10 Countries Offering Citizenship by Investment 2024

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citizenship by investment is a well-renowned legal process through which individuals acquire citizenship and a passport of a foreign country by making a significant financial investment this notion of investment can take various forms such as real estate financing donation to a national Development Fund or investment in job creation projects in return the main applicant along with his family members are granted citizenship and associate benefits including a passport and certain tax reliefs however it's important to note that the eligibility criteria investment requirements and benefits vary from one country to another for example some of these countries might not hand out citizenship to specific Nationals and investors hailing from third world countries might have to go through extra due diligence moreover some countries might even require the invest to reside for a dedicated period of time to attain citizenship whilst others might not even require physical presence furthermore the passport strength of these countries differs a lot some allow Visa free access to up to 160 countries While others merely around 50 therefore all of the countries listed in this video are ranked according to their passport strengths value to money and processing time of the procedure so here are 10 countries with the best citizenship by investment programs number 10 Cambodia most of the people are not familiar with the cambodia's citizenship by investment initiative as it is barely promoted internationally furthermore this program is one of the most criticized by investors and the program does exist in theory but implementing it is really challenging but then again it is still very viable and most of the people who look forward to this program are third world Nationals the basic requirement to obtain its citizenship is a minimum donation of $250,000 in its economy or invest $300,000 in one of its authorized projects while the application for this process is said to Take 5 months before issuing a passport on the downside its passport is one of the worst in this video as it only allows Visa free access access to around 52 destinations and its Henley passport index is 86th in the world in conclusion there are far better choices that have much more transparency Global mobility and perks than this CBI program number nine North Macedonia North Macedonia is a landlocked country located in southeast Europe on the Balan Peninsula it's an exquisitely beautiful country with Lush forests Majestic mountain ranges and many lakes its CBI program is one of the least discovered and currently it is unclear if this program actually works as up to this date only around a dozen of cases have been successful in terms of attaining its citizenship via investment According to some rumors most of the people who have availed this program are of Russian origin but these are just mere speculations since most of the information regarding this is kept in secrecy aside from this the requirements of this program are open this program was introduced in late 2021 and offers two distinct Pathways first one is to make a $220,000 donation to a private government approved Development Fund while the second option requires the main applicant to make a direct investment amounting to $440,000 in a new business that creates at least 10 10 new jobs although bear in mind the processing time of this whole procedure is unspecified but better yet the program's main website claims that the final application takes only 6 to 8 months the key perks of this program include passport providing visa-free travel to 93 countries including Europe's shenen area in addition to this the applicants are not required to live or VIs visit the country regularly they have the right however to enter the state at any time and stay for as long as they want number eight Vanuatu composed of 80 Islands Vanuatu has continuously attracted many tourists especially from nearby Australia to its Shores which subsequently boosted its economy infrastructures and real estate market getting its passport is possible for foreigners who contribute $130,000 to the National Development Fund and provide proof of an available bank balance of at least $250,000 however there is a major downside to this CBI program as the European Union has announced full suspension of visa-free access for its citizens in the shenen area mainly due to the lack of due diligence by Vanuatu but in spite of this the country issued roughly three th000 plus passports between the years of 2020 and 2022 more than half of these applicants are reported to be Chinese Nationals so subsequently this CBI program is targeted towards specific type of investors moreover despite the back listing by the EU its passport still enables visa-free entry to around 58 countries and territories number seven turkey a big and multifaceted country with diverse Landscapes from mountains to Salt Flats to the deep blue of the Mediterranean Sea turkey is a transcontinental country that grants access to both European and Asian markets its citizenship by investment program is the quickest route to obtain its passport to qualify an applicant needs to invest $400,000 in its real estate market and they can get entitled to a Turkish passport in around six to 8 months other options include investing in government bonds or establishing an Enterprise that would create local job opportunities for Turkish citizens both of which ask for a minimum qualifying investment of $500,000 on the flip side this CBI program is not very famous for investors hailing from North American and EU countries as it offers far lesser perks and Global Mobility but then again it wasn't targeted at them either instead it is intended for investors from third world countries nevertheless it is still a great option for many as it provides Visa free or visa on arrival for almost 110 destinations number six Malta situated in the center of the Mediterranean Sea Malta has something for everyone from ancient walled cities and breathtaking Coastal trails to Countryside farmhouses and Charming restaurants it is an ideal country to be called a second home not only because of the beauty and climatic conditions but also due its political stability and being a member of the European Union in the past the requirements to obtain its citizenship were straightforward but nowadays due to the immense pressure by the EU many simple methods have turned complex however there is still a pathway set by its government for Savvy investors seeking to obtain its citizenship by investment except the program is now one of the most expensive and exclusive in the entire world the minimum investment now starts at around $750,000 and aside from the main investment the applicant must buy a residential property worth an additional $700,000 but alternatively applicants can also lease a residential property with a minimum annual rent value of $166,000 in addition to the two substantial Investments a donation worth $10,000 must also be made to a mulse organization so evidently this program is not for average investors as most of the people who Avail this program hold a significantly large net worth plus unlike the other countries mentioned in this video the investor has to establish genuine links and reside in the country to attain its passport on the flip side there are plenty of benefits to becoming a multi citizen the first and foremost is its strong passport allowing visa-free travel to 175 countries and territories secondly it is a EU member state which means investors who obtain multi citizenship may live and work anywhere in the EU number five Grenada Granada is a breathtakingly beautiful island nation surrounded by the Caribbean Sea in the Atlantic Ocean with open beaches and picturesque mountains it offers several benefits to its citizens and investors alike including stable currency favorable tax incentives friendly residence ease of access to the rest of the world and relatively warm weather the country offers a swift citizenship by investment program with the minimum cost beginning at $150,000 which can be in a form of donation to a government fund or purchase of real estate starting from $220,000 under this program investors are not even required to visit the country and the processing time usually takes around 4 months furthermore just like all the other Caribbean programs Granada's program comes with many perks such as the ability to keep dual citizenship tax friendly environment beautiful beaches a Sublime climate and the freedom to enjoy visa-free travel to more than 118 countries and territories number four Dominica the island of Dominica is known as the nature island of the Caribbean due to its unspoiled natural beauty just like its other Caribbean counterparts it has a up and running CBI program which requires for a minimum donation or real estate investment amounting to $110,000 the processing time of its application is around 2 to 6 months and some of the key benefits of this citizenship are tax incentives and of course Visa free travel to 120 destinations while the Dominica CBI program does not require participants to come and live in the country many recipients still choose to relocate to the island after exploring its unique economic and lifestyle advantages number three St kits and neevis this is one of the smallest duwel island nation in the Lesser Antilles hosting stunning beaches and forested Volcanic Peaks here one can enjoy The Best of Both Worlds with small cities boasting all the modern-day services to the interior part of the islands where one can enjoy activities like hiking and exploring to top it off this island nation is the Pioneer of all citizenship by investment programs as it implemented the first official CBI program starting from 1984 as of today it has become one of the most popular program with the minimum investment requirement of $250,000 in a form of donation while an alternative investment option under the real estate route allows investor to purchase property for at least $400,000 the application process is relatively quick with the entire process taking about 3 to 6 months to conclude number two an tigua and Barbuda with Majestic beaches and clean turquoise Waters the lush tropical islands of Antigua and Barbuda are an inviting paradise and considered to be one of the most beautiful places in the world its CBI program is not significantly different from other Caribbean programs the family of the main applicant can also receive a passport including grandparents parents over 55 years old children under 30 and siblings the applicant does not even need to move move to the country for applying in the program however prices for some of its modes of investment have increased in the last couple of years as of today the minimum amount to acquire its citizenship is $130,000 which is meant be contributed to its National Development Fund aside from that applicant can opt for its other investment options like purchasing a real estate with a minimum value of $200,000 its passport ranks 28th on the Henley passport index and allows Visa free access to 136 countries and territories number one St Lucia a volcanic island that lies in the Eastern Caribbean Sea St Lucia has mostly amassed accolades such as the world's leading honeymoon destination and the Caribbean's leading Adventure tourism destination aside from that it is a member of the Commonwealth and boasts excellent Air Links to Europe and North America inheriting Decades of experience from its Island neighbors St Lucia's program is an amalgamation of practices from its surrounding islands and provides a wide range of benefits for investors and residents alike its citizenship program offers three main investment routes the first is by contributing an amount of $100,000 in its National Development Fund the second route involves investing $200,000 in a government approved real estate project and finally the third route is a 5-year investment of $300,000 in government bonds successful applicants are granted its citizenship in about 2 to 6 months and its passport enables them to gain visa-free travel to more than 138 countries and territories worldwide with a population of almost 190,000 s Lucia is also the Region's most populous CBI country and has well-developed hospitality and financial sectors
Channel: Skerry Harry
Views: 215,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Countries offering Citizenship by Investment, 10 Best countries to Invest in Citizenship, 10 countries to buy Citizenship, 10 Cheap countries to buy citizenship, Citizenship by investment, dual citizenship, second passport, buying citizenship overseas, countries, 10 Countries offering Citizenship in 2024, invest in passport, visa, golden visa, citizenship in new country, Citizenship, Easy citizenship, 10 countries to get Citizenship
Id: _eQc9CNrAfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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