10 Logic Pro Plugins You NEED TO KNOW

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controversial opinion logic pro has absolutely stellar stock plugins wait is that actually controversial though i'm going to show you 10 logic pro stock plugins that you absolutely need to know and i'm also going to show you some cool ways that i've used them in my own productions on a few it's like a double whammy number one vintage eqs and specifically the pultec inspired eq inside of logic let me guess the eq that you've been spending all of your time using in logic is this guy right here the good old channel eq and while it works great for subtractive eq if you want to use additive eq which is boosting eq frequencies for me i use the vintage pull text style eq or the tube eq all the time for boosting high frequencies and adding in some nice color so if we listen to this piano example right here [Music] while it sounds great if i boost it on the highs and add a bit of drive it sounds like this instead yeah it's pretty amazing and a ton of logic users don't know there are actually three different vintage eqs to pick from inside logic itself and they all have their own unique sound so you should probably give it a try number two the compressors that's compressors with an s that's plural if you open up the logic compressor this is what pops up but a lot of people don't know that you can actually switch between seven different compressor emulations on the top of the plugin nathan why does this matter well it's because each compressor sounds different for example i find the platinum digital compressor to be a super neutral sounding compressor so if you want compression without color this works great and a lot of times i use this as my early compression and i'll use a different emulation to add in some color later on the vca compressor on the other hand is great for adding a bit of color into the sound same goes for the studio fvt and the vintage fvt and the opto or the optical is another very smooth option and if you start using the distortion knob to add some soft or hard distortion you can really color the sound a pretty significant amount do this if you don't believe me put this on a vocal and then just switch between the emulations while playing the audio you'll hear what i'm talking about try it just trust me number three the stereo spreader now while this is a very simple tool it can be so helpful in making a sound more wide so if you have a piano that you want sounding more wide to get a bit more depth you can throw this on and it will certainly help you can use it on guitars pianos and even vocals but be careful because if you use it on a lead vocal for example it can sound a little off balance between the left and the right channels if you don't tweak it so keep an ear up for that you might also want to even try sending your vocal to a bus with stereo spreader on it and mix it into taste so there's a little pro tip bonus for you so here's a vocal without stereo spreader on and then one with it turned on i'm coming back i'm coming back back to where it all started i'm coming back i'm coming back back to where it all started i won't come back i might get lost i'm gonna come back number four okay so just hold on a second because this one is a little bit of a two-for-one it's a plug-in and a pro tip i learned from my buddy forrest whitehead you should subscribe to him as well by the way so number four is using sample delay but use this on vocals to get that doubled vocal sound you can obviously use stereo spreader for some width but sample delay is going to help it actually sound like it was doubled without ever having to track a doubled vocal so open up sample delay to either dual mono or stereo depending on if you're on a stereo or a mono track and then simply turn up the delay just a bit and notice how much this changes the sound on this vocal it's like going back home back to where i belong now the more you crank it the less good it's going to sound for this effect specifically it'll start sounding really kind of separated it's like going back home but if you've already tracked vocals and are like ah dang i wish i would have tracked some doubles and i didn't and now my vocalist is gone and i'm totally screwed don't worry buddy just use sample delay on dual mono or stereo mode and turn it up a smidge number five vocoder synth yes logic has a vocoder built right into it so open up a midi track now it must be a midi track you cannot use this with an audio track so go ahead and open up the vocoder synth when you open it up it's going to look like this we're going to go to the top right and click on the drop down menu for sidechain and select the audio that you want to use the vocoder effect on in this case for me it's a vocal and switch the signal mode to vocal and now when you play this you can use your midi controller to play the notes and it will turn that part into a vocoder that you can now play along with whatever you want now you do have to be playing the track in order to hear it if you just play your midi notes without playing the actual audio you won't hear anything and you'll probably feel kind of dumb so you can mess around with the settings as much as you want which i'm not going to really get into for the purposes of this video but you'll find that you can get a lot of different sounds with it and then i will usually just blend it into taste it's like going back home back to where i belong it's like seeing a friend wishing it'll never end number six since we're talking about vocals vocal transformers so i use this plug-in for really one main purpose and that is changing the formants and pitch overall on vocals very quickly so let's say you have a lead vocal and realize again i wish i would have tracked apart the octave down from the lead well you can actually just double the vocal twice pan one hard right pin one hard left throw vocal transformer on them drop the pitch by an octave which is twelve semitones and then adjust the format so that the two tracks do not have the same format which will prevent any weird phasing problems so quick side note if you drop the octave down you're gonna want to turn the formats down to make it sound a little more like deep but if you bump the pitch up an octave for example you'll probably want to turn the formants up a notch just to make that sound a little more natural and then you can get that super dope sound you sometimes hear and pop or edm tracks with the deep octave vocal doubles but here's what it would sound like using the same track we've been demonstrating with just on a phrase that i've already used a double vocal sound and we'll throw in this effect back to where i belong and you can use this plugin for all sorts of different things like you can even adjust the pitch of hi-hats with this plug-in and automate it so just get creative and try things out it's not limited to vocals only number seven drum synth i will say that you can find lots of crappy drum sounds too but overall it's pretty darn good and definitely usable you can pick from a few different sources and once you pick that source from there you can pick what kind of specific sound you want so if you choose a snare you can use any of these particular snare sounds and then shape them however you like with the controls now for me i tend to use a ton of different resources for drum sounds like battery arcade and a few other drum libraries i have but i do think this is a solid option within logic if you're producing pop hip hop edm or any other genre that would use more electronic drums sadly pretty much all of the logic acoustic drums pretty much sound like crap just saying but here's a quick snippet in the oceanized track that i made with some of these sounds [Music] number eight the midi effects arpeggiator the fact that logic has this built in is super nice and i've used it numerous times a lot of times if i want a pumping bass part using like a synth bass for example i'll actually use the arp on an eighth note so i don't have to you know play the eighth note part and it does sound awesome [Music] all i did was just pull up the midi effects arpeggiator set it to eighth notes and then use that for that pulsing sound sounds great this is like any other arpeggiator you can get very detailed with it and it does have a ton of presets you can use for many different situations you can adjust the velocity if you set it to grid mode you can literally tell it what velocity to play each and every note so it doesn't sound robotic number nine now i'd be a total failure if i did not mention this and that is flex pitch while this is not a plug-in per se that you put on to your actual chain it is still an insanely valuable element within logic but you can literally correct your vocals on a minute level and it works very similarly to any other graphic pitch correction software like melodyne autotune pro's graphic mode or any other option out there so here's just a raw vocal with no flex pitch correction it's been a while since i've seen this place still feels like home but not like it used to and obviously this was a pretty darn good performance but here's that same vocal with flex pitch correction on it's been a while since i've seen this place still feels like home but not like it used to so obviously there's a big difference and as you can hear it does not sound artificial or weird like that terrible auto-tune sound that everyone complains about which i'm also not a big fan of and number 10 quick sampler this is also a relatively new addition to the logic platform from last year's update and it is incredible just made it so much easier to sample literally anything inside of logic and get pretty detailed in what you can do with manipulation all you have to do is grab any audio you want to sample percussion hit vocal anything open up a midi track with quick sampler and drag and drop the audio and most the time you will want to use the optimized option as the selection and quick sampler will automatically find the pitch if there's a pitch and map it out to your keyboard and you can completely manipulate the sound from within that interface and you can get about as detailed as you want and of course from here you can do any additional processing you want in your plug-in chain quick sampler is just another one of those plug-ins inside logic that i come back to over and over and absolutely love using for quick sampling so here's just taking one single palm muted guitar note from what we tracked for this production and how i can manipulate that [Music] if you want to see how i actually use quick sampler to make a vocal pad you can see how i did that with this video right here we'll see you soon
Channel: Nathan James Larsen
Views: 102,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best Logic Pro plugins, best Logic Pro x plugins, Logic Pro plugins, Logic Pro tutorial, Logic Pro x tutorial, Nathan larsen, Nathan Larsen logic, Nathan Larson, Nathan Larson logic, Nathan James larsen, Nathan James larson, Logic Pro plugins you should know, 10 Logic Pro plugins, ten Logic Pro plugins, 10 Logic Pro x pluigins, 10 best Logic Pro plugins, 10 best Logic Pro x plugins, flex pitch, quick sampler, vocal transformer, Logic Pro compressor, Logic Pro eq
Id: s86ebXZ33HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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