10 Best Restaurants at Disney World (After Eating at All of Them)

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[Music] hey everybody dan Lesley back for another video about Disney dining this time we are putting together everything we have learned over the past 2 years where we have tried every single table service restaurant on Disney World property I don't know if that's something to be proud of but man it's been fun I'm proud of it and boy oh boy can I talk about Disney dining all day long I mean there are some fantastic restaurants on property and we are going to highlight the 10 absolute best Disney dining restaurants in our humble opinion that's a good point before we get too far into this huge disclaimer here and this one is probably going to ruffle less feathers than the one where we do the worst restaurants on Disney property but I'm just going to set the stage right now these are our opinions and just because our opinions may not jive with some opinions out there that's fine that's totally fine if if your favorite restaurant did not make it on the top 10 list um you know who knows maybe it was just our experience at that one time or maybe our tastes are different so absolutely I mean and that's the thing that's why there are so many restaurants to try out and they wouldn't all be able to stay in business if somebody out there didn't like them so you know every restaurant is probably someone's favorite yeah and even and that's one thing about Disney World there's so many good restaurants um even the ones that we didn't particularly care for or maybe had not the best experience at like they're still good restaurants like I I would never I would not say there's any bad restaurants in Disney property there's restaurants that we probably won't be back to um but I wouldn't say there's bad even like Rainforest Cafe T-Rex like our least favorite restaurants they're fine and lots of people love them just not our cup of tea right exactly all right let's get into this thing a couple of honorable mentions so this is our top 10 list of best table service restaurants on Disney property but we're going to remove the two like obvious like pay out the nose for restaurant so Victoria and Albert or missure Paul over the France Pavilion in Epcot we are going to remove those out of this list just because um they're exorbitantly expensive and yes they're fantastic we gave them five stars out of five stars but you're paying so much money for those um they're not something that everyone can do everyone will want to do not something that we are going to do a ton I mean it's just I probably will never be back to Victorian Alber just because it's it's just so exorbitantly expensive even though it was a fantastic experience um these are going to be the 10 best restaurants um on Disney property that we find affordable enough to at least do for a special occasion or date night um so there's that take it for what you will all right so let's start at the bottom of the list so we are going to rank the top 10 but we are going to have a little caveat on this first one um so our number 10 uh restaurant there there's a tie here right so it is between go which is over at Animal Kingdom Lodge fantastic like African flare to it very nice meal um has some wonderful wines some wonderful options to eat um that would probably be my actual number 10 however California Grill also received a 4.25 on our list and while we love it and we love the view it would be a little higher ranked if it didn't have that prefix menu and we could just order what we wanted off off the regular menu yeah and that's a good point because um so in order to compile our top 10 we went back to all of the restaurants um that we've been eating at over the last 2 years my sister and um we just looked at the scores so we ranked everything on a five star scale and so um here at the the bottom like the the not the bottom the bottom of the top 10 so still really good restaurants there were multiple restaurants that received around that 4.25 4.125 score that could easily kind of nudge their way into the top 10 or maybe nudge their way out of the top 10 if only because of like maybe maybe a server was having a bad day or maybe like the chef maybe overcooked or overs salted something just a little bit and I just received a different score so I mean there's a number like so Ohana was right there there's a number of restaurants that could easily be interchanged right here these two of all of those that didn't make the top 10 these two were our favorites I agree like California Grill same thing High classy I mean fantastic Ambiance uh being like they can see happily ever after fireworks over Cinderella castle from the restaurant but fantastic wine list um great great great food great great service great for a date night same thing with go um I really love the um the the the unique quality of the foods being like an upscale African cuisine very very good African wines here um I would not be mad at either of these restaurants for a nice date experience the the prefix menu does frustrate me a little bit at California Grill that's the one thing that like makes me not want to go back until they they may never do it but it used to be an allart menu so like we could go we could enjoy maybe a couple of sushi rolls um or maybe like a few appetizers maybe share an entree and then have a couple of desserts something like that you don't have the option of doing that anymore with the prefix menu quick plug for all of the other dining review videos if you haven't watched them go back and watch all of them because there's a lot of really great restaurants out there so okay so we got California Grill we've got go so coming in at number nine we're going to stay over at Animal Kingdom Lodge and we are going to Bulma Bulma is um so Bulma is right across from jic Bulma is the buffet uh it is located in uh Jambo House which is the big uh Hotel side of Animal Kingdom Lodge there's a whole another building for DVC rooms um that's called kadani Village but the main the big Lobby that you always see like walking in on people's Vlogs going to Animal Kingdom Lodge that is Jambo House you go down the stairs and um if you take a right your inside jico if you take a left your inside BMA this Buffet is currently serving breakfast and dinner both meals we've had both meals are fantastic both meals have that African flare Cuisine that you can find for um not only breakfast so like the um what's the the jouti or whatever the butiti bji now I can't even come I don't know to whatever it is it's really good uh you get like goat cheese eggs things like that but you've also got like the standard fair that does appeal to kind of like the the the less adventurous palette out there for dinner um you get everything from like ham to ribs which are really fantastic you've got more African flare things um I love this restaurant because um we can take anyone who who just wants to eat a lot because it is and all you care to enjoy buffet and they can find stuff to eat there yeah and it's pretty reasonably priced for an all you care to enjoy Buffet situation our 12-year-old regularly asks when we're going back to this restaurant because he loves it so much so I mean it can appeal to and he's always been kind of our picky eater so it can appeal to a lot of different palettes number eight we actually just ate up last night it is at the top of grand Destino Tower located at Coronado Springs Resort it's not the easiest restaurant to get to unless you're staying at Coronado Springs Resort and if you are I highly recommend making a reservation for this Spanish steakhouse called toled oh my goodness this place is amazing we got the Shar cerie we got the panon tamat we've got the the olives we had the steak we had the swordfish we oh my goodness we went with some friends and it just it was absolutely spectacular it's been spectacular every time we've gone the views up there are gorgeous it's just a really really well done restaurant yeah their uh their drink menu is pretty robust it is right across the from the Dalia Lounge which has a very good drink program and this shares some of that drink program so um they have great cocktails they have fantastic wines from Spain so grab a nice Roha when you're up there it's Fant we had one last night it was great um the steaks are done very very well they are again it's a Spanish steakhous so I would recommend the hanger steak uh it comes out it's it's better in my opinion than the fillet that you can get there and it's it's wonderful um sustainable fish last night was Swordfish it was very very good but when we ate there I think we shared the the the ribey which was also very very good so you can get the ribeye for two I think it's $155 but it comes out with a shakery board for an appetizer another little appetizer um a giant steak for two dessert for two it's it's it's a pretty good meal and if you do two table service credits if you have a Dining Plan you can get that for the two tle service credits so this one's on the Dining Plan too which is which is pretty nice yes number s is our the one we always argue about between to and topalo which one are we going to for date night um but so topolos is at the top of the Riviera and that is what's coming in at number seven also a fantastic option if you go get the ricotta it is so good that's the that's the appetizer they have a fantastic oldfashioned here so definitely get I think it's called the modern fashion it's wonderful they also have a very good breakfast yes at topolos and it is probably at least in our opinion the best character meal on property it is an allart breakfast um with Mickey Minnie Donald Daisy they come out in their artist attire they they shake their tail feathers and then they they they dance around and it's it's fantastic it's done very very upscale so contrast that with like your Chef Mickey's of the Disney World property where it's more just Buffet get you in get you out and get out the door this one you don't feel quite as rushed and you get to enjoy those characters a little bit more and I think the food is just a nice option for character dining as well yes oh for number six we're going to head over to Disney Springs and um get a little Irish in us so this one comes in at 4.375 in our rating but we've eaten here multiple times they do have a fantastic lunch and dinner they have a really good brunch on the weekends as well we've had that as well we're going to do a dining review about that soon um but Ragin road is really really nicely done it is right in the heart of Disney Springs kind of right in the middle of everything Park in the lime garage if you're going to uh Disney Springs specifically to eat at Ragland Road they also have a quick Service uh restaurant attached to Ragan road so that's called Cooks of Dublin you can walk in there get fish and chips or there's a few other options but my personal favorite is fish and chips they have got all kinds of things to just make this a fantastic dining experience they have got entertainment so they'll have like cloggers um that can perform inside or outside they've got stages in both they've got multiple different bars inside and outside you can also dine inside and outside you've got quick service you've got table service you've got brunch you've got regular meals you've got the classics with fish and chips and shepher Pie and all of that they have a wonderful old oldfashioned here the service here has always been spectacular I have very little very few negative things to say about this I'm trying to think of any negative things to say about it other than maybe if you go and you're right by the stage it might be a little loud but you're going to be entertained side note if you go around St Patty's Day you definitely want to make a reservation for St Patrick's Day specifically um they do a lot of special things for St Patty's Day and the day of um you need to get on the Raglin Road website and specifically The Ragin Road website not the Disney World website and look at what they are doing for St Patty yeah and there may be a cover charge at times during that week just to just to be aware of and if you're wanting to help booking any of these fabulous dining reservations please reach out to one of our Fantastical advisers over at Fantastical vacations and we can help you plan Disney destinations Universal cruise lines and all-inclusive resorts also coming in at number five at 4.375 stars is Nar cousies this restaurant was fantastic years ago preo um and they REM remodeled it and reopened it just not that long ago back in 2023 we ate there a few weeks after it reopened there was a little annoying part where we had to park across the street if you go back and watch that review but that was not the fault of the restaurant that is the Grand Floridian management problem and we did not ding the restaurant for that failure but the food itself is phenomenal the oldfashioned here is just spoton we love the cuisine so the uh surf and turf options we love the seafood here um we've always had a great experience here they used to do a brunch here but that has not come back to my knowledge um and the design of the new restaurant is very very modern but also kind of nautical and it's right there on the water over looking Magic Kingdom yes oh it just I love it there I love I love the colors I love the feel I love the food the service is always great it's just spectacular coming in at number four this one always kind of surprises me a little bit and I've said it before is Santa gel in over at the Mexico Pavilion at Epcot I always always look at this menu and I think no and then we go and we order something and I'm like why do we not come here more like it's so good um we had just such a great experience the Ambiance of being right there by the water where the three cavaleros um passes by it's just that's nice and then you've got kind of like this dim lit um Ambiance that just makes it feel nice and cozy you kind of feel like you're outside but you're not the food is really well done it's just a really good experience um and so we actually rated this at a 4.5 when we went and like I said surprises me every time but it is definitely one of the best ones on property also coming at 4.5 is Chef art Smith's homecoming over at Disney Springs so right around the corner from Raglin road is this wonderful done Southern Cuisine inspired restaurant that never fails to amaze it is just it's like I never leave Chef art Smiths without being super super full like really really satisfied with my meal there's just a lot of food now none of it is health food to my knowledge like we're talking like fried chicken dumplings pies like chicken biscuits yeah we're we're this is not this is not diet food NE neily however it is like it it is flavorful it is filling they have a brunch that is just out of this world um we did our review on just a regular lunch and it was fantastic as well hard to get a reservation here at 60 days out um but you can walk up and eat at the bar if it's just you or maybe you and one of person and their seats available um I would highly recommend checking this out definitely for brunch but if you can't get brunch uh just check it out for lunch or dinner it is very good and their cocktails are spectacular lots of moonshine cocktails uh to keep in that southern Cuisine uh theme yes coming in at number two is one of our favorites on property there was actually one uh trip that we took where I think we ate here I know we ate here twice for sure on one vacation and that is at the boat house over at Disney Springs we love this place they have a brunch we just had brunch there actually that is going to be on a on a video and it's it doesn't disappoint either every meal is wonderful service is always every single time we've been we've never had bad service um the food has always been topnotch it's just I love the option of getting to eat inside or outside or down on the dock uh it they they just have so much to offer they've got live music you can eat inside of a boat you can ride a an ampa car so it's a car that goes on on land that they drive out into the lake and you can just toodle around the lake I mean you're not driving it but somebody else is but um they have their own gift shop with clever like Boat House themed shirts wonderful drink program the oldfashioned here is great highly highly recommend the boat house okay last but certainly not least on our top 10 coming in at number one at 4.75 stars is also at Disney Springs this one was a little bit of a shock to us as well it is Halo on the west side of Disney Springs this one is another Spanish restaurant there's a lot of toas it is so good um you definitely get kind of immersed in that Spanish feel the toppas have always been wonderful they come out like you know if you've ever eaten at a restaurant that does topas they come out just like as they're prepared so it's just um it feels a little more what am I looking for like spontaneous casual it's kindale feel like when we go with large groups it's interesting to be like wait who ordered that like was that was it me I don't because it's all in Spanish right and then they'll have a description of what it is in English underneath it but it's like you order like around three toas per person and you all kind of share like small bites so whereas Toledo is a Spanish Steakhouse and you ordered an entree that is your meal this is very much Spanish top us but uh very very Spanish themed um Jose andrees is the uh the the famous chef that created Helo um but you're talking like IO goham again Spanish wines you know um they've got paa that they used to have that you could order like just a small plate of but now it's like you have to order the whole paa meal but it's fantastic there um super love Helo and their drink program is pretty good that's Salt Air Margarita I kid you not it is the best margarita I've ever had and that is no joke I mean it is so well done with every little step you've got this like foam on top that's like got saltiness in it and with every sip you get a little bit of salt without getting salt all over your face so good so there you have it we have had a ton of request to either put out all of our ratings on one piece of paper so you can physically see that which honestly we' rather talk about it like this and explain it explain why we have ratings it's so easy to look at a list and be like I don't agree with that I don't agree with that I don't agree with but if you hear like the reasoning behind it and why we love it at least maybe you can um understand like where we're coming from ratings so this is our top 10 restaurants on Disney World property we will definitely be back to all of these again we went to two of them in the last two days like last night and this this this uh this morning for Brun good food weekend it's been great so um all that to say yeah I hope you enjoyed this rating of our top 10 Disney World restaurants yes and if you are liking these videos please hit that like And subscribe button so you don't miss the next one and so you don't miss the worst restaurants on property sorry in advance all right we will see you on the next [Music] video
Channel: Addicted to the Mouse
Views: 38,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney world, disney, orlando, florida, addicted to the mouse, addictedtothemouse, worthmelting4, living in florida, walt disney world, disney dining, fantastical vacations, disney food, disney restaurants, best restaurants at disney world, disney world restaurants, best disney world restaurants, best food disney, where to eat at disney world, disney world places to eat, restaurants at disney, best food disney world, disney world dining, best dining disney
Id: XhV2mIgsI4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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