10 Camping Gadgets put to the Test

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*intro* What's up everybody, welcome back to my forest: where safety is #1 priority. And today we are going to put to the test, more camping gadgets. Let's check this out. Oh, look what I found, that's a turtle. A big big turtle, look at that. They're like all over here, that's awesome. I love the colors of that turtle, very beautiful. *Taras admires the turtle's beautiful colors* The first gadget, let's see, we got here: "water purification bottle". It's also comes with this little bag, and right here, USB cord. kurwa purify water; and there is another cup right here. So let's see, how does this work? You pour water in then you press right here for 2 seconds; And then you gonna mix it. So I'm gonna press it, you see: the battery's life i-- *looks at bottle*; and it's start going. And what I have to do is just: agitate water upside down like that for 60 seconds, and right here you see there is a timer. *what am i doing with my life* And right there, there is a light, I don't think if you can see that, but it's a "special" UV light that is, purifies water. Oh look at that, sunshine came out. 5 more seconds, 3, 2, 1, and let's see what happens, eh. You see right here it says: "Check mark UV, safe to drink". So now I can just open it up, and drink it. *slurp, mmm purified water* But let me show you what it's looks like: If I hold it for 2 seconds, you see there is a special light, that's-- UV light that purifies water really well. and; you see there is a battery, tells you how much battery: *looks at battery icon* there is left, only half left. *looks at battery icon again* *reading something from the bottle* "Effectively reduces microbiological contaminates to U.S. EPA guide standards." And right there it says: "Bacteria by 99.9999%," "Viruses by 99.99%," And, "Protoza Cysts by 99.9%." So wow, this is really cool. In 60 seconds: with this light, UV light, you can purify water really well. For this, survival lil lantern flashlight and it's solar panel right here, look at that, there's a little handle. So what we're going to do, open it like that and blow it up. *starts to blow up the lantern* Boom. This is what it's looks like: and then right here, we're going to turn it on. *turns on the lantern* Right now, it's really hard to see but it's actually really bright; I think you can even do brighter. I'll show it to you later what it looks like in the dark, as well. Like this lantern because you can put it around the camp: and it will be bright 360. And then to inflate it (lol u mean deflate Taras?) and put it back in a-- bag just: unfold it, close it and Boom, ready to go. For the next camping gadget: I got here a little axe over here, It's a multi-tool axe. Boom, look at that. Pretty sharp over here, and over here and even sharper edge to where they had to-- put the tape on it so you don't, cut yourself Boom. *plays with the axe head* You can buy with that a stick like that, so then you can just put it together, or you can make your own stick as well. *sets up stick with the axe head* Just like that. And then you screw this up, together really tightly; you've got yourself an axe. How cool is that? Let's go try to chop, something. I think this axe, mostly made-- for, you know, chopping little stick like that for firewood so that way you don't even have to, ah, break 'em. Just like; really easily. Just, chop it up for firewood. 'Cause it's very light and small axe. So I don't see how you would be; splitting big pieces of wood. It's also has bunch of ranges(?). So it's mostly kinda cool, maybe put it in your car. And right here there is a cool, little rope cutter. But overall: I don't even know what you'd use it for. It's not like you are going to find a big pieces of logs in the woods, you know, you don't have a chainsaw. *SNAP* (poor twig) But yeah, it's really easy-- splitting this, little twigs, and now you can-- start a fire. Can always take it off and-- then flip these flops and, use that as a knife right here. This is actually-- feels pretty good to use, really easy as you can see. That's actually feels pretty good to hold it like this. Look at that, I got, really sharp stick. Now maybe I can stick it into the ground or whatever. There's plenty uses why you need to sharpen up a stick. *continues to sharpen stick* So you know what, overall I like this multi-tool axe, pretty cool. For the next gadget: we've got here a "mini stove", Let check it out. This is: "dry fuel" and this is very very little, it actually comes with a wet fire (lolwut?) as well, in case there is a rain or whatever. All you have to do is just, flip those open-- Boom. Just like that. And then you going to put it on a flat surface, that way, right here the legs you can put a pot right on top of it like this: Boom. I got here: "long burning matches". *proceeds to take one out of the box* *strikes and lights the match* And then we're going to get that, dry fuel light up. Uh-- What I like to do is just pick it up, and light it from this one side. Usually it doesn't take too much-- to light it up. And then set it like that. Look at that, beautiful, that stove really does work really well. *clink* And then we're going to close it, so that way the water will boil a lot faster. For this little gadget, I got here: lil, coffee filter. It folds like that, And opens like that. It's not just a coffee filter, you probably can use it for tea as well. *inhale* Let's see how does this work, after we finish boiling this water. I really like this gadget, because look, if it unfolds: You can really put it on any kind of pot. *attaches coffee / tea filter to pot* Just stick it like this. (oh baby 8) ) You can actually make it in a big pot as well. As you can see, it holds really well. Now all we have to do is just put tea or coffee in there, I like to drink tea afternoon, But: in the morning I like to drink coffee. So we're going to put coffee in here, So once the water is done boiling: I'm just going to pour it in here, and we'll have coffee. Alllmost boiled. Eck-- Actually, it is boiling: Look at that, there's bubbles coming up. Maybe a minute and it's done and boiled. So what I'm going to do, is grab this gadget: and pour water in it, hot water in it. *yes daddy pour that hot, steaming water 😩😩😩* And look at that: wow this is so cool. If you want stronger coffee, all you have to do is just, put more coffee in here. And if you're going to give it a minute, all the water on-- on the filter, will slowly; go down and you're going to have: full cup of coffee. And if you have more, hot water then you can make a whole pot of coffee for everyone if you're not by yourself. (but I live alone Taras... :c ) Now all we have to do is just take it off, you see, I love how easy it is to take it off and to take it off-- on? (Taras, don't you mean "take it off and put it on?" lol) Now you can just dump it out, the coffee is biodegradable, so let me just: dump it out. Boom. I rinsed it off a little bit, and you can close it and put it in your Bag Out bag or camping bag and you can use it the next day. That's my favorite thing to do when you camping out after a cold night, you wake up, you make yourself a cup of coffee. And it's so hot and warm, it's warms you up; so good. (😩😩😩) *slurp* Best feeling ever. For the next few gadget: I gotta be in a dark room. Remember I was talking 'bout this one? Let's test it out in the dark, And also I have another one right here, (nice lantern Taras :D) It's same thing, it's a blow up lanter; Open it up-- But this one even bigger, look at how big it is.(😩) Also, it works on a solar battery, right here. This one is huge. (😩) Let's blow it up; *starts to blow up the lantern* Wow, that's cool. That's really thicc. (😩😩😩) And this flashlight is by: American Cross, It's 72 hour flashlight, but it's only a one time use. It does not need any batteries-- What I don't like about this flashlight: after 72 hours, you not going to be able to use it anymore. But let's try it, few drops-- we put few drops in there, and then it's supposed to-- light up. *shakes it* And close it. Wow, that's so cool. So as you can see, it's not very strong flashlight, It's not super bright. But if you wanna, do the signals you can definitely do signals with that. When you're-- at night time, stuck somewhere, and there is helicopter maybe you can, point at them like that and that way they will see you. It's very very, small flashlight but what's cool about it, I never seen a flashlight-- that activated by water. That just super cool, I love that, a lot. So let's try this out: *click* Whoa-- hoa, look at that, and it's 360-- You see, my hand is light up, and my face is, you can make it even brighter, wow. How cool is that? You see, you can see everything right here and you can see my-- face. I really love this, solar panel batteries and, also you can make signals by making it flashy. Wow-- and I like how they: deflate into nothing. *deflation sounds* And guess what? you don't need any kind of batteries at all because, it's solar panel lanterns. I love this things . Definitely using them for my next camping trip. And let's try this one out: *click* Whoa, that's bright. There's my face and everything you can see this way as well, So this right here, have to be on the bottom. You can also hang it on a tent or whatever, on a tree, Wow, look at how bright that is. Let's press it one more time: *click* Darker settings: if you wanna save the battery. If you wanna use it all night there is even a darker setting, But as you can see, you can still see a lot. *inhales and exhales* And of course, flashing, so that way there is a signal, you wanna, catch somebody attention: in survival situation, Who knows. I really this little things. And I love-- again, it's solar panel, you don't have to worry about batteries. For the next gadget: I got here another, "alcohol stove". I really like design like that. I've never seen anything like that, You push this down, and then twist them. Push this down and twist them. And then there is a lid, and there is an alcohol stove right here. Alcohol is always, good to have with you camping cause you can (drink your problems awa-- i'm kidding, don't actually) wash your hands or if you cut yourself, you can treat yourself. But, I really like how, you can put a lot of alcohol in there so, the capacity is really big so you don't have to worry about: your alcohol stove going out, before you finish cooking. *strikes a match* Ah broke :( *wtf was that sound, ow my ears* and BOOM, we light it up. Then we can put a big pot over it, and once it's going to get hot, the fires-- the flame is going to come up, from these holes, little holes right here. I really like this stand, as you can see you can really put a BIG pot on it. And it's really, really steady. (u didn't even move the rock Taras, lol) And when you done cooking, and you want to put out the fire, all you have to do is put a lid on top of it and BOOM. Honestly, I have seen lots of alcohol stove, and this is now my favorite alcohol stove design, that's for sure. Right now, is a little big cloudy. But, it's promising I might have a little bit of a sun over here. And why do we need sun? Because I got here: a solar thermos or solar boiler. So, what we're going to do is use sun, to heat up the water. Let's see if it works: So let me show you what it does. There is a little handle right here: Let's open it up. Boom. I just washed it, look at that. Right here, there is a tube, where we are going to add water in here, and right here there is-- two little mirrors, eh. They need to be as clean as possible. Open this up and add water in there, and I'm going to measure temperature: How fast will it heat it up. So let's fill it up with water, all the way. *great ASMR water pouring material 😩* Wow, it takes a little, bottle of water like that, to fill it up all the way. *sorry Taras, but this thing totally looks like a dildo LOL* Carry it as a handle, and-- it also a stand. Right now, the temperature of the water about what, 62 degrees? 61. So let's wait until the sun comes out, You see there is a big opening right here, hopefully it will move up here. And, we will be able to boil the water. And about 40 minutes later, it-- look at it, 160 degrees. But on a good sunny day, e-- after 40 minutes, it will get to almost up to 200 fahrengeit. So definitely, you can make tea with that, and coffee. Right guys, that's pretty much it. Let me know which gadget was your favorite: Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up, and I'll see you next time. (Jesus Christ it took like, 6 hours to make all these captions and perfect them.) captions finished and polished up by Moonlittt. love you Taras. <3 ok the video is over, you can leave now. bye. :^)
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 4,012,992
Rating: 4.876246 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Camping Gadgets put to the Test, Campin, Gadgets, Camping Gadgets, Gadgets put to the Test, Test, Gadget, 7 Coconut Gadgets put to the Test, Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test, 8 Breakfast Gadgets put to the Test, 5 Camping Gadgets put to the Test, 7 Dog Gadgets Put to the Test, 7 Glove Gadgets Put to the Test, kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets test
Id: wwI2Du5F_Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2017
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