10 Incredible Relationships Between Animals And Human

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[Music] hello everybody today we are going to tell you about amazing friendships between animals and humans forget horror stories about cruelty of wild predators or narrow mindedness of birds which are apparently not able to feel affection and devotion we are going to dispel your doubts because on our list we have an amazing bond of a man with an African lion a huge Python a pelican and many other creatures though werewolves do not exist Shaun Ellis an English naturalist will always remain a werewolf he loved these animals so much that he denied the blessings of civilization and lived three years in a pack of wolves to make the Predators admit him he imitated all their habits ate the same food slept on the ground did not wash himself and howled at the moon in 2005 Shaun took care of three wolf cubs orphans whose parents had been killed by hunters and founded a wolf center in Devonshire Great Britain now he has 17 animals in his proper pack being a world famous zoologist and a man of the house he still has Authority with his tailed brothers is there two legged leader an American woman Janis Haley has managed to make a conquest of huge and furry Bengal tigers and became a real mother for them about 20 years ago the first tiger cub was born in her garden in Orlando Florida she nursed him with a special mixture and gave herself the name of mother of Tigers for now Janice together with her husband and daughter is looking after a huge white male named Sabre who weighs more over 600 pounds despite the frightening size of the Predators not only does the woman enter the cage but she lies with them for hours enjoying and stroking their sharp-clawed paws the friendship between an African lion and a man has lasted for more than 14 years already 70 years old freak Yvonne Solms has become a tutor and the best friend for Zion a lion borned in southern the lion cub was taken away from his mother because other male lions could have killed him then the lion supervisor decided to look after Zion as a result of the tutelage the composed predator has become a real milksop he loves warm hugs and walks from his friend during which freaky has to take off his shoes so that the caprica's lion won't be disturbed with shuffling though he lets him hold his tail to be degre a little french girl born in namibia spent her youth among the most dangerous animals of southern africa the girl's parents were freelance wildlife photographers they traveled across the African savanna looking for unique frames befriending many wild animals Tippie shared the destiny of mowgli a character of Kipling an elephant taboo became her best friend they met each other when she was one year and a half the elephant was hugging her carefully and was flapping annoying flies away from her when they wanted to play he put her on his back tippy was playing freely and easily with a leopard nicknamed J&B strange as it may seem finding her feet was more difficult for her than to become a friend of wild animals she spent ten amazing years in the company of banded mongooses chameleons ostriches and other wild animals certainly such an unusual story couldn't be under the radar a documentary film on her experiences the world according to Tippi was released in 1997 Cambodian wildlife counts more than 240 species of reptiles most of which are like pets for the local population still the friendship between a boy and a huge Python is amazing when our hero was three months old his father found a snake of one-and-a-half meters in his bassinet it was decided not to kill the wild snake but to bring it back in the jungle but the incident happened again twice and then it was decided to keep the importunate reptile at home the boy and his pet Python nicknamed Lucky have been inseparable for about 7 years already the latter can be proud of the length of 5 meters and the weight of 100 kilograms it can well swallow its master in full but it doesn't do that and eats only chicken and duck meat the boy says it is like a sister for him that he never had as it turns out lucky is a female we couldn't help including the female gorilla Coco in our list you know she has a unique talent she can communicate with people using sign language as it has been found out in a research study of scientists of the Stanford University Coco is able to understand more than 1000 signs of the American sign language and about 2,000 English words easily describing her feelings Coco likes dreaming once she called herself a nice bird declaring that she could fly but later on she confessed to making a fool Coco has been looking after two kittens for more than 30 years already showing true mothering the first kitten was given to her due to her request as the thirteenth birthday present since then she had remained faithful to them this poor bird strayed from its fellows during a big storm the Pelican was found by a worker of a wild animal park not only has the man nursed the bird but he has taught him to fish the point is that pelicans are members of a flock and learned to hunt only following its fellows our hero did not have any examples to follow so his Savior Jeffery took him fishing with him every morning until it could hunt on its own the friends still spend a ton of time together they like kayak fishing most our next heroes are Jim and Jimbo their YouTube video has millions of views everyone wants to know what happens when a man is hugging a huge bear you don't need to worry because this friendship has been lasting more than twenty years Jim Koval chick the director of the orphaned Wildlife Center for injured wild animals in his first nursling a seven hundred kilogram bear Jimbo have been inseparable since their first meeting Jim found Jimbo as a bear cub in a forest injured and incapable to survive in the wild his wife Susan and him have nursed and handled the bear this way Jimbo became a real pet he doesn't want to live in the wild without his human family now there are eleven more bears on rehabilitation in the center upon recovery they will be able to return to a life in the wild if they want our next story took place back in 1969 it is so touching that we couldn't miss it it happened in London two friends John Randall and Anthony ace Bork bought a little lion cub in a shop of rare and exotic animals they called him Christian and fostered him like a regular pet the lion was growing very fast and soon it became clear that he couldn't stay at home so the men made the difficult decision to let him go the lion cub Christian was set at large in an African natural reserve a year after that the friends came back to see their beloved nursling in spite of prohibitions and warnings that the lion had forgotten his friends and is now controlled by natural instincts Christian recognised John immediately and rushed to give him his lion hugs he was also glad to hug ace [Music] everyone knows faithful Hachiko but the bird we're going to tell you about is worth admiration to every year he covers about 8,000 kilometers to meet his savior the amazing friendship between the man and the penguin started many years ago an inhabitant of a small village near Rio de Janeiro Joelle Pereira de Souza found a tiny young penguin covered with petroleum on the shore he cleaned his feathers fed him and looked after him every day until the penguin gained strength having spent eleven months together with Joelle jingjing as the man had called him swam away in an unknown direction however he came back a couple of months later during the last few years this faithful penguin is off in the sea for several months but he always comes back and spends most of his penguin life with his Savior [Music]
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 4,324,613
Rating: 4.8814955 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Incredible RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ANIMALS AND HUMAN, Human - Animal Relationships, Animals save people, animal reunions with humans, Girl bear Relationships, Christian the Lion, People save animals, Animal Moments Caught On Camera, Most Unusual Pets in the World, Man talks to Lions, Man with Tigers.
Id: 2ceo3e-BsYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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