10 CHINESE Magic Tricks Revealed!

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[Music] you smashed the cookie and actually see the card did you actually just wave it one more time take the Chinese Laundry ticket tear it up and then magically restore what's good welcome back to how to magic your host of an era today we are here for a special episode of how to magic around the world we're on the Great Wall of China [Music] and today I'm showing you the secrets of ten amazing Chinese magic tricks here's a cool Chinese food magic trick where we're going to turn a napkin into a delicious treat check it out but to go inside this Chinese grocery store is something truly amazing check it out [Music] step it down you kind of squeeze [Music] okay here is the secret behind the magic tissue okay here is what you need to pull off the magic dumpling trick so for anyone who doesn't know this is a popular little dumpling little street food that's over in Japan and China they've got a lot of Asian countries that have sell these in little carts on the street and in supermarkets so that you can make them at home this is a little steamed dumpling with a little pea on top the other thing that comes with the trick is this little pea right here so some plastic pea it's a really amazing and easy trick to do and the secret is all found in the fake dumpling first things first this is not a real dumpling it's made of plastic almost like a soft rubbery material and the inside is completely halted so from the top it looks really realistic like a steamed dumpling on the bottom we have a little cavity where we can hide the napkin and the pea so we're going to start out with the dumpling concealed in our hand like this in a position called finger palm it's right there concealed in our hand and it's gonna relax your hand on the table or at your side and you're gonna present the little napkin to your audience you're gonna drape that right over your fist and you're gonna present the little pea and drop it right in the middle of the napkin you're then gonna stuff all of that down inside the dumpling stuff it right down inside your fist it looks like you're just stuffing it down inside your hand any magicians in the audience might think you're going to be vanishing something into a thumb tip because this looks very similar to a thumb tip vanish so once you have the napkin and the pea fully stuffed down inside the fake dumpling you're simply going to turn it over in your hand as you open your hand and reveal that the napkin and the pea have magically transformed into a steamed dumpling it's a super easy to do and really visual magic trick stay tuned until the end of the video I'm going to give this away to one lucky comments and that is how you do the magic Chinese dumpling drink our next stop here in China is the sanli tune bar street mister the nightlife is popping here there's a lot going on and really vibrant he's gonna go do some magic see if we can amaze some people let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so $18 to need unresolved [Music] down [Music] here's a fun prank from China that's been around for ages okay B I have a cool magic trick to show you but first I need you to put your fingers just like this pointing at each other just like that and then second part is you need to be blindfolded just gonna hold your fingers just like that okay perfect fingers perfect okay here is the cool trick move your fingers just slightly a little bit more part like that now I'm gonna line you up with something what what is that wait wait wait wait no it's fine I'll take the blindfold off in just a second push your fingers together perfect just like that what is that [Music] yeah I know what it is I do it I can't remember you really don't know okay here's the trick to getting out of the trap the Chinese finger trap also known as a Chinese finger puzzle or Chinese thumb cuff or Chinese handcuffs a small cylinder woven out of bamboo so all you have to do is get whoever you're going to play the prank on to stick both fingers inside and then their natural reaction is going to be to pull their fingers out this only tightens the trap a way to escape the trap is simply to push the ends towards the middle which enlarges the opening and frees the fingers these single-ended versions sold as the girlfriend trap has been available since at least 1870 when it was recorded as a mod tchen bunger or girl catcher the tightening is simply a normal behavior of a cylindrical helical e wound Bray usually the common biaxial braid pulling the entire braid lengthens and narrows basically the more you pull the more the circumference shrinks in the trap tightens interestingly the Chinese finger trap is also a great metaphor for a problem that can be overcome by relaxing not trying too hard to solve it relax and the problem finds a solution and that is the secret of the magic Chinese finger traps this next one is our how-to magic trick of the week partly by how to magic shop calm amazing and easy tricks to take your magic from mundane to mesmerizing with how-to magic shop calm all products are available with worldwide shipping check out the link in the description of this video ok this one is the magic Chinese stick trick take a look we have to magic Chinese sticks here they kind of look like magic wands but each one has a tassel that goes inside of it just like this and if you pull on this one and it looks like the other one just retract at the exact same time now it kind of looks like they're connected but they're really not you might be thinking that they're connected at the front right here and they're just running through the different ones but we can actually separate them just like this and you can see if I pull this tassel that one still goes up and the same on the reverse if I pull this it looks like the tassel on the other one this magically moves at the same time now you might be thinking that they're connected back here where my hand is covering it but again you'd be wrong see watch you can actually just take this one and as you pull it down this one's still retract we pulled this one it looks like there's still and then I'll take this one and put it under my arm as we pull it looks like there's no connect you can see that once more as we put them back together for the last time as we pull it looks like the castles are just magically connected the secret behind this one is a lot more simple than you might think let me show you okay here is the explanation to the magic Chinese sticks this is really simple it's one of my favorite Chinese magic tricks the secret to this trick is found all in the magic sticks themselves these tassels are actually not connected in any way even though it looks like they are the secret is actually a metal weight that's hidden in the tube of the stick as the metal weight falls down the tube as I tilt it back it pulls the tassel back into place so you pull it down if you have it tilted like this it'll stay in place this metal weight is right here connected to the string and as we tilt back that weight just pulls the tassel up you remove the cap you can actually see the weight is right there in the end of it so that is what's doing all the magic for us so we put the cap back on and this is all about timing all you have to do is tilt this one back and that tassel will retract so all you have to do is time matter fect Lee with you pulling this one down and it looks like they're connected so just make sure your horizontal here pull this one down and tilt back at the same time and it looks like the wands are magically connected somehow so you start the trick with the two of them held closely together like this and it's gonna make the audience think that they're somehow connected at the top then once you've done this a few times you're gonna split the two of them kind of like a V just like this now when you do it again it looks even more magical you can do it back and forth a couple times now your audience is gonna be convinced that the strings are going through the wands going through your hands somehow that they're connected back here at the back edge so now we're gonna take it a step further and separate the wands completely and put them in separate hands so now that you have them completely separated it's about to really blow people's minds when you grab the tassel on this one you slowly tilt this one back and it's gonna look like they're still connected somehow you can even have your spectator pull down on that tassel while this one comes up so once you perfected the timing of this move take one of them that is the fully retracted one and you're gonna place it under your horn this tassel is fully pulled out so now all you're going to do is pull this one down at the same time that you tilt this one up you just want to work on the timing of that you want to tilt this one up so that this tassel retracts at the exact same time and speed as you're pulling this one down so once you've got the timing perfect it should look just like that once you've done the part under your arm you can come right back to this position do it one more time then you can take this one put it in your pocket and kind of a cheeky way to close out the routine is to just make this tassel magically retract stay tuned until the end of the video if you want to win the magic Chinese sticks if you want to get some Chinese sticks of your own they are available now at ebony rat tv.com or how to magic shop comm there's a link in the description there is super cool and super easy to perform magic trick that I recommend everyone have get yours today it amaze your friends and family with this classic Chinese illusion and that is how you do the magic Chinese stick this one is a blend of American cuisine and Chinese magic check it out look at this party [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's the secret of the magic playing card to the fortune cookie tree okay here is what you need to pull off the card to the fortune cookie trick and this is one that you can set up at home and perform for your friends and family so all you're gonna need is a deck of cards and then you need one duplicate card of one of the cards in the deck in this case we're gonna use the ace of diamonds this is the card that we're gonna make them pick and this is the card that's gonna end up inside the fortune cookie so it's two separate cards that's the first part of the trick this card you're gonna make them pick from your deck when you're ready to perform the trick for them so this one's gonna go on top of the deck for me this other card is gonna go inside one of these fortune cookies let me show you how first things first we're gonna take one of the cookie packages and open it as carefully as we possibly can so once you have the package open you're then going to carefully remove the cookie now we're going to carefully remove the paper that is inside we're gonna remove the fortune inside the cookie a good way to do this is with a paperclip and get underneath the fortune and you want to kind of pull a corner of it out and once you've got the corner pulled out you can continue pulling it the rest of the way and just kind of work it until it slides out it's for kicks let's see what our fortune is a window of opportunity won't open itself it's good advice all right so once we have the fortune removed our next step is to try to very carefully insert a playing card now the trick here is that the card is not actually going to be inside the fortune cookie but it's going to make it look like it is so we're actually going to do is break the fortune cookie in such a way that it splits directly in half and from one side it will really look like the card is inside the cookie so you want to find the side that's overlapping the other so this looks like the side that is more of an overhang to it which means we want to break this side off so you can very carefully just kind of pick away this part of the cookie so once you have the other side broken out from the opposite side of the cookie it's still very much looks like a full fortune cookie now you're gonna take your duplicate ace or whatever card you use into force you're gonna fold this up in such a way that you can fit it inside the cookie let me show you it's gonna start out folding here then here and then you're gonna roll it up so once you have it fully rolled up I'm going to bend it in half so it'll fit the shape of the cookie so once you have your card fitted inside the cookie just like this all you're gonna do is flip it over just like so and now your card will hide really nicely right underneath the cookie just like that the next step is to place the cookie back in the wrapper so you have your card hidden here gonna take some of these broken pieces and kind of put them on the bottom just like this to kind of hide it even more and you know sometimes when you get a fortune cookie at the end of the meal they're already kind of broken in the package so that won't seem weird to your audience so we're going to take the cookie carefully put it back and wrapper just like that totally undetectable you can't see the card inside at this point now we're gonna seal the cookie back using our bagra sealer it's just a little device with little heating plates right here that will seal plastic bags so we're gonna line the plastic on the cookie package up and then we're gonna reseal it gonna be really careful though cuz this then heats up with boom there we go now that we have it resealed gonna flip it over like this and you are good to go for the trick now a great thing to do is to take this with you if you know you're going out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant then when the rest of the cookies come at the end of the meal you can casually slip this one in with the rest pull out your deck of cards and then force this card on your spectator if you don't know how to force a card I do have a video called ten ways to force a card and it will teach you how to make your audience pick the card that you want them to pick every single time so you're gonna make them pick this card or real quick forces just to have it on the top of the deck have them cut the cards wherever they want you then take the bottom half of the deck and set it Frost ways on top of the deck just like this you then bring their attention away from this for a second and then when you come back here you're simply gonna lift up the bottom portion and show them this card which is actually the top card of the deck and then once you force the ace don't call attention to the cookies before you spray the cards you don't want attention on these until after the cards have been sprayed you're then gonna take the card that you forced you're gonna lose it into the deck and then throw the cards at the cookies they'll go everywhere everyone will kind of be shocked that you just did this and then you call attention to the cookie and say look that actually went in the side and here's the beauty of this we're gonna crush the cookie while it's still inside the bag that is gonna hide any evidence of us hiding the card inside say look it's actually inside the cookie and you smash the cookie and they actually see the card right there inside the sealed bag of the cookie they can then open it up pull out the pieces of the cookie and see that their card the one that they just pit is now rolled up inside a sealed fortune cookie from the restaurant such an amazing card trick try this one out at home let me know if you fool your friends and family and that is how you do the magic card to the fortune cookie tray use a baffling magic challenge that's sure to stump your friends and families the chinese mystery box this thing is really hard to figure out how to open if you don't have the secret when I first got it I didn't have the secret of how to open it and just came like this already sealed up and I'm not gonna lie it took me quite a while to figure out how to open it so we thought it'd be a fun idea to put a hundred Australian dollars inside the box and hit the streets of Sydney Australia on our world tour and give real people on the streets a chance to unlock the secrets of the box and win some real cash we going to try it on here no friends all right as one minute down you got two minutes go [Music] the secret of how it opens this pulls out here [Music] okay here's the ingenious secret behind opening the magic Chinese box okay here is the secret to the Chinese mystery box there's three steps step one is to remove this piece right here as you can see there's little pegs that hold it in place just like this so this one comes off the second step is to remove this piece right here the little drawer comes out and then the last step is this piece right here it slides out full of Chinese money so it's a really cool thing you can put money inside here you could put jewelry or different valuables maybe even put a playing card in here spray the card set it's like an impossible penetration inside the box and their card is somehow locked inside this box and you would not believe how long people struggle to figure out how to open it when they don't know the secret stay tuned until the end of the video I'm giving away the magic mystery box to one lucky comment and that is the secret of the magic Chinese box okay this is a classic Chinese magic trick the magician's have been performing for years take a look okay the I have a really cool trick to show you this is a Chinese magic trick this is the Chinese prayer vase also have a little piece of rope here and check out the rope the base is also empty you can see so all we do is take the piece of rope it goes down inside the vase like this and we actually turn it upside down and watch all I have to do is do the Rope a little yank up a little bit right they're gonna watch the wall yeah this one right there you don't hold it tight let go a little distressed on your head okay now watch where just hold the Rope like this you actually kind of see this happen if I lift like the face yeah [Music] you can see it really is stuck ready [Music] as [Music] okay here is the secret of the magic Chinese prayer vase it's called the Chinese prayer vase it's a classic magic trick it has a little piece of rope the Rope is totally normal and can be examined at all times the basin itself is also completely normal it's nothing special about it this is a little plastic vase the only real secret to the trick is hidden inside the vase it's this little rubber ball so the rubber ball starts out inside the vase from the beginning of the trick and it stays there until the end so you set this up beforehand the balls inside the vase right here at the bottom you can show the base empty because the ball will rest down here at the bottom out of beads you can show it empty like this to look the vase is empty the Rope is normal all we have to do is put the rope down inside the vase like this turn it upside down and give it a little pull now what it does is it actually locks the little rubber ball into the bottleneck of the vase so to demonstrate what I mean we use a glass bottle to show this the Rope goes down inside the ball is here when you tilt the vase over the ball is gonna come down into the bottleneck of the vase as you pull the rope the ball will lodge itself just like that so that when you turn the vase over it will now stay lodged here and keep the rope pinned to the side of the vase that you can lift it into the air and make it look like it's magically suspended so you have it turned over you just give the Rope a tug and it's already locked into place then all you have to do is lift the vase up by the rope and it looks like it's just magically defying gravity and set this down and then with a quick tug the ball and the rope will come out you can then Palm the ball off as you hand the base in the Rope out for inspection to the audience this will also be included in the giveaway at the end of the video so if you want to win the magic vase trick stay tuned until the end of the video now you know the secrets behind the magic Chinese prayer waves here's another classic magic trick from China this one is the Chinese Laundry ticket we've got our Chinese Laundry ticket here we're gonna do is take it and tear it and then take it tear it in half again so that we have four separate pieces of the technically take the four pieces all we're gonna do is fold them once twice three and four then all we have to do is squeeze and it looks like the ticket has just magically filled it all right here's how it's done I'm about to reveal a secret to this trick is extremely simple I'll teach you how it's done right now - the secret to the Chinese Laundry ticket is all found in the ticket itself from the front it looks completely normal but if you turn it over the back conceals a secret extra ticket this is actually a whole another duplicate ticket that's stuck to the back of the real ticket looks exactly like this one let's just fold it up and stuck in place just like that you can duplicate the same trick by making this at home with two pieces of paper that look exactly alike so once it's glued in place on the back rest is really simple all you have to do is tear up the ticket being careful to keep this on the very back as well you want that all the way on the back so when you tear for a fourth time you can show these four pieces and you're gonna line all four of them up with this folded one on the back the next move is to fold these four ripped pieces into a packet so you start out with one fold here on the top turn another fold here another fold here and another fold here now what that's gonna do is it's gonna lock those four pieces of torn paper in so that when you turn this over casually in your hands like this as you rub it and you unfold the untoward piece that's stuck to the back it's actually going to lock in these pieces right there on the back and so they don't fall down there very well hidden behind the new piece and it looks like it is just magically restored and brilliantly display the front and take your ticket and do a load of laundry and that is how you do the magic Chinese Laundry ticket trick here's an amazing money trick with Chinese currency this is the color-changing Chinese coin check it out so I have a black Chinese coin here watch all I have to do is rub the face of it and it looks like it does magically turns red now I know you're thinking the backside must be black the front side must be rented but if you actually just wave it one more time the front sight turns blue and the backsides blue as well yo yo fujiwa [Music] No okay here's the secret of the color-changing Chinese coin okay here is the secret to the magic Chinese color-changing coin you have a little magnet right here - actually this lifts off this magnetic disk it's a specially made Chinese coin stay tuned to the end I'm actually gonna give this away to one lucky comment so that you can perform this trick at home or out on the streets for people maybe even in China so what you do is you take the black disk it actually has two soft a blue side and a black side and the coin is two sides as well the red side and a blue side you're gonna take this disc you're gonna flip it over and place it on top of the blue sock I'm gonna line it up as best you can so red side here black side here this magnet stays in your pocket the audience never sees this he's gonna take the black coin and what you're gonna do is as you wave over you're just gonna flip it with your thumb so you're gonna wave and flip just like that and it looks like the coin just magically changes colors now for the next color change you're going to pull this disc off the bottom and move it to the top and that's gonna lock into the magnetic shell right there and make the coin completely examinable so you can hand this out to the audience they can immediately check it out and there's nothing to find and those are the fascinating secrets of the color changing the Chinese coin here's a way to create a magic Chinese snowstorm any time of the year take a look at this performance Chinese not hot out here that also have some Chinese money I brought this back from China see it actually has a really special thing about it see on the front of the boiler the secret of the snowstorm in China trick is coming up next okay here is what you need to pull off the magic snowstorm in China trick with mud gonna need some Chinese money you could also use American money you're also gonna need a Chinese fan and then this is the real secret to the snowstorm in China trick it's a little bundle of hundreds of tiny pieces of paper that you can seal behind the bill just like this then you're simply going to push out with your thumb and it's gonna let all those little pieces of paper fall out into your hand then is you fan behind the bill and let the little pieces of paper fall out it looks like it's just creating a magical snowstorm of money now you know the secret moves of the snowstorm in China okay that wraps it up for Chinese magic tricks here on the Great Wall if you liked the video hit the thumbs up button it really does help and share it on your social media with a friend who you think might like it magic world tour announcement we will be in New York City New York in the United States of America on Sunday June 3rd 2018 we will be doing a fan meetup a meet-and-greet at Battery Park at 4:30 p.m. free and open to all ages a how to magic meet-and-greet we'll be giving away some free merch taking pictures signing autographs and you will be featured in the how to magic around the world video so if you want to come meet me in the rest of the crew be in New York Battery Park at 4:30 p.m. on June 3rd 2018 that's a Sunday we already had great turnouts for our fan meet ups in London England and Sydney Australia let's see if New York can top our international destinations again that's June 3rd NYC 4:30 p.m. at Battery Park hope to see you there stay tuned for around the world video 10 magic tricks around the world coming soon you can check out other magic tricks from around the world at the link in the description be sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram as well and it is given I'm giving away all the magic props from this video the magic Chinese dumpling trick the magic Chinese finger trap a Chinese stick illusia the Chinese mystery box the Chinese prayer vase is a Chinese Laundry ticket a color-changing coin the magic snowstorm in China try to win the giveaway all you have to do is give the video a thumbs up leave a comment in the comment section below and be subscribed to have an era TV time to announce our giveaway winners from last but the winners are these things right here something email to this email address on the screen to claim your prize thank you to everyone who entered our giveaway and good luck to everyone entering this giving you sure to hit the thumbs up and leave your comments in the comment section down below if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button right there you can check out our online shop if you want to pick up some magic merch the last episode of how to magic is right over there so until next time from the historic Great Wall of China remember that anything is possible as long as you stay positive work hard and laugh at life
Channel: EvanEraTV
Views: 151,096
Rating: 4.8569255 out of 5
Keywords: magic, tricks, magic tricks, how to, magic show, magic pranks, magician, how to magic, magic revealed, magic tricks for kids, family friendly, kid friendly, magicians, illusion, pg, clean, china, great wall, beijing, chinese, chinese magic, magic tricks in china, 魔法, great wall of china, china magic, magic tricks made in china, magic from china, chinese tricks, evan era tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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