10 DEADLIEST Gunslingers In The History Of OLD WEST, here goes channel fans vote..

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[Music] welcome back to Vintage TV watch today as we count down the 10 deadliest Gunslingers in the history of the old west as voted by our Channel fans don't forget to fasten your seat belts this ride will be wild first up on our list of the deadliest stuntsliners in the old west is a name that has been highly requested in our previous video number 10 Doc Holliday the deadliest dentist and Gunslinger of the old west now you might have heard of him before and that's no surprise because he garnered a lot of attention in our previous video John Henry Holliday better known as Doc Holliday was a man of many talents and even more Mysteries did you know that before he became a renowned Gambler and a quick draw gunfighter doc actually earned a DDS degree in dentistry yes he was a dentist but life had other plans for him you see when doc was just 15 years old he was diagnosed with tuberculosis heartbroken and fearing a fate like his late mothers who also succumbed to TV he sought a different climate to fight the disease it was during his travels that he befriended the legendary Wyatt Earp and his family in 1880 he followed his friend to Tombstone Arizona and found himself Tangled in the famous gunfight at the OK Corral that shootout left several men dead and wounded and Doc himself took a gunshot to the hip but that wasn't the end of his gunslinging day when Wyatt Earp's brother Morgan herb was killed a feud erupted between Wyatt and his brother's killers Doc Holliday being the loyal friend he was wrote alongside her for years seeking vengeance let me tell you during those years plenty of killings happened now doc might have had a deadly reputation but he didn't Head West just for his health no it was more likely his temper and quick trigger finger that got him into trouble back in Georgia forcing him to leave home here's a fascinating fact did you know that Margaret Mitchell author of Gone With the Wind was actually related to Doc Holliday and guess what doc was quite the Romantic at heart he had a thing for his cousin Maddie holiday and even though she became a nun the two kept in touch throughout their lives now let's talk about his gunslinging skills while doc shot many people in his life it's important to note that most of those shootings were in self-defense his signature move was to aim for his assailant's shooting arm disarming that meant inflicting a wound that while painful was not fatal poor a man who died penniless at the young age of 36 in Glenwood Springs doc sure had an eventful life he owned a dental practice say saloon and even a silver mine and here's a fun fact doc once said Frederick Walker Pitkin as his remains whose pit in you asked well he only became Governor of Colorado in 1879 when the law came knocking wanting to extradite doc back to Arizona for murder charges Pitkin refused citing a technical error in the paperwork as Doc's Health declined from tuberculosis he sought One Last Hope to cure his illness the Indian Medicine of the vapor caves in Glenwood Springs it was there seeking Solace and perhaps Absolution that he sought the Council of Father Downey the founding priest of Saint Stephen's Catholic church now despite what you might have seen in the movies doc didn't actually kill Cowboy gang member Johnny Ringo in fact his longtime mistress big-nosed Kate ran away with Ringo for a time it's believed that he killed no less than 10 men while riding with Wyatt Earp during the infamous Vendetta ride want to hear more Tales at the Wild West next we move to number nine on our list of the deadliest Gunslingers in the old west number nine Johnny Ringo now you might have heard his name before but did you know the full story behind this lesser-known Gunslinger it all started on that fateful day in 1864 when tragedy struck the Ringo family on the California Trail Johnny's Father William Ringo met with a fatal accident leaving his widow married to care for five children with Johnny being the oldest witnessing his father's gruesome death at just 14 years old had a profound impact on young Johnny Legend has it that even at that tender age Johnny was already a cracked shot with a pistol and rifle maybe he wanted to ensure he'd never repeat his father's clumsy mistake or maybe he simply had a talent for handling firearms either way he was on his way to becoming a gunslinger not much is known about his life until 1875 when Johnny appeared in Texas getting himself into trouble over a Range View that threatening Law Men he had a knack for finding or causing trouble and his wanderings took him to Tombstone Arizona and New Mexico people who knew him described Johnny as a moody loner but there's an interesting twist he was also known for reciting Shakespeare some even speculated he might have been college educated but it's more likely he was just a well-read Desperado in 1879 Johnny Ringo found himself back in Tombstone where the famous Earp brothers and the infamous Doc Holliday crossed his path now remember the iconic scene from the movie Tombstone Johnny Ringo portrayed by Michael Bean spins his six shooter while facing off with a nonchalant Doc Holliday played by Val Kilmer well in reality while they did want to shoot each other they didn't get the chance during the infamous OK Corral Showdown they happened to miss each other that day but life took a dark turn for Johnny in 1882. he was drinking more than usual talking about a sense of impending death on July 14th his lifeless body was discovered against the base of an oak in Turkey Creek Canyon near Tombstone with a gunshot wound to the Head the official verdict was suicide but rumors World Wyatt Earp even claimed he was the one who did it it's something one of Johnny's many enemies might have put an end to him while others believed Doc Holliday might have been the shooter may never know the whole truth but one thing's for sure Shawnee Ringo's life was a wild ride full of danger and mystery who knows what he could have become had he not witnessed his father's violent death on that fateful day number eight fast reads the man who inspired The Lone Ranger his story is the stuff of Legends and you won't believe all the incredible facts that make him a perfect fit for the Yellowstone universe let's start at the beginning bass Reeves was born before the Civil War back in July 1838 Born Into Slavery he and his family were owned by a man named William Steele Reeves later his owner's son Colonel George R Reeves forced him to join the Confederate Army when the Civil War broke out but bass wasn't one to be held captive for long he escaped and lived as a fugitive among the creek sent Seminoles in Indian Territory now here's where his story gets even more fascinating after the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 Reeves moved to Van Buren Arkansas where he bought land became a farmer and married Nelly Jenny talk about a true family man together they had a total of 11 children but the most groundbreaking part of bass Reeves life was when he became the first black Deputy U.S Marshal west of the Mississippi River in 1875 federal judge Isaac Parker of the Western District of Arkansas commissioned Reeves as a deputy Marshal his deep knowledge of the Indian Territory and fluency in the creek and Seminole languages made him the perfect man to apprehend wanted fugitives and boy did he excel at his job Reeves served for over 30 years and brought over 3 000 criminals to Justice Yes you heard that right he took down 14 Outlaws and was known for bringing in some of the most dangerous fugitives one of his most epic Feats was tracking Outlaw Tom's story for five whole years before finally facing him in a legendary gun fight now here's what's truly astonishing despite being born into slavery and never receiving a formal education Reeves didn't let that hold him back he was illiterate his whole life but he used his incredible memory to memorize the warrants that were read to him by federal judges or Court officials talk about Ingenuity but that's not all Reeves was not only a tough and Fearless Law man he was known for his integrity and fairness he arrested his own church Minister for selling illegal alcohol and when his own son became a fugitive Reeves went on a weeks-long Manhunt to track him down and bring him to Justice now that's dedication his incredible career is a marshal eventually came to an end in 1907 when the state of Oklahoma took over policing duties in Indian Territory but bass Reeves wasn't done yet at the age of 69 he became a policeman for the City of Muskogee Oklahoma he continued to serve the law until his death at age 71 from Price disease also known as nephritis that is the Epic tale of bass Reeves one of the greatest American frontiersmen of all time number seven Frank Buckskin Leslie a notorious Gunslinger from the old west hold on to your hats thus this story is gonna take you on one heck of a ride Buckskin Frank his nickname by always rocking a Buckskin jacket while working as a scout for the U.S Army in Texas Oklahoma and the Dakotas during the 1870s but that wasn't the only thing that made him stand out he was just five feet seven inches tall and weighed 135 pounds but don't let his size fool you this man had a reputation as a top-notch gunfighter with a pair of six shooters at his hips that could rival even Doc Holliday's legendary skills when Frank rolled into Tombstone Arizona in 1880 the town was a hotbed of Outlaws and Rowdy characters but he fit right in with the rowdy crowd quick to show off his shooting abilities by blasting holes in the ceilings of saloons yes he was quite the showman but let me tell you Buckskin Frank was not someone you'd want to mess with he had a fiery temper especially when he'd had a few too many drinks even among the notorious rabble of Tombstone he stood out for his swiftness with his gun now here's where things get really interesting Frank had a thing for a lady named May Colleen who was separated from her husband Mike but Mike was one jealous ombre and he made it clear that he'd shoot any man he caught with May well wouldn't you know it he caught Frank with May on the porch of the Cosmopolitan Hotel and things took a deadly turn Mike confronted Frank and well let's just say that Mike wound up Six Feet Under The Killing was ruled as self-defense and just a week later Frank and may tied the knot after the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral Frank found himself in the middle of more trouble he got into a heated argument with Billy Claiborne a survivor of the shootout Billy was demanding to be called Billy the Kid after the famous Outlaw William Bonnie but others weren't taking him too seriously when Billy got Rowdy with Frank things turned violent and the two had a gun battle right outside the Oriental Saloon Frank got the upper hand and Billy ended up dead Leslie walked up to him and the wounded man said quote don't shoot me anymore I'm killed his friends took him to the doctor where he died six hours later allegedly his last words were quote Frank Leslie killed John Ringo I saw him do it but the drama didn't stop there Frank had his share of Love woes too his relationship with Molly Williams a young singer and prostitute was passionate but also filled with whiskey fueled fights it all came to a head one day in 1889 when Frank shot Molly in the head she died but Frank also took a shot at another man named six shooter Jim who survived and later testified against Frank well Buckskin Frank's violent ways finally caught up to him and he got sentenced to 25 years in Yuma Prison but guess what he only served seven years before winning parole all thanks to a lady named Bill Stowell who helped him out they even got hitched and had themselves a grand honeymoon in China after getting out of prison Frank took on a quieter life but that didn't stop him from getting into a bit of Gold Rush action in Alaska eventually he settled in California and ran a pool hall but then he vanished from public records in 1922 and nobody is sure how or where he met his end some say he may have ended up broken homeless passing away in San Francisco in 1930. number six Oren Porter Rockwell a true legend of the old west this guy was quite the character and his story is full of twists and turns that'll leave you wondering what's fact and what's fiction let's take a ride through some Curious facts about Porter Rockwell first off this guy was one deadly Gunslinger they called him the destroying Angel and for good reason he took down more Outlaws than some of the most famous gunslingers combined I'm talking Wyatt ear Doc Holliday Tom Horn and Bat Masterson all rolled into one heck he once even shot a bank robber on Horseback in pitch black darkness no one messed with Porter Rockwell without getting a taste of lead here's the twist though despite his toughest Nails exterior Porter was a fiercely loyal member of the church he was like a guardian angel to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young serving as their bodyguard and personal messenger when Joseph was stuck in Liberty Jail guess who helped him to try to break out you guessed it Porter Rockwell he was The Man Behind getting two augers into the jail so the prophet could chisel his way to Freedom oh and get this Porter Rockwell had one heck of a prophecy going for him after some rough times in Missouri Joseph Smith told them that as long as he didn't cut his hair and remained true to the gospel no enemy could touch him and you know what the prophecy held true time and time again Porter escaped deadly showdowns without a scratch one Sharpshooter even emptied both his guns at Porter in broad daylight and it didn't even ruffle his feathers now here's a real twist in the tail Porter Rockwell went to jail but not for the reasons you might think Brigham Young sent him on a mission to Nauvoo and get this he wanted Porter to get himself arrested yes the plan was to shift persecution away from the Saints left behind and Porter was more than happy to oblige he staged a wild stunt barricading himself in an old boarding house and it worked like a charm the Saints stayed in peace and Porter got acquitted once again but not everything was sunshine and Roses in Porter's life he was involved in some mysterious cases like the Aiken brother murders charged with slowing down Johnson's Army Porter had to escort the Aiken Brothers out of Utah and well things went South two of the brothers ended up dead in the desert and no one knows for sure what happened some Plain Indians While others point fingers at Porter Rockwell but hang on it gets crazier quarter shot Brigham Young's own nephew lot Huntington after a horse theft turned into a deadly standoff you don't mess with this man that's for sure now despite all the drama Porter Rockwell remained a faithful Latter-Day Saint till the very end he was one of the first members of the church and never wavered in his loyalty to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young in the face of slander and accusations President Joseph F Smith praised Porter in his tribute saying he had gone to heaven as a true Saint number five Annie Oakley we're talking about a true legend of the Wild West Annie Oakley horn as Phoebe and Moses but known to all as Annie this girl left a remarkable life from humble beginnings to becoming a sharp shooting sensation Annie's life started out rough when her paw passed away leaving her mama with six kids and not much else after a couple of remarriages young Annie found herself helping out at the Dark County Infirmary she was a real go-getter and by the time she was 15 she was hunting game with her Paw's old rifle and making enough money to pay off her mama's mortgage but here's where things got really interesting one day a guy named Jack Frost saw her shooting skills and invited her to a shooting contest against a well-known Marksman Frank E Butler Annie gave it her all and beat the guy with a perfect score well you know what happened next she and Frank fell in love and got hitched Annie and Frank joined forces and started performing together in shows but it wasn't until they joined Buffalo Bills Wild West that Annie truly became a star she was the star of the show The Champion marks woman and Frank was right there beside her as her manager and assistant they made quite the team now here's a fun fact when the wild west toured Europe Annie caught the eye of none other than the legendary Lakota leader Sitting Bull he was mighty impressed with her shooting skills and her down-to-earth demeanor so he called her little Sure Shot now that's an nickname you can be proud of Annie and Frank had quite the successful run with the wild west but eventually they decided to leave the show he settled down in Maryland and even adopted A Pup Named Dave who became a part of their act talk about a talented dog Annie would shoot apples right off of Dave's head but Annie's adventurous Spirit didn't stop there when World War one broke out she offered to raise a regiment of women volunteers to fight and she volunteered to teach Marksmanship to the Troops she was One fierce lady I'll tell you that sadly Annie and Frank were in a terrible car accident that left them both injured it took Annie quite some time to recover but she bounced back and was performing again unfortunately her health started to fail and she and Frank moved back to her hometown in Ohio to be near family in the end after a long and adventure-filled Life Annie and Frank passed away just weeks apart number four Bill Longley Bill Longley or should I say Wild Bill rattling Bill Tom Jones Jim Patterson Jim Webb Bill black Bill Henry or Bill Jackson he sure had a bunch of aliases now Bill Longley was born in Texas back in 1851 and let me tell you he was one mean ombre right from the start at the tender age of 16 he killed his first man and there was no turning back from there he had some really strong racist views that was dead set against the Reconstruction policy after the Civil War that kind of trouble was bound to catch up with him eventually bill was one fast and deadly Gunslinger and he had a long list of victims to prove it he had a reputation for taking down anyone he suspected of being a Yankee sympathizer or a carpetbagger when a police officer insulted his father Bill stepped forward and told the man to lower his gun the Lawman was unaware of Bill's accuracy so he raised his gun and pointed it at Young Bill who shot him to death Longley began terrorizing newly freed slaves and killed two more black men in Lexington Texas soon after joining up with other young men on December 20th 1868 Longley Johnson McCown and James Gilmore killed green Evans one of three ex-slaves they intercepted from Bell County he and his brother-in-law John W Wilson terrorized black fam South Central Texas for the next two years but here's a Twist Bill had a close call with death himself when he was captured by a mob and nearly lynched as a horse thief one man however turned and shot several shots at the pair as the mob wrote off the bullet has struck Longley broke a tooth and another frayed the rope from which he was hanging the Rope broke and he managed to escape with his life Longley and his brother-in-law John W Wilson killed a black man named Bryce in Bastrop County in February 1870. there was also a charge against them for killing a black woman military authorities offered a one thousand dollar reward for the pair in March his brother-in-law Wilson died soon after and longly traveled North now this Outlaw's trail of violence didn't end there he kept on the Run killing innocent people all over the place he claimed he was part of an outlaw gang and even worked as a trail driver in Kansas where he killed his boss after a disagreement he sure had a knack for getting himself into trouble I'll tell you that but the law finally caught up with him and after a series of Trials and letters to the newspapers claiming he killed 32 men he was sentenced to hang can you believe he even asked for clemency comparing his case to the infamous John Wesley Hardin on the day of his execution Bill had a sense of humor he joked about fixing a board before he went up the Gallows saying he wouldn't want to trip and break his neck but when the hangman did his thing fate had other plans Bill landed on his feet and they had to fix the situation before he finally met his end number three bat Master son now you might not see him standing in that imaginary Hall of Fame with Wild Bill Hicks and Buffalo Bill but trust me he deserves his own spot up there Matt was a man of many talents and Adventures born up north in Canada he found his way to the Wild open Plains of Kansas at a young age now he started his career hunting Buffalo and let me tell you he had quite the reputation as a buffalo Hunter but that's just the beginning of his wild journey in 1874 when he was just 20 years old he found himself in a harrowing showdown at Adobe walls in Texas he and a bunch of other Buffalo Hunters bought off hundreds of hostile Native Americans and they came out on top killing as many as 70 of them now that's one heck of a story that spread like wildfire making that a true hero of the west but of course being a gunslinger bat found himself in a good old-fashioned shootout soon enough it happened in a Texas bar and it involved a woman as these things often do in the end bat took down his opponent a Cavalry soldier named Melvin King but he came out of it with a limp that people say he carried for the rest of his life now Dodge City was bats stomping ground and boy was it a wild Place saloons gambling Halls brothels you name it they had it Wyatt Earp himself approached bats and convinced him to become a law man and sure enough he became the sheriff of Ford County he took down Outlaws formed Posse's and had a reputation that made folks think twice before messing with him but like any good story there were ups and downs that's time as sheriff came to an end but that didn't stop him from being a gunfighter getting into scrapes and wandering all over the West he was a man of many interests Sports gambling you name it he even became a sports writer and hobnobbed with boxers and athletes but Masterson was a curious Soul always looking for what's next never afraid to take risks that's what makes him such a legendary figure of the American West he lived life to the fullest and everyone always had a tale to tell about him number two the Sundance Kid one of the most notorious Outlaws in the American Old West now this Man's real name was Harry Alonzo longabaugh but you probably know him better as the Sundance Kid he was a member of Butch Cassidy's wild lunch and together they were quite the Troublemaker pulling off train and bank robberies like there was no tomorrow born in Pennsylvania in 1867 Sundance was the youngest of five siblings and he had quite The Adventurous Barrett just 15 years old he headed west in a covered wagon with his cousin George but trouble found him and in 1887 he stole a gun horse and saddle Landing himself in jail for 18 months it was during this time that he earned the nickname the Sundance Kid after getting out of jail he went back to work as a ranch hand and by 1891 he was up in Canada working at the bar U Ranch but his life took a different turn when he got mixed up in some train and bank robberies he joined the infamous wild barge which included his partner in crime Butch Cassidy now Sundance was known for being quick with a gun but interestingly enough he wasn't known to have killed anyone before a later shootout in Bolivia where he and Butch Cassidy were believed to have met their end you see there was another Outlaw in the gang called Kid Curry real name Harvey Logan who was quite the Gunslinger taking down numerous men so sometimes people got mixed up and referred to Sundance as the kid the gang had a hideout in Wyoming called the hole in the wall where they planned their heists and could strike and retreat with ease Pinkerton detectives were hot on their Trail making things difficult for the Wild Bunch so in 1901 Sundance along with his wife Etta place and Butch Cassidy decided it was time to leave the United States they set sail for Buenos Aires Argentina seeking fresh robbing grounds and some time to cool off now you might have seen portrayals of the gang as non-violent in Hollywood movies but let me tell you that's not entirely true they had their share of Bloodshed and there were Wanted Dead or Alive posters plastered all over the county with a hefty reward of thirty thousand dollars for the information leading to their capture or death sailed with his wife at a place and Parker aboard the British ship armenius for Buenos Aires in Argentina number one Jesse James how about a story about an Infamous Outlaw from the wild west well here it is Jesse Woodson James The Man Behind all those Bank train and Stagecoach robberies now Jesse was quite the character even when he was alive making headlines in the newspapers like some kind of popular hero but his Legend only grew bigger after his death born in Missouri in 1847 Jesse grew up in a family that owned slaves when the Civil War came knocking his brother Frank went off to fight for the Confederacy but Jesse was just a young and too young to join the fight so he watched from the sidelines but things took a turn when Union militiamen roughed him up and tortured his stepfather it's when he got all fired up and joined a gang of gorillas led by Bloody Bill Anderson they caused Havoc terrorizing folks loyal to the union there were several atrocities committed by Jesse including the notorious Centralia massacre in which 22 unarmed Union soldiers and a hundred others were slaughtered but the war ended and many of the guerrillas went back to their peaceful lives not Jesse though he and Frank still had a fire in their bellies fueled by the humiliation of the confederacy's defeat they decided to keep fighting only now their targets were Banks and such they became notorious robbers hitting One Bank after another and even drawing attention from the newspapers Jesse loved the attention we reckon he started building up a legend of himself as a southern hero a modern-day Robin Hood stealing from the rich and helping the poor but truth be told there isn't much evidence that he shared his loot with the needy took a dangerous turn when Jesse and his gang tried robbing a bank in Northfield Minnesota the people there weren't too keen on the former Rebels and they fought back taking down some of Jesse's gang right then and there Jesse and Frank barely escaped and had to lay low under assumed names now Jesse couldn't resist the thrill of Outlaw life and he returned to crime in 1879 but the tides had turned and folks weren't so sympathetic to his cause anymore one of his gang members turned traitor and helped the authorities hunt him down on April 3rd 1882 Jesse was shot in the back of the head meeting his end with few friends left his mother serelta James chose this Epitaph for her son in loving memory of my beloved Son murdered by a traitor and coward whose name is not worthy to appear here thanks for joining us on this incredible journey through the old west and the lives of the deadliest Gunslingers if you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe for more exciting content
Channel: Vintage TV
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Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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