10 INSANE World Records OF ALL TIME

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hi everyone now some people will go to extreme lengths to be awarded a world record some will even go as far as to risk their own life so with that said here are our picks for the top 10 most dangerous world records for this list we'll be taking a look at world records that are considered the most dangerous due to their life-threatening nature so brace yourselves because we're about to see some crazy world records that defy all safety regulations now if you like these kind of videos and want to see more then make sure to leave us a like on the video subscribe to our Channel and turn on post notifications to be the first to watch all our new and exciting videos every first comment will be getting ping so good luck number ten Iceman wim HOF of the Netherlands has come to be known as the Iceman as a result of his insane ability to withstand very cold temperatures for extended periods of time back on January 23rd 2009 he remains submerged in a box of ice for 1 hour and 42 minutes and 22 seconds to set a world record for the longest time spent submerged in ice [Music] [Applause] [Music] number 9 highest ski jump Jamie Pierre the professional freeskier definitely had a death wish when he set a world record for skiing off a cliff approximately 250 feet high without using a parachute it's estimated that Jamie almost reached a terminal velocity on his freefall when braking the craziest ski cliff jump of all time facing only very minor injuries this is a record we don't expect to get broken anytime soon yeah [Music] number eight caching Spears underwater thrill-seeker ashrita Furman is no stranger to pulling off dangerous stunts and this is no exception whilst being submerged underwater a grand total of 14 Spears were fired at Furman as he impressed the world by catching them all consecutively using just one hand the Spears were fired from a spear gun from a range of two meters away so just one false move and he wouldn't be completing any more records anytime soon number seven BC the Chinese daredevil Rouen Lee Yong Ming got covered from head to toe with approximately six hundred and thirty seven thousand bees while successfully setting the world record of the heaviest mantle of bees on a human person with very little protection Rouen leaves the scene unharmed however with so many bees involved you can never tell what could happen number six human battering ram JD Anderson back in March of 2017 attempted to break the world record of the most ice blocks broken by a person charging into them successfully breaking 12 blocks he was unfortunately two blocks short from breaking the world record however either way it must have been very painful charging headfirst into blocks of ice that are practically as strong as rock number five glass panes Mike O'Hearn beat the crazy world record of breaking through 19 panes of glass consecutively in a very short amount of time beating the previous record of 18 panes of glass what makes this record attempt so dangerous is that every shattered pane will explode into thousands of sharp pieces and these sharp pieces could possibly sever a limb to make things worse if he fails to break the glass the impact is almost like running into a wall [Applause] [Applause] number 4 car balanced on head John Evans discovered his talent to carry very heavy objects on his head after many years of practice Evans managed to balance a car on top of his head for a grand total of 33 seconds in front of a live audience the said car waved 350 pounds and all that weight was being supported by just his neck [Applause] number three bed of nails the Ozzy performance artist Shane Hultgren has performed many other crazy stunts however all those seem tame compared to his more crazy stunts such as allowing motorcycles to drive over him whilst he was lying on top of a bed of nails as those motorcycles use him as a ramp for a total of about 20 times it's evident that he's in a great deal of pain number two restraining motorcycles imagine having four motorcycles pulling it all of your limbs at the same time crazy right well Franz Mueller from Austria would disagree with that is back on July the 22nd of 2014 he was able to restrain all four motorbikes accelerating in a force that exceeds 500 Newton's of force from supposedly restraining the motor bikes for ten seconds it ended up being 24 seconds which is why he is the new world record holder for this crazy stunt of his number one freefall Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner made headlines around the world when he jumped from a helium balloon floating 127 thousand feet above the earth and fell back down to earth at a staggering speed of 843 miles per hour also making him the first human to break the sound barrier without a vehicle [Music] anyway that has been it for the most insane world records which was the most crazy world record in your opinion let us know down in the comments thanks for watching and I hope to see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trend Central
Views: 32,766,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trend Central, world records, Guinness World Records, record, insane, Guinness, World, Records, top list, fact, facts, caught on camera, youtubers, education, entertainment, crazy stunts, new, list, video, blow your mind
Id: qaS-PtwBUEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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