10 Ingenious Car Inventions & Technologies
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Channel: Freeze Lists
Views: 1,627,130
Rating: 4.6042624 out of 5
Keywords: 2019, 2018, ferrari, lamborghini, huracan, porsche, 911, v8, tesla, mclaren, senna, chevy, ford, gt, Bugatti, vs, suv, nissan, bmw, mini, honda, lexus, toyota, mercedes, lego, volvo, supercars, car, coupe, electric, exhaust, loud, sound, cost, price, top 10, games, engine, fastest, sports car, in the world, top speed, crash, accident, remotcontrolled, toy, truck, bulldozer, biggest, bus, military, tractor, vehicle, Russian, homemade, machine, invention, farm, construction, equipment, wheel, tire, repair, explosion, fix, replace, tracks, excavator
Id: R-C43h9yMQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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