10 Fortnite Tips and Tricks You NEED to know

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in this video I'm going to show you guys 10 tips and tricks you should know with number one being the best tip let's get right into it all right for number 10 I'm going to go over this peak right here the reason this one is on number 10 is cuz it's not something you will be using a lot but it can throw someone of okay so when you want to use it is let's say someone wants to take this wall right here right if they are on this side right here what you want to do is edit these two sides you edit it you edit your floor you run against your floor and then reset and then you have a free shot and then you crouch above so you are fully safe by the way you should not be holding this wall you basically let them take it and you already like this what you can also do is instead of doing it like this where you face the floor like that you can do it like this and then reset don't confirm yet and then click this one while walking forward so you have a better uh Peak like you can actually see better and then shoot and then Crouch backwards and then just do what you want this is how it will look from the enemy POV tip number nine will be about blueprint edits I'm going to show you guys something that will help you guys a lot in box fighting I'm sure most of you guys know what blueprint editing means so you need to pull your blueprint edit out to be able to edit cuz otherwise you can't edit of course that's like what pretty much everyone already knows I think but what a lot of people don't seem to know for some reason is that you always want to have something that elevates you above cuz if you don't have something that elevates you above like a cone or like a ramp blueprint editing is going to be really hard this is what I see a lot of people do when they try to blueprint edit they think okay I have my blueprint out I can edit this well no so always have a cone below you so you can replace the wall behind cover and also Ed it behind cover same for with the ramp it's the exact same just always have something that elevates you look from how far you can actually edit you can go this far behind and still edit this wall so always have a cone or a r below you so you can easily wall rep place and box fight like that for number eight I'm going to show you guys the floor ramp combo and no I'm not talking about this peak right here you're in this box right here you see them all the way up there you try to Cone them they go above the cone instead of coning what you want to do is place a floor first and then a ramp like this from their POV they cannot Place anything right there and while they try to to jump backwards and panic you always have a free shot on them so again if someone is right here instead of coning them what you want to do is place a floor ramp shoot all right for number seven I'm going to talk to you guys about the fake ramp this is a old trick but it still works very well if you are someone who isn't really good at build fighting and you're fighting someone who is building a skyscraper when you fight them let's say there's a guy right here this is your enemy that's standing on here you are in this box so instead of like actually trying to build fight them what you can do is just safely ramp up like this box up usually what they will do is they ramp up further above you and then place a ramp like this edit it like this so let's pretend like the guy is right here so a lot of the times what they will do is they try to jump on a and try to shoot you what you're going to do is you're going to have this edit ready like this you hear them jump you edit and they will die to fall damage you will actually be surprised at how good this works I'm going to build up watch this GG all right number six the fake reset I think that speaks for itself it's a super old trick that still works pretty much every single time you use it and that pretty much every Pro also uses to this day whenever you have an edit on someone and you aren't sure on what edit to make just edit something and reset it is that simple they will shoot you wall causing it to break and you can just shoot them right after or the safer option is just hold your wall again after you reset it cuz whenever you reset it and you hold it they will shoot this wall right here causing it to break you have it again cuz you were holding it and then edit it right away they will have a delay with their shotgun cuz they just try to break this wall so you will always be first to shoot them all right for number five the fake ramp 2.0 this one is kind of scummy if you use it in ranked but would be very good to use in tournaments for this one all you do is go to a hill or elevation in zone that you know people will rotate to place Rams like this with walls making it look like someone rotated over them but instead you are sitting in one of the Rams waiting for someone to rotate over them and catch them off guard for a free refresh I'm sorry in advance if you end up dying like this but it is a really good Strat I went in a ranked game to get an in-game example and the person that fell for it was a pro player I'm sorry D but I just needed the in-game example I will not do it again in ranked for number four the pre-fire counter there are two variations where you can use this so the first one is where you pretend to break and then hold your wall they will pre-fire the wall you hold it and then you can edit and easily get a Kill but the second variation is like this if you want to jump in someone's box and you see they have their shotgun out and they want to prear pretend like you're going to pickaxe the wall but don't actually pickaxe they will shoot their own wall causing you to phase in this one is super underrated and really underuse in my opinion but it works so good for number three this one is really easy but you actually have to implement it this is basically my whole play style it's faking people out all right so let's say someone is right here where I am it speaks for itself you can edit like this and then go like here you just have to try and fake them out but one of my favorite ones that I like to do is this one right here there are so many fake outs you can do you can also like obviously do the fake ramp even just this little fake ramp it can help you so much and then for number two shout out to rise up for this he's the one I actually got this from with all the info he gave so instead of doing this peak like a lot of people do of course it's still a really good Peak don't get me wrong but a much safer Peak what you can do is you stand basically behind your cone and you edit like this I'll let him explain it to you guys why this peak is so good I will also have his channel Linked In the description he makes one of the best informative and like tips and trick videos so make sure to check him out here is him explaining why this peak is so good the both lers are standing in the center of their boxes you can see the opponent's entire upper body and they can't see you at all however if you were to do aput butter here you can see that the opponent can see your head the bottom right actually gets stronger the closer the opponent gets to your wall as more of their body is visible to you and the wall blocks more of their [Applause] sight and then for number one and probably the best tip I can give you you need to have a good warm-up routine it doesn't have to be long or boring it just has to be right so for example my warm-up routine is basically playing turtle fights since it trains everything you need at once all the tips and tricks I just mentioned you can practice in there as well it is good for warming up your aim mechanics prees movement the new realistic Turtle fight even has caches that spawn in basically has everything all in one map so if you want to practice all these tips and tricks that I just gave you here is the map code or just search martos and it will pop up don't forget to favor the map as well so every time you hop on you get reminded to warm up that is it for this video I'm going to play some realistic turtle fights right now practice some of these tips and tricks I just mentioned in there peace
Channel: Martoz
Views: 720,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, martoz, fortnite tips, tips and tricks
Id: XfClmrYVuBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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