10 Animals That Are Born Only Once In a Thousand Years!

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like and subscribe now or you're gonna have terrible luck for the next week many creatures exist within the animal kingdom some of these animals have gone extinct and many still live among us and while we have animals such as our favorite dogs and cats that we see daily we also have some animals on the other end of the spectrum that only grace the world once in a millennia and our focus in this video will be on those rare creatures here's a list of 10 animals that are born only once in a thousand years number 10 the watapunga imagine taking a trip to an island and you stumble across something you wouldn't otherwise see unless it's in a movie you surely would be touched on to shout oh my god well that's the feeling expressed in 2011 by mark moffat a park ranger when he saw an 18 centimeter long grasshopper dubbed the wetapunga of the offshore island of new zealand although the witapunga is a one in a thousand-year kind of insect it belongs to a genus of grasshoppers known as diencarda whose name translates to mean terrible grasshopper honestly we've known dienkartas to be quite significant and can grow up to a length of 10 centimeters weighing about 35 grams but the wetapunga is one in a million think of it as a goliath among giants this goliath grasshopper was about 18 centimeters long and weighed 71 grams meaning that it's as heavy as a sparrow and three times more massive than a mouse it's very big for a grasshopper isn't it number nine double muscled whip it indeed some dogs like the tibetan mastiffs and pitbull terriers are known to be muscular you can't categorize a whippet as one of the strongest dog breeds primarily when they are known for speed rather than strength however in 2007 a whippet known as wendy had well deserved fame for her brawny body and her weight which was nearly 60 pounds owing to double muscling common whippets only grow up to 42 pounds of the maximum so that really made her some sort of arnold schwarzenegger among whippets cool don't you think however with every great power comes great prices wendy's double muscling was a result of her myostatin gene which went awol experts would call that mutation so she lost her speed and couldn't even take turns unfortunately she died at the age of 14. yeah that's somewhat painful isn't it especially when such a whippet comes only once in a thousand years the probability of seeing another one anytime soon is just too slim except when you start building them in labs number eight the snake with legs yes you heard it right a snake with legs that was how a 66 year old chinese woman going by the name duong king zoo was shot when she saw a reptile cling to the wall of her bedroom in 2009 the reptile which you confirmed to be a snake was nearly 41 centimeters long and it's as thick as your arm if not more don't doubt it that's enough to frighten the wits out of anyone like that wasn't scary enough she noticed that the snake had some sort of talons hanging over the middle part of its body without much ado she did what any unwittingly scary senior citizen would do she smashed a snake in its head with her shoe until she confirmed it's dead however as evidence of her nightmare she preferred the legged snake in a bottle of alcohol for anyone who wishes to doubt her red-hot encounter although fossils of snakes with legs dating back to as old as 190 million years ago have been uncovered in some parts of the world they are very rare more than 20 generations of a family could pass with none having a real life encounter with one number seven the cronk buffalo still on the list of creatures born in a thousand years we took a trip back in time to a rural village of thailand in the year 2015 and guess what we found the so-called croc buffalo or perhaps you can call it the buffalo gator this animal which looks like a kind of delusion from greek mythology was born to a buffalo mother with previous histories of perfect births women kids with no deformities of any genre but but 2015 was a different story for the animal when she was delivered of this baby buffalo with hooves body and limbs of a buffalo still its dry flaky skin and flathead had another story to tell saying i'm of an alligator although the kid died a few minutes after birth many locals thought it was the product of a hot mating between an alligator and a buffalo other natives even thought it was an omen of good luck however experts say that such conditions may be due to an unusual skin disorder acquired during development in the womb whatever the case may be it was indeed a once in a thousand year creature number six double-headed pigs while some people find pigs as fascinating animals others just like the taste of it with lovely chili soda water but none could ever think of meeting a pig with two heads that'll be well you fill it in but it's not impossible some pigs born with two heads have been reported in a few parts of china although they are extremely rare these pigs are not something you come across in your everyday life nor animals you can think of not even in a million years however a particular pig owned by a farmer named zhong caught the attention of the media not quite long ago this pig reportedly had two snouts three eyes and two ears but with four legs the local vets explained that it might be a result of an underdeveloped twin pig in the womb which later got fused yeah something like a siamese pig despite that the pig looks hideous xong complained that many buyers had offered to pay exorbitant prices to lay claim on the pig all of which he refused many people believed that the siamese pig is truly a miracle to behold number five glowing cats although these cats are not the product of nature they are also not creatures you expect to find in a thousand years even the scientists that created them tried for many years with some failures under the belt in 2011 a group of researchers from the mayhem clinic in rochester was working on a therapeutic process for the feline immunodeficiency virus fiv it's like the cat version of hiv when they stumbled upon a fantastic discovery cats that glow this once in a lifetime discovery happened when three feline eggs were inserted with an antibody combined with the fluorescence protein found in jellyfish and amazingly the result was a glowing cat well that's not all these cats might as well be immune to fiv if you ask us we'll say that's very cool at first they look like normal cats but when you dim off the lights and expose them to a short amount of blue light the amazingly beautiful green color emerges from their fur even your draw would drop when you see their claws glow well we've indeed seen the wonders of the world and perhaps very few have seen cats with wings however a cat whose skin glows only comes once in a thousand years number four golden sea horses sea horses are fascinating creatures and you'd wish to have one in your aquarium especially when their unique structures mating abilities and insatiable appetite have long amazed the world of science even many cultures make pendants of metallic sea horses with different qualities ranging from black to golden however passionate vietnamese biologists who work so hard to rejuvenate the population of some endangered species created a very spectacular group of seahorses ones that can shine brighter than gold amazing huh well it's not a hard find that such an excellent result was attained when the same fluorescent proteins from jellyfish used with the us mayo cats were combined with tiny grains of gold which were further inserted into many egg cells of a female sea horse after about 20 trials 108 golden sea horses came to life fantabulous these sea horses may as well cost even more than gold not only because they are living gold but because they did not exist until the vietnamese made them and yes they are also one in a thousand year species number three the octogoad born on a croatian farm the octagon has both the male and female reproductive systems so it's a hermaphrodite but hermaphrodites are common in the animal kingdom including the world of animals that eat grass and even humans too so how did a goat dubbed the octogoat make the top three in a list of animals that are born only once in a millennia well the so-called octago was actually a goat with eight legs octagons are very rare and they only dawn into this world based on selective mutations that might only happen once in a thousand years at birth the owner thought he saw things and he didn't believe his intuition until his neighbors confirmed it like seriously they were all shocked but experts explained that the legs came from another kid that was supposedly fused with the latter yes it's sad but surprising now it's time for today's best pick [Music] today we will feature an animal with a rare condition known as polycephaly which means having more than one head number two two-headed snake in the wild actually this was quite complicated for even us a snake with two heads like we understood the case of a double-headed pig or perhaps a double-headed human at least they were both mammals and they don't lay eggs but a rattlesnake with two heads that's fiercely mysterious and worth looking into well to our um surprise this baby timber rattlesnake with two independent heads and flickers having only one body was found off the force in new jersey united states believe it or not it's double trouble as both heads could bite a victim delivering equal doses of venom blimey however in the real sense two-headed snakes are not impossible when bread in captivity only that they are sporadic especially in the case of rattlesnakes that reproduce only once in three years well just like any double-headed animal the two-headed snake comes in the partial partitioning between identical twin siblings which occurs when a fertilized egg splits in completely and that's how mother nature will never cease to amaze us once in a millennium like this before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works [Music] number one the human-faced goat you think coming across a snake with legs or perhaps a cat with wings will blow your minds off huh that's something like a goat with an angry human face that appears ready for a fight like this one we are very sure that you'll look again this kid was born to a healthy mother on a farm situated in a russian village in 2015. the oddball beast with normal ears had something you won't think of finding on a goat and that's a long nose like those from cartoon series with two lidless eyes as well as an almost human shin you will also notice the protruded tongue however the local vets explain that the facial deformity was acquired due to the excess of vitamin a in the mother more so experts explained further that it's some sort of cyclopia described as a facial symmetry feature resulting from the mutations of specific genes in the body even with these facts many claim that it's some sort of devil also some religious circus are poorly trying to acquire it for worship as an avatar of god because such an animal only comes once in a thousand years and that's it for today folks which of these animals would you like to meet in your lifetime share your view in the comment section down below see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: FactFile
Views: 219,805
Rating: 4.8573527 out of 5
Keywords: top, factfile, education, Ten, Animals, That, Born, Only, Once, Thousand, Years, Animal, Ten Animals, 10 Animals, Top 10, Unusual Animals, weird animals, animals, Most incredible, Two-headed, Two-headed animals, creature, rare, rare creatures, creatures, creepy creatures, top 10, top 5, best, list, animal, creepiest animals, interesting facts, thefinest, supreme, mind warehouse, origins explained, rare animals, unique animals, two-headed, porpoise, born, only, Thousand Years, in the world, actually
Id: CxksxU5s6n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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