10 beginner flair bartending moves to make you look like a Pro - Part 1

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bloomin jaw hello everybody how we doing my name's Tom died welcome back to another fun episode of Tom Noize Flair bartending tips now today I have one for you guys and girls out there looking to start flaring but don't really know what to do and want to kind of get a head start on Flair now before I get started please don't forget if you haven't subscribed subscribe to the channel because then you'll be first to know when I upload new stuff especially if you click that little bell which ask you to people go on about all the friggin time so without further ado let's get moving swiftly on which is ten easy moves for beginners that make you look like a pro yes that's ten Flair bartending moves that are easy to learn for beginners but make you look like you're a professional flair bartender now what I'm going to show you is probably two or three variations of each move starting with a very basic up until something quite difficult so that you can see the progression of each move and as you get better you can start practicing to get to that more difficult move okay the first move I'm gonna teach you is with the napkin of course you've probably seen this before but I'm gonna show you a couple of variations on how to do this the most obvious one is the napkin spin which looks like this boom and I'll go through these quite quickly because there is a lot of moves but this one basically what you want to be doing is holding the napkin horizontally with your fingers underneath like a platform you put your thumb on top and then you want to give a little flick of the wrist so you get that spinning action on the napkin now once that napkin is spinning you then want to get your hand underneath the napkin come up through the napkin and down onto the bar so the motion is like this spin up down onto the bar top spin up down onto the bar top the most simple version of the napkin fit then you can start upgrading this so then you can start doing a napkin spin and instead of going on to the bar top you go on to the other hand so you have your other hand there or you can have it over here once you get better but you can have wherever you want but you have your hand there ready you spin onto your hand and you place it onto the back your hand then you turn over again and place it onto the back your hand then you can turn over again and place it onto the bar top it's important that you do big arches and big movements with your hand and don't just twist your hand like this because that's what's going to happen so you want to make sure that you're doing an arch up and down up and down and then onto the bar top nice you can do that as many times as you want all day long if you were to okay and then level three of this napkin spin move is what I call a napkin slide which looks like this you land on the back your hand but you're not putting onto the bar top you spoke you're sliding it back to your elbow now essentially what you're actually doing is you're moving your arm and the napkin is kind of staying where it is and then you can start incorporating all of those three moves together so then you go up down back at the hand slide slide boom onto the bar top easy peasy lemon squeezy not difficult difficult lemon difficult ok mood number two is what we call an assisted roll to pour which looks like this it's very very very simple and then we're gonna show you the upgrades which are actually also very very simple because it's the same type of move you're just ending it in a different way so you want to start off by holding the the shake and what we call the tennis grab so you're gonna come and grab the shaker like this and that's gonna be in this position then you're gonna grab your bottle from the speed rail thumbs down alright so I'm grabbing in my right hand I'm gonna come around my left ear onto my shoulder and then your left hand comes up and grabs that bottle okay so now send it away for a second so now what's happening is that you're grabbing the bottle with your other fingers that are free okay and it's sitting on your shoulder like this now from this point it's just the case of letting the bottle fall into the shaker and then rolling it down your arm and then you grab it again with the same fingers and turn it over so you come around grab roll see how my fingers are use it are there as a guide to stop the bottle from falling out one more time I'll show you tennis tennis around you can drop it into the shaker all the way roll it down your arm then you can grab the bottle with my fingers here to pushing turn it over and perform the poor super easy super simple and the next move goes like this and we're gonna end up with an underarm pour which looks like this same principle grab the bottle down shake from this position over down when you get to the end you just roll your hand over the top and then you roll it behind your arm you grab it under your arm like this you do your pour and then you just quickly drop it into your other hand and you are done [Music] super easy super simple to do and you could do this behind your bar today it literally takes me five minutes to keep someone out to do this trick if they're standing right here now the next part of the move is a little bit more difficult again it's the same principle of the move so we're gonna start very quickly shake it down thumbs down on the bottle around now instead of going under mara my arm I'm gonna come back up my arm and I'm gonna grab the bottle right here like you're on the telephone right so you're gonna come down back up grab then you pour your hand comes in to take the bottle away now when you're coming to pour from here so as you're in this position holding onto the bottle you're literally looking down into the shaker watching the pour pretty much from a bird's eye view and you can see it happening then you bring your hand back to grab the bottle take it away and you finished your pour cool move number three is what we call a stall or a balance I mean most of course most of the time in the industry we call it a stall but for argument's sake I'm gonna call it a balance today so when you're starting out when you're just beginning you want to learn how to do these moves now a store is basically balancing something on your hand or on your arm or on your elbow on a part of your body in a controlled way some people catch on the head shoulder everywhere right now I just want you to focus on your hands and we're gonna focus on our elbow both are very simple to find the place of balance there is on the arm as well but some people struggle with that because there is no what I call a table if you place the shaker onto the back your hand with enough practice you'll be able to balance it there pretty much straight away you should be able to get it without any problems when you come to your elbow there's a position that you can find which is your arm a right angle so your muscle isn't tensed and you balance the the object in its position once it's there if you keep your arm still you can look away from what you're doing as long as you keep your arm in the right position that object will stay on your elbow okay now how do you use this move behind the bar well when you've got bottles and when you've got people coming up to the bar you can simply throw the bottle up and catch onto the back your hands as I did there okay and then you can also do something else with your other hand okay what is that doing you're kind of upselling the product which you've got onto the back of your hand maybe you want to use it with another shake or afterwards so you can drop it down and continue making your drink what you can also do is if you need to get something from the back bar you can literally throw it up onto the back of your hand bring it to the shaker and then make your pour and pop it back and you can use in any kind of object which you have behind your bar so if you've got a glass you can throw it onto the back of your hand a shaker or you can throw it up onto the back of your hands and it just adds that element of surprise when you start using it behind the bar now the next step to this would be learning how to do something whilst you're balancing something else we've got our cocktail ready to make here we're going to use a bigger bottle this time this is a Cointreau bottle it's a big bottle it's much easier to balance on your elbow okay and I can just leave it there and I can even grab another shaker in my hand all right then I grab another bottle and then I come to pour pour that into the shaker and I can put that down there pour that into here and then I can pour with the other bottle which was on my elbow you can also use it if you're gonna go to the back bar let's pop that down there and we'll grab our Bailey's for example so you can place it onto your elbow you can pick up your other shaker maybe your pouring some accordion here you can even take the Bailey's pour it into the same shaker pop that back into your shaker boom boom and off you go to make your drink [Music]
Channel: Tom Dyer Bartender
Views: 708,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: craft flair, tom dyer flair, bar skills, bar tricks, best bartender in the world, flair bartending for beginners, flair bartending basics, bar flair tricks, tom dyer, bar equipment, flair lessons to start with, Bartending tools, trick bartending basics, Bartending moves, Bartending for beginners, Bartending equipment, Flair bartending classes near me, Learn bartending online free, Bartending pours, Bartending lesson, beginner flair moves, flaiir bartending moves
Id: xP0DQ8J0_2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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