10 LIGHTROOM tips to improve your PHOTOGRAPHY editing

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okay I am gonna get siri to edit one of my photographs completely hands off and she's gonna do it for me here we go so what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna go up to this folder Lightroom tips I'm gonna open the raw ones let's select a photo I'm gonna select number 15 that'll do then let's go up and speak to Siri hey Siri use the selected photo into a badass edit black and white inside Lightroom then export it to the desktop and see what happens oh there we go Lightroom hands-free I'm not touching anything right now black and white I guess that's badass export it's gonna put it the desktop and here it is untitled right here right there and voila that's it so that was an absolute lack of course Siri isn't going to edit your photos that was just a video that I made so let's get on a learn how to actually edit in Lightroom my top tip number one in Lightroom is don't be afraid of the auto tone button Lightroom's does an awesome job at kind of analyzing your image jumping in there and giving your edit a kickstart now over time you're gonna be wanting to do your own edits but for sure clicking on the auto tone button is a great help what I often do is I'll come into an image and I just click Auto tone and it's gonna do this edit usually it pulls the highlights down it pushes the shadows up that's what I've noticed it does a lot but it kind of sorts some things out just there command Z just to undo that and what I can do is click on auto tone gives me an idea of the direction and then I can push it further than it went and see if I want to go further or reduce the amount that it actually did but honestly Lightroom really does help you so click the button for auto have a look what it does reset and then go from there that way you're using the power of Lightroom but you're still doing your own edit okay let's move on to tip number two tip number two seems super basic but get it wrong and your image goes from hero to literally zero nobody's gonna like that photograph or Noah's gonna do any sharing of it if the horizon is not level now you do the horizon inside this section just here so you click it at the top here which is your crop and straighten tool and you can see that this horizon is off now if you hover on the side you can move this around and you can try and get one of these lines nice and straight down here but it's actually far ease of it easier than that I'm gonna go back to as shot okay and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click this angle tool just here and what I can actually do is draw a line across the horizon and to end let go and it's going to level that off completely and then I can move the image around if I double click on this what its gonna do is it's gonna bring it out of the crop tool and there we go super simple to do just use that tool to get your horizon perfectly straight tip number three we are going to be staying in side the crop tool and we're talking about those overlays use them and did you know that there's more than one in fact there's loads of them so all you have to do to access them is you're going to get inside the crop tool shortcut is are and you can see we've got this grid over the top here but I don't need a stick with the grid I can hit o just the letter O and it's gonna cycle through all of these different ones and these are actually super super powerful so you got the regular grid you got a wider grid which is your perfect for your third see the coffee cup is in that bottom third just here which is awesome you've got this X which kind of goes dead through the middle where is handles which is great for this image you've got these conjoining kind of lines which does your your thirds half way up and down just kind of weird but it's awesome and then you've got this one which is a kind of different way of looking at thirds it's not really thirds it's a center point with your four sections on each side now this one's a little crazy this is a spiral shape now this is actually a series of numbers which you can it's a mathematical spiral which is using nature all the time but anyway basically it can talk about leading lines bringing the focus into the image so you want to kind of follow those lines great architecture or anything like this you can crop something to do it so you can see the spiral here can actually change the direction of the overlay by hitting shift oh and that's actually gonna rotate that overlay so for example maybe wanted to bring the focus in on the coffee cup using this design well we will just Oh let's undo the lock button there we'd crop this in and say well we kind of want to go right the way into that coffee cup and we want to kind of land it on that and you can see the spiral kind of comes in and it curls into the coffee cup so that can be really helpful so that there use crop overlays to get more creative with your crops don't just think about thirds use a bunch of other things okay so that was number three let's move on to number four so number four is probably my favorite tip I'm gonna give you today this is how to add focus or bokeh or whatever you want to call it to an image artificially in Lightroom let's jump in I'm gonna show you how this works are you gonna use the radio brit brush tool just here i'm gonna double click to reset all of this and all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select this around her face now you can see that we've got a nice feather we're going to increase the feathering so if you hit oh you know that's how you get that overlay on there and what I'm gonna do now is gonna take the brush tool and I'm gonna hit a raise and what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna raise any way that it's touching her eyes just like so and also across her lips now check this next part out this is what's awesome so we're inside edit I'm gonna take down the sharpness to zero now if I hit o and come out of this so that you can just see what I did whatever sin Chi done is added a blur across here but we're not even nearly done yet what I do at this point is a duplicate this and as i duplicate i step it out slightly and then i'll duplicate it again and then i'll step it out slightly again and what i'm doing is i'm just adding more and more layers of this blur to the image but i'm making sure that i don't affect the eyes or the lips every single time so i think that's good you know you can go too far with this but if i come out of this and now i look at the before and the after check that out we've just added so much dynamic focus we've kind of driven the that the focus of the image i straight into her eyes and her lips cuz there can they live on the same focal plane and everything else is blurred away even the tip of her nose will have blurred out just a little tiny bit and that there is how i really like to add some some pole and focus especially on portraits and it literally works on any portrait but let's jump into another portrait because I said portrait there's another one here so I'll just do the same thing again I'll walk through it again I click on this add the radial filter tool I'll do this I'm gonna bring my sharpness down to zero going to brush make sure I've selected a rays and let's just go over her eyes now you might do a far better job of this than what I'm doing come back to the Edit essentially reduce the feathering on this one and we're just gonna go duplicate duplicate I'm gonna move this one out and then check this out for a little bonus as well duplicate this one we're going to make this quite a bit bigger like so we're going to increase the feathering and we're actually gonna bring down the exposure to add a bit of a vignette to that and now when we come out of it and check out the before and the after whoo-hoo we have just brought in so much folk at that as an image now we've just brought in what all of that information like everywhere that our eyes want to go is straight down the barrel of this face which is exactly what I want to do guys I want to share something soup very exciting with you and that is my Lightroom like a pro course it is 100% free of charge it's a three day course all you have to do click the link in the description below sign up and when the course is live I'll email it to you you take it online loads of Lightroom tips completely for free check it out top Lightroom tip number five I've already done this one a bunch of times and that is how to access before and after really quickly now there are features inside Lightroom that you can click and you can kind of compare this version to this version it's the Y Y button but there's also backslash that is the button directly below the delete button that one is right here don't know if it's gonna focus right here the backslash use that and all its going to happen is it's going to show you the before and the after of this so let's jump into this one just here in the develop module okay we've got no edits on this let's throw on a one of my presets morning coffee one of my favorites and let's actually just boost the exposure now I love this and what I might want to do is click why why and by clicking this it'll show me before on the Left after on the right and the great thing is I can zoom in look around the image and it will kind of match it up and what you can do is keep selecting YY and it will do a side-by-side comparison a top and bottom all of these things but actually what I like to do is just hit back splash back splash back slash back splash isn't that what you have like in a kitchen I don't know just hit that and it's going to remove all the edits that you've done apart from the crop it doesn't remove the crop just because that can sometimes get a little bit wacky so let's choose a completely different edit something like this before and after the before goes to the very original of the image itself so that there remember the button underneath delete remember that to be kind of like it's underneath delete your not deleting it you're just removing the edits you're not removing them you're hiding the edits click it again and it brings them all straight back that's that item number six we're gonna stick with removing edits but now I'm gonna show you a couple of little things that you can do so once we've got an edit we got this awesome photograph just here and we've got one of these presets we've gone first city life on here and I can use that back slash button to remove things but that's only temporarily to view it now if I want to reset the whole image I can click reset just here but what that reset does there is it resets absolutely every single thing so let's go for something which is far more dramatic on this just so we can kind of see it we're gonna go for this Eastman super X which looks freaking awesome that is dope look at that and you've got all sorts of different edits going on reset I've got to reset the whole thing and start again well instead what I can do is on absolutely anything I can just double click it double click any name any title of anything and it will reset it double click reset and it'll just reset that one slider so that's how you can do super specific resets now let me show you one other thing which isn't resetting it's just hiding a specific edit and it will keep this when you export so for example let's say that we wanted to just hide the HSL panel I click on the little toggle here on the on the left of this right-hand panel click it and it'll actually turn that whole section off and if you turn it off it won't be apparent when you export it so that's a pretty cool little way of turning little things on and off item number seven is one of the most overlooked sections inside Lightroom and that is the luminance panel because nobody knows what luminance is basically I see luminance as a how reflective is something to light so how much light does it reflect off meaning how bright is it so you go into HSL on the side hue saturation and luminance and luminance is the bottom one here now if you don't see it like this you may be selected on something like this luminance or you might have color selected where you're doing it color but it's all the same my recommendation is just click on HSL all and then you've always got everything on show luminance is the bottom section here few things to know let's look at blue because this is the ocean on this image here if I increased luminance meaning more is more reflective to light you can see it gets lighter and if I go the opposite direction it gets darker so let's pick another one let's look at the sand here where which is in orange gets lighter and gets darker and it's look at all the details that have come back in when I've gone all the way to the left so for this image it looks amazing to actually reduce luminance of the oranges now one of the top tip that you can do for this if you don't know where a color lips you can click on this little dot here and you can select anywhere on the image and just slide up or down whichever colors live within your selection selection pixel it'll move those areas around so I can go around the image very quickly moving all sorts of different elements around what is it good for oceans trees for landscapes for greens actually grass and trees don't live in green very much to live in yellow and also amazing disguise let's see if we got a sky on one of these let's bring up this first image that we looked at here watch this sky blue boom absolutely awesome use the luminance tool okay guys it's giveaway time and I'm gonna do this all in just one breath I'm gonna give away my black-and-white Lightroom presets completely for free for one of you guys all you have to do is thumbs up this video to like it and write in the comments below what is your favorite lightroom feature and i will be slicing one of you guys to win yes free things item number eight we're gonna be looking at the brush tool and the healing brush tool and can you draw dead straight lines well in lightroom you actually can with this little tip right here so if you were to be using say the healing brush tool just here i wanting to raise this whole line down here now what you might try and do is kind of draw it but you might end up doing something like I just did and kind of missing it instead what you can do is you can click and then you before you click anywhere else you ignore this you hold down shift and then click at the other end and what it's actually gonna do is it's gonna figure it out and it's gonna draw a perfectly straight line like so and then what we can do here is I'm just gonna remove the other one just to prove their deal it all works and voila we got rid of the entire thing because we were able to draw that dead straight line let's go to the brush tool I'll show you this don't we fear ever need to do this but I want to show you anyway we're gonna click at one side here and then we're going to click on the other side here and voila we've got a perfect line so technically I could like draw things I don't know why you'd want to draw anything at all and if you keep holding it down and clicking you can keep on drawing straight lines maybe it's a thing probably not though but you can guys we've got a winner a few weeks ago I did a video where I compared the iPhone 10x max to the canon C 200 cinema camera and I said that I was gonna give away a full set of my video Luntz and we have a winner the winner I just selected it at random is Gary Raynaud's don't you can see that just here Gary ray knows who wrote thanks for the video Atlas I can't wait to try your Lots well you're gonna try them and completely for free so if you are Gary arenas I have responded to your comment get in touch and I will send you my lots completely for free for anybody else out there the one is to check them out head over to photos in color calm or the link is in the description top tip number nine is something built into lightroom and people often avoid it because they're not quite sure how it works and that's virtual copies I'm just going to show you the basics behind this because it's kind of Awesome what you can do inside Lightroom is take any image let's take this image just here and you can create another copy right click and select virtual copy and what you'll see down here we now have two let's do another virtual copy so I'll select both of them do virtual copies now now I got four of the same image but on the hard drive on my computer I still only have one because it's a search was a fake copy why would you want to do that well maybe I want to sell multiple send multiple versions to a client maybe I want to create some different ones for Instagram to get loads of likes maybe I just want to see what different things are well super easy so the first one let's do this one orange and teal then let's do a call black and white version on the second one let's do that looks kind of cool then let's do a one that's completely different we'll do an instant film a Polaroid fade on that lab looks I really like that one then let's do something different again art film because I know I've got a couple in here which are a little little more bold let's say that one looks cool and now if I come back to the library module let's just select all of these and look at this now I have one two three four completely different edits and I did it just like that so fast I don't have to do anything else I can now export these for there's four different versions virtual copies one of the most powerful things that exist inside lightroom and item number 10 here we go I love this one and that is lights out you use the button l sorry if I keep looking up here guys this is where my screen is and I'm not used to working this close but lights out you basically touch L and it makes everything gray you hit L again and it makes everything black it allows you to look at your images you can dive into your images really easily and see it all now if it's not taking up the whole screen which is not doing right now easy hit tab and it'll get rid of those side panels hit shift tab it'll get rid of the filmstrip at the bottom so hit L again to take lights out off and let me show you those side panels because that's kind of kind of tip number 11 here hey you guys you got a bonus one watch this if I hit tab ready for the side panels boom gone film strip shift tab boom gone bring it back all I got to do hit shift tab again the great thing about is that's got a develop module I'm looking at this image I'm like oh it's kind of cluttered around here and I don't know what I'm doing cool shift-tab all gone press l2 for lights out whoa now I can go through my photos and I can also scroll through all of my photographs just because we're in the film strip it's that easy so simple so that there is my top ten tips with a few bonuses thrown in for Lightroom classic CC but remember Siri will not edit your photos now guys go sign up for Lightroom like a pro my completely free course for Lightroom click on the description below my name is Ed Gregory and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ed Gregory
Views: 464,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photos In Color, Ed Gregory, Lightroom classic cc tutorial, Lightroom tips and tricks, lightroom tips, lightroom portrait editing, photography tips and tricks, Lightroom editing, Lightroom presets, Lightroom CC tutorial, peter mckinnon lightroom, photography editing, Lightroom tutorials for beginners, photography editing tips, lightroom tricks, photography hacks, Lightroom tips for portraits
Id: i4oxIPnvy2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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