10 minute challenge! Rusty Chevy Shackle replacement

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hey everybody it's scott simcoe spring service and today i am going to do a 10 minute challenge can i change the shackle in 10 minutes and you'd be like well you'd cheat as much as you can and i will but the question is can i do it so here's the thing this thing is a 2004 and if you go over here all right here you go look at that 295 494 kilometers so i'm intentionally picking probably one of the hardest jobs chevy shackle rusted in canada sprayed with salt every year with 300 000 kilometers on it i'll show you a technique that you can get these things out it works every single time never had it fail but can i do it in 10 minutes let's see so first things first we're gonna get everything prepped wheels chocked jack ready new parts out i'm gonna line up my air chisels with all my with all of my air chisel bits i'm going to get my torch ready and that's pretty much all the tools i'm going to use torch air chisel air gun maybe a hammer a punch that's about it all right let's get it all laid out and we'll get everything prepped okay so here's the old broken shackle so basically the process i'm going to use i'm going to spin the nut off put it back on i'm going to cut the tip off here and then pull the nut out a little bit so i can get just a tiny little recess in there for me to stick the air chisel into and it'll hold it in place while erich is on so it's not skipping around all over the place i can do the same thing down here up top here this one usually comes out fairly decently well uh the bottom one's usually much worse because that's where all the salt drips down into and it like stays in here and and has more corrosion and stuff like that um once i get the bolts moving i'm gonna walk them back and forth until i can get them moving quite a bit and they'll be free and i'll pull the bolts out and then i'll put it back together i mean you'll see exactly how we do it so hopefully hopefully you'll understand the process if you have any questions you can always put them in the comments down below and uh yeah we'll start here in a couple seconds here's all the tools that i have prepped for this job so i got all my metric tools just sitting there ready to go just in case i need anything i got my torch for heat i got my air ratchet so i can rip off those nuts off there pretty quickly i get a wrench to break them free i got my two air chisels because i don't know which one would be better i got a couple of special air chisel bits i got one shorty here to get into tight spots i have it custom shortened but the chop saw and then i got a nice air chisel bit that i can get in there and it just gives me more options just in case i need it i got my mask for protection and here's my new bolts ready to go so i got my shackle nut washers and new fresh bolts so before we start just remember i'm a trained professional i've been doing this for 20 years do not try this at home be safe i'm just doing this because i know i can and i've done it before so it's fun anyway i'll just show you a cool way i can get this thing apart really fast i should remove all the haters out there and say that i'm doing it wrong air hose okay you ready yeah okay so hopefully i can get a timer at the bottom of the page if not i'll timestamp it and mark it when i start so uh all right let's get set it exactly 1 48 in the afternoon all right let's do it break these free first get the nuts moving oh you're defeated by it's stuck [Music] oh my gosh all right see if i can break that off with the air gun [Music] that's what i want to break it free with the tool the challenge starts now truly [Applause] so [Music] so oh he's happy okay [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so neither of them will move at all [Music] nope and [Music] nope between the two of them let that heat creep into the bolt [Music] so hopefully you can crack it free with the urchin that's stubborn [Music] so moving a little bit [Music] [Music] moved it we're trying a new technique [Music] okay there's one loose i think i was moving maybe not [Music] about 20 minutes is going to be up here in like two minutes so that was a failure shhh it's gonna work one minute [Music] so [Music] ah i got it out in 10 minutes does that count i need mr wiggles so first i forgot my most important tool cleaning the bushings out so so the heck [Music] usually never have that many problems there's crumbs in there hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] can you see that at all let's go down more yes i thought right there oh [Music] [Music] i was all prepared and everything [Music] there you go done 204. ah stupid so yeah i've been thinking about that challenge for like six months see if it's even possible two stuck bolts on a chevy pickup truck with 300 000k on it is probably one of the most technically difficult jobs that we have to do here uh most of our customers when they try to insult themselves they always have issues that tear the bushings out or they destroy them or burn them or cut them or torch them or whatever and then they come in here for bushings and it ends up being like a two day ordeal but yeah so anyhow look look at the mess look at the mess it made like this was a pretty much clean when we started i probably got like a half a bucket of dirt off of this thing but anyhow so that's it thanks for watching the video if you made it this far put a subscribe on the comments and click either like e button uh i'm tired i'm gonna finish this job off and uh go make it the bill and i'll get you next time yeah that's it i'm not going to edit that all right some extra content for people to actually watch 100 of my videos um so mistakes i made during that uh first of all i got a piece of dirt in my about the six minute mark that really messed me up uh i totally forgot a couple tools i should have brought my out my uh my uh seven 8 uh wrenches and sockets and stuff like that to be able to tighten the bolts that was a that was a big mistake in that one um that die grinder missing that die grinder i can't believe that cost me like 40 50 seconds right there almost a minute but anyway actually it went really well i couldn't believe it my techniques have been getting better and better so that's actually a new technique that i've developed probably in the last six months since i posted my last video what we do is we actually uh get the bolt loose and we cut the head off the bolt pull it out the other way and i find that it actually works pretty darn good but you have to get that bolt rocking back and forth a bunch of times to be able to get that rust broken free enough to be able to cut the head off and pull it in the other direction but um i thought i'd show you that little trick that little technique uh it's actually been working really well for us and it's been cutting down our time to take the bolts out by probably like 15 to 20 which is why i wanted to try the challenge because i'm like holy cow can i actually do this can i actually get it down under 10 minutes obviously not but you know it's worth a shot and i always love challenge so and yeah catch you next time thanks for watching bye
Channel: Simcoe Spring Service
Views: 64,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shackle, 10 minute challange, fail, mechanic, mechanictoc, suspension mechanic, leaf spring, chevy, GMC, bushing, rebush, rusted, stuck bolt, rusted bolt, rusted bolt removal, stuck bolt removal, extract hard bolt, spring shop, simcoe spring
Id: NtcctK2fL3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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