10 Min Home Workout For 6 Pack ABS + CARDIO

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(upbeat music) - What's up, ThenX athletes, It's Chris Heria and welcome to another video of Official ThenX. Today, I'm going to be showing you the most simple and straightforward way to get six pack abs. And it's the same way that I've been doing it for years, right from home without any equipment. And there's a lot of people out there either over-complicating or underestimating the type of work that it takes to get six pack abs. And from my experience, it's always best to learn something that you want to achieve from someone that has already done it before. And as someone that has done it for themselves and millions of other people around the world, I can tell you that there's three main things that you need to focus on. Some may tell you that all you need for a six pack is just to eat healthy or be on a caloric deficit. Some may tell you that all you need is cardio. And some may tell you, all you need is to work out your abs, which in fact, you need to be doing all three. And that's a big reason why people still struggle with getting six pack abs, they're focusing too much on one or the other versus making all three a priority. If you want six pack abs, you're going to have to build your abdominals. Just like if you want a big chest, you're going to have to build your chest. And for any muscle to be more visible, you would have to burn the fat around it. That's why cardio alone is not going to give you the developed physique that you're looking for. You're going to need to build muscle as well. And nutrition plays a big role in preventing and reducing the amount of fat that you retain. So I've created today's workout to make sure that you get the proper abdominal workout along with cardio to make sure you get the six pack that you always wanted. And the only other thing you'll have to do besides working out to this video on a weekly basis, is to ensure that your nutrition is on point. If you're not sure on how to do that, you can always check out my many videos on nutrition, like how to start eating healthy. So if you're ready to build some six pack abs, let's get this 10 minute ab workout going. We're not going to need any equipment at all. All you're gonna need to do is download it ThenX app in the App Store or Google Play Store so that you can properly follow along and take his workout with you anywhere you go. Open up to the YouTube workout section, you'll be able to find this routine and we're ready to get started. We're going to be doing each exercise for 45 seconds with a 15 second break in between. This is going to be HIIT training. And this is going to allow us to burn more calories within a shorter amount of time. It's also going to create an after burn effect, that's going to have you continuing to burn calories throughout your day, further helping you to reach your caloric goals that's going to get you shredded. And whether you're a beginner or advanced, I want you to follow along. Each exercise is doable for any fitness level. What makes it difficult is the intensity at which you perform each exercise. So with that said, the first exercise is to bring up our heart rate and to start burning some calories with some high knee taps. Let's go for it, 45 seconds. Bring your feet up. Tap each knee. (upbeat music) Breathe through your nose. (upbeat music) Pace yourself. Squeeze your abdominals. (upbeat music) Bring those knees up. (upbeat music) 10 Seconds left, let's go. Get motivated, here we go. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, great warm up. Now let's take it down to the ground. We're going to emphasize on our abs with some reach ups. So we're going to take a lying position, feet flat on the ground and up. I want you to try to touch the ceiling and come right back down, 45 seconds. (upbeat music) I want you to regulate your breathing. (upbeat music) Don't give up, go at your own pace. (upbeat music) If you feel fatigued, you can always slow down, but do not stop. Save your break for the rest time. (upbeat music) Almost there, stay motivated. Here we go, last 10 seconds. Five, four, reach up, three, two, one. All right, go ahead, shake that off. The next exercise we're going to get into is going to be half abdominals, half cardio base with mountains climbers. (upbeat music) So let's get into a push-up position. We're gonna bring one knee up and alternate, go at your own pace. (upbeat music) I want you to be strong for every single one of these exercises until we're completely done. We're gonna end this together, you can do this. Squeeze your abdominals and breathe. (upbeat music) More than halfway there in this one. (upbeat music) Getting into the last 10 seconds, here we go. Give it everything you got. Five, four, three, two, one. Perfect, there we have it. The next exercise we're going to get into is going to be laying alternating leg raises. So we're going to get back, down to the ground, legs out, one comes all the way up, and then alternate. (upbeat music) Don't tell yourself that this is hard, too hard, tell yourself that this is easy. You can do it and you will do it. (upbeat music) That's another reason why you see a lot of people who can't achieve the physiques that they want. It's because they give up. You have to be mentally strong. Or they complain too much. You're either going to be a complainer in this world or person that finds a way to make it happen. Here we go, last couple seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, go ahead, shake that off. Stretch that out. The next exercise really get into is going to be another ab killer, with cardio, that's going to be bicycles. This is another exercise that's going to build our abs and burn a lot of calories at the same time. We're going to come knee to elbow and alternate. (upbeat music) I want you to get a full extension in that leg. Really push it. We're only doing this for 10 minutes straight, you can handle it, keep going. (upbeat music) More than halfway. (upbeat music) Here we go, last 10 seconds. (upbeat music) Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, go ahead, shake that off. We are flying through this. We are officially halfway through the routine. We just have five more exercises to go. Next one up is going to be star crunches. So let's lay down, make the shape of a star, one hand down and come up, touch your ankle, come back down and alternate. (upbeat music) So with this exercise we're working lower to upper abdominals, as well as our obliques. (upbeat music) Really squeeze every time you come up and crunch. Turn, feel the twist in your abdominals as well. Almost there, keep it going. Last 10 seconds. (upbeat music) Five, four, three, two, and one. All right. Let's get into a push-up position. The next exercise is going to be in and outs. Another cardio and ab killer, the best exercises for cardio as well is going to be the ones that use the most amount of muscle groups at once. So we're going to jump in and out. (upbeat music) Using our whole body from our arms, upper body, lower body, abdominals. (upbeat music) Your entire body is used to execute this exercise. That's going to have you burn way more calories as well as engaging more muscles at once. (upbeat music) Here we go, almost there, keep pushing, stay motivated. We're going into the last 10 seconds. (upbeat music) All the way in, all the way out. Here we go, five, last ones, make it everything you've got. Four, three, two, and one. Whew, take a second to catch your breath. Go ahead and take a seat. The next exercise is really going to emphasize on our abdominals with crucifix. So to execute this exercise. Moving our heels up, tap our heels, make the sign of a cross, touch your heels, and control this entire movement. Squeeze your core and breathe. Make sure your legs fully extend. (upbeat music) We just have two more exercises after this. Keep going strong. (upbeat music) This is what it takes to get six pack abs you want. Put in the work. Here we go, last 10 seconds. (upbeat music) Squeeze your abs, here we go. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, we're moving down to the last two exercises. This one's really going to emphasize on our abs again. We're gonna be going for seated leg flutters. We'll bring our legs up, alternate our legs, squeeze your core. So you can see, I have my fingertips facing forward. And alternate, breathe. Don't let your feet touch the ground. (upbeat music) We just have one more after this. So give it everything you've got right now. More than halfway there. (upbeat music) Stay focused. If you feel like giving up, think about someone that you will do this for and don't give up on them. Keep it moving. (upbeat music) Here we go, last couple of seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. We are down to the last exercise, Plank, open and closed for the last 45 seconds. As I said before, if you feel like giving up at any moment, start doing it for someone that you wouldn't give up for. Use that as your motivation. We're going to jump out and jump right back in. 45 Seconds, let's go. (upbeat music) Do not give up. Think about who you're doing this for, you don't want to give up on them, let's keep it moving. (upbeat music) Stay strong, we're almost there. Squeeze your core, last 10 seconds. (upbeat music) Five, four, three, two, one. All right, my abs are on fire. I'm already breaking a sweat and it's only been 10 minutes. Congratulations, if you just got through this with me, and for those of you that are really committed, if you do this at least three times in a row, for at least three times a week, you're definitely going to see the results that you want. You just need to make sure that your nutrition is on point as well, and you're definitely going to see your six-pack abs. Remember, you can always check out my videos on nutrition if you need more help with that. And if you add an extra day of cardio in the week, like jogging, cycling, or any other activity, that's going to give you even more results. So to ensure that you're gonna make a legit transformation, make sure you come back to this workout routine. And if it's your main workout for the day, you want to do it for at least three to four rounds. You also want to do it again for another round or two, at least two more times throughout the week. And there's your simple, straightforward plan to getting six pack abs this year, if you enjoyed the video, then definitely smash that like button. We really appreciate it. And to show our appreciation, if you comment down below within 30 minutes of any upload, you always have a chance to win some ThenX apparel. And don't forget, to get this workout on your phone, as well as full access to all our workout programs, that are going to have you in the best shape of your life, make sure you download the ThenX app in the app store or Google Play Store and get full access to all our workout programs, technique guides and daily workouts that are going to have you shredded, not just looking strong, actually being strong. And joined the millions of other ThenX athletes around the world, getting in the best shape of their lives right now with the ThenX app. For more of my content, make sure you're following my vlog channel. That's youtube.com/chrisheria and make sure you're following me on Instagram. Every post I always do some type of giveaway there as well. So if you want a chance to be a part of it, make sure you're following me on IG. And lastly, before I go, I want to announce, I'm going to write about the drop my summer collection on Chrisheria.com, an entire summer collection that you can actually wear all year long to go to the beach, to go train, or to look your best while always being ready for anything, anywhere you go. Check out the entire summer collection dropping this month at chrisheria.com. And I will see you next Sunday, 8 PM US Eastern time, made love, and peace out. (upbeat music)
Channel: THENX
Views: 250,802
Rating: 4.9835796 out of 5
Keywords: how to, six pack, abs, fast, summer, lose stubborn belly fat, chris heria, thenx.com, thenx, best fat burning, six pack abs, cardio, burn fat, hiit, high intensity, interval training, chest workout, big chest, muscle up, officialthenx, 10 minute workout, bikinimodelfitness, calisthenics, weight training, home workout, dead lift, build muscle, fat burning, gym, strength wars, ketosis, fasting, nutrition, Get 6 Pack ABS Fast For Summer, 10 Min Home Workout For 6 Pack ABS + CARDIO, 2021
Id: czjJMxL3Xfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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