10 Biggest Scams In Shark Tank History!

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gonna get exposure from being on this program great ideas and inventors naturally make their way to the top but some get there in other ways that being said today I bring you 10 biggest scams in Shark Tank history I'm here today to show you that there is a better way to train the only question left is number 10 in this episode it felt like there was too much talk than proof Patrick is seeking $500,000 for a product named Titan which is a compression gear designed around the human anatomy he created this for healing muscles and improving recovery times this man also tries to emphasize that this product helps people have a better way of training unsatisfied with the way he was pitching the product one of the judges blatantly tells Patrick he doesn't care about what the athletes do instead he wants the facts the group of judges begin to laugh about the product being compared to ankle and wrist weights trying to justify the value of it he informed them that he is a mechanical engineer specializing in biotech from Virginia Tech and almost last month alone broke almost million dollars in revenue was such an impressive background it seemed this item was too good to be true the other sharks seemed not too trustworthy about this individual but two of them made an offer eventually Patrick accepted an offer awesome that his sale was pitched but it still felt like he was scamming them what will the sales beat this year Patrick we're looking at breaking 10 million possibly 16 depending on in between number nine miles pent wants 2.5 million dollars for his company his pitch is about wanting to measure your body with a phone app and details about what you want in the outfit for example certain fabrics etc there's quite a bit of mixed emotions on this technology and ideas on his business venture all sharks we're in question the high value that miles came in with were the company M Taylor they are wondering if he's trying to take advantage of the Sharks making them suspicious about his legitimacy for his last valuation despite different offers he wasn't accepting any of the offers made making all sharks angry because of the lack of skill set this young man had and asking for a high amount of money for the company looked like it had huge potential but he repeatedly declined offers and just because he wanted to get on the show for an ad attempting to play the system potentially and to exploit the program it also felt like high value money being asked was another scam that he was trying to utilize of course his untucked you won't find tucked in untucked options and boo boo shirts in stores Wow number 8's o watches is apparently a silicon watch company infused with negative iron technology they wanted to seek investment of thirty five thousand dollars in exchange for 20% of the company he is trying to persuade the Sharks about his company and the purpose of the watch to help restore their energy filled in our bodies making it seem like a health concern he was using an excuse about such issues to make a scam to swindle his way into the money this honestly seems like the biggest and lousy scam on this show this item clearly not being very valuable at all to positive negative I'm allergic to scams number seven a man named Freddie confidently walks into the building in front of the sharks offering 20 percent share to his company for 1 million dollars in return he wanted to make an ultimate modern home wanting to upgrade the baths he believed that it was genius to create a quote-unquote bathroom of revolution an automated bathtub he pressed the button and it would deliver the perfect bath for a person who is placed on a list of information essentially a preset Peter Jones isn't convinced that Freddy's invention isn't unique as it seems he has a bath and Portugal that'll fill a bath automatically for him via his iPad nobody seems interested in such a product when it takes literally five minutes to create your own bath the sky is a scam artist and everyone in the room including himself can see it after trying to sell his bath product he began to try to pitch other inventions such as his quote unquote vows which he seems like he might be a little bonkers if you ask me people are not only dumbfounded by his inventions but also think they are ridiculous the system monitors the true activities of the buff so it knows how warm and how deep it is number 6 Damon and Mark begin to tear apart a gold-digger scammer for trying to get the $600,000 she wanted she believed it could add so much more value to their company apparently the note made was many months prior when they had less revenue what she wanted contributed by the shark tank was one of the investors Richard can help them a lot with his chill Ness and coolness quoted by her herself she was offering 5% in return for the money and began to claim she was working with influencers and partners with other celebrities she doesn't need the money and doing exactly what the previous person on the show did coming onto the show scamming them for exposure to get publicity for their company doing a little research around the Internet it was made apparent that her web site claimed quote-unquote as seen on Shark Tank number 5 Nightrunner was a deal that was made on the show but didn't go through after the episode was aired after tripping they decided to come up with an idea of making shoes that allow the rechargeable batteries light up the trail when you decide to go walking early in the morning or late evening the couple was offered from over 300 companies worldwide that would have really happily purchased their product they didn't need Roberts investment anymore which caused the deal to not go through despite this being a success on the couple's part ending up selling their website for approximately a million dollars Robert what if scammed by being cheated out of money I mean part of the problem is you named it night runner and there's your work boots right that's why the new model will be called nightshift number four with the sharks being experienced within the field that they are in they've seen a large quantity of con artists on the show this one in particular was quite absurd in hilarious to the team in this case it wasn't necessary to be qualified to know that either something was a scam too good to be true or wouldn't work as a business max Velveeta was trying his hardest to push his product called morning head as a pitch was such an inappropriate name it was a cap that essentially went on your head and was used to cure Bed Head hair the members of the TV show couldn't stop laughing whilst trying to persuade the board calling it a labeled shower cap they obviously declined his offer knowing fully well that this was a scam and something that most likely wouldn't really pop off number three this scam was clever but also an awful thing to do towards investors this lady claimed that her company was about fashionable clothing items for women who were plus-sized and bigger she decided a clothing brand for the demographic was what she wanted to cater towards after accepting the offer made to her and then receiving the money for the company this woman Gayla Bentley then disappeared off the face of the planet avoiding contact with the investors and closing down the website a month later walking off with just free money they don't have any clothes in their luxury retail space over a size 12 number 2 a solution for messy little eaters Lindsay pitches her product called easy peasy seeking 1 million dollars for a 5% stake in her company she began to talk about how mealtime is a struggle with her three toddlers prior to this product coming into her life saying it was crazy and there had to be a better way the happy mat is an all-in-one silicone placed mat and plate the best part in her eyes being that it's suctions to the surface preventing spills and messes after talking about a distributors orders and how much items were sold they began to discuss their deal she was viewed crazy on TV do to her behavior having the deal she wanted offered to her still being denied this woman overvalued her product quite a bit and wasn't able to comprehend that they wanted to give her what she wanted I don't know why but I feel this is a case of scamming the program for attention wanting to be on television potentially for advertisement but again maybe she's just a little bit delusional I made a hundred and forty thousand dollars that was your earnings yeah how do you get to 20 million and finally numero uno that means number one but I barely speak Spanish this is not only a scam but sheer stupidity especially if someone was delusional enough to believe that there was potential business within this specific company Alex and Riata is seeking $50,000 for 10% equity in their business they explained how simple their company was and how it's called potato parcel which all they do is literally mail potatoes potato parcel being a brand new way of sending so many custom message written on a potato one of the board members said it was stupid on a stick and a response they responded back stupid on a potato after laughing it off about how ridiculous the company is they discussed the product despite it being something that is silly they were made an offer and eventually he came to a deal it being an agreement I still feel though as this was a scam and not really a smart business venture but then again if you ask me I just do voiceovers what do I know and with that being said that concludes what our 10 biggest scams in Shark Tank history feel free to comment down below on what you thought about today's video and maybe leave a like if you've enjoyed also not forget to subscribe and push that notification bell to see more space-bound videos similar to this one in the near future and have all of yourselves a very potata excuse me a very excellent day
Channel: Spacebound
Views: 140,049
Rating: 3.6938112 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, spacebound, shark tank, shark tank scams, shark tank scammer exposed, shark tank scammer, mark cuban, shark tank top 10, Biggest Scams In Shark Tank, shark tank scam
Id: WuWcUJzepD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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