10 Best Tips for Writing INTIMACY

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Oh, Butters, this is inappropriate  for you! I'm covering your ears.   I'm covering your little ears. (The sound of a pen scratching.) LOGO. Hellooo everybody! It's officially the season of  love, so what better time to discuss one of my   favorite facets of storytelling: writing intimacy!  Do you want your characters to come across as   close or connected? Do you want it to seem as if  they care for each other, or love one another, or   are IN LOVE with each other? That's exactly what  we're talking about today! A quick disclaimer:   these tips will be phrased for romantic intimacy,  which is intimacy within a romantic relationship.   However, many of them–if not all of them–can also  apply to platonic intimacy, like intimacy within a   family or intimacy within a friendship. Intimacy  doesn't inherently mean romance, at least not in   all ideations, so just remove the romantic  element of these tips and they can fit into   ANY form of intimacy. Additionally, I will be  referencing couples within this video. However,   these tips can also apply to polyamory. I'm  breaking down my 10 tips for writing amazing,   heartwarming, squeal-inducing intimacy so  that your readers get wrapped up in the   relationships you're writing and don't want  to put the book down! Before we get started,   I want to give a quick shout out to Skillshare,  who has sponsored today's video! Skillshare is   an online learning community with thousands of  inspiring classes for creative people. They've   got classes in a range of topics from marketing,  to illustration, to graphic design. And of course,   they have classes in creative writing. One  of the great things about Skillshare is it's   curated specifically for learning. That means no  ads! The classes are also divided up into little,   bite-sized chunks. We're looking at one to  nine minutes, which means they're really easy   to fit into your schedule. Plus, they're  constantly releasing new premium classes,   so you can up your game all the time! I am both  a student at Skillshare, as well as a teacher. If   you missed the announcement, I recently released  a brand new class on Skillshare all about how to   self-publish your book from start to finish. It's  a step-by-step guide to self-publishing the right   way so you can tackle the process easily and  effectively. I've also got a couple of other   classes all about digital marketing for writers  so you can grow your author platform and have an   awesome book release! Whether you're looking  to grow your craft or expand on new skills,   Skillshare has got you covered! Plus, they're  super affordable; an annual subscription is   less than $10 bucks a month. However, I've got  a special deal just for you guys! Stick around   until the end of this video to find out what it  is! But first, we're gonna talk about intimacy,   ‘cause I said so! Don't forget to subscribe to  my channel! I post new videos on Wednesdays,   and if you want to be alerted as soon as I  upload, you gotta ring that bell! That way,   you get ALL of my writing advice right away, ALL  the time! It's awesome! And while you're here,   check out my number one best-selling dark fantasy  romance series The Savior's Series! We've got The   Savior's Champion, as well as The Savior's Sister!  I have them linked below, you should totally check   them out! And now on to my 10 tips for writing  intimacy! Number One (1): Know the definition!   A lot of people hear the word ‘intimacy’ and think  ‘sex,’ and while there is a definition of intimacy   that equates to sex, it's like seventh on the  list. The main definition of intimacy is closeness   and familiarity. It means an affectionate or  loving personal relationship, or some act or   expression of affection. The key words here  are ‘closeness’ and ‘affection,’ so that's what   you should be focused on when building intimacy.  On a related note, Number Two (2): Intimacy doesn't   HAVE to equal sex. I've heard the advice that  if you're writing romance or romantic intimacy,   there absolutely has to be sex. That's some dumb,  incorrect shit. While sex and intimacy are often   linked, they are not dependent on one another.  You can experience romantic intimacy without sex   just like you can experience sex without  romantic intimacy. The reliance on sex   to equate romantic intimacy is actually a really  huge mistake in fiction, because sexual attraction   is NOT romance. You're just horny! Calm down. It  may be hot, but heart-wrenching or swoon-worthy?   Not so much... This isn't to say you shouldn't  write sex. You ABSOLUTELY can, just don't assume   that this is the key to creating intimacy.  And DEFINITELY don't assume that you HAVE to   write sex. There are plenty of reasons a ship can  abstain: asexuality, personal preference, comfort   levels, age. Maybe it's way too soon. Maybe it's  inappropriate for the target audience. Maybe it's   not at all relevant to the story. Basically, sex  is fine, but intimacy doesn't have to be sexual,   and it's not intimate if all you've got is sex.  Right, Butters? Number Three (3): Create a bond.   Intimacy is impossible without connection, and  connection relies on a strong bond. This means   it's not enough for your characters to simply know  one another or share long glances across the room.   A bond goes deeper than that. It relies on shared  experiences and feelings. It relies on a sense of   common ground. The easiest way to create a close  emotional bond between characters is to have them   share vulnerabilities or vulnerable moments. You  see this a lot in fiction because it's effective.   Maybe they're sharing life or death situations.  They're both running from the same guy and having   to save one another's lives. But it doesn't have  to be life or death stakes; it can be as simple   as them sharing their trauma from their past or  their tragic backstories. Sometimes they bond   over a shared insecurity. Maybe they're both being  bullied at school or they're struggling at work.   Without moments where all parties share an  unguarded version of themselves, there is no sense   of closeness, and that is pivotal for creating a  bond. Focus on powerful bonding moments and the   intimacy will be much easier to write. Number  Four (4): Understand your characters. Everyone   expresses and receives intimacy differently.  There are many people who consider sharing deep,   personal stories intimate. However, I personally  don't mind sharing personal stories of my own   volition. It's not an intimate expression for me.  What about you? You don't mind sharing kisses!   No, you don't! On the flip side, some people are  super touchy. They don't mind hugging and cuddling   people. To them, it's not a big deal. I, on the  other hand, find physical touch very intimate   and I am only comfortable sharing it with certain  people. Like Butters! Your characters should be   the same way. They should be just as varied as  the real world. As you create your characters,   you should get an idea of what they would consider  intimate and how they would react to certain forms   of intimacy. Is sharing personal information  a form of intimacy to that character? Why or   why not? What about physical touch? What about  flirtation? What about sex? Everyone is different   based on nature and nurture, so figure out where  your character exists on the spectrum that is   human individuality. Number Five (5): Show, don't  tell. Telling absolutely has its place, but when   you're trying to build emotion, SHOW...don't tell.  Intimacy is an area where it's imperative to show,   because your content will only come across as  intimate if the readers can FEEL the intimacy.   You can't tell the readers, "their relationship  was intimate," and have it automatically translate   into warm fuzzies. If anything, they're gonna  feel ripped off. If you're ever at a loss on   how to show intimacy, think about how intimacy is  shown in real life: through words of affection,   body language, and of course, physical touch.  Something as simple as an embrace or tucking a   strand of hair behind someone's ear can get  the job done. And of course, kind gestures,   or displays, or even facial expressions  can go a long way in expressing intimacy.   Never underestimate the power of a soft smile, or  flushed cheeks, or a grand display of affection   to get the job done. On a related note, Number Six  (6): Avoid 'felt.' One of the easiest ways to show   as opposed to tell is to avoid writing the word  'feel' or 'felt.' That's not to say you should   never use it; it ABSOLUTELY has its moments. But  if you are constantly telling the reader how a   character feels, you are destroying the sense  of intimacy. If you catch yourself writing, "she   felt so close to her girlfriend," you are telling,  and there are a handful of superior ways you could   SHOW this moment instead. For example, maybe she  could reach out and hold her girlfriend's hand.   Maybe you can describe the weight of uncertainty  being lifted from her shoulders, or the ease of   being in her girlfriend's company. Maybe this is  the perfect opportunity for their first kiss. "She   felt so attracted to her." "She felt a bond to  her." "She felt desperate to be with her." All   of this is telling, and all of it sucks. Number  Seven (7): Use your five senses. Using your five   senses makes readers feel transported into the  scene, and that is very important for intimacy.   If your character is involved in a particularly  intimate exchange–again, this does not have to be   sexual–think about what their senses are tuning  in to. We're familiar with comforting smells;   smells that make you feel safe, smells that  remind you of something or someone you love.   Maybe your character is cuddling with their  partner and smelling the coconut scent of   their hair. Taste is great, especially if they're  kissing. Sight is always relevant; you can use it   to describe their partner's body language or  facial expressions. For hearing, obviously,   you can use dialogue, but you can also describe  the way the character is talking. Is it breathy   or excited? Is it soft or tender? Or, they could  simply be lulled by the rhythm of their heartbeat   or their steady breathing. And of course,  touch is so important to building intimacy,   as is the reaction to touch. Goosebumps, shivers,  relaxation, ease. All of this matters! Tap into   your five senses and bring those intimate  moments to life. Number Eight (8): Get inside   your body. This is another tip I give often when  it comes to writing emotional content, and it is   especially relevant for intimacy. Think about how  intimacy physically manifests itself in your body.   How you physically feel when you're with someone  that you share a close, personal bond with.   And understand these feelings are going to be  different for specific people and for specific   levels of intimacy. Maybe when a relationship  is new, the character's heart is pounding,   their face is hot, their breathing is short and  quick. But in an older, lived-in relationship,   maybe being with their partner creates a sense  of peace and ease. When they see their partner,   all the tension and stress in their body releases.  These sort of descriptions not only illustrate the   intimacy between the characters, it also creates a  visceral and immersive experience for the reader.   Number Nine (9): Pay attention to dialogue.  Intimacy, whether it's platonic or romantic, will   change the way characters relate to one another  and especially how they speak with each other. I   speak to my fiancé completely differently than how  I speak with my family or my friends, and I speak   to all of them in a totally different way than  I speak with people I have zero connection with.   Different kinds of intimacy create different forms  of communication, and I'm not just talking about   terms of endearment or flirting. Obviously, I  don't call my friends 'baby.' Obviously, I don't   flirt with my mom. But there are some things  I feel comfortable talking about with Cliff,   but I don't feel comfortable sharing it with other  people. There are some things I go to my mom for   specifically, and there are some jokes I only  make with my friends. This is the same in fiction;   every intimate relationship is unique. Using  The Savior's Sister as an example, Tobias is   very protective by nature, but he's a lot more  willing to be soft and vulnerable with Leila. He's   also goofier and more sarcastic with his friends,  which is something a lot of people can relate to.   Think about how intimacy affects your character's  personality, and thus, how it will translate into   the dialogue of your scene. And Number Ten (10):  Know when to turn it off. Intimate relationships   are not ALL heart flutters ALL the time. Sometimes  couples, friends, and family fight. Sometimes they   disagree. Sometimes they've got shit to do. That's  not to say that intimacy completely disappears,   but sometimes I really need to work, so I tell  Cliff, "Hey baby, I'm sorry, but I gotta write   this scene." And then I ignore him for an hour.  The point is if it's all walking on sunshine all   the time, no one's gonna buy it. That's not to  say you gotta throw in abuse or gaslighting   to keep things interesting. Please don't do that!  Don't get it twisted, that's NOT what I'm saying.   I'm just saying if the character is dealing  with the death of their mom or the impending   doom of the universe, this may not be the  time for them to be twitterpated or horny.   Save the intimacy for times when the intimacy  makes sense. Your readers will thank you. So   that's all I got for you today! Thank you SO much  to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video! Again,   like I said, I'm not only a student at Skillshare,  I am also a teacher. It is the perfect platform if   you want to hone your skills or create entirely  new skills. Skillshare is super affordable, but   right now the first 1,000 people who click the  link in the description below will get a free   trial of Skillshare Premium membership! That is  a FREE TRIAL of Skillshare Premium, so you can   try out their classes for free! Including  my classes...I hear they're pretty awesome!   But only the first 1,000 people who click  the link will get it, so get to clicking!   Do it now! You'll thank me later... Don't forget  to subscribe to my channel! I post new videos on   Wednesdays, and if you want to be alerted as SOON  as I upload, ring that bell! The Savior's Sister   is available right now in ebook, paperback, and  hardback! And I have it on good authority that the   audiobook is coming very soon, so keep your eyes  peeled, because it's coming! And be sure to follow   me on social media! I'm on Instagram, Tumblr,  Facebook, and BookBub–and of course, you can   tweet me @JennaMoreci! Bye! (Flippant Male Voice)  Hey! Everyone! I'm Flynn! I fuckin' love myself!   So if you love me, and you don't mind a  bit of Jenna, then why don't you press the   fuckin' subscribe button? You know you want to,  because then you get to hear more of me! Anyways,   press that button, ding the bell,  and we'll have a great fuckin' time!
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 87,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: write, writer, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, ebook, publish, publishing, publisher, authortube, booktube, novel, author, Jenna Moreci, the savior's champion, the savior's sister, the savior's series, bestseller, writing tips, writing advice, writing motivation, writing inspiration, how to write, tips for writing, how to write a book, tips for writing a book, how to write romance, tips for writing romance, romance, romance books, how to write intimacy, writing intimacy, intimacy
Id: 3rnhdwZ0BE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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