10 Best Cat Breeds For First Time Owners/Beginners/ All Cats

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cats are among the best pets you can find but it can be challenging to figure out which specific cat breed is right for you cats are known to be relatively easy to care for but some are much easier than others you should start slow when looking for a cat breed and focus on one that is suitable for first-time owners here are 10 best cat breeds for first-time owners or beginners number 10 russian blue the russian blue is noticeable for its short blue coat and its noticeable green eyes it is an older breed and one of the first recognized cat breeds a russian blue cat is mostly quiet except when asking for food the breed does well with humans and can provide comfort to people as necessary making it a good cat for those who are a little more social number nine burmese cat bourbons more commonly known as the burmese breed are known for their striking features fluffy and bright blue eyes they come in four official colors sable champagne blue and platinum typically they have golden or yellow colored eyes interestingly all burmese cats are born entirely white before they grow into their colors these are sweet and calm cats the burmese has a short body with a rounded head burmese cats enjoy being around people and will often follow them around the house the breed is also relatively intelligent being a good option for first time owners to explore the burmese is especially loyal which is why many dog owners turn to burmese cats when they're looking for cat breeds they like how the cat has the same form of loyalty as most dog breeds would have towards their owners number 8 somali cat somalis are more energetic than most other cat breeds but the breed is also social and enjoys being around people the somali cat is especially great around children as it gets along well with kids who might be more active the breed does not attack others and is very positive around people although it can become verbal when it feels uncomfortable in certain situations like the abyssitian cats the somali cat breed is mischievous and loves to play they are athletic and well-muscled yet surprisingly graceful they are known to be peaceful kitties whose meows and purrs are quiet they are one of the slightly higher maintenance cats on this list but only because their gorgeous fur requires regular grooming number 7. exotic short hair similar in appearance to the persian cat the exotic shorthair breed differs in that they are the short-haired version if you like everything about a persian cat but are concerned about the daily groom this breed is the option for you they are sensitive so this breed of cat will need time to become accustomed to heavy-handed and curious youngsters around but it won't take long for them to become super affectionate an exotic shorthaired cat is similar to a persian cat but the exotic short hair doesn't have an overly long coat the fur is thick and dense but its short length makes it easy to maintain the short hair is an affectionate breed but it will not follow people around the house all day these cats are also flexible in their sleeping habits as they tend to prefer colder spaces the cat's voice is also soft and easy to enjoy the exotic short hair is often shy around strangers but the cat isn't going to be overly rough around them number 6. ragdoll the ragdoll breed features a slightly longer coat but the fur has a silky feel that doesn't require as much grooming as what other cats might demand consistent combing helps when you take care of your cat but it will be easier to handle than what a persian or other long-haired cats might demand first-time owners will find it easier to train a ragdoll and to teach it tricks making it one of the most well-behaved breeds around the ragdoll is a large and robust cat breed but they are known to be the best mix of calm and relaxed they are known to be one of the best cats for families and they are very sociable and sweet too they have big blue eyes and a thick and silky medium length coat let us bust a ragdoll myth this kitty is not hypoallergenic number five stinks cat allergic to cats don't let that stop you from getting a four-legged friend if so the sphinx cat is the best feline option for you although not entirely hairless they are better for individuals with cat allergies the sphinx breed might lack fur but they make up for it in personality bright friendly and hyperactive this cat craves human company so they are ideal for a household that has lots of people around you'll instantly notice the sphinx breed for how it is hairless although some thinks cats might have some short bits of hair the cat's lack of fur will prompt the cat to seek warm areas making them great cats who can keep their owners company while sleeping number four scottish fold you'll instantly notice a scottish fold from its ears pointing forward towards the head creating a owl-like look scottish folds are comfortable around other people and can handle both single and multiple-person households these cats aren't very vocal but their voices are soft when they are active and verbal scottish folds can feature mid-length coats although their lengths can vary weekly combings are recommended although the coat is easy to move through and maintain named because of their cute folded ears these cats are sensitive and humble they need companionship and would love a feline sibling to keep them company if you're seeking a cat that you can spoil this breed would be a great choice as they're the most affectionate on this list they are also a fantastic choice to keep children entertained as they are an active breed number three american short hair the traditional american short hair is another of the best cat breeds for first time owners looking for a cat that get along with other people the short hair does well with children and other pets the short coat doesn't require much grooming the short hair is also relaxed and can entertain itself as necessary although it does appreciate the occasional attention from other people in the house the american short hair is also more outgoing towards strangers than the exotic short hair the american short hair won't demand far too much attention from strangers although american short hairs are medium sized cats they are very thick bone muscly and heavy this type of cat has a rounded and thick appearance but is incredibly easy going and calm this cat does not require much attention from the family and they are recommended for singletons or busy families as they can keep themselves entertained for hours on end number two siamese cat a traditional breed the siamese cat is intelligent friendly the siamese gets along well with other people and can handle other cats the breed short coat makes it easy to groom these cats can demand attention at times but it is easy to please the siamese cat is also rather vocal although its voice is relatively pleasing and easy to hear making it a good choice for first time owners to consider made famous by disney's the lady and the you might remember them as the evil twin cats they are strikingly beautiful with their bright blue eyes and cream coats this breed is very vocal especially when they are playing they are incredibly easy to groom so if you're worried about lots of excess hair laying around the house this is the second best cat breed for you after the sphinx number one maine as one of the largest cat breeds in existence the maine is tough enough to handle young children who don't have experience with cats these are affectionate cats that love to be petted which is a good thing since they should be brushed regularly to keep their coat soft and supple sometimes referred to as gentle giants maine coons can easily learn tricks and understand household routines the best of the cat breeds for first time owners is the maine a breed that is often seen as a cat equivalent to a dog in that the maine enjoys following people around the cat is also compared with dogs on how it is much larger in size than most other cat breeds but the cat still isn't too dependent on other people the cat's large ears also make it easier for the breed to hear others and to listen to commands it does well in responding to commands and various messages they are also very friendly and are known for their playful yet intelligent characteristics if you're used to having a dog in the family this would be the best feline alternative of all the cats on this list do let us know in the comments which breed you are thinking to adopt was it on this list please subscribe to the all cats thanks for watching you
Channel: All Cats
Views: 138,729
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Keywords: 10 Best Cat Breeds For First Time Owners, best cat breeds, cat videos, american shorthair cat, exotic shorthair, british shorthair, ragdoll cat, top 10, best cat breeds for first time owners, best cat breeds for families, best cat breeds for home, best cat breeds for indoors, cat breeds for beginners, burmese cat, new cat owner, scottish fold cat, somali cat, maine coon, ragdoll, siamese, sphynx, pets, cat breeds, facts about cats, cats, cat behavior, All cats
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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