10 Maps That Will Change Your Worldview

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[Music] Maps they're used by people to find things things like pirate treasure or tourist attractions or your mother they can also be used to present interesting data on a global level and so there are countless amazing maps that can help us better understand the world so the next time you hear someone say maps are only for nerds and pirates tell them to shut their dumb Scandinavian mouth when I first saw this I thought it was just a meme but it's legit it shows the Chinese name for each European country directly translated to English and it turns out their name for Island is love your orchid Spain is West clasp tooth Sweden is very lucky soldiers Czechia is victory gram Republic meanwhile they nailed Iceland also Russia which does make sense as Russia borders China Belarus is white Russia which is actually what Belarus means they're also accurate with the UK calling us brave land and with Turkey knowing it as earth ear it's China it's a magical wonderful place this map shows how territory is distributed in the Mexican drug war there are three major players in the war the Gulf Alliance shown in green the Sinaloa cartel shown in red and Tierra Caliente shown in blue named after a part of Mexico they hail from tierra caliente has been rapidly expanding in recent years aggressively going after valuable territory like tijuana and mexico city their presence on the map will likely change soon but we can't say how they are led by a man known as el mentos the top target for the mexican government if he's taken out the cartel will likely disintegrate as a power struggle breaks out as happens when el chapo was arrested he was leader of the Sinaloa cartel whichever time was Mexico's most powerful but after be full of El Chapo the power struggle between his children and one of him mein captain's almost tore the cartel apart it is weakened now but they still own Tijuana and Juarez on the other side you have a Golf Alliance a cobblestone of competing factions claiming to be V successes of Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel two syndicates that fell into chaos after their leaders were taken down this map basically shows what people Google about each country it's called the national obsession map and is mostly shaped by tourism and by what people are just curious about Greenland has land because people are just curious about how much land costs fer Cuba has cigars Tanzania has Safari and Brazil has prostitute but some are more surprising Iran has kidney New Zealand has vasectomy Japan has watermelon apparently because they sell square watermelon there Canada has Passport I'm not sure why anyone would be interested in that breaking stereotypes Saudi Arabia has camel as does Egypt Jordan Israel and Afghanistan China has electronics and Papua New Guinea doesn't seem to exist I've always suspected it wasn't a real place because you never meet a Papua New Guinean and now we know the truth so much of how society is can be explained by language one of the major factors in shaping a cultural identity language plays a part in almost every ethnic conflict among the causes of the Yugoslav wars was that people started to see Croat as a separate language from serb severing one of the few ties that bound yugoslavia together if you don't know language you don't know anything about of a world one of the many dimensions worth looking at is the distribution of second languages that's what this map shows Australia has Mandarin speaking to the countries links with China as well as having a sizable Asian population Australia's economic growth is reliant on China but New Zealand has Maori which more than anything shows how small her population is Belarus has Belarus in' because their first language is actually russian Kyrgyzstan has O's BEC francs this Stalin he read reverb orders to make Soviet stays less like to gain independence because of this there's now a ton of ethnic Uzbeks in kyrgyzstan and vice-versa Argentina has Italian as much of its population are of recent Italian immigrant stock but a lot of other Native American states have native languages Mexico has the Aztec language which a lot of people assume is a dead language but no it's still going strong do you ever wonder what countries are the most great tastic well that's what this map shows some countries are more creepy than others Europe looks like it's been wiped out by a nuclear great winter of Russia really isn't very grape at all nor is africa antartica doesn't seem to have any grapes puffing china's rise to be the world's dominant global superpower is inevitable but varus sense will not be obstacle-free to check the new influence of China the u.s. is forging closer ties with smaller states of Asia but so is China this map shows the result of this country's and blue Evo shifting towards America red are shifting towards China those in green are playing both sides Japan and South Korea and natural allies of the US as is Taiwan fearing China will invade her that same fear has made Vietnam a US ally and causes North Korea to play both sides for decades V Kim dynasty fear China would overthrow them and annex first date but Laos has readily welcomes Chinese influence most interesting is South Asia knowing India is their only real long-term power rival China is encircling her making allies of Nepal Bangladesh Sri Lanka and Pakistan on top of that they're putting huge effort into winning over Burma it is starting to look like India might be in trouble but at least they have a lot of grapes this map shows the location of our world's 50 cities with the highest murder rates every one of them is in the Americas apart from free which are in South Africa America has five Detroit New Orleans Baltimore st. Louie and San Juan Mexico has 12 Brazil has 17 North Korea has none once again Kimi is victorious it is possible the map is slightly inaccurate thanks to a lack of data for example we don't over current murder rate of Sanaa or anywhere else in Yemen but still aliens they're a crafty Bunch always visiting the world in secret abducting cows and annoying farmers not good this map shows the areas and frequency where UFOs have been reported since 1905 with over 90,000 reported sightings going into it there's no doubt of this map is conclusive proof of aliens you'll immediately notice some areas are UFO hot spots Arizona Washington and New Jersey stand out but none stand out more than Illinois there are many theories why so many UFOs are sighted over Illinois it could be something to do if Chicago's main airport one of the busiest in America but closer inspection shows no correlation between sightings and airport activity I think a more likely explanation is that a lot of people who live in the state are secretly alien get this the two senators from Illinois are called dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth those are clearly fake names that aliens it's a state run by aliens [Music] in 1802 Thomas Jefferson predicted verba fate of America would depend on the Mississippi River in short he said that whoever controlled what is now Louisiana could make or break the future of the country to understand why he believed that just look at this map it shows for many smaller rivers were feed into the Mississippi all 7,000 of them this enormous network is America's natural highway system and has proven vital for transportation Commerce and warfare without it the United States might not even exist it was only after the South lost control of a Mississippi and that their chances of winning the Civil War collapsed in 1992 a shipping container was loaded onto a ship bound from Hong Kong to America but then in the middle of the Pacific Ocean it was lost to the waves along with its contents 29,000 rubber ducks and so V fate of those 29,000 docks was left to the current this map shows what route they took within the year they began to wash up on the shores of Hawaii and Alaska years later dogs reached Australia Indonesia and mainland America after a decade at sea dogs were found in eastern Canada Scotland and France if they had been found in all kinds of places even frozen within blocks of ice in the Arctic the Ducks have actually taught us a lot about currents with oceanographer cut his abs Mya studying their movements with thousands of ducks still circulating in the oceans of our world who knows where they will be found next [Music]
Channel: Eskify
Views: 130,560
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Keywords: Maps, amazing maps, geography, China, America, Earth, The world, incedible maps, map, documentary, 10 Maps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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