10 Funny Pranks + 24 Hour Prank Wars!!! How To Do Insane Pool Pranks VS The Best Candy Challenge

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it's 4 00 in the morning devon's still asleep in the next 24 hours i'm gonna be pranking my friends non-stop oh snap what bro wake up it's time to go man it's 6 am in the morning we are outside of bella's house and it's time to prank her devon's dressed up like a giant teddy bear he's going to scare her and do a slime dumpster right now let's get in position before she leaves quick so here we go let's go over here i've got the slime bucket i'm going to be hopping upstairs like this and remember for the next 24 hours i'm pranking my friends non-stop and first up is bella i'm coming towards you i'm going to cry he's going to give you a big bear hug over here i'm over here yeah where are you i was hugging a palm tree i couldn't stop you okay dude come on over here dude seriously watch your step watch my stuff holy cow are you good yeah i'm good i'm gonna muscle my neck you gotta eat i might rip oh no okay okay and there that looks pretty good to me okay hold on one second here we go the finishing touch right here we got the package so here we go if you just want to hold this package here right there yeah perfect you chill there yo so i think you're bella come i gotta get upstairs really quick here we go come over here what is this is there like this hey it's me devin bear hug what's up all right guys slime dump coming up man let's go we're just delivering our brand new toys games and challenges available at walmart to our friends i'm so sorry again for scaring you it's kind of a lot but all right we'll have fun going for you ron see you later bella i can't i'm sorry i gotta go i'll just play it by myself then for this next prank i've invited some friends over it's about 10 30 in the morning right now so let's get them yeah all right so here's the thing none of them knows there's actually a massive prank going on right now wrapping all their cards on saran wrap wrapping paper filling with ball pitfalls at the warehouse literally as we speak with the whole team so don't say anything grossest all right everyone's back there and now it's time to pull the craziest pranks yet because they just think they're here to play with our new line of toys games and challenges but really it's only a setup so we can pull back-to-back non-stop pranks on them so right now let's go get them yo all right guys let's do it okay cool welcome back yes we invite you guys over here basically we're gonna do like a little video for our brand new product line that's just launched uh actually like today so we're super excited yeah so people will do a little intro and then we'll get to the gameplay sounds good yeah all right yo what's up it's colin's key and devon keith if you're with our friends and it's time to show you our brand new toys games and challenges that just launched exclusively at walmart yeah nina you want to open up this here is the mystery wheel challenge yeah you want to open it up and uh check it out let's see all right guys i'm in the cover for my final greatest jump scare waiting for somebody to finally come by so i can finally scare someone if i was inside the coverage i would be doing math problems like crazy four times four sixteen hey i'm cleaned off i am so sorry okay let's reveal the mystery wheel you ready yes three two one it comes with some plates cards here is challenge cards put those right there i got it i got it you can fill a bucket with water you grab the broom that's over there it's a little life hack you want to catch a cockroach put the bucket up here yep exactly push it up what's up and then uh bella you want to come over here you want to just hold this yeah because i have that lock yeah if you just want to hold that right all right you guys mean we're all reset wait what like what what else we got in here all right so this is the container that all the mystery compounds and add-ins comes in we'll reveal those in a second but first let's load up the mystery wheels this bait is going to decide which fake food it is we're making with all these crazy compounds all right so i landed on blue that means i get the blue compartment to open and get my mystery compound okay you guys get to spin next to find out what compounds you guys get all right here we go three two one spin it nice all right so you guys are a team you guys get the yellow cones why don't you and temples be a team yeah bella and i can be a team okay yeah still there didn't even work okay great um sore i'm soaked fam all right man so now it's time for us to spin yo i just noticed lauren doesn't have a teammate oh yeah you're right we have like this mannequin like dummy looking dude he's in the media room if you go upstairs you can use him as your teammate all right man here we go we're going to spin it what color do you think we should get green's my favorite grade your favorite color three two one okay oh my goodness are you okay are you all right you feel kind of bad the lord have you joined our team right oh good idea join the losing team it's day three in the cupboard i just want somebody to hold me sometimes all right guys the competition begins in three two one here we go look at this okay okay we're going for the twist okay now we put it together i'll just roll it out a little bit here and go what exactly this here is actually sugar glass so it's not real glass so do not try that at home i'm gonna spin right now to find out who wins and whoever wins gets a big surprise here we go three two one let's see what's gonna be i don't know if that's the prettiest what have you seen this down here oh but here's the thing guys it's about creativity and they got creative with their donut your guys just kind of got kind of like is it a tie well you know let's do this let's give it to our guests lindsay yeah they want everyone we have a massive surprise for you in that cabinet back over there are you guys gonna go grab your prize but first we want to let you guys know that these toys games and challenges literally just look in this game we just played here the mystery wheel fake food challenge you can literally play at home right now and the best part is you can literally reset everything to play again and again and again click the top link in the description it's exclusively available at walmart and now let's check out that prize go for it yay one more awesome surprise for you guys where are you all parked today if you guys want to come with me right now we'll head over there all right guys let's do this let's i'll take this collins is out pranking our friends but little does he know i have the biggest prank to pull on him that's right i ordered over a million packing peanuts and now it's time to put him in his room all right now that we've got all the bags inside and i actually brought along my friend ben here there's ben he's gonna help me get it into colin's room so let's do this thing here we go all right we got it all right it's time to get a little bit crazy you ready for this here we go i did not think that through initially thoughts what do you guys think the surprise is um bugs okay i'm big u.s okay so let's do this so if you guys want to line up yeah right about there and then yeah you'll kind of turn his face this way right now all right so now that we have all the bags up here it is time to remove the stuff out of call of this room because i think it might get broken all right all right let's move this over here all right i think we'll just guys yeah we should probably lose that maybe move the lamp i think we're both one trip kind of guys gonna break the stuff on the way out where did james go james we're ready for it you're going so slow call's about to be here bro let's go let's go let's go let's go all right here's the reveal you're ready three two one check it out oh my god how does that do this wait dude where are you going are you you're absolutely just leaving that's without me i'll be back pass me back pass me back we gotta finish this thing up real quick what about my car oh yeah let's do this if we maybe like everyone gets a door and like we all just open it up on the count of three here we go three two one go for it this is like a wonderland as we fill up the rest of the room niko's gonna hide in a gorilla costume and then bury himself in these packing peanuts and then scare collins it's gonna be great look at this yo this is crazy okay so let's uh let's check out ben's car now let's see what's going on over here i don't think i want to change it actually i it's grown on me it's a nice little nice little little color addition to it over here all right so it's going to start peeling these no no no it's perfect peanut in my mouth all right so i filled up half of collin's room now it's time to hide some of his prized possessions so the first thing i'm gonna hide in here is college's most prized possession can you guess where it is it's his sunscreen this boy's pale all right there we go boom he's gone all right let me do this we're gonna head back to the house grab jabbing so we can help you guys clean this up so i'll be i'll be right back yo dude i think colin is almost here i'm just gonna leave you in here you got this got it anyone have a large back here yo collins where are you at all the way home right now actually no no no wait don't come over here cause you should go to alexis's house first and prank her because i think you got a couple hours left in the day and then you should go prank the twins again because they said that they're going to be sun tanning later oh that'd be hilarious yeah yeah so go go go go all right as devin suggested i'm at alex's house right now and this next prank is gonna get pretty messy because my friend alexis back there he's actually one of the top 20 tennis players in the entire state of california and this is a normal tennis ball and this is a pigment popper basically when you hit this thing pigment goes everywhere it's like 100 degrees outside now i'm sweating let's go play some tennis all right what's up alexis how you doing all right cool so i've come over here i want to test your tennis skills oh okay so i heard like your freshman year you went like 31 to zero right yeah i don't know it's kind of impressive but you haven't faced me at a true tennis champ ooh here we go we'll go with the first one that was close okay that was yeah that was a little bit too close for comfort okay cool i've got one more ball and let's try this so basically i want to see how you're surveyed i mean i'm robbing your tubes i kind of like messed it up with this one take it yep yep go for it i'm gonna hop over here yep yeah yeah go for it yeah nice nice big serve on it oh my gosh yes no come on over here yo we doing a pranks video man my outfit i'm sorry oh my god it kind of looks good though i saw you you got a pink shirt exactly so thank you for that okay all right well basically today i'm going to go prank on my friend it is so hot oh my god i know you want me to go grab your drink yeah it'd be great yeah i i got you i got you all right so i'm gonna get everything wrapped up right now and cleaned up all right so collins thinks i'm getting him a gatorade but i'll pull a fake gatorade print on him i am going to dump out the real gatorade and fill it with mac and cheese powder and water dude this is a mess all right i'm going to fill this up with some water now it is time to add the mac and cheese powder this is going to be nice okay guys the fake gatorade is ready let's go take it out and see his reaction it is hot today man like i think it looks like over 100 degrees right now okay college here you go thank you it's a drink how long have you been like playing tennis for oh i've been playing tennis for like 12 years oh what and you just got pranked that was you yeah what i had to get you back is there like actual gatorade anywhere yeah here you go it's 3 45 in the afternoon and just as devin suggested it's time for our next prank because our friends lindsay nina are currently tanning so we're going to hit them with a ton of fake bird poop plus we've got nikko in a ghillie suit over here he's going to swing through the pool super sneaky and then jump out and scare the real bad so right now let's get into position all right here we go three two one okay i think they're like sleeping oh get ready go get in the pool right now go go he's going to be scaring them because of the heat cannons blast a whole bunch of bird group out there niko it's time for the big friends here's what's gonna happen i'm gonna fire this thing off and you're gonna jump out of the water you got it alright let's do this thing let's hop back in let's fire off the heat cannon do not try this at home twist it on the counter here we go three two we're passing the subscribe challenge we wanna see if you can subscribe to the channel and turn on the channel post notifications in five seconds you ready here we go five four three two one done if you ever do that comment down below keeper squad right now and let's go for it three two one that's disgusting yes guys oh my gosh i'm so sorry that's eco he's dressed up as a swamp face sorry again for pranking you i'll let you guys get back to tanning see you guys later bro i can't believe you got here before collins did we gotta finish this thing up dude i think paul's gonna smell like packing peanuts for a week dude i feel like i could sleep in this room just like on the top here man it's like the best bed ever you're gonna have plenty of cushion i do i cannot wait to see cause's reaction oh man i think i can hear him pulling up he's gonna get this stuff inside really quickly i feel like you're making no progress i'm just getting really tired i'm gonna be so out of breath when he gets here i hope i don't give it away oh man oh man oh man man i spent so much money on this i can't ruin it now we gotta figure out how to close this door get in get in go go get it oh i think he's here i think collins is here oh hey come on time to go where are the cameras here what what do you mean we're just shooting a vlog i thought the video is over it is it's a vlog bro no it is not it's a pranks video like seriously what are you doing don't attack our plans bro could have been the bushman guy he's like nico why would you just film a vlog at like the end of the day because we want to show like behind the scenes our lives what we do this is definitely a praise hours of pranks and your pranks are over you've got no more pranks there's nothing there all right let me do this we're gonna make a vlog looking like changing like something else where are you going i'm just tripping upstairs why are you going upstairs i know there's a prank there's no prank definitely a prank i feel like you're extra interested in my room i'm not i'm not interested in your room at all look i'm not interested i'm just gonna all right let me open up my door then yeah look at that look what the look on the way back dude you better not have done anything to my room what do you mean what could i do to your room you know i love my room but i sleep in my room i do a whole bunch of work in here you do like dirty fingerprints dirty feet i don't have dirty fingers do i wash my hands on the daily my door is usually very clean and there are literally dirty fingerprints all over what did you do to my room i don't know what you're talking about bro i think you're just paranoid there's not any i didn't say that what what are you listening for there's nothing there bro if someone's in there leave you think that something's going on but nothing's going on devon what there's two cameras i know we're shooting a vlog that's not how you vlog a vlog is like this this is different there's someone hiding here i think i'm gonna have to go for it let's go into the room here we go three two one what what what the heck what you can't open your own room what did you do to the room you're just messing with me bro i don't do anything to your room i'm not wait dude you can't actually open it no you you wanna yeah what did you ah did you smack your head on the door yeah is that a prank no that's a well all right well you i think you know i'll give it a shot we'll see if i can open this thing up for your sake let's hope there's no prank in here seriously what does that mean all right here we go three two one what no yes you filled my room with packing peanuts i did don't you give back you go get back here i am the best are you kidding me you know what i gotta give it to you bro i think this is the best prank that we've ever done on the channel i'm very mad but yet very impressed at the same time how much did you spend on this prank too much but dude i i literally can't even open my door man don't forget the girl is about to scare me you're about to break that door bro stop just jump in bro i want holy cow this is insane dude this is like a winter wonderland man like a holy cow i want to jump in jump in come on come on three two one what did you actually leave in here slash like what's actually been taken out you'll have to find out dude i have some very fragile stuff in here i do not want broken yeah your head's like no yeah like some weird monkey in here too joe if you did something to the laughing monkey bro you are gone it's absolutely insane i seriously have to clean this whole thing up oh yeah joking bro well i gotta say this was the most insane 24 hours of pranking ever so if you want to know the video click right over here you've got five seconds here we go five four three two one done love you bye
Channel: Collins Key
Views: 18,925,401
Rating: 4.8786263 out of 5
Keywords: pranking, 24 hours, 24, hours, best, prank, target, prank wars, challenge, vs, how, to, how to, do, funny, pool, swimming pool, pranks, best pranks, how to prank, girl, girls, diy, easy, school, easy pranks, walmart, scare prank, coca cola, ball pit balls, amazon, unspeakable, try not to laugh, car pranks, mrbeast, the royalty family, preston, mrbeast gaming, vy qwaint, sssniperwolf, ben azelart, candy, 10 Funny Pranks + 24 Hour Prank Wars!!! How To Do Insane Pool Pranks VS The Best Candy Challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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