10 Messages In Teen Titans Go! That Would Shock Parents

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greed lies violence no we're not here to give you a moral lesson on proper behavior rather we're describing the Cartoon Network hit Teen Titans go sure Robin and the gang or goofy and fun but the lessons they teach children would shock their parents and probably force them to switch over to some good old Nickelodeon of course we won't expect a full house family hug at the end of every episode but the messages Teen Titans go showcases are not the foundation the next generation of children should learn from here's one message everyone should follow click subscribe you'll join our notification squad to be the first to know of new Screen Rant content including plenty more content on your favorite animated series throwing tantrums go ahead pick a random episode from any season heck there's probably one on right now because Cartoon Network airs them so much at some point in the episode one of the characters is probably throwing a fit we've seen Robin whine his way through plot after plot the perfect example the episode hose water where the childish actions from cyborg and Starfire caused them to turn into eggs and get transferred to baby land do they learn how to stop their tantrums mature a little and get back to the real world nope the episode ends with all of the Titans now turn to eggs even beast baby seemed more mature than this the saddest part about these characters throwing their tantrums and acting immature is they often do get their way in the end whether they were right or wrong about it becoming a follower a show about superheroes may not be relatable in the form of having powers and stopping crimes but the characters should have qualities that children look to emulate leadership skills and decision-making our skills we can learn from Batman Superman and even the thundermans but not from Teen Titans go Robin is the clear leader of the group but all of the other Titans are clear followers often using Robin as a crutch to make their decisions the whole idea of the characters being followers was even touched upon in the episode except to the next proposition you hear after following Robins orders for too long he wants the other Titans to make decisions for themselves so cyborg becomes a new leader Beast Boy decides to help animal and Starfire enrolls in educational courses just kidding they do nothing worthy of decision-making and literally leave all of their decisions up to the words printed on fortune cookies how does Robin reverse their bad habits when they all turn on him well he doesn't he just ends up using horoscopes and magic 8-balls to give them mindless instructions in the end the Titans go back to their ways have no independent thoughts and hopefully the kids watching can make a decision of their own to change the channel cheating to win how can Teen Titans go help teach the young ones to lose gracefully and practice hard to earn talent well it doesn't on multiple occasions the Titans have resorted to cheating in order to win and many times the cheating fails anyway with no moral compass guiding them Robin and Coe often find ways to cheat out their opponents in all types of competitions in the episode multiple trick pony Robin challenges the uber fast Kid Flash to a race clearly with no great legwork of his own Robin pulls out of staff and clobbers kid flashes knee just before the race begins Robin easily wins the races Kid Flash doesn't get off the starting gate do the other Titans criticize him for his actions nope he's celebrated as the victor and welcomed back as the Teen Titans leader with open arms books are bad you would think after a couple of seasons the animators on Teen Titans go would run out of ideas and start presenting some crazy stories with bad lessons nope the horrible messages begin all the way back in season 1 and show no signs of stopping the episode simply entitled books will not encourage your child to go pick up a library book anytime soon in the episode that would shock both parents and teachers Raven encourages the rest of the Titans to read books a lot of them don't even know what a book is well they start reading find out they enjoy it and things quickly take a turn for the worse characters come alive the Titans battle book characters that are deemed dangerous and cyborg even says that books have become too dangerous to read anymore the Titans end the episode trying to make reading boring again and everyone agrees to give up their new reading hobby without directly saying so the creators of the show basically gave the message that books are boring a nice way to get kids to keep watching the mindless entertainment portrayed on Teen Titans go well at least there some Teen Titans go comics to encourage fans to do a little bit of reading at least money and greed Teen Titans go is filled with dozens and dozens of songs but there's probably one that parents won't want their children singing pyramid mummy money with a large Tower televisions and great technology of their disposal the Teen Titans are really living it up in their animated world despite having so much already the group still craves money and are often involved in greedy plots to get their hands on it and that brings us to Beast Boy song all about money yes we know there are a ton of songs about money but this one takes it to a whole other level it's not just about Beast Boy making a ton of money but using a pyramid scheme to get the task done unfortunately for parents this is not the only time the Titans have been obsessed with money or showcased their greed over materialistic things they teach children that money does bring happiness and having expensive things is cool the show goes a little crazy with the premise including a point where Beast Boy has so much money he eats his own little cash salad no happy endings on a typical family show or cartoon the final moments of an episode typically teach a lesson showcase proper morals or offer up a satisfying conclusion for characters this is not the case at all with Teen Titans go with episodes running at 11 minutes at a time there's only so much time for storytelling Teen Titans go is known for just ending abruptly skipping out on conclusions or letting the villain just get away often the heroes get into a predicament where they don't get out of we're supposed to just ignore the sudden ending and act like it's okay the show uses these non endings for comedic purposes but they really do nothing to help propel the story or teach children about making up for mistakes what happens on the show just happens and that's that and this brings us to our most important lesson of all when you watch Teen Titans go look for tricking Starfire Starfire may have flames on her side but she's definitely not the brightest of the bunch when comparing all the Teen Titans her simple and naive nature makes it easy to convince Starfire to go along with dangerous ideas or plans she often misses the point in conversations and the other Titans will use her to their advantage taking advantage of others is not cool but the Titans act all heroic while doing it just like when taking out an enemy Robin and the others are actually proud when they take advantage of Starfire to get her to go along with their plans we can imagine a ton of older siblings using the Starfire treatment to their advantage as they bully younger siblings and get them to do things without needing to take the blame smart but not cool Starfire has rarely had the chance to get the Titans back and none of them have ever had any consequences for their actions at least give her an episode where she sees right through them all and gets revenge for all the crazy actions of course getting vengeance probably isn't the best lesson either sexist views in the era of me too and multiple women's movements it's a little surprising how sexist Teen Titans go can get especially when exposing these views to vulnerable young minds on one hand we have Starfire and Raven two powerful heroes with the skills to stand on their own on the other hand we have Robin Beast Boy and Cyborg often using stereotypes against them hurling insults against them and teaming up the boys against the girls one of the most obvious examples of these sexist views comes in the episode boys vs. girls the episode features an over-the-top story about Robin Beast Boy and Cyborg making fun of Raven and Starfire for being too emotional this all leads to a competition where the girls easily win but Robins sexist views persist right up to the end of the episode where he gives a speech about how great girls are a speech Beast boy claims only a boy could make the whole episode is basically 11 minutes of gender-based insults the characters hurl back and forth at each other it'll take parents 11 hours just to reverse a child's views after seeing it holiday messages there's nothing better than a great holiday special oh look this shouldn't be too bad Robin and the gang are traveling up to the North Pole wait what are they saying the main meaning of Christmas is getting presents and the end of the episode Santa actually agrees with them all what's happening in a world of home alone the Santa Claus and a Grinch who learns the true meaning of Christmas here we have Teen Titans go telling millions of children that the most important part of Christmas is getting presents yeesh okay let's go back a month to Thanksgiving they must be thankful for something oh no they're going on a Black Friday shopping binge tellin millions of kids that the most important part of Thanksgiving is shopping after the meal no wonder stores are opening earlier and earlier each year we have a whole generation of children who are being taught to spend and buy the best bargain deals every year after Thanksgiving maybe we should just skip over the holiday episodes for now cleaning and hoarding we can only imagine how many children are supposed to be cleaning their room but decide to watch an episode of Teen Titans go instead well we just hope they aren't watching the episode hot garbage or their room may never get clean when you're able to transform into an animal like a pig then your room is likely a pigsty this is the big revelation Beast Boy makes in the episode his room is beyond a mess with garbage piling up and becoming such a mess and nearly ruins the whole Teen Titans Tower so does Beast Boy learn to clean and understand how important it is to keep things clean what do you think even though the other Titans tried hard Beast Boy cannot escape his messy ways and expect many children to follow suit if their favorite hero Beast Boy doesn't keep his room clean then why should they children only get to see the messy side of the Titans and will love to emulate their favorite heroes well we hope a lot of parents were watching and learned a few things about Teen Titans go is there anything we missed let us know in the comment section below don't forget to like this video share it and 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Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 159,301
Rating: 4.540761 out of 5
Keywords: Screen Rant, ScreenRant, Teen Titans Go, Teen Titans, full episodes, Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven, Batman, The Flash, Cartoon Network
Id: KjfKZIEfcdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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