10 Futuristic Marvels: MUST-SEE!!!

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welcome back future Enthusiast in this video we'll showcase 10 mind-blowing concepts of the future you simply cannot miss at number one we have the Mercedes-Benz Vision avtr a concept car that looks like it came right out of the popular movie Avatar this car is truly extraordinary it uses an Innovative battery made from graphene a special material that's not reliant on rare and scarce elements this battery can go an impressive 700 kilometers or approximately 434 miles on a single charge the car is 5.11 meters long and has 33 movable surface elements that look like scales and can move in different directions the wheels are spherical as similar to the one seen on the Tree of Souls and Avatar and they can turn independently allowing the car to move sideways like a crab the car is also built with eco-friendly materials has holographic controls and can predict the driver's actions before they even make them all these features make this concept car an exciting glimpse into the future of sustainable and self-driving Vehicles now at number two we have the concept called the flying ship this vehicle is designed to conquer both the Sea and the sky the flying ship uses Advanced aerodynamic technology to Glide smoothly over the water and hover in the air it has smart navigation and control systems that can adapt to different environments and weather conditions ensuring a comfortable ride no matter where you're headed plus it's partially automatic so it can perform tasks with little human input making way for a future of self-driving cargo and passenger Transportation coming in at number three we have the Rolls-Royce vision 100. picture a world where luxury and Technology come together flawlessly that's exactly what the Rolls-Royce Vision 100 offers this self-driving car is over 5.9 meters long and has a beautiful design inspired by luxury Yachts but what makes this car truly special is its personalized AI assistant called Eleanor eleanorkin suggests plans for your day remind you of appointments and even greet you as you come near the car the car runs on electricity making it a mission free and eco-friendly it's Sleek design ensures a quiet and smooth ride that'll make you feel like you're gliding effortlessly it's not just about luxury and comfort it's also about sustainability with this remarkable vehicle next up at number 4 we have the Honda augmented driving concept A Unique car that aims to create a close connection between humans and machines the the key feature of this car is the redesigned steering wheel a control system that can switch between 8 modes of self-driving and semi self-driving for example a simple push forward makes the car go faster and pulling it backward brings the vehicle to a stop the car's AR technology ensures a smooth blend of your driving experience with real world navigation Honda envisions a future where your car is not just a means of transportation but an interactive companion that understands and meets your needs and at number five we have the aeromobile 4.0 a groundbreaking hybrid that combines the features of a sports car and a lighter aircraft Breaking All the Rules as a car it can fit into any regular parking space uses regular gasoline and can be driven on roads just like any other car when it switches to airplane mode it can fly up to 700 kilometers and reach top speed of 360 kilometers per hour it's made with a strong steel frame and a lightweight carbon coating giving it strength without being too heavy the transformation from car to airplane takes less than three minutes so you're always prepared for your next adventure whether on the ground or soaring through the skies number six we have the SpaceX hyper fast Starship concept a revolutionary invention by SpaceX that's changing the way we travel through space these starships are not your regular spaceships they're a game changer in transportation making it possible for people to move across our planet much faster than ever before with a top speed of 27 000 kilometers per hour or 16 777 miles per hour you could travel a distance that usually takes over 12 hours by plane in less than an hour the spacecraft has a diameter of 9 meters and is 50 meters tall and it can potentially carry up to 1 000 passengers this means not only shorter travel times but also hints at a future where space travel becomes a normal part of our lives at number seven we have the groundbreaking concept of the space elevator developed by the Obayashi Corporation is set to change the way we travel the space this massive structure reaching a projected height of 96 000 kilometers or about 59 000 miles high will be constructed using super strong and lightweight carbon nanotubes the elevator cars will travel at a speed of about 200 kilometers per hour or 124 miles per hour and can carry up to 30 people or a large amount of cargo they will use magnetic motors which are energy efficient and ensure smooth and quiet travel safety is a tough priority with Advanced Technologies like weather forecasting to predict space weather and systems to protect against space debris impacts the space elevator is a game changer for the future of space exploration and at number eight we have the thrilling world of SuperSonic Jets making a comeback in the commercial aviation industry led by companies like boom Supersonic and Virgin Galactic boom's Flagship jet the Overture is designed to reach speeds up to Mach 2.2 which is about 1 688 miles per hour this means a flight from New York to London could take just over three hours the Overture has a wingspan of 60 feet length of 205 feet and flies at a cruising altitude of around 60 000 feet offering comfortable seating for 55 to 75 passengers it's not just about speed it's about making Global travel faster and more accessible for everyone number nine we have the gyroscopic vehicle an incredible creation by dahir insat designed to solve the problem of urban traffic jams this massive vehicle is like a huge self-balancing electric mono wheel that can rise above the traffic it's as big as a modern tram car and uses Advanced gyroscope technology to stay stable while moving on its dedicated Pathways the gyroscopic vehicle can carry hundreds of passengers and it has solar panels on the roof to continuously power it making it an eco-friendly and smart solution for the future of urban transportation and last but not least number 10. we have the concept of a flying Hotel imagine having a vacation high up in the sky ideas like Sky cruise and vision of future where hotels don't have to stay on the ground these flying hotels would float at high altitudes and could accommodate up to 5 000 guests they are designed to offer an incredibly luxurious experience complete with amenities like swimming pools gyms shopping centers and breathtaking panoramic views the sky Crews would be powered by 20 nuclear fusion engines allowing it to stay airborne for several days or even months the idea of flying hotels could completely change tourism providing an unmatched and exciting experience of luxury and adventure and there you have it 10 mind-blowing concepts of the future that will leave you amazed at what lies ahead the world is changing rapidly and these Innovations are just the start of what humans can achieve which concept impressed you the most tell us in the comments below and if you enjoyed this exploration of the future watch this next video recommended by YouTube for further insights
Channel: Technology Influence
Views: 45,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech trends, technology news, tech news, technology, tech, innovations, future, future technology, future transportation technology, tech channel, technology channel, new technology, new tech, 10 EPIC Futuristic Concepts You MUST See, mercedes benz vision avtr, mercedes benz vision, benz, rolls royce, rolls royce vision next 100, technologyinfluence, futuristic cars, concept cars, futuristic concept cars
Id: a95AHttMPu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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