10 minute Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Tension | Sarah Beth Yoga

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welcome to my favorite routine to release neck and shoulder tension we're going to begin in a traditional seated position anywhere that you've got some space first just drop your chin down towards your chest then interlace your hands behind your head and let the elbows fall in towards each other no need to pull or force just breathe deep and release any clenching from your jaw or eyebrows on your next inhale lift your chin and open your elbows as you exhale drop the chin and close the elbows long inhale to lift and open slow exhale drop and close one more time inhale open exhale close hold and breathe deep right here four three two one and release interlace your hands behind your lower back and bend at both elbows to connect your hands to your left waist take an inhale to sit up tall as you exhale drop your left ear to your left shoulder let go of any shrugging in the shoulders and let your breath become deep and slow so it almost feels like you're breathing into your right shoulder track or neck area return your chin and head back to Center and this time turn your chin to the left as if you are looking for someone over your shoulder same deep breath same relaxed shoulders draw your chin back to Center and bring your hands to your right waist inhale sit up tall exhale drop your right ear to your right shoulder this time try closing your eyes and pay attention to all the sensations as you breathe deeply into this pose draw your chin and head back to Center and turn your chin to the right shoulders and draw are relaxed the sensation should be subtle just free turn your chin back to Center and release your hands completely take your left hand to your right knee in your right hand behind you on the mat close to your spine as you inhale sit up tall and exhale twist to the right each inhale allows you to grow a little taller so that you can twist a little deeper with each exhale until finally you're twisting through your shoulders now and even through your gates three slowly come back to Center and switch sides place your right hand on your left knee left hand behind you heal the hand close to your sacrum take a deep inhale to sit up tall as you exhale begin slowly twisting to your left each inhale is an opportunity for you to stretch your spine a little longer and each exhale allows you to twist a little deeper twist you through your whole spine shoulders neck and chin release bring both hands out to your sides so your fingers barely graze the mat and slowly reach your left arm up and over you can try dropping down to your right elbow but make sure that both hips stay grounding down spiral your left armpit up towards the ceiling take a big breath in Long breath out come back to Center reach your right arm up and over dropping down to your left elbow if you did on the other side make sure the hips don't peel up again rotate your right armpit up to the ceiling taking a big breath in Long breath out come back to Center reach your arms out in front of you for Eagle arms cross the right elbow under your left press again at the wrists or as close as you can get now lift your elbows up to shoulder height and melt the shoulders away from your ears gently tighten the twist and push your hands forward just one inch inhale to sit up tall exhale pull your elbows into your chest and fold : let your head rest on your wrists and send your deep breath into your upper back slowly rise and unravel the arms reach your right arm up and behind your left arm under and behind to clasp fingers for cow facing arms if this isn't accessible you can modify this pose by just reaching your left hand up to assist your right elbow keep your chin up spine tall and you should feel this in your triceps release completely and take a peak down your ankles switch which ankle is in front for Eagle arms reach your arms out in front of you and cross the left elbow under the right cross again at the wrists or again as close you can get lift your elbows up to shoulder height melt the shoulders down your back tighten the twist through your hands and press the hands forward one inch inhale sit up tall exhale pull your elbows into your chest and forward fold breathe into the space between your shoulder blades gently rise unravel your arms for cow facing arms left arm up and behind right arm under clasp fingers or take the modification that you did on the other side to gain flexibility chin up and release for one final movement to seal the practice grab onto your shoulders thumbs behind fingers in front pull your elbows together in front of you for big shoulder circles inhale as you lift and open your elbows exhale as you drop and close the elbows inhale lift and open exhale drop and close one more time inhale exhale now switch directions inhaling as you open the elbows and lift up exhale as you close the elbows push down repeat two more times full inhale exhale one more big breath in Long breath out and that concludes the neck and shoulder routine to release tension if you're still craving for more try the quick routine to release upper back tension while you're still on the mat what posted a gave you the biggest opening let me know in the comments below and thanks for joining me today have a wonderful day
Channel: SarahBethYoga
Views: 1,602,341
Rating: 4.914803 out of 5
Keywords: yoga, neck tension, yoga for shoulders, yoga for neck, neck stretches, yoga stretches for neck, yoga for neck pain, neck pain yoga, yoga for neck tension, yoga for shoulder tension, yoga for headaches, yoga for neck and shoulder pain, neck pain, neck yoga, yoga for shoulder pain, neck tension relief, yoga for beginners, yoga stretches, sarah beth yoga, yoga video, free yoga, yoga at home, neck stretch, yoga neck, yoga for shoulder, shoulder yoga
Id: sQrgxYi10B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2014
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