10 Awesome Gadgets from Aliexpress!

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hey folks in this video we'll pick 10 cool gadget that you definitely need to check it out if you dream about drone here's an affordable one and it has pretty good quality despite of its size there is a camera and place for a card in the box comes three extra propellers and protection that will be safe not only for propellers but also for your walls and furniture [Music] it fell many times and it's all good right now [Music] it can fly around 10 minutes and we definitely enjoyed it also we ordered this cool thing putting it together we realized that it's better version of a grind now we're going to test it carefully let's try it with a carrot [Music] wow what a speed look how carrot went there the most important product I want to test is potato because I really like potato pancakes it's great we liked it overall we can grind any vegetables saving time and not scratching fingers here we ordered small portable Bluetooth speaker [Music] that can be used outside form is like GBL and looks decent and costs way less there is also some kind of water resistance and we're gonna test it real quick [Music] [Music] thanks to carbines speaker can be hooked up to pants or backpack overall for a price it's a steal and this pistol really made us happy it made of some kind of wood but shoot with rubber bands I saw this a lot of times online and I always wanted to buy but unfortunately couldn't find time rubbers go about five six meters for sure and it won't hurt anyone next we have this USB Drive with 32 gigabytes here is its unique part when you connect it to your computer nothing extraordinary happens just a flash drive but on a case there is a fingerprint reader and when the owner touched it open secret folder where you can keep your photos and other files which should not be visible for other people even if you lose your Drive someone who finds it wouldn't be able to see what's inside we got this package with some details that we need to assemble by ourselves after 20 minutes of assembling we got this bird use the leverage which allows spinning rubber and bird probably should fly a little let's go outside and try it out [Music] Wow it's pretty cool the wings looks pretty realistic and from a few meters it may look like a real bird in our videos you already saw automatic soap dispenser but this one is different story now we're gonna show how it works with batteries press a button put our hands and get notices soap but big foam it's more fun [Music] the Spencer looks really cool and works flawlessly with this thing you don't need to tell kids to wash hands they will do it by themselves this one I saw on internet as well and the name of this thing is Stirling engine and now we're gonna show the way it works we need to make it see but we're gonna hide it a brand why we need to promote it right oh well it doesn't really matter decency so put our device to cup wait a few seconds push the circle and it automatically starts working [Music] in order to make it work the lower part should be warmer than upper part to about 15 degrees or higher inside of it air moves and it works on Cup it turn around 30 minutes and putting two pieces of ice cube to upper part we could run it even with our hands [Music] it happens often when you open the vine drank a little and want to leave it for later after opening it it gets better real quick because inside is oxygen here's a quick trick this cork it has a pump inside which pumping out oxygen from a bottle we need to close a bottle and pushing a cord pump out and air there is a scale with days and months so we can put day when you want to open it so you know how long it's been open I think this core pumps out the huge amount of air and it definitely keeps it longer this weird thing can make it easier to deal with peg products for example macaroni put in attachments in packets like it's shown in the video snap and it's ready opening a cap or as much as we need and close it down it allows roads now not to crumble and it makes easier to use it I really like quality nice stuffs and this goes to this category aluminium case looks like a power bank and it has a screwdriver inside with different sets of attachments it made a very stylish look male handle and this attachment seems reliable platform for attachment looks magnetic and it doesn't fall from it before I used to have a lot of time and love to make some stuff this present would be a great for people like me if you are really hard for master and this is your work then you can be interested in this upgraded version inside of a big box there are many small ones and we are going to get them main one is handle of a screwdriver and it's not this simple with electronic motor and reducer we're gonna show you the way it works next is three sets of attachments for everything you need a huge case which can get in screwdriver and one sets of attachments so you can get it with yourself also in a set there is a match for putting bolts and other details it's magnetic and nothing slips out of it this can a big base for screwdrivers in a set [Music] there is a cable for charging as well magnetics for attachments a Jarvis cruise - we didn't figure out how to use them to turn it we need to press the front part of a black button for twisting bolts press back button it works great it charges you guests with a USB port to be honest I didn't know that things even exist [Music] [Music]
Channel: Slivki Show
Views: 4,582,893
Rating: 4.6790323 out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, sales, goods, china, screwdriver, cork, bluetooth, speaker, jbl
Id: FKdlL2nSjeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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