10 Moms Who Beat The System! (Hilarious)

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to be looking at 10 hilarious mums who beat the system so we've already seen kids who beat the system in funny ways before but now it's time for moms to get payback so here are some moms who trick their kids in the best ways possible and beat their sister but before we get into it why not subscribe and turn on notifications as well coming in at number 10 is Cinderella so as a kid one of the worst things was doing chores when your parents asked you to do chores he likely said okay but never did them or some kids flat out make an escape plan and run out of the house point is kids will do anything to avoid doing chores it's also a parent's worst nightmare trying to convince their kids to do chores it can be very hard to do and arguing with a young kid can be exhausting but one mom is pretty genius and decided to get her kid to do the chores she hates doing them but her mom came up with a way to make doing them fun be all worth it in Cinderella before she goes to the ball with the prince she's scrubbing the floors well this mom's daughter happen to have a Cinderella costume so she simply said put on your Cinderella costume and let's play Cinderella of course while playing Cinderella you must start by scrubbing the floors as that's how the story goes so now when this mom wants a kid to do the chores she doesn't say let's scrub the floors instead she says let's play Cinderella and just with her saying that her daughter's eager to get into her Cinderella costume and begin scrubbing the floors this is such an easy thing and I can't believe no one's thought of this before this mom definitely needs to write a parenting book next up is that ain't Pepsi so we all know that kids hate chores there's already been one solution to that but what about taking medicine kids really don't like taking medicine it often doesn't taste very good but just the word medicine alone is enough to put many kids off but kids aren't exactly the smartest and most observant people so they're easy to trick that is why one mother of a kid who didn't want to take his medicine came up with this genius and simple trick now the kid loves Pepsi but hates medicine so instead she simply said have a drink of Pepsi but the whole time she was hiding the medicine behind the can and the straw was going into the medicine the kid really needs to get his head in the game the cat isn't even open then again he is very young so I guess he's easy to trick but still there is no excuse stay work kids you never know that delicious diabetes causing Pepsi may be a terrible life-saving medicine coming up next is sick day so speaking of medicine kids seem to get sick an awful lot think about when you were in middle school compared to now chances are you used to be sick a lot more back then now of course we all know that we weren't always sick sometimes we just needed a day off from all the teachers and homework so we pull the fake sticky everyone has done it some a few more times than others but I feel it's nothing better than when your parents left the door and you can play video games all day well one mom got suspicious her kids were having a lot of six days but she wasn't buying it so she decided to make sure their kids who would never have a fake sick day so now whenever her kids are sick she takes their console controllers to work with her this means while the kids aren't at school they can't do anything at home I guess this is kind of different nowadays it's every kid has a cell phone but back when the only entertainment kids had was games consoles this would have been a nightmare I'm just glad my parents never did this to me leave me a comment telling me if you ever took a fake sick day and be honest next up is always watching so one thing parents love to do is watch their kids succeed they like seeing how they do it sports practice and other things but to kids this can be kind of embarrassing and put them off when you're going for the goal or a home run you'll Hardy with your parent cheering you from the sidelines embarrassing you that is why many kids tell their parents to get lost when they're playing sports one mom's kid was going for a golf tryout so he could have his head in the game he made her promise to not watch him the mom agreed but he didn't stop her from beating the sister she simply found a vantage point and perched she literally brought binoculars along like a spy you can see her kid doing the golf trout in the distance if iris this mom I would be doing things to get out of watching a golf tryouts so I guess she's a better mom than me I mean dad can't let him know my secrets but anyway would you guys be annoyed if your parents say this or not I can relate to this kids I always seem to do worse at sports when everyone was watching me then again I never really did that good in the first place next up is snacker so one day on Twitter hashtag mom lies was trending this was where moms share the wage they beat the system one mom named Isabella Jennings came up with a very genius way to beat the sister she loves her snacks but she hates sharing them with her kid for example one day she was eating ice cream in her three year old kid says what's that ice cream but instead she lied and said oh smashed potatoes No cause kids don't really care about regular foods and only really care about the sweet stuff that is why the mom lied and also said the chocolate sauce was gravy and she even said it was gross yeah this mom really did beat the system I never having to show her snacks again but you guys ever try this out with your kids one thing's for sure if I ever have kids I'm not sharing my snacks parenting them would be one thing but giving up my flamin hot cheetos is where I draw the line next up is the laundry game so we've established that kids hate chores but it seems one way to get them to do it is by making chores into a game well this is yet another Twitter mom who beat the system she also wanted to get some help around the house with her laundry but of course no kid would actually want to do that so instead of simply telling her kid to help her fold socks she tried another method Christie Cummings told the kids that they were simply playing the match game with socks her young kid loves matching games so she simply said it happened to be with socks but in reality they were doing the laundry these kids really need to catch on to their parents tricks all I can say is Christie better enjoy this while she can because once they get a bit older they'll realize your tricks and the jig will be up I hate to break it to you Christy but when that time comes you'll be playing the folding socks game all by yourself next up is Santa trap so for kids Christmas is the best time of year not only do you get time of school and a bunch of food but the best part about it is the presence there was nothing better than coming down on Christmas morning and finding the gift you really wanted under the tree and every kid knows that father Christmas puts all the gifts under the tree as kids we were always interested by this and wanted to catch a glimpse of Santa either that or we just want to type in our presents early that is why many kids sneak downstairs on Christmas Eve to check out what they got well one mom was sick and tired of this happening year after year so one year she decided to get tactical and when I say tactical I mean literally army mode she got velcro sticky tape and put it all over the entrance to the downstairs this meant her kids would get stuck and fall down the stairs if they tried to go down it yeah no kid is getting down stairs in this household let me know in the comments if you guys have a snuck downstairs to check out your gifts or maybe to try and catch a glimpse of Saint Nick and if so did you spot him or not next up is hot drinks remember that mom who didn't want to show her snacks well this mom is kind of similar but she seems a bit more evil than the other one of her kids kept drinking her soda she has many kids and she asked them about it but no one would admit to doing it however unlike the other mom she couldn't simply lie about the soda so she decided to get me she grabbed a hot pepper and rubbed it on the room of the can now she'll definitely catch who's drinking your soda as they'll be freaking out when they drink it they have to say this has got to be the meanest trick a mom has ever pulled on this list lets me know if your mum ever did anything like this and if you guys are a parent or plan to be would you ever do this I think this may be taking it a bit far but then again I don't want people messing with my soda either way that kid won't be going back for a second sip so this mum definitely beat this sister next up is shut up so all parents love their kids as they likely enjoy talking to their kids but sometimes young children can be kind of loud and annoyed and sometimes her parents it must be nice for their kids to shut up so they can get a break once in a while well one moms little boy simply wouldn't shut up he would always be making loud noises as kids do but one day he got a scratch on his lip now normally you wouldn't do anything about this and he would just learn that heal naturally but this mom decided it was a way to beat the system she got a band-aid and said you need to put it over your mouth this meant the kid couldn't talk and the mum could finally have some quiet time I have to say this is a very clever trick and it's not nearly as mean as the hot pepper can run from before do you think this is a genius mom life hack or not say what you will about its ethics but you can't deny it worked next up is fake fries so one struggle for every mom is getting their kids to eat fruit and vegetables many kids don't actually mind the flavor but just the word vegetable is enough to make some kids gag that is why one mom came up with a very clever disguise for her vegetables he may be saying how can he disguise her vegetable oh one mom wanted her kid to eat the vegetable jicama however she knew he didn't like vegetables and he wouldn't do it otherwise however she knew he didn't like vegetables and he wouldn't eat it so instead she cuts them like this she then simply told her kid they were cold french fries and who doesn't love cold french fries the kid ate them all up believing them to be McDonald's but in reality this was Whole Foods just imagine tricking your kid like this the only thing is if he ever finds out he'll never trust you again tricking your kid to eat vegetables really is the ultimate betrayal but I have to give this mom props as it was very smart and her cutting really does make them look exactly like french fries let me know if you think you anaphor done for this trick as a kid I can't lie I probably were loved especially if they looked as realistic as this come to think of it I'd probably fall for all of the ones in this list perhaps not the Cinderella one seeing as I'm not a girl but I can just see myself as a dumb kid falling for the Pepsi medicine one and same goes for the sick days there's no getting around that also the tactical man with the binoculars would be hard to beat the snack one is also pretty easy to fall for as a kid who laundry game however I don't know I think I might be able to see past that and the hot chili one is just plain mean and evil and I would definitely fall for that check out the poll in the top right corner fruit for the best way mom has beat this sister I think it's got to be the sick day ones that is super effective and also pretty bad for the kid just imagine having a sick day with nothing to do if you guys want more or some videos check out my second channel they'll be a link to that on screen in a moment so click it to have a watch but as always thank you for watching check out some more doesn't screen rights now live like you enjoyed and if you haven't really what you waiting for subscribe to top tens [Music]
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 2,911,516
Rating: 4.7682061 out of 5
Keywords: Beat The System, moms, kids, moms who beat the system, kids who beat the system, kids who beat the system at school, school, children, react, hilarious, learn, funny, system, fact, learning, funniest, family, facts, list, pictures, viral, best, worst, amazing, dads
Id: HPSXi8Br4fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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