10 Lessons from 10 Years as an SEO Specialist

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hey so i've been doing seo every single day since 2011 and i started my seo company gotcha seo in 2013 and since then i've made millions of dollars online through seo services seo training and even affiliate marketing and the best part is i've accomplished all of it by being my own boss and having the luxury of working from anywhere in the world so with that humble brag out of the way why am i telling you this well it's because i feel that it's my duty to help as many people as possible to learn about seo and the reason is simple seo changed my life and i've gotten everything i want in life just by learning this powerful skill and here's the deal i didn't come from a wealthy family i didn't have any experience in business or grow up selling lemonade and i didn't have any capital to start except for a credit card with a 500 limit all i did was discover this amazing skill of seo and went all in on it now before you watch this entire video i want to make sure this is right for you this video is perfect for you if you're just starting out and want to build a career in the seo industry or you're already in the seo industry and you want to take it to the next level so if that sounds like you i'm going to share 10 life-changing lessons that have allowed me to become one of the highest paid and most sought-after seo experts in the world and watch until the end because tip number seven will help you crush any income plateaus that you'll encounter let's jump right in so lesson number one is client seo makes everything easier so let me be the first to say this affiliate marketing creating courses or even starting your own e-commerce business are all terrific ways to make money online with your seo skills but if you're starting out there's one thing that will stall your growth or even possibly kill your venture a lack of capital or in other words a lack of cash flow in fact according to a study conducted by cb insights 29 of small businesses failed because they ran out of cash and that's why i always recommend that beginners get into client seo right away and so there are a lot of people pushing newbies into affiliate marketing but this is a big mistake to produce income with affiliate marketing you need to produce content and acquire backlinks both of which cost money so if your budget is tight it's going to take you years to get any traction on the other hand you accelerate your results by simply having more cash to invest in your projects and that's what makes client seo so powerful you can take your profits from working with clients and reinvest them into your other projects and you don't need to focus on building the world's biggest seo agency even just generating 10k per month in client seo profit will put you ahead of 99 of people so let's move on to lesson number two which is nothing replaces experience at the end of the day you can watch every youtube video on my channel read every blog post and sit and think about seo all day but nothing will change until you actually get your hands dirty the real mastery comes from actually doing the work and that's the only way to build real long-term expertise and every time you take action and learn from your mistakes and successes you'll experience a compound effect meaning you get better and better the longer you do it and the key is to make sure you're always learning from your mistakes and always trying to level up and that brings me to the third lesson which is focus on lead measures now there are two variables you need to track to achieve any goal first you need a lag measure which is the primary goal that you can't control today for example a lag measure is i will easily make twenty thousand dollars per month from seo services by december 31st this is a lagging goal because it's the product of work that's done today the work is what produces the results and those are your lead measures a lead measure that may help you achieve the example goal of twenty thousand dollars per month from seo services would be i will reach out to 10 local businesses every single day and offer a free seo audit now notice that this is action oriented the key point here is that you need to focus on the output because that's where all the magic happens number four is to live within your circle of influence the concept of the circle of influence is from seven habits of highly effective people and it's how i personally live my life i spend 99.9 of my working day focused on things that i can actually control and i block out all distractions and ignore all things that are outside of my control this subtle shift can change your life all you have to do is focus on taking action and shut off all the noise that means blocking your social media feeds with a plug-in like news feed eradicator and blocking distracting websites using block site the fifth lesson is to leverage your skill to diversify your income streams so when the pandemic hit and the economy tanked my business has suffered and i'll be honest i was pretty scared and didn't know how bad it was going to be however i did have the confidence that my businesses would make it out because i had spent the last several years diversifying my income streams and at one point i relied 100 on client seo and realized that this is dangerous so then i diversified into affiliate marketing and created my own seo training program that way if one of these vehicles tanks the business can still thrive now keep in mind that i'm diversifying within my circle of competence i'm not going out there and entering new verticals that i have no experience in that's extremely risky instead i double down on my seo skill set i can't stress this enough because yesterday was the best day to start diversifying your income and today is the second best day the sixth lesson is that you should aim to be more than an seo specialist have you ever heard of the idea that your income is directly proportionate to the amount of value you add to the marketplace well it's the most important idea you can get out of this video listen if you want to increase your income you must increase your value in the marketplace it's that simple and when i was new to seo i thought 50 per hour was insane now i charge a thousand dollars per hour for seo consulting so how did i make that leap well it's because i increased my value by a improving my seo skill set and b adding supplementary skills to my tool belt you can do the same i highly recommend learning skills like conversion optimization paid ads sales funnels copywriting persuasion relationship building pr and most importantly sales and lastly if you really want to level up you need to have your own projects projects where you are solely responsible for the success or failure and you'll be shocked how fast you learn when you have skin in the game now the seventh and arguably the most important lesson is that systems produce predictable outcomes think about this what would happen if toyota tried to create a car from scratch every time without any systems well it would be horrifying because every car would be different and likely very dangerous so then why do so many seo gurus rely on their experience instead of building systems it's a huge mistake the best seos on the planet take the experience that they have in their mind and put it into a repeatable but organic system a system that team members can be trained on so that you can produce predictable seo results every time and that makes your seo business more efficient and effective and it helps you drive better results for your clients the truth is systems are the lead domino for any seo company's long-term success and that's exactly why i created gotcha seo academy it's simply the exact system i've used and refined over the years working on hundreds of successful seo campaigns so just go to gotchaseo.com apply if you're interested moving on to lesson number eight which is you are who you surround yourself with and you've probably heard the idea that you're the sum of the five people you surround yourself with well you may be sick of hearing it at this point but truer words have never been spoken according to a study conducted by oxford roughly 80 to 90 percent of people who lost more than 20 pounds through dieting gained all the weight back within three years now there are many variables into why this happens but one is rarely mentioned which is who you surround yourself with for example if you spend your time with people who see the benefit of proper nutrition and exercise and believe that staying fit is important then you're likely to maintain similar standards and the opposite is true as well now i won't be labor this point but if you want to take your seo skills your business and your personal development to a whole new level you need to surround yourself with people who have already achieved the goals you're aiming for just remember that you are who you surround yourself with and now we're almost at the home stretch the ninth lesson goes along with my previous point but you can cheat to get ahead in other words you can accelerate your results times 1 000 by finding someone who has already achieved the goal you're trying to achieve and learning from them i promise you there is no bigger shortcut in life you still have to get your hands dirty to learn but you can avoid thousands of the micro mistakes that an experienced person has made just by learning from them so what may take you 10 years to learn your own without a mentor may only take you a year when you're working with someone who knows what they're doing and has the experience and i've experienced this firsthand in my business countless times i spent years trying to figure out facebook ads out on my own and i couldn't generate a profitable campaign so then i got fed up and decided to learn from an expert maxwell finn within a month i launched my first profitable campaign because of his guidance time is not a renewable resource find experts and learn from them the end and last but not least number 10 never stop learning and there are two quotes that explain this way better than i can live as if you were to die tomorrow learn as if you were to live forever a man who asks is a fool for five minutes a man who never asks is a fool for life the truth is there will never be a time in your life when there isn't more to learn it's never ending and that's why you must adopt a learner's mindset even if you don't consider yourself a learner you should train yourself to become one it wasn't easy for me in school but i developed into a learner after graduation you can do it too so i hope these lessons serve you well and if you got some value please like this video and subscribe to my channel thank you so much for investing your time into watching this video and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nathan Gotch
Views: 5,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo, seo specialist, seo expert, become seo specialist, become seo expert, how to become an seo specialist, how to become an seo expert
Id: GJiX-qfUmDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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