10 Best Super Bowl Commercials 2021

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did you steal my cheetos again just tell him it was you but i cut you at the counter it wasn't me [Music] saw you snacking on the sofa it wasn't me you even had them in the shower it wasn't me i even caught you on camera you don't want to grunt it access to your snacks don't talk surprise don't you sleep behind your back you gotta keep times before she emptied up but let's review the situation orange fingers red flag to keep you one star sugar tied it better if she asks where they are you say forget to never admit to a word and please don't upset her and if she keep well did you wasn't me oh okay well that's the first time that's ever worked new cheetos crunch pop mix can we even afford this house i'm pretty sure we can pretty sure rocket mortgage you can be certain not pretty sure what's the difference let me show you i'm pretty sure these aren't poisonous [Music] i'm pretty sure these are parachutes mine has a sandwich that's mine i'm pretty sure you do not run i'm pretty sure you could take batista down you're on okay i'm pretty sure this is trending i'm pretty sure these hornets aren't the murdering type pretty sure we can make it [Music] [Applause] certain let's go with certain good choice when you're buying a home pretty sure isn't sure enough when you need to be certain about how much home you can afford rocket can hi neighbor i'll hold the dog not again did you know that norway sells way more electric cars per capita than the u.s norway well i won't stand for it come on never mind with gm's new ultim battery we're gonna crush those losers crush them let's go america keenan norway's out evening us wait what's this oh it's my daughter's birthday she's really a pirate i don't care grab an ev meet me in norway can i say goodbye to my family nope all right aquafina sorry to disturb you but norway's beating us at evs uh-huh meet me there in an hour can i ride with you no gm's ultim battery is made for all types of vehicles so soon everyone can drive an ep whoa why didn't we all just go together knowing wheel is probably flying private [Music] this place is adorable damn it where are you guys we're in finland where are you i'm in norway norway you're in sweden oh damn it [Music] lately i just i haven't been feeling quite like myself life used to feel fuller [Music] some days are harder than others i want to break free it's like i used to be on solid ground did you drive here or did you travel by fax i want to break free there's got to be a way to get back i want to break free [Music] know [Music] doritos now in 3d [Music] this local access message is brought to you by ubereats hey everyone welcome to waynesboro party on wayne party on garth as a local access show we want everyone to support local restaurants but we'd never manipulate you the way all these other commercials do oh god sure that's really sad totally we're better than that yeah we'd never shamelessly rely on a celebrity cameo right cardi b yeah eat loco or jump on the latest trend [Music] i feel bad for kicking your seat on purpose i'm sorry for mansplaining that's when a man i know what it is we should have just told you it's a boy i wish he didn't have to hear all that sorry i called you karen that's my name sorry your name is karen i promise i will not eat any more of your friends really [Music] okay it might happen one more time [Music] ah the backyard it's had quite a year i say let's keep this backyard thing going that's why scots and miracle grow want to give you a chance to win the lawn and garden of your dreams like mine you know just not better than mine like mine where you can work on your short game like mine oh it's a little close it only turns left come on leslie crush your core i don't crush it emma dad it's the red one i know the other red one i know feeling good like i said he still got it so text me now and win the lawn and garden of your dreams hey travoltas don't be tickety talking on my grass your soap is ugh and your body wash is a synthetic detergent but you're not a dish you're a man switch to dr squatch natural soap for men for men who build things open pickle jars on the first try slay dragons and let their daughters braid their hair men who like to feel good and smell titillating dr squatch takes you places you never thought you'd go naked where is everyone pringles original barbecue pizza the barbecue pizza stack look we're saved we're going home thank you stockton [Applause] endless flavors to stack enjoy carefully mrs long yes we've found a baby girl for your adoption but there's some things you need to know she's in siberia and she was born with a rare condition her legs will need to be amputated i know this is difficult to hear for her life it won't be easy [Applause] mrs long it might not be easy but it'll be amazing i can't wait to meet her we believe there is hope and strength in all of us toyota proud partner of team usa we both love this place now what i'm pretty sure we have everything in order pretty sure with rocket you could be certain not pretty sure what's the difference well let me show you yeah i'm pretty sure that's all of them maybe not i'm pretty sure this won't hurt pretty sure that's a figment of our imaginations i'm pretty sure we can park in joey bose's spot that spot works too i'm pretty sure they come in peace let's do certain yeah certain is better when it comes to home buying pretty sure isn't sure enough find the right mortgage with the local broker and rocket technology when you need to be certain rocket cam come on hey adam when's stefani what's happening i think i'm ready to start dating again what are you looking for i'm sick of la guys i want someone completely different maybe from another country and someone cultured insensitive and who is not threatened by a strong competent woman on a spotty network this is what adam heard sick of l.a guys i want someone completely country uncultured and threatened by a strong confident woman it's not wings or nachos it's wings and nachos hey send my onion rings down here i have your guy [Music] gwen blake um oh my god hilarious right i mean no what do you mean are you wearing spurs did you ride a horse here yeah don't trust your love life to just any network t-mobile has more number ones than 5g than any other network you need a ride home t-mobile is the leader in 5g [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dalibor Truhlar
Views: 2,235,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super bowl commercial, super bowl commercials, super bowl 2021, super bowl commercials 2021, super bowl ads 2021, funny commercials, super bowl commercials cheetos, rocket mortgage commercial, dr. squatch super bowl commercial, dr. squatch soap commercial, wayne's world commercial 2021, 2021 super bowl commercial, 2021 super bowl commercials, superbowl commercials, super bowl 2021 commercials, best commercials, top 10 commercials, rocket mortage commercial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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