10 JAPANESE WORDS We Say in HAWAII That Don’t Mean the Same in JAPAN

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as someone who grew up in hawaii i speak pidgin sometimes and in pidgin language there are these like japanese words that i just assumed were from japan or are japanese but then i married someone from japan and i used those words and you had no idea what i was talking about right mm-hmm i thought you're speaking some kind of different language i was like what are you talking about so let's go over 10 japanese words that we use in hawaii but that aren't actually used much in japan now some of these words are just very uncommon but a lot of them they don't mean the same thing and by the way in linguistics these types of words are called loan words in case you're curious boca bocho means bath and usually we use it for like little kids like oh okay i'm gonna give our son bocho like give him a bath when i first moved here and then you're like oh i'm gonna take bocha i was like like and you're like oh yeah it's bath and then you thought that was originated from japan i was like no we don't call it bocha we use we'll see what word my son learns probably but we use bocho if you're from hawaii you know what this means is that spot on the top of your head where you it's kind of like your balding spot as a kid that's where like where your hair spirals the saying is like oh like if you see if you see like a big one like a big spiral or you see multiple spirals the kid is like very wild so that that's what they say it's like kitty kitty yeah so for our son he has two eggs on top of his head just like you right you got it from you uh oh i guess what yeah but i only see one though but people said that to your mom oh yeah she you have two or something oh really oh i also only had one we come across this a lot in hawaii like i was carrying our son and then this lady was like oh wow two kitty kitties it's gonna be wild and i was like yeah he's pretty active so we call those spots um to mooji but then girigity itself um it's we use it as a word it means like to reach towards the top or the to the maximum like let's say oh for the ohuro you pour the water as much as possible like [Laughter] but then when i first heard people say giddy oh you're sad skir giddy and i'm just like i was like what like chris had to explain to me what john can pull in hawaii this is rock paper scissors right you go john cam po i can show right that's rock paper scissors here in hawaii but in japan what do you guys call it i got so in japanese when you play rock paper scissors like use rock black pepper scissors i think in english you could just continue to say rock paper scissors rock paper scissors but if we both put put out the same say they show me [Music] [Music] john can pull oh okay so there's a winner and then you reset next word is gigi and this is one that i know the grandmas all use in hawaii it means like dirty like that's gg like don't put that in your mouth because it's dirty so that's how we use it here in hawaii i assumed this was japanese but so how how would you say like that same idea in japanese gg if you say gg that's like kind of saying uncle in really bad way like gg like you wouldn't call that you wouldn't want to use gg in public so the next word is hanabada which is like boogers it's like yeah runny nose like hanabada and so in hawaii that's pretty much what you call it you also refer to like childhood days we say hanabada days that means like small kid time like childhood yeah so but hanabada is mostly like yeah that's not japanese hannah is no no sorry but i don't know where ba came from in japanese [Music] and i know that they use musubi in japan but in hawaii musubi when you say musubi people have like an image of what musubi means it's like spam musubi or like you know like basically like rice ball with nori but like spam should be right that's what we call it but then in japan what is the more common term we call it yeah some people use musubi but you put o in france yeah or it's like the small uh rice cracker that we eat in hawaii and it's salty it's not sweet it's it's pretty salty i guess is there kaki mochi it's more like more known word to refer to kakemochi's in hong kong oh okay yeah but japan japan we usually ossen we we use sanders because means small small zombies you know yeah but um yeah not the mochi i've never heard kakemoto before okay i moved here so this next word is and yeah locally it means like grumpy so i used to have this shirt that used to have habutero on it and it would be like grumpy usually habu is like kind of a grumpy japanese man so habukero means nothing in japanese i've never heard that term in japanese so how would you describe like grumpy someone who's grumpy not in a good mood [Music] then we have simon if you grew up locally you've eaten probably a lot of simon but if you're not from hawaii it's like noodles in uh shrimp broth and um usually there's like a piece of pork in there egg fish cake um very very good like good to eat on a very cold day i was surprised when i went to japan and there wasn't simon i know it's ramen but not ramen is more like the term that we use yeah the noodle itself and simon is it's similar to um to the ramen i think yeah remember the one in kauai oh means noodles were like it was really close to the ramen noodles in um in japan i was really amazed it was so good oh my gosh i want to fly to kauai for that but um yes i mean sign me i don't think there is such a term well we went to the okinawan festival oh yeah that was like that was exciting that was exciting like i was so surprised when i ate it because i'm like uh you know i gotta eat this what am i eating and then as soon as i ate it i'm like horse is good because it it like triggered that simon taste and yeah so i was like oh yeah it's good and the last word is shibai and shibai in hawaii it kind of means like lies so again it's i thought it was japanese but it's like yeah this means like lies but what does she buy meaning she by means um to act or like or um performances like she buy you go see performances like she buy so it's kind of it's i guess because lying is kind of part of acting so it's kind of similar but it sounds like they're kind of similar yeah i mean it is it has a different meaning but then like i guess it's understandable to know where the i guess i don't know why that i don't know divorces words are quite similar yeah all right well i hope you enjoyed this video uh i definitely learned some things and these are some of the words i picked up and i'm sure there's more out there but these are the ones that i thought were the most interesting again as someone who grew up here i just assumed that these words were like real japanese words but a lot of them are so anyway good to know good to know so please let us know what you think in the comments below thanks for watching and aloha you
Channel: Hello From Hawaii
Views: 31,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living in hawaii, Life in hawaii, what is it like in Hawaii, Moving to hawaii, hello from hawaii, hawaii, oahu, honolulu, hawaii life, life on hawaii, hawaiian life, japanese words in hawaii, japanese words in hawai, hawaii japanese words
Id: xTz1H6hLnOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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