10 Life Hacks with PVC #26

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welcome a specific lot this is the 26th edition of ten life acts with PVC but this is a special edition because now all I am I going to show you some really cool ideas I'm gonna show you how to get a discount on some of these products let's begin now let's say you're working with a long piece of PVC on some type of a structure for example I say a greenhouse that arches up and down now if you were to try and add some support to the top say like a backbone to it and you cut to the top that's gonna spring apart you're pumping never get that back together now here is what they call a slip cross you slide it over one in you put it in a position that you would like and then you can add the pieces of pipe that you want your good thing about it spins around and it moves around so that way you have a little additional movement in case the wind tries to pick it up and blow it at least that way you don't have to worry about something snapping now here's another great idea if you take another piece of PVC and you slide it on this would be great for kids you can hook up some string and some plates and show them how measurement works or even better add an end cap set this up and now you have a propeller and you can make them at plane so that's a great idea to use with a slip cross now this next product is a really cool idea I'm surprised nobody has actually come up with it until this company did now if you have to pipe set cross say you're building a large structure and they can rub back and forth you can always get a tee but I requires you to cut and glue and it can be kind of a pain but if you just want to do something quick this is what they call a snap cross now this is one of their snap clamps that they've attached to a second one but now they've put so they can easily attach to different pipes the best part about it is it moves so if you're sitting something up and you want to attach together but you have to change it just a little bit you can now this is a one inch version here is a half inch version and they have a few other sizes as well but this is a great idea if you're trying to build something large and you're gonna have some pipes that are gonna cross each other so you can put these two gather and you can real easy they just take you need to snap right on exactly where you want them and you can move them so make sure you check these out now let's say you want to put a curtain or sign over an existing rope or cable that runs through your yard now you can just put it up and the winds gonna blow and eventually it's gonna fall off it is unless you use this this is called a cable clamp this fits right over your the existing cable a rope that is currently in your yard it holds down whatever you need in this case it's just a shirt but I can yank on this and it is not coming loose now these clamps come in a variety of sizes or whatever size you need to fit over the cable that you need and to remove it it's very simple just peel it up you can easily remove whatever you have then this next piece is called a snap frame this right here attaches straight to your PVC just snaps right over but it has a nice groove here but using that groove you can create a full frame that way you can put up in this case I'm just using some pegboard but you can use the sine or whatever you'd like it makes it great temporary signage and you can put this I'll have some tees at the bottom and I can go ahead and put this on some stands and put this out for display or if I could hang this up on a wall whatever you need it makes a great little framing structure for whatever kind of sign you have now if you had a PVC structure up for a while you know that over time there's a chance especially in the long spans for it to warp a little bit well what's the common way to fix it you go get you a tea you very carefully cut it measure it all out pull these apart make sure you have it just right put the cement in place wait for it to dry it can work but it can be an ordeal that is now unless you use they call a sidesaddle tee now all this does is easily stop up another piece of PVC and then it clamps onto the existing pie for example let's say this right here is your structure you clamp it right over and now that span that is slightly worked all you have to do is adjust the length of your support bar and can easily give it a lot more support next up is what is referred to as a table cap now this is a two inch version which accepts is the two inch pipe but it has three spots that you can put screws in which allow you to attach it to stuff then you can attach a two inch pipe and you can make this a stand or you can make this maybe a pole or whatever you'd like now if you take two of these and attach them each to its own independent piece of wood put you pipe in between there you go nice lightweight table stand now this is what you call a snap tab it has a flat back surface and a nice clamp right there in the middle that makes you really easy that you can attach it to your PVC or your structure or whatever you've built and it just holds nice and tight the great thing about this is that you can put maybe a sign or maybe it's over a window you put like a cover to a window to protect it or in the case here I just attached a piece of wood that way you can put your little sign on there or attach this just for looks I also found another great usage for me now since I do a bunch of stuff with PVC if you attach one of these to your door to your wall you can then take your PVC structure snap it in place and they'll stay right there for every one of you now here's your really cool product this is an internal coupling now yes they do sell external couplings and if you're trying to combine two pieces of PVC but it's gonna be nice and bulky it just isn't gonna look all that pretty let's say you wanted to tough that leaves a little more well incognito you get Wendy's internal couplings you can slide it in one side and slide it in the other and now as long as your cut here on your PVC is nice and smooth it's going to be a real pretty fit the best thing about it is if you look there it is nice and smooth and you don't really see it so if you're trying to do maybe a smart project or maybe you're doing a long span just trying to connect some nice PVC together and just people a nice smooth look appearance to it but is a great way to use one of these internal couplings and though this is the one inch size I also have it here in half inch size and you can do the same again nice and smooth you don't have to see it but it does hold it together nicely now if you've ever tried to use plastic or a tarp to drape over a large object whether you're just trying to protect it or just trying to cut down on some of the wind it can be challenging because this is constantly blowing and blowing and you're fighting it well if you take some PVC pipe and you roll up over it and secure it to it now you can have a nice secure pool over a long stretch well here's one step better these are little hooks that you can use to pull the PVC now one of them has just a secondary hook to let attach a rope and this one has an actual carabiner in either case you just snap them on and it's a tight fit so that it stays secure one on one side one the other or you can use these independently it's your choice but now you can roll up your tarp or your plastic and you have a great way to pull these you know you have a secure pull on each side this also works great if you're trying to secure your tarp to the ground put these hooks on and now you can attach a rope to each side and they'll securely pull it down if you've made a large structure with PVC they've got your greenhouse or something along those effects it's always gonna do you have some kind of a door so you can get in and get out pretty easily but what's your standard PVC you're kind of limited I mean I guess you could tape it together but that's not gonna last that is until now these are called snap hinges they fit right over your frame and door snapping real securely together it's made of aluminium so it should last a long time and now you could easily pivot that door and have that security you need with easy access now most Center products you've seen this video come from a company called circle innovations they make a bunch of cool specially type PVC and PVC related type products that make your builds and projects much simpler and easier now I've worked out a deal with them to get you a discount of 10% on your first purchase in the next 90 days now the odds and chances of specialty type PVC products actually having a discount is very rare so make sure you take advantage of this now I'll put a link to their website and other information needed in the description below so make sure you check it out and take advantage of this opportunity now if you enjoyed this video make sure you click the like button tell us what you're thinking about in the comments and as always have fun building [Music]
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Views: 761,337
Rating: 4.7633829 out of 5
Keywords: pvc life hacks, pvc lifehacks, life hacks, 10 life hacks, pvc pipe, pvc hacks, pvc ideas, pvc projects, pvc, plastic pipe, plastic pipe ideas, plastic pipe projects, make life easier, life hacks for real life, life hacks everyone should know, life hacks with pvc, lifehacker, #lifehacks, hacks, 10 life hacks with, life hacks for home, 10 Life Hacks with PVC
Id: LqscGNTaG9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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