10 HOURS WITH TELEMANN - Classical baroque music for concentrating and working
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Channel: Classicool
Views: 198,502
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Keywords: Telemann: A Portrait, Ricercar, Classical Music: Baroque Era (1600-1760) - N-A, telemann, quatuor, baroque, classical, flute, strings, fantasia, georg philipp, sonata, concerto, konzert, suite, parthie, trio, prelude, flûte, piano, cordes, orchestre, clavecin, harpsichord, relax, chill, menuet, gavotte, mazurka, Handel, Bach, Johann Sebastian, Haydn, Graupner, chat, bébé, work, concentrate, study, read, travail, concentration, étudier, brain power, estudiar, trabajar, concentracion, relajar, mejor, best of, barroco, barroquismo, happy
Id: G7paHur-Fj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 599min 31sec (35971 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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