10 Bourbons To Try Before You Die!

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[Music] hey welcome back to another episode of whiskey row so today we're going to be talking about 10 bourbons that you need to try before you die and by you i mean me us everyone these are quintessential bourbons one i personally would recommend that all of you try and second they're on my list for the ones that i haven't had they're on my the top of my list for ones that i want to try but if you end up enjoying this video smash that like button subscribe to the channel if you have not now let's dive into it now when we talk about 10 bourbons you got to try before you die obviously some of these they're just not it's not possible but these are ones that when i think of 10 when i'm when i'm putting the list together i'm thinking 10 bourbons really what what what makes this list well one it's it's going to be different for everybody it's not just a question of super rare bourbons because some of these you just you have to try if you're a bourbon lover if you're a connoisseur of bourbon if you are a hunter of bourbon if well if you're watching this video on youtube you're probably who i'm talking about these are things that you just need to try and some of them are going to be super rare and some are going to be a little less rare but i just these are these are the ones that left out to me your list may be different number 10 is blanton's now hold on don't don't click away from the video i don't love blanton's blanton's is just okay to me it's you know it's it's good for retail around 65 dollars and i would recommend it at that price i wouldn't recommend it probably over a hundred bucks if you've never had it maybe spend a hundred bucks beyond that it's not really worth it and a lot of you are going you know you're poo pooing on blands and i understand because it's kind of under proof to me it's not really that special it's not really worth the you know 200 250 price tag that a lot of places were asking but you know quintessential bottle horsey top cool story it's just traditional it's just a it's a special legacy bourbon that people when they get into the community they just want to know what it's like people who love it the people who hate it the the the talk about it all feed into it being something that if you're a bourbon lover if you're watching this video it's probably something that you need to try before you die number nine is four gate but not any four gate and there's a special reason for that one is it needs to be a rum cask finished kentucky bourbon version of four gate now this particular one is a kelvin collaboration three i've got another one i don't remember what it's like blue grass trilogy or some other one but it's also a rum finished one to me the rum finished kentucky bourbon four gates are primo they are so good i just can't say enough about how good they are and for that reason you know the kelvin cooperage is a legendary cooperating kentucky produces some of the most amazing barrels out there and this collaboration that they've done they've done a lot of stuff with four gate a lot of stuff they provide they're you know they're barrel providers for a lot of the distilleries in kentucky and elsewhere and for that reason and many many others obviously the flavor that that comes out of this thing it's it's absolutely fantastic it's not any four gate it's four gate rum cask finished kentucky bourbon make sure it's rum you know some of them are sherry cask and rum cast those ones okay as long as it has a rum cask finish in there as well as it says kentucky bourbon then i highly recommend it in eighth place is less of a particular bottle and more of a concept and it is an amazing store pick you before you die you need to find an amazing store pick and here are two of my absolute favorite store picks that i've ever had in my entire life this first one is a russell's reserve single barrel store pick i got this down at southern spirits outside of charlotte and in north carolina and it's called ambrosia it's almost 10 years old and the flavor from this thing it is absolutely delicious unique fruity amazing but i am head over heels for both of these and to me they come across pretty much as a tie as far as how much i just i just absolutely love them and this is a knob creek it is a 14 year and 10 month knob creek single barrel pick coming in at 120 proof this one comes from bansom wine and liquor up in new york and absolutely fantastic this was sent to me by keith uh and and i couldn't be more grateful for it long time support of the channel and these both to me are just two of the best store picks that i've ever had now not every store pick is amazing when you can find an amazing one it definitely should be on your top 10 bucket list just to find that amazing amazing store pick now for those of you that are wondering what i'm drinking tonight i'm actually drinking that knob creek that's what i'm just in the glass right now is that knob creek 14 year 10 month bansom wine liquor uh this is this thing is absolutely fantastic when i hear this bourbon i immediately think of like two guys in a cigar lounge smoking cigars talking a business talking you know life whatever just enjoying drinks together i've never had it yet so it's definitely on my list to try to get as soon as i can but it's joseph magnus cigar blend i don't know if it's good or not because again i haven't had i've heard great things about it for many many people who just absolutely really really love it but to me that's number seven on my list now number six on my list isn't necessarily a particular bottle again it's kind of like that store pick one and it's anything that's a special release from a smith bowman so a smith bowman is owned by sazerac so it's a sister company to buffalo trace most of the spirits they that a smith bowman sells john j bowman bowman brothers all those things they're actually from buffalo trace they get the distillate from buffalo trace it's some of it's already pre-aged buffalo trace and then they refinish it or they finish it in additional time in different barrels do different things with it but they do some very very special releases and a couple of them i've had pores of and they're absolutely out of this world i've had gingerbread i've had gingerbread too i've had samples of those from from bars around here where i've been able to have pay for a pour down in richmond there was a a bar down there that i went to with jamie not too long ago and it was uh they poured me a sample of sweet 16. so it's the a smith bowman sweet 16. that sweet 16 is a 16 year refinished buff i don't know exactly all what they did but that was a truly special bourbon that thing was absolutely out of this world phenomenally good so for that reason and again it could be any of those a smith bowman special releases ginger bridge like is it jennifer 2 sweet 16 and there's others but whatever it is those a smith bowman releases if you can get your hands on one of those those are bucket list bourbons now number five on this list is wild turkey decades now this is a master's keep collection wild turkey decades it's a blend of 10 to 20 year bourbon and it to me is the best product that wild turkey has ever put out that i've ever tasted and obviously there are things that i haven't had i've had most of the masters keep collection i've had the 17 i've had the one i've had the cornerstone and there's there's i know there's a few i haven't had the best craftsmanship and care that wild turkey can put into a bottle i mean it's it's literally blended to taste it's you know the 17-year bottle the bond is is they pull it out of a barrel after 17 years and they put it in a bottle and it's 17 years and it is what it is this they literally crafted this thing to perfection i can't say enough about how good this is number four on my list is george t stag from buffalo trace this proofy beast coming in right around 130 this is a 2020 version try a george t stag if you're at a bar get a pour of george d stag the bottles are incredibly hard to find i got super lucky here in virginia to get this i ended up camping out overnight if you want to go watch the video where you can see me you know freezing my butt off in the in in a parking lot waiting for this thing to get released uh but it's it's kind of comical the the links that we go to you find our special verbs but this was something that was on my bucket list and i had a chance to get it and i went for it and i ended up getting it and i'm incredibly excited that i did but it's just such a unique bourbon it's one it's legendary it's part of the btac collection the buffalo trace antique collection put this next to a stag junior and you can tell they're kind of related but this is just heads and shoulders above astag jr i just can't say enough about it being a bucket list bourbon sadly my top three i don't have and they're they're definitely on my bucket list and i think they should be on all of your bucket list as well now number three is papi 20 year i have had a pour of papi 15 had it up in new york and it was it was really good it's a good bourbon it wasn't like oh my gosh it's the end of the world i'm gonna die now because i've had papi 15. it was really good i've had van winkle 12. i really want to try papi 20 and papi 23 obviously just because i have a bourbon channel and i love bourbon and i want to try it having these bourbons is going to change your life there's a lot of really good bourbon out there and you can live your whole life drinking a lot of other more available things when i'm drinking something amazing or drinking you know sharing stories with people and i'm talking about what urban what bourbon have i not had that i would love to have well this is my list and and take it for what it's worth and your list will be different and maybe you think the list is stupid and that's okay too uh drink your your regular stuff that you can find at the store all the time and enjoy it and love it and and that is amazing and i'm glad you've got stuff to drink that you love and that is obviously what we're here on whiskey road trying to do is help you find a bottle you love whether it's cheap whether it's expensive whether it's commonly available or super rare and difficult to find number two i don't have that one either and it's a william lure weller although i do have a sample uh john down in georgia we did some sample swaps and he sent me a will william leroux weller sample two ounce sample and i have not gotten to try it yet it's sitting over there and i'm going to hopefully hopefully make a video of it soon to check that off my bucket list but based on everything that i've heard from people who i trust who i would listen to their reviews we have similar palettes who have had many many of these things that i haven't had william leweller would be absolutely number two on my list of bourbons that i want to try before i die the first place bottle in in my recommendation of bourbons that you just have to try before you die i've actually tried it is the single best whiskey that i've ever had in my entire life it kind of rides the fence between a bourbon and a whiskey it's you know it's technically not a bourbon if you're a bourbon lover this is the number one bourbon that needs to be on your bucket list it is the most unique the most delicious to me it is the best thing i have ever had come out of a whiskey bottle but it is mikter's celebration sour mash it is a blend of 10 to over 30-year different whiskey's blended together into i can't even put into words when i had it at mrs when i very fortunate because of the channel because of all of your support i was able to experience that with jamie kyle thank you so much and it's so rare it's so expensive it's so hard to find even if you do find a bar or someplace that's willing to give you a pour it is incredibly expensive is it worth mortgaging your house for no is it worth the price of a car no it's not it's just it's just liquor but it is really really good when we're talking about special bottles bottles that i would just highly recommend you find some way to try before you die mr celebration is is legendary it's out of this world good uh and i i can't say anything else about it but with that that's my list of top 10 bourbons that i think you should try before you die or at least it's the ones that i want to try before i die some of them i have some of them i haven't but what is your list leave it in the comments down below if you ended up enjoying this video please smash that like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't it means the world support us directly on patreon if you feel like it and until next time find a bottle you love [Music] you
Channel: Whiskey Row
Views: 38,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WYJdM2egLDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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