10 Gifts You Should NOT Get for Your Significant Other!

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Wait wait, no no no, look into my eyes when I do this. (OK) (Do you want me to sing?) Yeah (Tanner ATTEMPTS to sing...) Wait are you actually singing in this song? (Yeah!) You're lying. (Yeah, you're right.) How could you lie to me on Valentine's Day??? ♬♬♬ What's going on guys I am Matthias and welcome to a very special ♡MWAH!♡ special episode of 10 strange Valentine's Day items that you can give to your significant other. That's right We went all out as you can see behind us. I had someone who has no idea what they're doing, decorate a room That is upsetting. What is that dude? Valentines day my heart is bleeding. I'm bleeding out for you. That's a very romantic thing that you can say if your significant other my heart bleeds out for you Don't say that I mean say that if you're trying to get rid of your significant other Tanner's picked out these items And I will decide whether each item is a heart. Whether it's good or a fart Whether it's bad. Cuz you don't wanna fart on Valentine's Day right. I'll ruin your chances of anything good I'm also a little confused at the get up. Yeah, let's do a little modeling just for clarification I did not ask him to wear this I'm actually Slightly uncomfortable that he's wearing this so this is Cupid costume without the bow because I'm not allowed to shoot people at high five studio ISM We just look like Caesar. I do it because I am alright first item Oh my word SealSee muscle man body arm plush cotton pillow. So this is an inclusivity thing This is if you don't have a boyfriend. This is perfect for you. You know if you're like I'm so alone on Valentine's Day I'm gonna call it singles day. You know cuz people love you. Maybe that's why that person doesn't have anyone I'm calling it singles day. You call it singles day. It's gonna be singles day for the rest of your life Yeah, you're single and you don't call it singles day right heck. No. It's Valentine's Day Yeah, so you're single right now so for this upcoming Valentine's Day What's your plan? I'm gonna show people this video when a girl sees me, and how I look in a dress She's gonna be like what is he look like a regular clothes. You know like this kid. Let's pick out Are you showing it to her if you're not in regular clothes? What are you naked, but you're showing it. You're lucky Touche all right So oh wow I'm almost positive that we have tried a boyfriend pillow in the past But this is a boyfriend pillow Like four you know if you're if you want your boyfriend to be Brian that is Brian This is Brian skintone and this is it This is what you do so you lay down and you feel like you're being held by a boyfriend although this has no bones in it and it's like oh yeah boy for now dare you talk to me like that and you just Break his arm. You know it's way too easy real men their arms are a little harder to break. You know I'm saying I see I'm gonna give this to my sister and be like listen so now when I'm like hey Brian Can you play video games and she says no Brian can just give her this thing? Oh, I'm still there, honey Hugging me and she won't know the difference she might prefer this one look. It's got ads Brian doesn't have ads dude. It's got rules He's got three kids last time you have a kid one of your abs They just disappeared so I rate this a horse his her sleep mask I mask sleep mask to pack 3d eye masks for sleeping bamboo cotton material I shave so I think the hilarity of this thing is that it looks like a bra But it's not see I think the actual purpose of this which is smart. It's just unfortunate How it looks is that you can like open and close your eyes without them actually being like washed down That's so smart. Actually yeah, because I have a pair of these at home. They're not pink, but I have a pair I was like I hate wearing sleep masks because Your eyes are like stuck shut and then when you try to open them. You're like what's happening. What's happening This is supposed to prevent that I think so let's test it out Add to Cart here we go I'm very curious to see if these are better. Oh look that it actually does come with two there you go There's a little face bra. It's actually not quite as provocative as the picture leads it to look well. Let's test this out I don't want my eyelids oh I can still see a little bit down here, but definitely helps to block out a lot of the light Oh this tickles though this actually tickles my nose. They're comfortable Yeah, it's not bad here Try it So what do you think I could sleep with this on my fear is like I like sleeping in the dark And I feel like I've known some girls are like sleeping with like The TV on and I can't do that so this is probably how do you actually wear these? Yeah, no keep them on dude. Do I look better with it on I can feel are you citing a lie to me? Oh Matt laughs Matt left in me Matt I thought Michael I'm Gonna grab some nothing wait. Oh my god is so much glitter on the couch. No I must say these are dope but back to business the business of low land a Sun one piece of kitchen funny creative cooking grilling baking baking apron I just don't like the open chest I think it's to be provocative. It's to be like oh look at me I have Z muscles, but I'm wearing a shirt, so it's like how you happen to see my muscles. It's Unintentional so this is for like that guy maybe the guy, that's like hey, honey And this is not what I look like, but don't you wish oh, this is what I would look like if you tried So here's what I'm going to do tanner. I don't put this on. I want to make dinner my balance I Was told to say it I was told to say it Tanner You're not my Valentine my wife is my Valentine so sorry to break your heart Here's what's gonna happen right for some reason? I'm gonna wear this apron while I make a meal Just like All right Add to Cart wow this is actually a small little package That's like Valentine's things you don't want to hear yeah This is not what my stomach looks like no, but it's like too low whose pecs are ducked down here You know my pecs are like up here all right. Take your pecs maybe All right see now this feels a lot too real. What would be your preferred meal, but I cook you lost Oh with that red? South-south house is a different thing than sauce oh, that's sauce please okay Here's what we're gonna do to make this less awkward And you know to not give Michael the satisfaction of us playing his little role-playing gun Let's go get Connor and Paul and pretend into their vows perfect I've prepared a you love each other Valentine's Day meal for the Valentine's Day people who sit down. Okay, get out of your Connor You're over here. All right. I gotta ask who made this oh, I had no idea absolutely no idea Michael, man Did Mike did you make it? Yeah? He looks like he can make some we good now Know each person say one nice thing about the other poem I can do though. I'm all about this yeah Chew it up wait you're the Cupid over here Yeah, I already shot them on my love arrows not gonna love each other all right, so what do you like about Connor? Connor what do you like about Paul you've got a nice car what is that a euphemism for? I like your mouth you guys are actually eating a lot of that. You don't need to I like what? Wait your subs you don't mean that all right I don't want any fighting on the show any like couple fights so can you guys get just get get Nick? Thank you when you're spaghetti. We don't want your spaghetti I don't need this this thing on Valentine's Day all you guys are doing is fighting Just like my bird all right guys, so give us a rating zero out of ten in that poll right up there It's linear have polls work Just do it About how that scene went down oh, I was looking at that pasta And this was that product who's knocking the way wait here here. Give me the pasta This is the pasta right here guys you see this eat your heart out pasta It was looking weird you see that can I actually have the pasta so this right here? Pasta with personality what Connor actually just wanted more of I mean, I guess I'm gonna have to rate that a heart Just because it's quite literally a heart and Connor wanted more of it My rating is like it swells up, and it looks unlike hearts mmm didn't turn out to look that great But I'll raise that for the heck of it Kicker land Love Me Tender Oh Love Me Tender crank just the word Love Me Tender crank. What does a tender crank alright? So this is a music box with a crank and it plays the song Love Me Tender Oh, you can change you can change all the songs look at that you see this. Oh whoa That's crazy. We're gonna keep it at Love Me Tender because someone's a pervert. I think y'all know who I'm talking about Add the cars oh great job. Did it Love Me Tender, so what do I unbox this no? I don't think that's the idea. I think I leave this in the box Wait no no look into my eyes when I do this Say yeah Wait are you actually singing this song yeah, you're like yeah, how could you lie to me on Valentine's Day? So this is like? When you start playing the song, and then you notice the song is working You know I'm saying she says, I'll kiss you when the songs over I Just don't like the fact that you have to manually hand crank it Love you know it's like when people get on those boats No playing an instrument is different than hand cranking a tune Right all you got to do is this this doesn't take any require like any like knowledge or understanding Of like writing a song or knowing a song right so with like a man Or a woman plays a man or a woman a song It's like oh, it's from their heart because they like took the time to learn it's about the time either if they write it It's about that investment. It's about what's real. This is like hey Here's a song that someone else wrote and I don't know how to play it, but I'm just gonna pretend like I'm playing it Now kiss, I'm gonna say 421 that 51 never find your body funny Valentine's Day greeting card. Oh, this is creepy. Dude. They will never find your body what if you just saw this and you're just like I don't even want to open the card because I have a secret admirer and They terrify me have you ever had a secret admirer? No I have really it's weird no, I know cuz you just like it's the creepiest thing in the world because it's like they just like know things about you and You don't know who it is, and you don't know if you even know that person. Oh, it's so creepy on it Just you know like get the gumption to be like you you're not bad you want to put your face on my face or what? Try to bump shoulders or what? Shoulders right that's how I do trying to get a high-five from this You're gonna heard just looking at him lustfully. She's looking at him like wow I'm talking to a guy who made a card for help She's like I hate my life. If you give a woman a silk rose You're a trash bag compared to a guy that gives them a real Rhodes I want you to know that my bottom by heart The car dude love all right here. We go could you give this to your significant other or your fantasy date who knows? Oh, we would cuddle you so hard. Oh, I would we would Build Freudian slip there. Uh you'd fart. That is not Valentine's Day card that you give to a significant other. Let's try this one What's this one here we go they will never find your body try and finish the card What do you think it's gonna say on the inside so ha they will never find your body so hot that's an insult They will never find your body as hot as I as hot as I do. Oh did you actually see this? I'm for real. Yeah for sure oh, I actually I didn't see that be my Valentine or else creepy, yeah And then did you know that if you put all these words together, it's screams help There's actually an A and an L and This is no piece. I'm gonna read that one a creepy before I get into that next product big shout-out to Shane and Russell for being a part of that notification squad clicking that Bell icon and commenting down below within the first 30 minutes I was possessed by my marketing consultant Thank you very much for commenting on below if you want to get your own shout out do exactly what I? Just said all right next product lovers couples red heart-shaped gloves mitten gift present for Christmas What the heck why do they have to put it together like that you look at the globe on top they love it they get? to wear together Yes, so in case you want to hold hands in public, but you don't people to see your nasty dingy fingers No, that's just so like you can hold hands in public but have your hands warm But the other person's body temperature is already warm. That's why a man, and I hold hands. It's purely like you know purely Yeah, it's purely a plutonic heat thing. I'm just like my hands cold hold it she's like yes, sir One for man one for girl you mean woman add-to-cart, dude All right, so how are we gonna try this out? You know I ain't holding your grubby hand Let's just do this. Just go hold on hold my own hand until your alright. See this house the household It's hot I bet actually physically. It's pretty hot. It's just kind of sweaty Emotionally on - is it you like been to yourself in a while. It's the most attractive. I've been to myself in forever I was like who's touching my hand. Oh, it's me. Oh hey you hi? It's actually hot in there dude. What is this like polyester all right? I'm gonna write that apart before we get into the next couple products in all seriousness It's okay to be single it is okay to be with someone It's okay to be with someone you hate so long as you dump them very soon This is a truth of life right Tanner single and I've never seen someone that laughs so much Let me tell you guys something every second spent with the wrong person is a second that could be spent with the right person That's my perspective on it right the heck does that mean it means every time every second I'm like hey like I like her, but I know she's not the one I'm gonna stay with her or like like you're like ready Ya know I hope one day you find true love, but if you don't it's okay, you're not a failure Love is in the eye of the beholder, so just go out there and find someone's eye to hold That's what that means right? Okay? We're sorry stay away from Sauron Did he will not bring you peace or happiness or love beef jerky rose bouquet. I'm actually upset the manly man Okay, so this is for someone to give a man for Valentine's Day I get you. He's got some beer epicyte it I respect that does it come with beer I'd respect it more six large beef Jerky, roses something is just off with this. I want to paint jerky rose yeah I don't know. Let's add the magic the manly man company sent to the wrong guy apparently there's nothing wrong with being manly yeah, hey I Take offense to that. I'm not saying it's not right I just take offense to it because I don't want to be reminded of it stop just telling me I'm not manly I want to pretend. I'm manly it's okay to not be mainly but guess what people it's also Okay to be manly everyone's always trying to take that away from men You know I'm saying like I'm not trying to take this into an ante SJW thing, but now I am now It's an anti social justice warrior. Thank you said I know I said the word everyone dislike ball my video I gave to you most of the people that watch me are just like y'all right They're like real people cuz I feel like for the most part real people aren't social justice workers hug it out Right women can be women men can be men women can be manly men can be feminine who cares not us, man Tell me I care look at me. Yeah look at this guy. Dude is wearing a dress dude. I love it. He loves it That's on Sam because so many people try to say that masculinity is bad. It is not bad masculinity is beautiful It's just what sometimes men choose to do is bad. There's your sociology lesson for the day. What is happening here I gotta like take this off put that down put that back in look arrange show off eat up. Sorry I just feel like most men wouldn't do that. I feel like personally as a man You look at it, and you're like alright get in my belly. Yeah I mean, I'm not one for beef jerkey because I'm not the manly man, and that's okay I don't have to be but I also don't hate manly men Whoa that was smelled like some jerk of the beef What if we pour beer in there and it's like water then but then you tasting beef beard that sounds great Guys I don't know can we just talk about like the Rose part right here, not like just a little upsetting looking this is rose of my heart I Just the head off Well you went into it didn't you I admire that you know you're not afraid to just go for it. See you ladies He's a catch. It's pretty good that Doesn't look right all right, so yeah, would you appreciate from getting sent this for Valentine's Day? Yeah, but just put beer in for me. All right. This is a hard genuine three carat engagement ring prank. Novelty item Uh, you know you get it three carats. Oh, my goodness gracious. Oh, it looked empty Brad Yeah, I was like hey So popular we sold out these little carrots are sure to make them laugh or cry can you imagine our cry? You just open that up, and they're like wait. You're like just kidding What a horrible joke like you better be prepared to lose this person This is how you break up with the person? Would you like to marry me and then like you expect them to say no or something like that or maybe you expect them to? Say yes, and then you're like ah you really think I'd marry you you're scum of the earth And then you like throw at us like Matthias you mean nothing to me oh There it is. That's the joke yeah, here you go Will you marry me or no you don't say it right you get down on one knee and then you're like Will you bake a carrot cake? The meats coming up so she said Okay, there's the joke if you guys want to ruin relationships Adams pranks and magic rubber chocolates cat Classic novel my brain classic. Novelty gag toy trick. You're friends with these delicious-looking rubber chocolates What happens if they just put the whole thing in their mouth and like just swallow it because some people just eat by swallowing watch The surprise on their faces they unsuspecting they try to bite into these fake trees and what break teeth Dennis all right well, it's the card Here we go dude. Oh my gosh. They're hard. They're actually hard it says rubber, but they're like not rubber looks delicious made of rubber Oh heck yeah, so we can eat everything out of this And then we put these in that and we hope that they go for it. Maybe we leave a little fifty-fifty I'm saying it's like what personal gum it's real here have another ah you know Yeah, what if they only want one them who only wants one piece of junk that's true Oh, yeah, we can't eat one because we have to replace them, so yes This is the trunk of time for us to eat real chocolate and Frank other people yeah, let's do it Okay, so here's what you do don't eat these okay, cuz the it actually looks somewhat similar to it But we actually okay hold on we have to open this up because we have to put them in the proper place Yeah, you have to fit the proper shape they're a little small like I've never seen chocolates like this small this one Maybe I'm gonna try that one cuz it's the biggest this one. I'll say in place of this guy That's a little small. I guess I'm gonna have to replace it with that. I feel like that's gonna give it away, though I feel like they're not gonna grab the small ones Yeah, maybe we should leave the big one in it, okay, so now here's what you have left here. We go all right We're cleaning up the area now, so I feel bad about you know pitting you two against each other So we've gotten used some special treats So why don't you sit down and enjoy some chocolates from each other you have to look into each other's eyes when you eat them You have to look into each other's eyes. That's the only catch my favorite part Probably delicious, or is that one like not good? What is that? Oh good? What is it raspberry stuff? Yeah? Yeah Right there that was over 200 Because you both picked one that was real That ones rubber and that one's rubber that was real this one is real. I just hold it. I just he just ate another one Made your love blossoms the wedding's off Oh Bummer you guys already love me more See I was shipping them together, and it didn't work. That's what happens when you ship two straight men together Let's say you wasted your time. I guess I could say I wasted my time I have to say it that was a heart But don't give it to anyone that could choke funny 11 ounce coffee or tea mugs Yoda obi-wan for me bye eat Lee great Sarcasm gift Yoda obi-wan for me. Oh you're the only one for me my wife. Gets me this I swear if it's done It's over get something you would love no no definitely not she gives you a nice espresso in there No, I'd like the coffee inside it. I'm the type of guy that would like I don't like the punny stuff I like the deeper stuff heartfelt stuff No, not the heartfelt stuff like if this was just like an empire logo on it So like people didn't know it was Star Wars. Not like the kitty like oh look. I'm drinking out of dirt Vader's face It's more of just like okay. That's Darth Vader's like logo. This guy knows what he's talking about Yeah, it's like this is for like the people that are like oh, yeah I love Star Wars trust me not for the real Star Wars lovers. That's not what we do dawg Anyways Add to Cart well here. It is Wow what do you know? It's the exact same as what the picture was? Wow put the meat roses in it I think this bull man, okay alright. There you go Come on what is happening in the middle? Dude video over I'm done see this video right here that is it's I'm not gonna lie That's a stylus and this right here is more pranks where we found some Hilarious prank products, so make sure you go click either one of those videos They're just as funny and big shout-out to Zack Baker for helping this video come to life When a patreon was available much appreciated, thank you very much Zack, and we'll see y'all next time high five
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 1,770,045
Rating: 4.9023404 out of 5
Keywords: valentines day, gifts, romance, worst gifts, valentines, bad date, flower, gag gift, no swearing, dating, best, prank gift, love, no cursing, family friendly, Hi5 Studios, Hi 5 Studios, Hi5, Matthias, Matthiasiam, Mathias, unboxing, comedy, unbox, reacting to, top 5, top 10, review, gift ideas, inventions, test, valentines day gifts, online shopping, prank, gift cards, couples gifts, heart, hilarious, girlfriend, valentine's day, gagets, #M807, date, advice
Id: 2_OvcC9Wk98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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