10 Interesting Things that WORK you MUST BUY in JAPAN

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Hey guys, it's Kim down here welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to be showing you guys ten different Japanese adventures that actually work most of the stuff are actually all beauty related So I'm going to show you guys like a bunch of products that I thought were really unique and cool and that I actually really Liked so, let's get started just before I start the video if you haven't yet subscribe to my vlog channel down below I post a lot of logs of my life in Japan, but if you guys want to keep up to date with me just see what I get up to on my adventures that make sure you subscribe to that channel also subscribe to this channel if you Haven't yet as well and also follow my social media I'll link that or down below. So make sure you check out everything in the description box below most of the items I'm going to show you our all beauty related anyways, so let's get straight onto the video the first Item which I love so so So much And I recommend to everyone you must try this out is The hot eye mask this mask is so popular in Japan a lot of people come over from different countries and they stock up on this item because It's not too expensive In Japan now the amazing thing with this mask is that you don't even have to heat it up You just put it on it instantly it will react and heat up for you I especially love wearing these masks when I have a really long day And I'm really tired when you put it onto your eyes It will heat up, and it just feels so relaxing and you're just fall asleep almost instantly or not really instantly But you will sleep easier, so if you have trouble sleeping I definitely recommend you try one of these masks when I went traveling I gave some of these masks to my cousin because she was having trouble sleeping because of jetlag and When she wore does she just passed out and fell asleep. I also love wearing these on airplanes You just put it on and I know you just feel instantly relaxed, and you fall asleep, then you wake up And you've land at any destination you know now with this product Yes, it does get a bit too hot sometimes so when I sleep I just take it off by myself And then I wake up and then it's just next to me so I mean it's not going to burn you or anything like that It's a great item for traveling especially if you're having a very long day so Definitely recommend you get a bunch of these if you go to Japan next is the cannibal avatar Beauty whip soap now this has been Super duper popular in Japan it used to be very hard to get this item you're sold out everywhere So I managed to finally get my hands on one of these what it is is that it's just a face wash But the unique thing about it is that it comes out as a Bouchet Look at that it is very foamy so you can use this to wash your face so easily look at that It has a texture of whipped cream so the rose foamy is really cool Why do you have to be careful about is that a little goes a long way and when I first use it? I just kind of Kept the pump down and it kept on coming out And I had way too much foam the foam does have a rose fragrance so if you don't like products with fragrances Then you can give this one a Miss now face wash itself I found that it was actually really good and not drying at all and it actually has two types of hyaluronic acid Inside this product as was rose water to help with the dryness of your face I'm all about the packaging so definitely think this is a great item. Next is a silicone moisturizing mask now I've got this mask from Daiso and it is pretty popular in Japan what it is is that it's just a Silicone mask which you put over your face mask so I don't know about you guys, but for me I always have a problem, or issue with face masks being way too big for my face and Because it's too big sometimes. I don't stick as well so the face mask I'm using here it actually fits quite well But usually they are way too big for my face Now what this does is that it holds the mask in place so if I use a face mask that's too big for my face Then I just put the silicone mask on top of the base mask And it just holds it in place and what I also like about it. I keep sort of moisture on to my face It doesn't really evaporate out so quickly now. You can use this mask for other stuff as well for example You can use it for face masks Or you can use it for lotions as well sleeping masks so once you put on lotion you can put it on just to keep Order moisture onto your face and best of all it's from Daiso So it's only $1 for the items so really affordable And it works really well Next item are the heat packs now you may have heard me talk about this in many of my videos before Because these are absolutely amazing and I feel that more people should know about this these heat packs you stick them onto your clothes So what I like to do it on a really cold day I just put them onto my under I guess under closer on my heat tech or on my singlet something like that and It just hit up like honestly. It's the most Amazing feeling ever especially when it's a really cold day And you've got these heat packs on and you kind of like press it against your body it feels so good So lonely guys are asking me how I wear skirts and stuff in winter well I put one on two heat packs onto my clothes And it just heats up so much that it just feels okay when I went to like Europe I bought these along with me because it was kind of cold there And I gave this to my family member so very like surprised and shocked at how cool This was and I just couldn't believe that not many other countries use these but in Japan It's very common And it's super cheap to buy these I got a pack of these for about a dollar for ten of them I believe so there Are two different types the one that you have in your hand like you know the ones that you shake up And then you just hold it'll put in your pocket and it heats up that works pretty well But I don't really like it as much as these ones these ones other ones that stick onto your clothes So what you have to do is look for this specific kanji Which is hotter that just means to contact so if you can't deal with called pretty while you probably Don't need this like it's not a necessity. You don't need it, but it just feels so much better when you wear it I don't think you understand until you actually try that for yourself because I always fall. It's okay I don't need any of this stuff. I can do a cold very well, but after I tried this out I Have been converted. I cannot go back next I got some compression slimming socks now even though these are called slimming socks Don't be fooled because it doesn't help you lose weight It doesn't help your legs look thinner in any way and most it just helps your blood circulate a bit better Now you guys may have seen the purple version of these socks which are very popular I've got the pink version Which is the warm one because I always have a problem like I really hate it when? My feet are super cold or when my legs are very cold when I sleep so These ones actually warm up your legs and feet while you sleep and these are great for days when you walk around in high heels For example for the whole entire day and your feet hurt like hell ladies You know what I mean, and you just want your legs to calm down and relax So this works really well you put this on when you go to sleep when you wake up the next day I feel that my next don't feel as sore as They would if I weren't wearing these socks so even though they are called slimming softs They aren't slimming soft and not going to make you thinner but they do help your legs relax a lot And they work really well for that I love how these ones warm up so much so especially when I'm sleeping it just feels so good It's definitely a product you guys should check out especially if you wear high heels very often speaking about feet I do have another item that can help out your tide legs And this is the cure soccer pigeon now these are opposite to the hip sauce I'll show you guys before because these ones are cooling sheets and these are meant to relieve pain if you've been running around all day Or you've been standing up in the same spot all day or walking around all day These sheets help your muscles relax and kind of give you like a massage Feeling to help your feet feel more comfortable or your legs now typically people put this on I guess after when they have a buff Or just before they go to sleep so when you put them off there You can look like Jo patches and also these sheets help hydrate your feet as well next item. I have the slq lady warmer and This item is meant to be for your period pains what it is It's kind of like a little pillow with beads in it and you put this inside the microwave heat it up And then you just put it on your stomach And it just makes you feel more relaxed when you're on your period so the packaging looks like this and then We get your warmer. I just have to say that material feels so good here It just feels so soft and it's like a soft bean bag It doesn't feel very heavy at all when you put this in some microwave it heats up Obviously, and you just put it onto your stomach and your period pains will feel so much better now ladies You know how it feels like when you get your period and sometimes you just kind of get that pain Sometimes it just feels really bad, but you can't do anything about it, and you just want something warm Just to put on tea tubby to help it You know relax a little bit And this item is just perfect for that if item is a mega riddim same heat sheet So this item was made by the same company who made the hot I masks and for the ladies that have really bad period pains This item is for you with the packaging it looks almost identical to the hot iron mask so you know when you have really bad period pains and you just Wish there was something really warm that you can you know cuddle or just something warm in general like you just wish it was Warm and if it's warm it just makes me feel so much better all right so this item heats up for about five to eight Hours and it just really helps you relax for a day, I mean I do have period pains but it's not to the point where it's Unbearable but for those that do have that problem Then I really can you try out this item because when I use this during my period it just feels a lot more calm In that area if you know what I mean And I definitely feel that it helps with the pain that this item may not be as I guess cool as the other item but It's much more convenient cuz you can just stick it on just Heats up by itself next is a secure chicken are shown a pillow this one once again Just kind of helps you relax your muscles and just heat up Seems like I like a lot of items that heat up But I kind of help it just feels really nice when you're wearing stuff. That's so warm and I know just helps me to relax Especially after a really long day so any of you guys can relate, but I really like products that warm up anyway this is a shoulder pad has instructions over here on how long you should be microwaving at 40 if you've got a 500 Watts only microwave for two minutes 600 watt one minute fifty seven hundred watt one minute and thirty seconds once again, it warms up And then you just plop this onto your shoulder like so and it just helps you relax now this item is good Especially if you have a lot of shoulder pains it really helps relieve the stress it is Recommended that you wear this for about 25 minutes, but you can only use this about three times unfortunately so I bought this when I was moving apartments because I was carrying a lot of heavy stuff and My shoulders hurt so much when I put this on it Just felt amazing and also I guess if you're working in an office So you're sitting on a computer all day Your shoulders tend to get very stiff so that is why you've got stuff like this to help you final Item is that you say though the collagen drink now I've shown this in my videos before but I do think that it actually works now This is kinda like a vitamin drink, and this apparently is the best collagen drink available And it's also immensely kind of soft on your wrinkles a little bit I mean, I don't have any wrinkles now, but I guess prevention is key right anyway I've tried this before and I thought that yes, it does work fine face I think it does feel a bit better after I drink, but you have to drink one like every day for it to work So I drank one every day for I think about five days, and yes my skin did look brighter healthier But I had to drink one every single day which is kind of like a hassle But if you are willing to do that then go ahead it works really well anyway That's the end of this I hope you guys enjoyed it It's getting really dark now, so as you can see my lighting has changed a lot I really apologize for that But hopefully you found out some new products and you can try out so I would try and link all the items I bought In the description box below all these items I just bought them in Japanese drugstores And they are all pretty affordable some are more expensive than others obviously but most of them are pretty Affordable and not expensive at all please thumbs up this video if you enjoyed it and then subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet? also subscribe to my vlog channel if you want to see what I get up to I guess on my everyday life also follow my Social media link down below, and I'll see you guys in the next video. Bye
Channel: kimdao
Views: 306,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kimdao kim dao kim dao キムダオ, Kim dao, kimdao, kimdaoblog, kim dao blog, Australian vloggers, Australian beauty guru, Australian fashion, Asian makeup, Asian vlog, beauty vlogger, fashion haul
Id: S6n1uVjodCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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