10 Interesting Facts That Almost Nobody Knows #1
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Think Fact
Views: 2,143,821
Rating: 4.6224236 out of 5
Keywords: Think Fact, Alltime10s, vsause, top ten list, Orcas, Extinct tree, Bones made out of metal, Iron, Venus fly trap origin, Mona Lisa, More than one Mona lisa, China tobacco, World War II, Oldest building ever, Epic rap battles of history, MatthewSantoro, 10 Interesting Facts That Almost Nobody Knows
Id: f8sW_tv0WRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 31 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
1 other people (his two students) painted Mona Lisa model 2 Venus fly traps are native to Carolina- it's not tropical 3 Chinese tobacco companies can fund schools (and are pro tobacco) 4) hands that don't wrinkle after spending time in water can have nerve damage 5 there's a snail that uses iron (vs calcium) for its bones 6 I can't listen to this dude's whiny/nasally voice anymore
Really good!
eh 7/10 is pretty good.
10 sort-of interesting facts that a lot of people know, but might not if they're not very well read and/or under the age of 16.