10 Min Meditation - Inner Peace - Daily Guided Meditation by Deepak Chopra

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[Music] [Laughter] please sit quietly close your eyes and be comfortable in a chair with a backrest keep your feet on the ground firmly planted keep your hands open in your lap and just observe your breath as you observe the breath with your eyes closed your experience of the breath is just a sensation a sensation arises is experienced and then it subsides this is the nature of all experience all experience is either a sensation or a perception or an image or a feeling or a thought that arises in our awareness that is known in our awareness that subsides in our awareness and in fact is made out of our awareness notice as you observe the breath that you can't hold on to it if you try you'll suffocate this is the nature of all experience no experiences graspable because all experiences arise and subside eternally in that which we call now we can observe his experiences and we can let them go we cannot hold on to them if we try to hold on to them if we grasp if we cling even to a thought or anything we experience the same quality that is called Suffocation's holding on or this suffocation letting go is freedom so just observe your breath now and now bring your awareness into your heart and mentally ask yourself who am i what am i don't try to answer the question just settle into being what is it that wants to know what am i am i'd the changing body am i'd the changing mind am i'd the changing experience of the world or am i the silent witnessing awareness in which all experience is a ceaseless change who what am i and now ask the question what do I want what is my deepest desire don't try to answer the question just allow any sensation image feeling or thought to spontaneously come to you what is my deepest desire and now ask the third question what is my purpose why do I do what I do how can I serve how can i express my unique skills and talents in the service of my fellow beings and finally ask the fourth question what am i grateful for when we practice gratitude just by asking that question then the sensations images feelings and thoughts that arise from that question they spontaneously opened the door to abundance consciousness what am i grateful for allowing any sensation image feel or thought to spontaneously come to you and now let's go a little deeper into the meditation by slowly deconstructing our notion or our story of who we are so mentally repeat to yourself your full name so if I was doing it I would say I am Deepak Chopra just a few times mentally and now you can stop saying that but just bring into your awareness all the experiences that are associated with that name that name that body that form so allow your awareness to fill up with all your concerns all your worries all your relationships good and bad all your deadlines everything that's happening in your life right now these experiences are associated with who you think you are right now I am Deepak Chopra I am John Doe I am Mary Smith you know maybe just drop your last name and repeat your first name I am Deepak I'm John I'm Mary I'm Angela and now bring in to your awareness any memories that you have joyful memories happy memories the best moments in your life see if we can recall any moments of joy and Wonder and playfulness especially from your childhood allow sensations images feelings and thoughts from memories of a long time ago to come into your awareness and now you can drop your name altogether just say I am without any memory without any experience without any form without any belief attached to it just I am I am and if you want you can replace the I am now with the mantra uh-hum uh-hum just for a couple of minutes uh hum when thoughts arise our sensations arise or images rise our feelings arise just go back to repeating the mantra uh hum now finally drop the mantra just rest in being rest in awareness exist as existence awareness being this is fundamental awareness to be aware of being aware it's the source of all thought all feeling all emotion all images all perceptions all sensations awareness this is the whole mind awareness has no shape but it gives rise to experiences of shape and color and form awareness has no sound but it makes the experience of sound possible awareness is not in time has no location but allows us to have the experience of time and location awareness is who we are the wisdom traditions of the world call it the true self the true self that is never born that is not subject to death the true self that which many spiritual traditions called the soul in eastern wisdom traditions when we speak of the true self we also know that it is ancient its unborn that fire cannot burn it that wind cannot write weapons cannot shatter it that is not in space nor in time but is our eternal home so for the next two - just rest in being rest in awareness rest in the self beyond all descriptions and all the roles you play as a human being it may be your destiny to play an infinity of roles but you're not the rose you play you're the alert witness awareness consciousness in which those roles come and go as part of the scenery resting in awareness is also called waking up waking up from the projections that recall mind body and the world just be aware of being aware and when you're ready you can open your eyes [Music] so I remind you this week as we conclude with the heart to remember that your physical emotional and spiritual heart all function together in synchronicity while a healthy physical heart beats about 72 times a minute in times of stress it should be paid attention to through meditation and relaxation your physical heart responds to your emotions if you're angry frustrated sad your physical heart will respond the same is true with meditation relaxation and joy additionally your intuitive spiritual heart can be brought to your awareness with the mantra loving awareness while your microbiome is sending messages from your brain to your body and then messages from your body to your brain through diet exercise sleep meditation yoga breathing social interactions and our environment heart disease can begin to heal and eventually be reversed this weekend how will you focus on these elements of your heart how will you care for your heart join me next week as we explore stress you
Channel: The Chopra Well
Views: 440,571
Rating: 4.8535171 out of 5
Keywords: deepak, deepak chopra, deepak chopra meditation, deepak chopra 21 day abundance meditation, deepak chopra sleep meditation, deepak chopra guided meditation, deepak chopra healing meditation, deepak chopra audiobook, morning meditation for positive energy, morning meditation guided, 10 min meditation guided, relieve anxiety, relieve anxiety meditation, stress, relieve stress, mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation for sleep, mindfulness meditation for anxiety
Id: BiYWp6I-RcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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