10 Companies That Ripped You Off

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ten companies that ripped you off number ten Netflix that show you've been binge watching on Netflix how long did it take for you to finish well you could have done it a hell of a lot quicker and by that I mean a lot quicker that's because for more than five years now Netflix has deliberately been slowing down its streams for customers watching on the cellular networks AT&T and Verizon normally Netflix subscribers need at least a 500 kilobits per second connection just to open a show or film the service recommends a connection that's at least six times as fast for viewing a standard-definition show yet Netflix made the decision to cap its video stream to just 600 kilobits per second for these networks customers now bearing in mind even the cheapest Netflix package is $8 a month we'd say that's still a pretty big ripoff for substandard viewing so what's the need for the cap well the independent suggests that exceeding their contracts data limit may discourage us from continuing to watch Netflix decreasing the speed therefore helps reduce data consumption so viewers on AT&T and Verizon don't go over their limit in the contract so they can watch for longer and won't be discouraged from using the service number nine Apple Apple is one of the richest companies in history having twice the amount of money as the US Treasury but not even this stops them from ripping us off when Steve Jobs too viewed the first iPhone the handset price was four hundred and ninety nine dollars and what are we on now on the iPhone 10s max okay well that model cost over $1000 even though iPhones keep getting more and more expensive for us to buy and that doesn't necessarily mean that they're more expensive for Apple to make according to an IHS market researcher storage is one of Apple's most profitable iPhone features Apple pay is around 25 cents per gigabyte of physical phone storage but charges consumers around 78 cents so the increase in the company's profit is largely due to the bigger memory capacities in phones for us this is a price difference of three hundred and fifty dollars between the lowest and highest capacity models but Apple it's an alleged difference of just one hundred and nine dollars data compiled by Bloomberg has shown that excluding assembly and software costs Apple now makes an average of 134 dollars profit on every iPhone sold an increase from the 107 dollars profit per phone in 2017 number eight movie theaters you really don't need us to tell you just how expensive food is at the cinema but you do need us to tell you the absurd figures behind the snacks you're buying according to time it's estimated that movie theaters make an eighty five percent profit from overpriced food 85 percent movie theater popcorn for example has been called one of America's biggest ripoffs and it's really not hard to see why CNN money states that a medium bag of popcorn cost us 60 cents to make but it retails for $6.99 forty cents that gives soda a markup of five hundred ninety three percent and by the way don't go thinking candy is the better value option either the average price of plane M&Ms at the AMC theater is four dollars twenty five costs for the same thing from Walmart though is two dollars and eight cents giving this candy a markup of 104 percent so I know what you're thinking now is there any way to justify this high markup in prices well Richard Mackenzie economics professor at the University of California Irvine says theater owners mark up snacks so much because they don't make money elsewhere only a tiny percentage of movie theater profits come from the movies themselves so they need to do this in order to survive number seven beats by dre it's undeniable the dr. Dre has become the biggest name when it comes to headphones that doesn't come a surprising upon learning that the brand has a whopping 70% share in the headphone market this is largely because of its celebrity endorsements and word of mouth it took the music mogul and Jimmy Iovine 7 years to create a business that's now worth over 1 billion dollars but they may have just done that by ripping us all off how you ask well that may be because the company markets has headphones at very high prices while they cost next to nothing to actually make the New York Times even estimated that a pair of Beats headphones cost around fourteen dollars to manufacture even though their song for anywhere from 150 to 500 dollars and it's not just a price that's a ripoff either in 2016 Beats headphones were ranked second worst in a list of eighteen products by experts at Time magazine that was based on sound quality which I hear is pretty important for headphones with energy standards from Sony Sennheiser and pioneer all placing much higher number six potato chip manufacturers we all know the feeling of opening up a bank of chips only to find that it's half-empty so where are all those tasty potato snacks you just bought well as annoying as it is believe it or not - the packet is like this for a reason it's called slack fill and manufactures deliberately make half empty banks to protect the delicate chips from damage when being transported not only this but the gas that the bag is filled with it's nitrogen to help the chip stay fresh since good old-fashioned oxygen can cause him to spoil okay so now we know there has to be some empty space for air in the bag but some manufacturers put way more in than others a group of researchers commissioned by CDA appliances conducted a study to measure the amount of air contained within bags of different brands of chips the study found that a bag of popped it's barbecue contained the most air of those tested being composed of 72% if you're looking to get your money's worth though cheese puffs whatsits are definitely the chips for you with only 18% air in the perk number 5 Ryanair European airline Ryanair is famous or rather infamous for being a low-cost airline yet while you may think the price of your flight is reasonable everything else isn't the budget airline doesn't offer any free food or drinks onboard so you have to pay for them in fact you'll have to pay quite a lot for them according to research by travel search engine kayak water on Ryanair cost around $3 45 which is 644 percent more than what it cost at the supermarket there isn't even a free tap water alternative either as there's no law enforcing it being offered so if you're thirsty your only choice is to pay a hiked up price as for the company's exchange rate well that's all just one big ripoff - a 2018 watchdog report by which discovered that two tickets from Alicante to Bristol cost 225 euro but that payment was exchanged to 214 pounds it should have converted to around 195 pounds but when the user opted out of paying in pounds and reversing back to euros again which the airline itself wanted cost significantly more the total of the flights was actually 16 pounds cheaper thus even accusations from passengers that the airline allocates groups of travelers seeked in different rows if you'd like to sit with your friends and family instead of a random stranger well guess what you have to pay up more to sit together number four coca-cola according to fox news coca-cola is the second most widely understood home in the world after ok but what the company's decided to do to its product in the UK well that really isn't ok some context for you here in the UK our government decided to introduce a sugar tax in 2018 which is designed to help tackle childhood obesity under the terms of this new rule manufacturers of fizzy drinks attacks that rates depending on the sugar content of their drinks in Coca Cola's case with the sugar content of ten point six grams per 100 milliliters the Coca Cola classic drink is subject to attacks of 24 P or 31 cents per litre now to avoid this taxation other manufacturers have responded by tweaking its recipes but coca-cola refused to change its age-old secret instead its reaction to the tax was to cut the bottle size but increase the price thanks coke and with coca-cola being one of the best-selling brands over here in the UK it seems a lot of us are now getting ripped off the 1.75 liter bottles of coke have now shrunk to 1.5 litres and increased in price by 20 P or 26 cents to one pound 99 or $2 56 number three McDonald's with a net worth of over 100 billion dollars McDonald's is one of the most valuable companies in the world but this doesn't suck the restaurant chain from cutting corners where it can in some anecdotal evidence on the reddit thread what does your job ask you to hide from customers are usually professing to have worked at McDonald's allege that staff would pinch the base of the fries carton before filling them up this would leave the containers under filled to giving out fewer fries per portion add $1 89 for a large french fries if this is true well that's a lot of money say for the company McDonald's did however respond to the claim and said that that tactic is untrue but then they would wouldn't they however what is true is the case of a woman who ordered a sausage breakfast burrito extra value meal in a Chicago McDonald's in 2017 her meal came to five dollars in eight cents but then she did a bit of math she calculated that if she ordered the items individually instead of part of a value meal she ironically would have saved money number two ice cream just like with the potato chips there does seem to be a recurring theme of paying for air when it comes to some ice cream brands air is an important part of the ice cream making process as the amount of air that's whipped into the ice cream base is what makes it thick and heavy light and fluffy but I scream most certainly does not need half a tub of air so that's why in 2018 after discovering their tub to only be half full after paying full price to dissatisfied customers filed a lawsuit against halo top they launched at the low calorie brand which retails for almost $4 a pop has intentionally been routinely under filling its tubs perhaps that's why that calorie count is so low the complaint was filed on behalf of over 100 people from different states who are seeking over 5 million dollars for the missing ice cream at the time of upload the case is still ongoing similarly people in the UK in 2018 were left furious after finding their purchased tubs of Breyers low-calorie ice cream but only half-full I guess if you do eat the air instead of the ice cream you will lose weight number one premium gas now we all know that gas for our cars is expensive enough as it is so this next one will really leave you fuming American drivers waste billions of dollars each year on filling their cars with premium gas yes that's right waste and extreme were to use but it's not without justification you see experts from the American Automobile Association conducted a research starting in 2016 into regular gas versus premium gas it found that customers paid up to an extra 2.1 billion dollars on the pricier option over a 12-month period because they believed they were getting more horsepower increased fuel economy and lower tailpipe emissions from their car but in reality they had quite literally burn their money away as the study found there is no difference between premium and regular gas for a car that's designed to run on regular gas the only difference is the higher price for the same result on average premium cost about 50 cents a gallon more than regular and over the course of a year that certainly adds up all for absolutely no advantage whatsoever so that was 10 companies that ripped you off which of these do you feel cheated about the most then let's know in the comments down below and 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Channel: Alltime10s
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Keywords: alltime 10s, alltime10, 10s, top 10, top5, matthew santoro, companies ripping you off, companies that rip you off, rip off companies, coca cola, coca cola size, coca cola rip off, beats by dre, beats by dre cost, cinema, cinema rip off, netflix, apple, apple rip off, movie theater, air in potato chip bags, potato chips, ryanair, ryanair scam, ryanair rip off, mcdonalds, mcdonalds price, mcdonalds rip off, ice cream, premium gas, popcorn
Id: ZieP2RZFz_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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