10 MISTAKES to Avoid When Hiking Alone | How to Stay Safe While SOLO HIKING

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solo hiking can be intimidated for anybody whether you're a man or a woman hiking backpacking spending time in the back country is one of my most favorite things to do and I've spent a number of miles out on trail hiking by myself for me solo hiking is empowering it's an opportunity to get closer connected with nature my surroundings and myself it's my uninterrupted me time and it's where I get all of my great ideas and make good decisions hey guys my name is Kathleen former PCT through hiker Avid Pacific Northwest stay hiker solo long distance Backpacker an online backpacking coach for women and the hungry hiker here on YouTube with all of the solo hiking and backpacking trips I've gone on and all of the solo hiking and backpacking videos I've created and posted here on my YouTube channel over the years a question I see pop up in the comments and get asked all the time is how can I stay safe while hiking alone in this video I'm going to share with you 10 mistakes to avoid when hiking alone that will help you stay safe while solo hiking if you're excited about this video make sure to give it a thumbs up don't for forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for new videos each week about hiking backpacking and tips on how to help you plan your next Outdoor Adventure when I first started going solo hiking and even planning my first solo through hike along the PCT I got questions and comments like why would you want to go do that aren't you scared of hiking alone you're a woman you shouldn't go hiking in the Woods by yourself what are you gonna do if blank happens are you gonna carry a gun I wish I was as Brave as you and of course the endless quoting of horror stories by friends and family that they had either Seen On TV read in the news or heard from a friend Not only was it enough that I had to deal with my own fears of hiking out in the backcountry alone but I also had to deal with my friends and Family's fears of me wanting to go hiking alone over the years I've spent a number of miles being out on trail by myself and yes solo hiking and backpacking is challenging and can be risky there's a lot of researching planning and preparing involved there's the potential for more possible risks to deal with when you're you're out on trail by yourself and you have to learn how to be self-reliant but the payoff for solo hiking and backpacking is incredibly rewarding suddenly I'm in charge of my trip I get to decide when and where I want to go I can hike at my own pace stop for breaks whenever I want to and just be without having to worry about someone else while I'm out there if you're curious to learn about all the different reasons why I love solo hiking so much make sure you check out this video which I'll link up here and down in the video description below now I want to make it perfectly clear I'm not opposed to going on group trips in the backcountry even though I've done a fair amount of solo hiking and backpacking I've gone on a ton of group trips as well there are certain areas where I prefer hiking and backpacking in a group because I just feel more comfortable and safer than if I were out there by myself with group trips I have a built-in support system of people who are traveling with me through areas I might not feel comfortable traveling through by myself and group trips helped me build up my confidence with exploring a new area or country that I've never been to before I've even LED several group day hikes and overnight backpacking trips for students in my online backpacking program for women The Confident solo female Backpacker system who want to help build their confidence of going backpacking in a group setting first before venturing out on their own solo trips if you're a woman who is scared and intimidated about backpacking alone and want to learn how you can feel comfortable planning your own trips so you feel more confident getting out on trail by yourself click the link below to learn more about the confident solo female Backpacker system and how you can be part of this incredible program whether I'm hiking Solo or with a group I always live by the motto always be prepared for worst case scenario when you do your research take the right precautions and are prepared for your adventure before you get to the trailhead you'll have a lot less to be afraid of when it comes to getting out on trail by yourself so if you're thinking about giving solo hiking a try and are looking for tips on how to stay safe while you're out there here are 10 mistakes to avoid when hiking alone trip planning should always start with research first you'll want to figure out where you want to go and then plan the route for your trip using either a paper map or a digital map like Onyx Backcountry from the desktop version of Onyx Backcountry you can use the Discover feature to find nearby Trails Click On Any Trail and you'll get an overview of the trail including the number of miles elevation gain and loss a time frame you can expect to complete the hike a cool elevation graph so you can see on the map where the elevation gains and losses are along the trail photos of the trail nearby routes and the current weather forecasts for the area including sunrise and sunset times and even moon phases important note about checking the weather forecast make sure you are checking for the current weather forecast for the area you plan on hiking in not the nearby town the weather in the mountains at the higher elevations can be much more different than weather at a lower elevation in town online navigational tools and apps such as Onyx Backcountry make it super easy to be able to check for the current weather forecast in the specific area you plan on hiking in just by clicking on the map knowing the weather forecast for the area you plan on hiking in will help you decide what gear you'll need to bring for the conditions and terrain you'll be hiking in like if you need to pack rain gear extra insulation layers a pair of micro spikes or even types of shoes you should wear whether it's a pair of waterproof hiking boots or Trail Runners once you've decided where you want to go you can then use the route Builder to create a route for your hike use the snap 2 feature to create the actual route then once your route is created and saved use the map to create waypoints marking potential water sources campsites and exit points at other nearby trailheads in case of an emergency and you need to get it off Trail you can change the view of the map from toppo to satellite and even hybrid which includes Topo lines over the satellite imagery there's also an option to look at the map of the area in 3D if you want to get a better feel for the terrain and elevation gain and losses in the area before getting out on trail if you're concerned about the possibility of there being snow along the trail you can click on the recent imagery which is updated frequently but it has less detail and will show you a recent satellite image of the area helping to indicate if there's currently any snow on the ground once you've finished creating your route and waypoints make sure you create an offline map of the area your route is in and then double check to see that your map has properly downloaded onto your phone any changes you make in your Onyx Backcountry account should automatically reflect in the app on your mobile device then just to be safe always test to make sure your map has downloaded correctly by putting your mobile device in airplane mode and checking to see that the offline map you created shows up on your phone this is an important step you'll want to make sure you complete before you get to the trailhead while you still have cell and Wi-Fi service when choosing a trail to go solo hiking on it's important to pick something within your limits both Comfort level and fitness if this is one of your first times planning a solo hike consider starting small pick a trail close to home choose a shorter hike at a lower elevation if you're still working on building up your confidence in your navigation skills choose a trail that's well marked well maintained and well traveled with solo hiking oftentimes it's about the journey and not necessarily the destination try to avoid getting Summit fever while you're out there by yourself always listen to your gut if the trail becomes too challenging if you're starting to lose daylight if something feels off weird wrong or uncomfortable don't be afraid to stop turn around and head back to the trailhead always let someone know where you're going pick a trusted friend or family member who won't be out on trail with you and share your trip itinerary and planned route with them before getting to the trailhead once you've created and saved your route using Onyx Backcountry you can share your route by copying the link to your route and sharing it with another Onyx Backcountry user in addition to sharing your route you'll also want to let your friend or family member know how long you plan on being out there your intended hiking or camping destination what time you expect to finish and then don't forget to check back in with him after your hike to let them know that you've made it back to the trailhead and home safely whether you're on trail or on your way to the trail never tell people you're hiking solo if you're heading to the trailhead for your solo hike don't post on social media ahead of time where you're going for your solo Adventure keep all of your on trail selfies geolocation tags GPS tracking and fitness tracking private until you've made it back home safely while out on trail don't share with other hikers that you're hiking solo if someone asks if you're out there by yourself you can always make them think that you're hiking with someone else by saying that the person you're with stepped off Trail for a quick bathroom break is slightly in front of you or behind you or that you've tracked them and they're not that far away whenever you're hiking or backpacking alone it's always a good idea to keep your intended hiking and camping destination private just to be safe and remember if you've done your research and proper planning ahead of time a trusted friend or family member at home will know where you're going where you're heading and know what time to expect your return always be aware of your surroundings whenever you're out in the back entry especially if you're hiking alone instead of listening to headphones listen to The Sounds around you music audio books and podcasts are better distractions to enjoy once you're safely at Camp inside your tent for the night if you do decide to listen to headphones while out on Trill make sure to turn the volume down as low as you can and only use one earbud this way you can still hear everything going on around you including wildlife and if any other hikers Runners mountain bikers might be coming up behind you and don't just pay attention to what's going on in front of you always have a feeling for what's happening behind you and all around you while you're solo hiking out on trail even if you don't feel confident while you're hiking alone at least look like you are avoid looking like you're scared Don't Run Away most attackers whether it's an animal or human will go after easy prey if someone gives you the creeps stare them in the eye take notice of what they look like and what they're wearing and if you feel like you're being followed let the person pass and then create as much distance between you and them as possible consider carrying some sort of self-protection tool that helps you feel more comfortable when hiking solo self-protection tools can be used against both animals and humans and include things like mace pepper spray bear spray a knife a firearm and even a whistle whatever you decide you need to carry that helps you feel more comfortable while you're out hiking alone avoid hurting yourself by making sure you're familiar with and are fully trained on how to use your self-protection tool of choice it's also your responsibility to know the local rules and regulations and make sure it's legal to carry your self-protection tool of choice in the area you plan on hiking in at the very least consider carrying a whistle with you for your solo hikes make sure it's always easily accessible and not at the bottom of your pack a whistle can be used as a loud noise to scare off animals can be used as a distress signal if you need help and can signal to people in the area who might be looking for you if you're lost or injured before buying a whistle check the sternum strap of your pack a lot of Brands will have a built-in whistle located on the pack serum strap for easy access trekking poles are a piece of gear with multiple uses not only are they a third point of contact with the ground helping you to stay more stable while out on trail but they can also be used to help defend yourself against animals and humans and can be used as a crutch in the event you get injured and need extra support to get yourself back to the trailhead also consider learning self-defense techniques and awareness of what you can do to help protect yourself in certain situations whether you're hiking by yourself in the back country or walking down the street alone while in town or in a parking lot keep in mind there are so many different things you can be afraid of whenever you're hiking alone while the fear of being assaulted by a stranger out on trail is a common fear especially if you're a solo female hiker and or Backpacker assaults aren't actually as common as you might think as a female solo long distance Backpacker and hiker who has spent a number of miles by myself out in the backcountry I'd be more concerned with Wildlife water Crossings weather changes not being prepared getting lost and getting injured then being a assaulted by a stranger out in the remote Wilderness while these are all very valid fears don't let them hold you back from wanting to go hiking solo instead work to improve your skills and expand your knowledge learn how you can prepare yourself for being able to handle any of these fears and situations before getting out on trail by yourself be aware of any possible local Wildlife you might encounter while hiking in the area depending on the area you plan on hiking in there could be the possibility of encountering wildlife such as mountain lions moose Bears snakes ticks cows elk deer and even mosquitoes know how to handle a possible encounter should you come into contact with any Wildlife when out on trail always be aware of your surroundings consider carrying a tick removal tool and bug repellent be Bear Aware and know the local rules and regulations for proper food storage getting injured is a common fear most people have when they're considering solo hiking part of your planning and preparation for any trip in the back country especially if you plan on going solo is learning how to be self-reliant and knowing how to treat yourself should you get injured so that you can make it back to the trailhead safely to get help always carry a first aid kit and know how to use everything in your kit a first aid kit is useless and dead weight in your pack if you aren't familiar with it and don't know how to use anything in it this is why I choose to build my first aid kit instead of purchasing a pre-made one from an outdoor retailer if you're interested in learning how to create your own hiking and backpacking first aid kit and want to see what I carry with me whenever I'm out on trail click the link up here or down in the video description below also consider taking a Wilderness first aid class and get woofa or Wilderness first aid certified to help build up your confidence with knowing how to treat yourself and be able to help another injured hiker out in the back country in case of an emergency always be prepared for worst case scenario is my motto whenever I plan and prepare for any trip out in the backcountry this is why I always carry the 10 Essentials with me every time I'm out on trail whether it's a Day hike or an overnight backpacking trip no matter what time of the year or how long I plan on being out on trail the 10 10 Essentials include navigation illumination shelter extra water extra food extra clothes sun protection fire knife Gear Repair and a first aid kit if you're interested in learning more about the 10 Essentials what they're used for and the 10 Essentials I carry in my pack whenever I'm out on trail check out my what are the 10 Essentials video which I'll link up here and down in the video description below and finally consider carrying some sort of device that allows you to be able to communicate with the off Trail world in the invention of Emergency mobile phones aren't reliable because oftentimes you'll be out of cell or Wi-Fi service when out in the backcountry instead consider carrying a satellite messenger or a plb or a Personal Locator Beacon these devices are much more reliable in the backcountry because they work by satellite not seller Wi-Fi service my satellite Messenger as expensive as it was not only for the device itself but also the monthly subscription required to use the device was the one piece of gear I wish I had gotten sooner especially with all the solo hiking I do in the Backcountry with the plb you're able to send your GPS coordinates to local search and rescue authorities with the push of a button but there's no two-way messaging option that gives you a chance to State the nature of your emergency or communicate with emergency authorities a satellite messenger gives you the opportunity to have two-way messaging with friends and family at home whenever you're out of cell and Wi-Fi service range in the event of an emergency you can press the SOS button on the device and have the ability to communicate with search and rescue via two-way messaging which is extremely helpful when you're relaying the nature of your emergency and knowing when help will be on the way with satellite Messengers you can set up an online map for friends and family at home to track and follow you while you're out on trail alone depending on your device and the subscription you set up you may also have the ability to check the local weather forecast and upload routes into your device just like with any piece of gear you want to make sure you're familiar with knowing how to use your satellite messenger first before getting out on trail also before getting out on trail will set up the subscription for your device and know who you need to connect with and how you can connect with them through your device if you find yourself in emergency situation make sure all of your electronic devices including your satellite messenger are fully charged before leaving the house and bring a power bank so that you have a way to keep all of your electronic devices charged while you're out on trail don't let fear or someone else's fear hold you back and get in the way of something you're passionate about and want to do for yourself if you want to give solo hiking a try do your research properly plan and prepare for your Venture and then go out there and have fun remember solo hiking can be intimidating for anybody whether you're a man or a woman but it can also be safe incredibly empowering and it's a lot of fun if you like this video and got some value out of it make sure you hit the like button don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for new videos each week and hit the Bell icon to get notified each time new videos are posted thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one happy trails and Keep On Truckin [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: The Hungry Hiker
Views: 83,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiking Alone, How to Stay Safe While Solo Hiking, Hiking Alone, Solo Hiking, Hiking, Hiking Solo, Hiking Tips, Hiking Advice, Backpacking, Backpacking Alone, Solo Backpacking, Backpacking Advice, Tips for Hiking Solo, Tips for Backpacking Solo, Backpacking Tips, Scared of Hiking Alone, Scared of Backpacking Alone, Safety Tips for Hiking Alone, Safety Tips for Backpacking Alone, Solo Hiking Safety, Solo Backpacking Safety, The Hungry Hiker
Id: t-BX0bFzkjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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