10 Apps & Tools to Embed into Notion

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so one of my favorite parts of notion is the fact that you can embed basically anything into the software unlike trello asana air table click up that isn't really as highly usable and so that's why i love about notion is that you can kind of customize it to whatever you want to embed inside so today i'm going to be walking you through how to embed as well as my 10 favorite things to embed five of them are internal use and five of them are external apps that i have discovered along my notion journey so let's get to it my name is jenna if you haven't subscribed make sure to for more notion content i'm a marketing educator and consultant and you can learn more about me below as well as make sure to watch more videos also comment if there's a type of video you want to see so let's just head into notion and i'll show you guys exactly how to embed your favorite widgets and apps into the app okay so i'm going to start with a blank page to show you quickly a few different ways that you can embed things so let's go into notion and you're just going to go down here you're going to click the forward slash and then there's an option you can scroll all the way down to where it says there's media so you can either embed an image which is great so you can add a photo a bookmark video which we'll talk about but let's scroll all the way down to where it says embed so basically you're going to click this and what it's going to do is it's going to have an embed link so for example let's go over to spotify and i'll show you where to find that link to embed it okay so let's go to my 2021 playlist which is one of my favorites and what you can do is you can actually embed the songs so let's go into here what you're gonna do is you're gonna click the three dots you're gonna go into share and then you can either copy link to playlist or embed playlist i'm just gonna show you what happens if i click embed playlist this is something that you can copy as a code so you can click copy so that what that's going to do is it's going to create a code for you but it's easier actually to just go click share copy link to playlist which is copied into the clipboard i'm going to go back to notion i'm going to do control v i'm on a mac and then click embed link now this should automatically embed the playlist which it does so you can resize this however you want um you can make it bigger and it will literally show the playlist so that is how easy it is to embed a spotify playlist this is the first one on my list of 10 so spotify you can also i believe embed individual podcast episodes i've done that myself it's basically the exact same thing i do want to show you guys what will happen if you use embed instead so if we go back to spotify you can go here click embed playlist this way you can actually change like the color if you want to or so where it says show code so it's using something called iframe which is what notion uses for a lot of its embeds basically it means you can embed anything so if we go here so if you just click that doesn't work so you're going to have to do the embed again but then you could let's see what happens if you do that it also works so you could do it that way um but i'm just telling you that it's easier to do the shorter one but i just wanted to show you that you can embed in a few different ways um and that's similar to like google maps google drive etc so i just wanted to show that as an example so we'll move on to number two okay so the next thing that i like to add is youtube videos so what's cool about this is that there's actually a youtube video option so if you just type in like youtube actually type in video you can see that you can embed from youtube vimeo and more so let me quick find a youtube video that i want to embed um let's just do this one it's the first one i see you might have to click into it let's copy and then go back to notion you're going to paste and then you're going to be able to embed a youtube video you can also use vimeo wistia whatever it's very very easy um to and then you can have a youtube video i do this on my daily command center with my workouts so that's very helpful for me to have all right so the third one okay so the next thing i want to talk about is one of my favorites which is google drive you click forward type in drive you can embed a google doc you can actually choose the document because i've already linked up my google drive so if i click here i can literally log into my google drive let's just do [Music] a photo that i have from one of my podcast episodes this is actually with a notion expert and you can see that it links back to the actual image file so you can embed videos whatever it is that's an amazing way to embed is by using google drive another thing you might not know is i actually am a huge user of google photos so i actually go into google photos you can actually share an album let me jump over there real quick so you can actually embed an album this is my best of all that's coming up in the twin cities all i do is i click create link so i click the share and then click copy then i go back here i do embed just like i would for everything else and then i paste and you will see that it will actually embed the actual folder so that's really cool i actually use this a lot with my coaching clients i put their zoom calls into a google photos album and then i share it with them so that's one thing that i like to do they can click in get access to that folder so i highly recommend that i'm actually more of a google photos user than i am a google drive because most of my content is of image or video based so i tend to use that a lot more i just i think it's better and so i tend to use that a lot okay so the last thing is the last thing i'm gonna talk about that's internal within uh notion the rest are actually external apps that i have used so the last one is pdfs so if you type in pdf it's very cool you can embed pdfs so if i click choose a file so this is a book pdf that i got from it was a bonus from a book that i read so you have to make sure that it's under five megabytes so i use the app i ilovepdf.com and that shrinks it but you can see i have the entire pdf here you can make it bigger unfortunately you can't really see it on mobile but it works well on desktop so that's how you embed a pdf it's pretty easy you just have to make sure it's small i like to put pdfs in my separate pdfs within my brain which i've talked about in a previous episode but that's something that i like to do as well okay so the next cool things that you can add in to notion are widgets so let's go back to my daily command center you can see here that i have put widgets and i put a clock in here i put the weather i also if you scroll down i have a pomodoro timer so those are available on sites like indiefy so if you go to indiefy what another thing you can also embed that i didn't know about if we go back to notion is i also embedded a google calendar so they have the google calendar widget they also have the clock weather they have a ton of different widgets i really like this website this is probably the most used widget website for notion um they have like a live progress bar quotes basically it's the same thing you copy the link whatever you end up making you paste it in as an embed code that's all you do it's copy paste so that's a really great site i i found another one called get cairo just through my research and what's cool is they have these notion blocks that you can make that are really interesting and cute so look they've got different ones i'm going to copy this and see if that works so let's go back to it's making a noise on the website i got to mute that so if we go back to this page do the embed again and then let's embed the link and see what happens so this is really cool because you can actually you know check it off it's free i really like this i just started using this so um it's very awesome you can shrink this obviously but i check out cairo i think it's most of them are free i think you have to upgrade after you use a certain number but that's a really cool one as well okay so the next one that i found out about recently is called screenful i haven't used this one myself but it's really cool because it has a lot of analytics and reports so you i'm pretty sure all these can be embedded um but it's very interesting and i'm i'm i need to like learn how to use this but i just found this and i thought i would share it with you you can embed into notion so if you're looking for more data stuff this is a great option so plectica is another way to embed more things like mind maps flow diagrams task board swot analysis so if you're doing any type of strategic planning or planning anything these are all templates that you can embed inside of notion so let's just do the mind map one um let's just do use template so basically what you do with this is you can edit it how you want then when you click share you can click embed this map copy code snippet and then you're going to paste that in the embed code so let's go back to embed and you will see that you can embed that inside of notion which is super cool so highly recommend checking out that one plectica the last two that are probably some of my favorites i recently got a new template from landmark labs and they're inside the notion made simple facebook group if you're not in there make sure to join they have a ton of resources but inside of his template which i believe he's giving out for free right now so definitely message landmark labs if you want that he i actually combined it with my own content creation pipeline but what i loved about what they had was they actually embedded google analytics as well as youtube analytics so this is my current youtube analytics setup you have to set it up with google data studio uh but these are you know my current analytics from my website uh sorry for my youtube channel and you can literally embed this inside of notion it's the exact same he actually has some tutorials on how to do that but i just thought this was so cool and this is actually one of the reasons why i wanted to do this video is i wanted to show you guys how all this works and how you can add this as an embed so the last one i want to share i'm sure there's more but if you're like i can't embed anything into my website or i want to embed my website into notion there is a website called iframe generator where you can put a link to any website so i put my website twincitiescollective.com actually i'm gonna do my other one leave jenna.com and then you click generate you click copy it you can do the exact same thing if i go back so i can do the same thing i'm going to do embed then i'm going to embed and basically it shows you guys my website it can go to any link so this literally isn't the mobile version of my website isn't that sweet it's so cool i'm so excited about that so if you're like i don't know how to embed this one website you can embed it using iframe generator so hope this was helpful for you guys to see all the different ways that you can embed things my favorite 10 things that you can embed into notion let me know if you guys want more part 2 or if you want other videos around notion and i'll talk to you soon you
Channel: 📲 Jenna Redfield | Notion, ADHD & Marketing Tips
Views: 844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion, notion tutorial, notion embed, notion embed spotify playlist, notion embed website, notion embed weather, notion embed ideas, notion embedded apps, notion tools, notion apps, embed into notion, notion ideas, notion ideas template, notion idea board, notion code, iframe, notion walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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