are always like, so, you know like Daredevil can like, see what it rains. Like, can you do? I'm like, no, that's not real. It's fake. That is a fictional character. It's not real. Like, you wouldn't go up to a B person and be like, so you're like, like, like somebody who's like good a par cor you wouldn't be like so you're like, Spider-Man right. Like, no, they just do par core. They're not a super hero, but they're not like a fictional creature actually park court is like pretty sick. They are kind of like Spider-Man. So maybe that was a bad reference, but you get my point. I'm not a superhero. I'm a human. Like any of the blind characters you see portrayed in mainstream media, like pretty much don't believe it because they just perpetuate and promote a lot of negative stereotypes. So no, I'm not like Daredevil. Unfortunately it kind of would be pretty cool to be a super hero though. Can you see this? Can you see this? How many fingers am I holding up? I can't see. It's not a game. It's not like, I'm like your fun amusement park carnival game that you can be like, Ooh Ooh. Like, no I'm a person I'm a 24 year old woman live in my life. I told you I'm blind. Like, let's just take it as it is. If I've said I'm blind to like most likely I can't see how many fingers you're holding up. This isn't my eye doctor appointment. Can we stop waving the hands in front of my face? I even back in like back in school when I was in high school and middle school and stuff, I'd be like sitting doing my work and a kid would start going like this in front of my face to see if I would like notice and ask them to stop. And I was like, like also it makes sound there's you can hear when somebody is doing this you can feel it. So if I just, cause I asked you to stop doing that doesn't mean it's cause I saw it, but anyways just don't ask like what, what we can see in that way. It's fine to say like, Oh, what can you see? Just so I know, but to be like, can you see this? Can you see that? Like, it's just kind of disrespectful. Can I pet your guide dog? No, you can't. Number four. How do you drive? I don't it's very illegal. Have you tried glasses? No, my family's not the easier solution than glasses would be to like get a guide dog or a cane to learn braille. It just seemed like, you know, the logical option. So we just skipped over the whole glasses thing. What happened to you? I feel like a, that's like a rude way to ask it. And B it's just again, like ask me because you can clearly see all my channel. I openly talk about it. But if somebody like gets into the back of your Uber and you're driving them, don't be like so what happened to you? Like oftentimes a very personal story. I'm at a place where I'm comfortable talking about it, but for a lot of people, it might still be an emotional subject or something they're uncomfortable talking about. Or honestly, just something we like. They don't want to talk about all the time. They don't want to bring up this like difficult moment in their life all the time. And I can attest to the fact that it is hard to talk about really vulnerable painful moments in your life a lot, you know, it's not easy. And a lot of people don't want to do that. I have friends who went blind from a suicide attempt. I have friends who went blind from being shot in the head. I have friends who went blind from car crashes from like very, very traumatic, sensitive life moments. And I'm sure if you were hit by a car or shot in the head you wouldn't want to constantly talk about it either. So just be respectful and realize that for a lot of people it can still be a very sensitive topic. Is that your helper? This one is so annoying because I'll just be like out with a friend out with my mom out with like a boyfriend, you know, back when I had one and they'd be like, Oh, is this your helper? Like I have like a 24 seven caretaker because I cannot function as a blind person on my own. Even if I did need a caretaker you shouldn't ask that like you shouldn't be like, Oh is this your helper? Like, again it's just like, it feels like an inappropriate invasion of somebody's personal life experiences. And another thing that drives me up a wall which Jake who's here with me has seen and can attest to my mom deals with it all the time. When she's out with me people ask them questions about me in front of me, Jake and I had one situation where we were talking to a girl. I was literally having like a 10 minute conversation with her before she found out that I couldn't see. And the moment she found out, I couldn't see, she turned to Jake in front of me and goes, was she born like that? And I was like, dude, Hey, like, I can still hear you. I can still talk to you. We were just in the midst of a conversation like it's wild to me. I had a situation where somebody was asking my mom like I was going in for a massage. And they were like, would she like to wear a robe? And I was like, yes, I would. And they were like, would she like some water? And I was like, yes, I would like I just kept answering the questions, even though they continued to direct them at my mom. Like, it's the weirdest thing. So like, is that your helper or that kind of thing? Or like assuming the person I'm with or the person disabled person is with is simply there to be their helper versus just being their friend or relative is just kind of annoying over it. Why do your eyes look normal? Or why don't you look blind? This bothers me. And I feel like it comes again from like media's portrayal of blind people over the years blind people don't have to look any certain way. We can look. However we want to look. We are all genetically made up differently. Some people's eyes, yes are visually affected. They can look glossy, hazed over some blind. People do wear dark sunglasses. But a lot of us don't, a lot of our eyes do look normal. A lot of us don't wear dark sunglasses. And I've talked a lot about those kinds of things in previous videos. So I'll link some of those down below in case you're curious I'll link in my whole, everything blind playlist below which will give you a whole lot of info. But yeah, it's just really annoying that people assume I'm supposed to look a certain way in order to have the disability I do. And then I'm supposed to like fit into this box. And so people who are like, wait, if you can't see, like and a lot of people use it in like an accusatory way, like, but your eyes are green. Like blind people have gray eyes. I'm like, no, they don't like some do a lot of us don't so yeah. Don't believe media's portrayal of us. Okay. Moral of the story. Why do you bother wearing makeup if you can't see it? Or why do you like tattoos and have tattoos if you can't see them basically like why do I bother with visual things if I can't see them? And I mean, the reality is going blind and change who I am changed how I interact with the world, side of Molly, love fashion so does blind Molly. At the end of the day like I'm a 24 year old millennial woman. And I love a lot of same things that other girls do too. I made a whole video where I talk more in depth about this which is definitely what I'm going to link down below because I think it's a really interesting video that deserves some more love on it. It's one of my older videos. I really delve deep into my love of like visual things like home decor and tattoos. So casual self promo, and finally the crown and glory number 10, my friends do, you know, sign language? No that's like the opposite of helpful the actual opposite of helpful to a blind person. Like I can't, I can't see. So like hand movements and gestures are nothing to me. Like I can only hear, so I need audio. If you could flick, if you could find the polar opposite disabilities like blindness and deafness are them. So, no, I don't know. Sign language, except for hi My name. Oh - Wait, M O L L Y any of my deaf followers coming down below. Let me know if I butchered that really badly but that's the only sound language I know when I only know that because I have some deaf friends, but no, I don't know sign language because the language of my community is braille. So I learned braille growing up not sanguine sign language, there we have it. Those are 10 more questions I'm tired of answering or I think are weird, or I just straight up think you shouldn't ask blind people especially ones that you like randomly see. And I hopefully answered some questions that you maybe had when you first stumbled across my channel. Because like I said, I am open to answering these questions. So that said content below any other questions you have for me. And I'd be happy to do more Q and A videos or even dedicated videos if a topic seems like it needs one. I hope you guys enjoyed. Don't forget to go pick up some merch while it's still available. Hit that subscribe button and a little bell for those notifications. If you haven't seen them already you can give this a thumbs up and feel like you learned something new or thought it was like a little bit funny and you enjoyed seeing some sassy mole coming out live you guys so very much. I'll see you next time.
Channel: Molly Burke
Views: 1,640,635
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Id: gwx_4kRV7fY
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Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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