10 Banned Youtube Channels

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too Many Law's too many Custom's too many Rule's, Rule's, Rule's.

Too Many Power Hungry Mother Fucker's too Many Control Freak's.

And A lot of People Love the State and the Government, as if it was there God as if it was there Savior it's a fucking Group of People.

And The Usa is Turing into China. The Communist China, and the People the Human's the Ape's are Turing into Anti Intelligent Nazi's. the Population are Turning them self into the Great Police force ever. and thay Work for Free. thay work for the state.

all of the Right's in and on the Bill of Right's are dead. and You Can see thus more n more, all around the Fucking usa. and people Hate, and i mean HATE !!! Open Minded Ness. thay Want you to be Closed Minded, Obedient, Stupid, Pay your Tax's, and Stfu and Think what thay think, do what thay do, Smile for the Cam, and Act Normal.

This Fucking Normal is God Dam Slavery. And the People are Obsessed with Law and Order.

Divinity is Gone, all thing's Holy are Gone, And you Can't Bring them Back into the world as long as Humanity Stand's. Alive and Kicking. and All the Data Prove's that Humanity Has Becuz 100% Narcissist. aka the House of Mirror's. And many people are as well as what it's linked to Sociopathic-ism.

Humanity is Dead, and the in the Land of the Living yet Dead, thay have Made Earth a Total Fucking Hell.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/A-rip-threw-time 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
- The YouTube landscape is ever changing. I've been on this platform for almost 10 years, and what's deemed acceptable and unacceptable on this website, has continually changed. So much so in fact that many YouTuber's have been outright banned for the content that they produce. Whether it resulted in a deleted channel, a temporary ban, or a ban on earning money, all of this raises interesting debates about what should and should not be allowed here. You know multiple people on this list, but trust me, no shade is intended. This is just for, you know, factual observation. Lets jump into it. (soft mysterious music) Here are 10 Banned YouTube Channels. (soft mysterious music) Number 10 is Logan Paul. (soft mysterious music) Logan Paul's been on YouTube for several years and it undoubtedly one of the platforms most controversial figures. During his time on the platform he's been accused of disrespecting Japanese culture, objectifying women, flexing about his economic status, and even promoting violence as a solution to disagreements through his Pay-Per-View boxing matches. But his most controversial moment came in that video in Japan, you know what I'm talking about. I obviously can't go into detail about what was in that video, because of demonetization rules, but many people found that video very disrespectful and dehumanizing. Other people however, actually defended him, saying that his reaction to what he found was born out of the anxiety of the situation. Whichever you believe, it resulted in Logan Paul receiving a ban on ads for several weeks, with rumors suggesting that YouTube even considered axing his channel completely. Number nine is Shirrako. (soft mysterious music) In November of 2018, one of YouTube many gaming channels Shirrako, was shut down for a controversial video. The clip was from the video game Red Dead Redemption Two. The game itself involves completing a wide range of missions in the Old West, with particular attention to detail, in terms of playing in a sandbox world. In one particular clip, Shirrako played the game and encountered a suffregate campaigning for women, to get the vote during the 1800s. After the computer character spoke about her beliefs, Shirrako's character attacked the character. Shirrako was banned for this, even though it was just a video game, and even though the game had clearly been designed with this option. Eventually his channel was reinstated, but it did provoke discussion around whether some gaming moments should be considered hate related, or whether it was just an overreaction. Number eight is Toy Freaks. (soft mysterious music) Toy Freaks was founded as a YouTube channel in 2012 by Gregory Chism. Over the next five years it amassed a huge following. At it's peak, Toy Freaks had over eight million subscribers. The content of the channel was made by the channel owner and his two young children. Their videos involved gross-out humor, but many felt the videos crossed the line from zany into creepy. Some argued that the channel was deliberately set up to make money from money with twisted motives, while others claim that the gross-out humor was in line with older kids TV shows. YouTube banned Toy Freaks in 2017 for violating its Terms of Service. Since then the channel has tried to come back in various forms, but each time they've been blocked for what many see as profiting from the mistreatment of children. Number seven is Stranger Than Fiction News. (soft mysterious music) With over 150,000 subscribers at the time, Stranger Than Fiction News was banned from YouTube in 2018 as the website tried to combat alleged fake news sites. Many accounts within the conspiracy theory community were banned with Stranger Than Fiction News being one of them. This channel was accused of creating and spreading inaccurate information which people were then taking at face value. But not only was the channel banned from YouTube, it was also kicked off Facebook for the same reason. It's a tricky situation, social media companies are still trying to figure out what's classified as free speech. On one hand you have people arguing that anything should be allowed, while others suggest that the reason people are ill informed about important issues is because of channels like this. Number six is Scott Allsop. (soft mysterious music) While valid arguments could be made about banning conspiracy channels when they promote information which is demonstrably untrue, there are other innocent channels that get tangled up in YouTube's algorithm. When banning decisions are handed off to artificial intelligence, there are those who get banned accidentally. One example of this is Scott Allsop's History Channel. His channel was banned because YouTube's algorithm detected hate speech on some of his videos. However, the reason YouTube detected this was because Scott is a history teacher and his channel contained videos about history, some of which discussed topics such as Nazis. Some clips contained archival footage of such topics, because of World War II. Eventually his channel was restored, but this problem highlights growing concern with blanket bans being implemented without human oversight. Number five is Family of Five. (soft mysterious music) Similar to Toy Freaks, Family of Five was a large YouTube channel which featured the daily lives of a family. However, many of their videos included pranks, and I use that word very loosely, which resulted in children of the family being very upset. After Philip DeFranco made a video rallying against the family, their videos went viral for all the wrong reasons. Eventually, the channel was banned permanently by YouTube and the family allegedly lost custody of at least one of their kids. In response to allegations of mistreatment, the family made videos claiming that everything was scripted, even the reactions of the kids. Most people didn't buy this, and though the family have had a YouTube channel since, their original pranks remain banned. Number four is Bombard's Body Language. (soft mysterious music) Another channel that was banned from YouTube is Bombard's Body Language. The channel had 264,000 subscribers at the time. The channel posted videos analyzing the body language of people in the news. This included politicians. However, many argued that this wasn't done in an objective way and that the body language of individuals was being interpreted purely through one political ideology. For a short while, the channel was reinstated without monetization, however, many felt their videos should be permanently taken down because of the way that they analyzed the body language of people involved in sensitive situations. Number three is David Seaman Online. (soft mysterious music) Usually, a conspiracy theory is an account of how those with power have the ability to conceal the truth from us and perhaps even use that concealment against us. Whether they are actually true or not, sometimes they can be extremely entertaining as we leave the door open just enough to ask the question, what if it's all real? However, sometimes that speculation can go too far. Some argue that this is why David Seaman was banned from YouTube. His YouTube channel explored conspiracy theories and presented them as undeniable fact. But one theory in particular got him in trouble. One which suggested that some politicians were involved in sordid despicable acts behind closed doors. He followed this up with accusations against people involved in, again, sensitive topics, and that violated the terms of service and he was permanently banned. Number two is PewDiePie. (soft mysterious music) Sometimes it isn't YouTube itself which bans a YouTube channel, but rather a country. At least that's what we were led to believe. You see, countries have the ability to request that YouTube blocks specific channels. This often happens because of copyright violations. However, sometimes it can be contravening a country's status quo. For example, PewDiePie made several jokes about Chinese leadership, and so he claimed that he was banned from there. Newspapers and other outlets picked up the story and spread this alleged fact. However, PewDiePie later made light of being banned and the entire thing was a bit bizarre when YouTube itself is blocked on Chinese mainland and requires workarounds in order to be accessible. It's possible that this is just one big old joke from Felix, though it wouldn't be the first time that China blocked a person it didn't like. And number one is Alex Jones. (soft mysterious music) Yeah, you guys knew this was gonna be on the list. Alex Jones is probably the most famous person to ever have been outright banned by YouTube. Through his channel, InfoWars, he was banned in one foul swoop from YouTube and every other major social media platform. This was in response to various conspiracy theories that he had promoted, including one in particular, which again, we cannot discuss in this video because of demonetization rules, but if you do some light Googling, you can find it. In August of 2019, InfoWars created a new channel called the War Room, which temporarily uploaded similar content to YouTube. In just 24 hours, Alex Jones and his network either violated the terms of service or were punished for trying to evade their ban by having a new channel suspended once more. So the question remains, should YouTube be a place where free speech is allowable or should it be policed like it's currently being done now? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. But other than that, thank you for watching, for liking this video, and of course, for subscribing, and a very special thank you to all of my channel members, especially those names you see on your screen right now. All of you help keep my channel going. Thanks again, and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: undefined
Views: 307,763
Rating: 4.8774605 out of 5
Id: 0vhzxsLf_-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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