10 CREEPY Confessions by Hunters with River Sound Effects - Darkness Prevails

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if you want to be a part of a future creepy confessions video I'm looking for scary experiences from bartenders police officers and security guards go to darkness prevails org to send your story I know I shared a few hunter confession stories in the last episode of creepy confessions but I had to have more because when people go looking for things and preying upon things sometimes they find something they weren't looking for unless something finds them first enjoy these dark confessions from hunters with the sounds of a flowing river one failed attempt or was it by lupine Bane this is going to sound crazy at first but as the story goes on I hope it begins to make sense to you I am a hunter and oftentimes that means I'm an explorer too I go traditional bow hunting in extremely rural places and on this night in particular that was forever changed like a fool I was alone and I had pushed on much further than I want to do the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Georgia will do that to you I've always considered myself a good bushcrafter and had confidence in my skills to keep safe in most situations it was almost dark and I had been climbing down some hills and knew I should just camp and go back in the morning I cooked up some rabbit and of course took some cold bushcraft selfies soon I was dozing off when suddenly there was a loud deafening boom that made me jump out of my skin the sound was metallic like tin roofing being slammed I quickly thought it was moonshiners or another type of shady people I shoved everything back into my small pack and then I put out my fire I set still waiting to hear anything and then I heard it again that metallic bang it was more like stressed metal about to give my fingers trembled on my bow anxious at the thought that I may have to use it in self-defense I crept down the ridge hoping to see a pickup simply loading up some gear and leaving but I saw darkness no fire no flashlights no other people anywhere I stood there contemplating what to do next and as I went to take my next step I heard the loud crashing sound again I froze solid the sound was coming from right in front of me just down the hill as my eyes adjusted I could make out a large homemade cage like the ones you would see at the mouth of a mine I could didn't see what looked like a campsite that had been abandoned quickly there were small fire pits with smoking ash still then I could make out an unsettling amount of animal bones that's when the smell hit me the rot of meat I was so so and in and what I was looking at that I hadn't really given the cage much attention thinking at that point it was probably the skeleton to make a makeshift tent and that's when it happened I was still behind the rocks in the hill mostly hidden but the feeling of dread came over me hard and it nearly made me sick it was like the most primal sense of knowing gear pray and you're about to meet your demise I dropped my bow not giving two craps about hunting or stealth at that point and I grabbed my sidearm instead before I could look over the rocks again the most disturbing and horrifying scream bellowed out it was so loud and deep I could fill it rumbling in my chest it was all wrong there was nothing on God's green earth that makes that sound it was like some sort of siren and a man's fading screams were played in Reverse at the same time as I began to know out of there I heard the metal clanging again and I stopped I thought what if someone is stuck under a rock what if someone needs help it happens all the time out here i PO need up and i ran down the hill as I approached the cage out of the darkness I see a massive shape throw itself at the side desperately trying to get at me I jump back and screamed thinking it wasn't a trapped climber rather a bear mauling in progress without a single thought I fired through what I now knew to be a steel trap of some kind the thing yelped and slammed into the corner and sat still it's breathing sounded almost like a car idle it sat there breathing heavily in the cage that it could not escape I soon began to fear that it was a person in that cage for what reason I don't know but I had still fired at it my assumption of it being human quickly perished as it stood back up on two legs and lunged at me a hairy arm poking out through the bars of the cage and nearly clawing my face to shreds being so confused so terrified I turned around and I ran nothing made sense that night and I was too scared to even struggle to think straight as I put distance between us I could hear the thing from the cage screaming again the sound was horrible and made me nauseous I ran till I got sick I threw up and I kept running when I made it to a paved road I called the police and the Rangers but when they arrived all that amounted to was them suspecting me of something I passed their little tests with flying colors I was completely sober but they didn't pay my story much mind I can't stop thinking about it what kind of camp did I stumble upon what was that in the cage just what in the world is going on Blue Mountains to the Windigo by Frank L I remember it clear as day it was back in 1989 I was 12 years old and I was with my dad my uncle Vincent and my brother Joe we had gone turkey hunting in Tennessee for a week one day we went out a couple of yards away from our camp because Vincent had caught sight of some turkeys we went out and split up me and my dad went to the right and Joe and Vincent went to the left we were walking around silently searching for our prey it was quiet for a long time and both me and my dad were beginning to think that Vincent hadn't seen anything maybe he had just dreamt of the turkeys that's when we heard a sound my dad shushed me and gave me the hand signal to follow I did as he told me we slowly walked up a hill as we reached the top my dad stopped and I nearly ran into him I could see the side of his face he was looking in the distance and his skin was growing so pale I don't think I'd ever seen his eyes so wide I went up beside him and I poked him trying to figure out what was going on he didn't budge either ignoring me or just completely unaware that I was still there curious and worried I followed his gaze and I quickly saw what he was staring at it was tall and pale its arms stretched to the length of its body and it was staring in the distance just standing still as of enjoying the slight breeze we watched in horror too afraid to even breathe in case it might alert this odd creature the tall thin and lumbering thing turned and walked back in the opposite direction disappearing in the trees and a few seconds later a bone-chilling howl erupted from where it had disappeared that's when my father and I ran back we nearly collided with Joe and Vincent and the looks on their faces told us that they had seen it too in complete wordless silence the four of us packed up and left for home it wasn't until nineteen years later that Vincent brought up the event again asking us if we remembered what we saw that day I hesitantly nodded my head only for Vincent to say something else that horrified me yeah it was bizarre enough that something like that exists but to think there were two of them unbelievable Vincent and Joe had seen two of the things and somehow that makes the event all the more terrifying three I'm barely out ran it by b-dawg it was a cold evening when my dad and I set out to go hunting he told me beforehand that for better chances at seeing deer we would head off in separate directions but he reminded me that he'd be very close at all times so I didn't have to worry I never said okay my dad said he would stay on the hillside we were on and he told me to keep hiking until my judgement told me that I had found a good spot soon I was alone and on my way like my father had instructed me I continued on a sick feeling building up inside me this was the first time I had gone on my own like this but I reminded myself that if anything happened I had my firearm and my dad wasn't too far away I ignored the feeling and didn't think about it until later when I heard a noise behind me about 20 yards away I immediately turned in that direction to check it out thinking it was my dad who had decided to join me but I saw nothing safe for some swaying branches that were motionless when I had passed them when I turned forward once more to continue on my way I nearly shouted because my dad was in front of me his lips were pursed and he had his finger over them telling me to be quiet I was confused how did he get in front of me so fast and so quietly why was he here at all he grabbed me by the forearm and dragged me back in the direction that we had come from without a word I simply followed him something had spooked him and if it had spooked my dad then I didn't want to be in the woods any longer but not long after that I began to hear branches breaking and heavy footsteps gaining on us when I turned around I saw the head of something what I remember something that is scarred into my mind were massive antlers seven and a half feet off the ground whatever it was it was huge and it was coming right for us when we made it back to the truck luckily in one piece my dad peeled out of there halfway home he finally said something after a long silence he said I'm sorry he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said he promised he would never make me go alone again for the thing that ate my dog by blade six 109 it was maybe six years ago I was 13 at the time me my dad and my brother were going coon hunting we would go out to nearly every night taking the dogs with us to train them to compete in our local coon hunting clubs and maybe even some bigger competitions it was January the three of us got our stuff together one night and went out to one of our usual hunting spots and began our hunt at that point I had been hunting for years and so the dark never really scared me anymore not like it did when I was a child I actually came to enjoy it seeing the different creatures that came out in the night and hearing all the bugs chirping oftentimes you'd even hear a pack of coyotes out in the distance it was all very peaceful to me but it wasn't that night that night was cold quiet the bright full moon should have been a sign of an easy hunt but rather it seemed like a terrifying omen the three of us had just set the dogs loose and watched them scurry away quickly trying to find the scent of a coon and began to track we followed the dogs they began barking at a tree apparently one of them had picked up the scent right away though I knew something was wrong his barking wasn't the same as it usually was it instead sounded like he was chasing something instead of tracking a scent not too long after the other dog began to do the same I looked over to my dad and he had a puzzled look on his face we waited a few minutes listening to the dogs and whatever they were chasing when the barking suddenly stopped my stomach sank now we have garmin tracking collars on both the dogs and we had a handheld gps that allowed us to find them we looked at our mini-map to see where they had gone we saw their blips on the map and they had both gone completely still me my brother and my father we looked at each other and quickly made our way to where the caller's were hoping that they were still attached I was thinking maybe they ran down an armadillo hole and that's why we couldn't hear them anymore but soon after we heard one of the dogs that had a very loud and painful Yelp like it was being attacked Ward had gotten injured then it went quiet again my brother and my father and I stood there checking the GPS tracker again watching the screen and waiting for the dogs to move but they still didn't I was already feeling scared and that that feeling of we need to get home fast my dad said to us we've got to go after them they're probably in a hole again they're gonna get themselves hurt but my dad didn't believe that himself there was a faltering in his voice he was afraid my dad is a big guy who has the don't mess with me look he's six foot six and he was a veteran of twenty years he was hardly ever scared of anything I let out a groan and we all started following the tracker again towards the dog's location it was quiet not even the bugs were chirping anymore just the sound of our feet smash through the forest we get about 350 yards from the dogs location on the GPS and all of the sudden my dad says stop my brother and I listened and looked at him his eyes were glued to the screen of the GPS we asked him what's wrong and he shows it to us it showed one of the dogs flying through the forest zigzagging quickly but the other one was still motionless we sat there for five minutes and my dad starts walking toward the other dog in these stationary one we arrive at a creek and follow it up to the dogs location and get right on it but we don't see the dog we look around for a minute then suddenly my dad says loudly my god I go over to where he's standing and shined my light into the creek and I can see the red stains in the water I followed the red trail up to the side of the creek only to find half of what was left of the dog I puked busted a few blood vessels in my face when I look back at my dad he was loading his weapon and he was mad my brother and I were standing there shaking in our boots just ready to go home my dad tells me to go and get the tracker off the dog and get back up the bank I wasted no time and I went to get the tracker but halfway up the bank I froze there was a loud boom my dad had fired seemingly right over my head I looked over to where he shot and standing there on the other side of the creek about 200 feet from me stood something at about seven feet tall it was hard to make out much detail but I could see its massive yellow eyes and shimmering moist fur my dad yells at me to run and the three of us bolt back to the truck I didn't turn back but I heard the most awful sound of my life a loud deep chilling howl a few seconds later we heard it crashing through the water and chasing after us it seemed like ages before we finally saw the truck we climbed in quickly we started it up and turned on our lights and lightbar standing just to the left of the truck was this was this thing that looked like a wolf lips curled back revealing large teeth in a foaming mouth it stood on all fours but it was definitely no wolf because it stood at half the size of our truck my dad kicks it into drive and as we pull away he tries to run the thing over but it jumps to the side then my dad floors it down the trail and hits the road soon speeding twice the limit all the way home we all sent quietly in the truck my little brother starts crying and I'm sitting there frozen with a what the heck just happened look on my face I thought of the GPS tracker and asked my dad to let me see it he hands it over and I look at the screen I can feel my skin turn pale the tracker had stopped transmitting but the last known location of the other dog that had been zigzagging all over the radar was right where we had parked right where the thing had been standing it was inside whatever that creature was the following two stories are about ghost hunting but hey it's still hunting nonetheless five a demon hates me by John M about five or six years ago I was dating this girl named Ann I was 21 and she was 24 we had been dating for a few months but had known each other for years and we decided to move in together and found a nice apartment I worked part time on nights and sometimes while I was gone and would pass the time by going ghost hunting with friends one night before I went to work I went shopping into a local store where I was friends with the manager when I received a call from Ann she was begging me to come home right away because she had heard someone forcing their way in through the back door our back door was in the center of the apartment locked from our side and there was a set of stairs that led down to another outside door that it was locked from the inside so I didn't believe her until I heard the inner door slamming like someone was hitting it I left the store and immediately ran home when I got there Anand our friend Sarah were standing in the corner of our kitchen I unlocked the door and slowly opened it but there was no one there I walked down the stairs and unlocked and opened the back door yet I didn't see anyone still not even any footprints in the snow I turned to go back up the stairs and when I did I finally saw it bare human footprints on the steps all the way to the last step at the top of the stairs I didn't know what to think about it at the time honestly skip ahead a few weeks and there were no incidents and we forgot all about it one night after Ann had gone ghost hunting we were sleeping in our bed it was just us because her daughter's father had her daughter for overnight visits this week at around 1:00 in the morning and woke up and started screaming I jumped up covered in goose bumps and asked her what was wrong and she told me she had had a nightmare and that she had seen a dark figure with red smoky eyes that told Herod was following her and that it was mad at me before disappearing it promised to prove itself real we went back to sleep after an hour or so that next night at about midnight our stereo turned on by itself I thought Anne was pulling a prank to scare me so I unplugged the stereo and I hid the remote only 15 minutes later it came on again I asked her to stop messing around and she said it wasn't her I noticed she was still next to me in bed so I got up and checked the stereo and when I looked behind it I was shocked it was still unplugged I tried to figure out how it turned on by itself but I couldn't I was dumbfounded the next morning and seemed a little off which I thought was just from a lack of sleep I was out trying to find a second job when I received a text stating that she could not be with me anymore because something said that it would never stop until I was gone and then confessed about all the things she had been doing while ghost hunting some of which was pretty sketchy she said she thinks something is now following her but she still doesn't want to give up ghost hunting and that was the end of that I still don't know if it was a real demon or just an psychotic way of dumping me but the two of us haven't spoken since and from what I've heard and is still single and is not looking for a relationship sex college haunting by darkest hour videos everyone in town knows that our college campus is haunted it's one of those things that you grow up telling spooky stories about and sleepovers making all the other girls squeal when you suddenly pull out the jump scare it wasn't anything a lot of people really ever worried about unless you went to the school I started college there back in the fall of 2010 as an art major that meant I had to spend a lot of time in the humanities building according to rumor that was the most haunted building on campus over the years being there I'd felt many weird things it felt more eerie rather than dangerous though and I was very curious about it though I would get very bad feelings around the backstage area and going on the stairs that led down to the basement but again I would generally shrug it off as me just being a paranoid kid after the first month or so I got involved with a small group of people that enjoyed going ghost hunting on the weekends they ended up getting special permission from one of the art professors to stay in the building late that night I was invited to go on this little hunt as my first tester trap they wanted to make sure that I would stay calm we get there and go through a little safety spell and break up into groups nothing much happens for the first little while but then I suggest we head to the darkroom on the second floor earlier that week I had an experience in there and thought that maybe we could find something two of us out of the group go inside while the other two wait in the hallway we begin a bit of radio silence to start the EVP session during that time I kept feeling something touching the back of my shirt and gently tugging down on it I stay quiet and ignore it hoping that maybe a voice was caught on the recording we started to ask questions and the tugs in the back of my shirt became harder and more obvious I told the person with me and he began to ask who it was that was tugging on my shirt I began to feel extremely warm and uncomfortable in there and I said I really wanted to get out of that room I was quite claustrophobic and two people in a small dark room was pushing it for me however the thought of an unseen entity wanting to mess with me while I was in such an uncomfortable position made it worse we went out into the hallway and listened to the recordings there was nothing there but white noise our voices and some whispering that we couldn't really make out we chalked that up to the AC units in the building kicking on it was still hot as heck even though the summer was wrapping up the rest of the time spent in two small groups was rather uneventful we regrouped at 2 a.m. and we all went down to the basement together and I wish I'd never gone we all took our positions in the prompt filled basement there was costume and props storage down there and we turned on a UV light one of the guys said that he had read somewhere that entities may be attracted to it a volunteer went and shut off the lights for the basement and we began to wait once the lead said he was ready to turn out the lights I got the distinct feeling that doing that would lead to a bad time I had told him not to basically begged him not to but out went the light anyway and immediately after I felt something cold closing around my neck I couldn't breathe it felt like something was pulling on the air out of my lungs and I couldn't stand either one of the guys caught me and that ended the night's investigations I had red marks on my neck that faded after a little while but the guy that caught me had very tiny scratches near his eyes we didn't do any more investigations for the rest of the summer but the following semester we all decided that we needed to have one more go at the building and see if what had happened was just a fluke we broke up into groups again and had a rather uneventful night into a little after midnight while I was inside of a piano practice room with one of the others the piece of the building was shattered because we heard a scream the sounds of running going down the stairs the door to the stairway opening and closing and the door to the outside opening and closing as well and then the stairway door opened and closed again the only problem with the second opening and closing of the stairway door was the fact that there were no footsteps to go along with it we were all called to the auditorium for a little meeting turns out the two that ran out of the building had been investigating near the second floor darkroom while near the darkroom they began to hear noises from inside the room and gentle knocks in the women's restroom door on an EVP they heard something say my name right before something inside the darkroom fell and that's what had them running out of the building because of this I was asked to leave for the safety of the rest of the group I was bummed out of course but I left one of my friends in the group said they would come and see me afterwards the rest of the story was told to me by this friend and I have no personal recollection of this and that really freaks me out my friend came to my house after the investigation was over and he found me sitting in the middle of my living room floor with papers covered in weird ramblings and drawings spread all around me he freaked called a friend of ours that practiced Wicca she came over to smudge and bless the house hoping to get rid of whatever was there he said I was pretty out of it the entire time but I seemed normal the next day I'm so grateful that he came to see me instead of going straight home there's no telling what would have happened if I had remained like that now all these years later I still sometimes feel something dark in my house I'm not sure if this entity followed me from the college or had been there before all of it but I do know that I now sleep with holy water and my father's rosary beside my bed seven skinwalker and my dream by Eli a I'm 15 years old and I lived two hours from Kenora Ontario it all began with a strange dream in it my father and I had brought home a deer but as soon as we began to prep it after we turned around for a moment and looked back it had disappeared all that was left was a red trail on the ground leading into the woods and that was the dream simple and nothing out of the ordinary right skip to a couple of months later I went hunting with my dad on our property far from our town it was about 6:00 in the morning and it was freezing that day I've never been so cold in my life I was struggling to stay warm and I didn't realize the forest was dead silent which was weird because it's usually full of sounds like cows mooing nearby and birds but there was nothing anyway my dad and I were in two different tree stands about ten feet apart and we were watching a trail in between them on the ground after two hours of inactivity my dad managed to fall asleep waiting well I sat there still I started to hear the very faint sound of leaves crushing underfoot as it slowly grew louder I knew wood was heading this way I started to see a little bit of movement in the tall grass nearby and when my eyes focused I saw a huge male white-tailed deer eating some seeds on the ground I reached slowly to grab my firearm while my dad was still sleeping I looked through the scope toward the deer and I saw that it was looking in my direction I knew I had to make this shot before it fully realized we were there but I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger that time the most horrifying thing happened next the deer stood up on two legs now that I had a full body look at it I saw that it was not a deer more like a man with the deers legs and a head with antlers it stared for about 30 seconds and then it ran towards me I freaked out thinking it was going to come after me but then it walked right under my tree stand and went the opposite way I set in the cold silence wondering what on earth I just saw the sounds began again the wind the cows and birds my dad woke up and I told him we needed to go that there's nothing here we packed up and left I still come out to the property every once in a while but whenever I do I always bring protection hunting or not eight red eyes by Kyle I've lived in Michigan my entire life wolves and wild dogs are pretty rare at my area with that being said one night my friend his dad and my dad were out on a late-night drive-through our fields and forests we were on our way back to the house I was riding in the bed of the pickup truck when I looked in the grass and saw a pair of blood-soaked red eyes staring back at me I jumped the thing almost looked like it makes between a dog and a cat I quickly told my dad and he said it was probably just a panther but those eyes proved otherwise I've never seen anything like them it looked more like a bloodhound or a Windigo from the children's stories and legends to make things worse I've been going squirrel hunting ever since I got my Hunter's Safety permit and license so I spend a lot of time in the woods during squirrel season one day while in a patch of snowy woods a strong wind knocked me out of my chair and sent my gear blowin in front of me I grabbed my pack and firearm and decided to call it a day I began to walk back to the house and while looking back at the woods I saw those red eyes again following me I believe that big gust of wind had something to do with it but maybe not at night in that area though sometimes I hear loud screaming in the woods and I wonder what it is 9 glad I wasn't alone by full-auto airsoft it was three months ago September as of riding this me and my friend Justin were gathering our gear to go for a deer hunt it was a little past noon so we didn't expect animals to start moving around yet we had plenty of time to get prepared our usual hunting spot is only a mile and a half walk from the property the spot we like to sit at gives us a view of the whole area it's on top of a hill in a field the wood line is directly behind us so we're quite close to some deer bedding I was armed with a compound bail while Justin had a crossbow with the scope our plan was to sit till about 6 as it usually gets dark at around 5:45 one thing that was off about our hunt that day was that the whole place was a bit quiet besides the occasional leaf falling or wind gusts since we saw nothing we decided to move down the hill to get a different vantage point I was putting my water bottle back in my day pack preparing to move but a sudden crunch made us both freeze in place I slowly drew my bow expecting a deer or coyote but one we saw still haunts me to this day I saw a deer like horns sticking out of the brush so naturally I aimed in that direction ready for a deer to come out any moment but something was wrong it was about 70 yards away so I waited for it to come out into the open but when it revealed itself I was petrified and I'm sure Justin was just the same the whole place smelled of a rotten stench something like sulfur when it walked out the creature had the head of a deer one part of it in particular was burnt into my brain and that was its eyes dark empty black pits in the creatures head it was about four and a half feet tall in all fours but that creature stood up like a man on its hind legs scaling in at over eight feet tall it stood there gazing out at the empty highway about a mile out we did not want to get its attention so we tried to be silent I've never been so horrified in my life luckily when a semi engine braked it scared the creature back into the woods we waited five minutes though in silence so if we ran and wouldn't hear us or at least it wouldn't catch up with us all I can say is that if you're going out into the woods for any reason it's always best to not go alone if you can take it from me because no one wants an encounter like this to happen to them 10 skinwalker hunting by James I was 14 when I saw this I've always been an outdoorsy type of kid I used to grab one of my guns and go out into the woods 200 yards behind my house and I would fire at anything that moved or I would go on hunting one day during October I thought it was a good idea to go squirrel hunting so I grabbed my 12-gauge in a box of shells I made my way out and passed my mom telling her I was going to a friend's place I walked for a good two hours not really seeing much of anything for the entire walk I made it to the shelter I had made when I was younger and it's usually a hot spot for squirrels but there was no activity whatsoever I walked for another half hour before I got a weird feeling like I was being watched I thought some neighbor kid was trying to scare me so I was at the ready and still until an ear-splitting screech nearly made me drop my 12-gauge it was the loudest thing I'd ever heard in my life but even so I could tell it was a distance away from me the last thing I wanted was for something that loud and terrifying to come any closer I calmed myself down and gave a quick prayer as it remained silent for a few more minutes I was able to keep going and actually got a few squirrels before going back home I was making my way back toward the shelter but as I passed it it was getting dark I was beginning to hear the sound of running all around me like something was in the woods and circling me of course that's when the ear-splitting shriek came again this time it was so close I thought my ears were going to bleed bright after that I began to hear something jumping through the branches on the trees it sounded much heavier than your usual wildlife I choked down a scream and I watched something with a vaguely human shape jumping from branch to branch I crawled into my Hut and I waited when the sounds of the swaying branches carried off in the distance that's when I ran it was my opening to get away and I took it it took me 45 minutes to make it back to the house but when I did I broke through that door and slammed it shut my mom ran into the living room wondering what all the ruckus was about despite me crying and telling her my story she was mad at me and grounded me a saying that staying out so late and givin me nightmares and a fear of the dark but that doesn't explain what I saw what I saw was very real and far from natural in every job and every hobby and passion there are people who have experienced some very horrifying things things they don't want to share out of embarrassment or even fear but that's what creepy confessions is all about a place to anonymously share the creepiest things that have happened to you so come on over to darkness prevalence dot org and confess your scariest experiences to the world good night be sure to like share comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the video if you want to support my channel further you can donate any amount on my patreon at patreon.com slash darkness prevails and you'll get your name in the credits at the end of these videos or download my free app spooked on the Google Play Store if you do have some extra cash click that shop button below the video or go to morbid monsters comm and get yourself some creepy cool darkness prevails clothing now then here are my five favorite early comments from the previous episode about 10 disturbing things found on farms Lorena Guerrero says just in time for my daily chores whatever helps you pass the time chores suck if I could afford to pay someone to do my dishes forever I would Big C Christian says manure and death now that's a lovely smell don't forget the lemon zest some banana says yes I love you darkness I'm gonna buy some of your merch I live on a farm too sweetness studies show that my merch looks best on farms Deann osore says great I listen to this well in the field so the intro made me crazy paranoid Thanks awesome video as always I'm glad you enjoyed we're all over here playing checkers but you're listening to this video playing 4d chess take note people if the video is about abandoned places find your nearest broken-down hospital and enjoy and xenomorph excel it sucks that I always get an error when I try to click the bail notification symbol guess YouTube can't handle the sexiness of darkness I don't know about sexy but there is a whole lot of chub going on over here that no one can handle anyways guys thanks so much for tuning in to another darkness prevails video more scary stories are coming soon here are the credits to my faithful and amazing patrons who continue to donate until next time this world is a strange one so stay safe out there and stay creepy
Channel: Darkness Prevails
Views: 155,806
Rating: 4.8249192 out of 5
Keywords: hunting stories, creepy confessions, scary hunting stories, river sound effect, river sounds, water sound effect, forest sound effect, bird sounds, creepy hunting stories, hunting trip, forest stories, scary forest stories, national park stories, scary national park, sound effects, relaxing sound effects, sleep aid, asmr, asmr sleep, relaxing asmr, creepy asmr, darkness prevails, true scary stories, true ghost stories, real monster sightings, skinwalker stories, wendigo
Id: jZH_1cA7wMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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