10 CRAZIEST Conspiracy Theories People Actually Believe!

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- Woo! The spoon people are coming, keep this on your ears so they don't read your thoughts! (eerie music) Okay, I know what you're thinking. The concept of "Spoon People" is stupid! But if you think that's stupid, keep watching. So conspiracy theories are something that people just love to talk about, either because they believe them, or because they're just straight up entertaining. Many of the classics include 9/11 was an inside job, JKF's assassination was conducted by the government, and of course the moon landing was faked. But today we're going to cover the conspiracy theories that are even more out there, that a lot of people, unfortunately, believe. Here are the 10 craziest conspiracy theories that people actually believe. Number one is the New World Order. Starting off this list a theory that says that the people that you think are in charge, are really taking orders from mysterious figures in the shadows! Yes folks, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but the world is being run under one secretive, authoritarian government known as the NWO, or New World Order. This theory actually dates back to the 1940s, and suggests that there is a secret society of wealthy and politically powerful people working to establish and maintain control over the entire planet. Other more religious theorists claim that the New World Order would fulfill prophecies and bring about an apocalypse through an Anti-Christ, or similar event, I can't say that without laughing. Cooperative governments like the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, known as NATO, are some notable steps towards this theory. Some even go as far as to believe that with the European Union uniting under one currency, next is going to be North America with the Amero. From there it's only one more step until we have one world currency, under a one world bank, under a one world government. That was really hard to say, one world, one (vocalizing) Look some of this theory has merit, but you can't just go around believing every little thing that you hear. If that were the case, someone would tell you that the government is run by lizard people. (laughs) That's coming up? Oh. Number two is poison snow. If you're at the top of the government, and you wanna poison say, I dunno millions of people, what better way could there possibly be than to dump fake plastic snow, laced with chemicals, on a large population? Okay well there's probably a whole lotta ways to poison a whole lotta people, but the poison snow theory was the conclusion that many leapt to during the winter of 2014, when the city of Atlanta, Georgia experienced a snowfall. Now while this is rare, it's not unheard of. But it still left some people believing that the government was trying to poison them! Help Momma, what is this white stuff, I'm gonna die! Conspiracy believers state that the snow was actually a chemical that was manufactured to look like snow, and was dumped on the population in order to make them sick, control their minds, or possibly even kill them. This theory stemmed from a video that a woman made a while ago trying to melt a snowball with a barbecue lighter, only to find that the snow only turned black instead of melted. Oh this woman's never heard of science before, okay allow me to explain. If you hold a lighter up to a snowball, the butane, or lighter fluid, in the lighter gives off soot, so of course it's going to collect on the outside of the snowball, which creates a black film on the surface. Edjamacation for the crazy people! Number three is the government wants you sick. This one's actually kind of a well established conspiracy theory that suggests that the medical industry, big pharmaceutical companies, and the government are working to conceal a cure for cancer and other widespread diseases. The idea behind this is actually pretty simple, which is that these organizations have an incentive to not release a cure for diseases but to only continue to treat them. Which makes sense because a sick person for a lifetime makes a whole lot more money than a cured one. The United States alone holds 40% of the global pharmaceutical market, worth about $413 billion. Cancer and other devastating illnesses happen to create piles up piles of money for these industries through expensive medical treatments, not to mention the colossal amount of funding that they get. As proof, many conspiracy theorists point to A list celebrities, sports icons, and politicians at the top the of the government and claim that they never seem to suffer from the conditions that the lower class people do. And their excuse for when these elite people get sick? Well clearly they're just being brave enough to die for the secret! Number four is the government created HIV/AIDS. Since 1981 when the AIDS epidemic was first reported on, theorists have claimed that the disease was created in a lab by the CIA. The conspiracy was that their intention by creating it, was to eliminate all homosexuals and drastically reduce the population of African Americans, not just in the United States, but worldwide. They pointed out that the virus became widely spread soon after vaccine experiments for Hepatitis B were held, and claimed that only gay men were selected as test subjects. Even the former president of South Africa stated his belief that the virus hadn't originated in Africa but was a tool used to repress his own people. Now while the actual origin of this virus is still somewhat disputed, most people believe that it was the result of some sort of infectious contact between a monkey and a human in the 1930s. By "contact" I mean "sex" know what I'm sayin'? The monkey and the human was havin' sex, just! (chattering) Don't have a sex with monkeys, bad things happen. Number five is the blood sacrifice to the beast month. This one sounds cheery! Have you ever noticed that the second half of April always seems to attract horrible natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and costly accidents, and an overall devastatingly large amount of death? No? Me neither! But of course some theorists have made a note of it, and believe that it's a part of an ancient religion that's still alive today. The period between April 19th and May 1st, is referred to as Blood Sacrifice to the Beast. According to the legend, ancient practitioners of the Jewish faith used to worship a sun god named Baal in ceremonies that involved a human sacrifice. So of course today, any tragedies that happen to occur during the Blood Sacrifice to the Best period of time, are supposedly the work of the government trying to fulfill the sacrifice needs of this ancient god. Why does the government care about this? Somebody explain that to me, it makes no sense. Now if you're wondering why they think this, some April tragedies that have been documented include the Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres, and the Boston Marathon bombing. Well these people might be crazy, but at least they can keep track of dates. Number six is the Israeli shark theory. Ooh this a fun one! This theory was developed in December of 2010 after Egyptian tourism took a nosedive due to a series of shark attacks involving vacationers in a South Sinai resort. The Egyptian media reported that though some sharks had been captured, alarmingly they were pulled from the water with GPS devices attached to them. Now of course because you basically can't trust any media nowadays, they went on to "reveal" that the Israeli government was responsible for the sharks being there, claiming that Israel was attacking the Egyptian economy directly through scare tactics. More particularly, sharks. Dumbfounded, scientists later explained that the GPS devices were planted by marine researchers as a way for them to locate and study the creatures. Also the sharks' attraction to the coast was eventually explained as a result of people dumping dead sheep into the water, which obviously ignited even more theories. Why are people killin' sheep in that area of the region en masse so much that they need to throw them in the water? But as if this theory wasn't crazy enough, this is not the first time that Israel was blamed for attacks involving animals. They apparently also used spying eagles and griffon vultures to carry out their wishes. What do these theorists think that the Israeli government is made up of magical druids that can control creatures? (guffawing) Little common sense people! Number seven is Hillary Clinton and 9/11. Hillary Clinton was at the center of several government scandals during the course of her campaign to be President. Everything has been theorized about this woman, including that she's an Illuminati agent, a murderer, or that she's just a puppet for her husband, former President Bill Clinton and his shadow government. There's even some who believe that she's not really human, but rather a cyborg or a mutated lizard person. Ooh, now we're getting into the lizard people! However one of the lesser known conspiracies born out of the campaign itself, evolved through her choice in logo art. The letter H fused with a pointing arrow, obviously holds symbolism in regards to progression, or moving forward. But some Americans who stood against Hillary, actually believe that the symbolism was an intentional reference to the September 11th terrorist attacks against the United States. It was said that the blue columns represent the World Trade Center, and the arrow depicts the flight path of the hijacked planes. They believe that the logo was created to draw attention to Hillary through political controversy. Do you think these people leave the house every day with different colored tin foil hats, or do you think they just go with good old original silver every day? I wonder. Number eight is FEMA is turning Wal-Marts into prison camps. Apparently nothing can be a coincidence when you're a fanatical conspiracy theorist. Even seemingly trivial plumbing issues. In April of 2015, Wal-Mart stores across the southern United States were shut down because of plumbing issues. Only six stores in total were affected in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, and California. This proved to simply be way too much of a coincidence for the conspiracy believers, who surmised that the closures were in preparation for a massive event! Ooh prepare yourself for this one cus it's a little out there. The supposed event that was going to happen was a covert operation called Jade Helm 15, which would secretly put the southern states under martial law in order to confiscate guns and place political opponents into these prison camps. Going further down the rabbit hole, these Wal-Mart prisons would be disguised as FEMA refugee camps. Maybe Wal-Mart just had a price rollback on nut bars, maybe that's why there's so many people that buy into this nonsense. Number nine is Saddam Hussein's Stargate. I'm starting to think that there are some people who see a horribly evil villain in a TV or movie and genuinely believe that that's how some enemies of the United States actually act. You know as if they just built a doomsday weapon, and are about to destroy the entire world with it? That kind of thing. Well there's an absolutely insane theory circling around, about why President Bush actually invaded Iraq in 2003. Allow me to explain! The theory states that somewhere in Iraq, Saddam Hussein, with the help of a think tank of geniuses, had been secretly hiding and reverse engineering some ancient alien technology, yep! The artifacts were either remnants of a previous civilization that lived in the area hundreds or even thousands of years ago, or it was part of a UFO crash that landed in the 1990s. And apparently this technology was possibly a Stargate, which the God Anukai would use for his return to the physical world. Oh it just gets weirder and weirder. When Bush heard about the Stargate, and the prophecy surrounding the return of Anukai, he sent the military in to deal with Saddam and it. Actually hold on a minute, has anyone written this into a movie script yet? Cus this is a film I would pay to see! And number 10 is the reptile connection. The last entry on our list easily takes the cake for the craziest! This theory, created by English writer David Ick, and now incredibly believed by far too many people to count, states that the world's most powerful elite are actually a race of lizard-like beings from outer space. The reason of course that we don't immediately recognize these people and say, "Hey that's a lizard alien man!" Is of course because they can change form at will. Some famous alleged reptiles include Queen Elizabeth, President Barack Obama, actor Benedict Cumberbatch, and famous inventor Nikola Tessla, as well as Jack Nicholson. Jack Nicholson, yeah, that makes a lot of sense because of course a race of lizard people being obsessed with you know being humanity's overlords would want to impersonate an actor for the lime light? In the future, the lizards aim to achieve their own New World Order, there's that term again! And probably enslave us all! Surprisingly, lots of silly people actually believe in this theory as Ick's lectures sell very well in various countries. Ugh these just get more and more ridiculous. (sighs) So those were the 10 craziest government conspiracies. As always, I wanna know from you guys if there are any that I missed on this list. If so and you know of one that's just even crazier, leave it in the comments below because why not create some more insanity! But as always, thank you guys so much for watching. Remember to subscribe to my channel, and turn on notifications by clicking the bell next to the subscribe button so that you can be notified of my next upload. On the right you'll find two of my most recent videos that you can press or like on your screen right now, in case you missed them. And don't forget to check out my second vlog channel, the link to which is in the description. Have a great night and I will see you next time!
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Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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