10 Amazing Parkour Tricks That Anyone Can Do At Home!

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what's going on guys if you're in quarantine and you're like me and you just can't sit still watch movies all day inside now I've got the best solution for you you can learn parkour so these are ten easy moves that most abel people should be able to learn with a little bit of practice and almost no obstacles so most of these you should be able to do on the ground in your house or even just with the couch so let's start off super easy the first move we're gonna work on today is the backflip no I'm totally joking that's a little too advanced we're gonna start off with the palm spin so to do a palm spin I'm going to be using the corner of this couch over here and I'm gonna show you guys what it looks like so you can see what kind of obstacle you can find in your house to do it that's all there is to it also I just want to give a little disclaimer if you're a kid you want to make sure you ask your parents before doing parkour all over your couch in your house because you don't want to get hurt or you don't want to damage the furniture all right so I'm gonna start off by putting in both of my hands on the obstacle and with this couch over here I'm gonna be putting one on the corner like this and the other one like this over here that way when I push off of it I can rotate around that left hand over here and push off of this one to get some momentum so we're gonna start off with a few progressions first so the first progression you can use is just jumping over the obstacle instead of rotating so what I'm gonna do is place my hands just like I just showed you and then I'm just gonna jump to the ground on the other side by lifting my legs over the couch that's it now the next progression is to do the pump spin but put a foot down on the couch before landing on the ground so it's gonna look a little bit like this so ideally the goal with the palm spin is to lean back on the same side that you jumped on so if I jump on this side of the couch ideally I don't want to land on this side of the couch as well you want to make sure you do those progressions as many times as you have to until you're comfortable doing the full thing which looks a little bit like this now obviously you want to make sure your counter solid and doesn't slip like it just did now so I'm just gonna shuck this a little more in the corner and show you guys some slow motions well the cows disappear that's right because with this one we don't need any obstacles we just need the ground so this one is called the shoulder roll or parkour roll super useful probably the most important trick in parkour because we use it to absorb landings and stuff now the only thing is I don't recommend that you learn this on hardwood like me I recommend that you find it on carpet or even maybe your bed the reason is if you don't roll properly you can hurt your shoulder or your spine on the ground and you can bruise yourself that being said the move is not dangerous at all you won't get hurt it might just be a little uncomfortable so you're gonna start off in the crouched position just like I am you want to make sure you start off close to the ground so that it's just easier to control your momentum now I'm going to be rolling over my left shoulder so I'm going to be putting my hands on the side like this to the right side so by having my hands in a 45 degree angle side oh is it just makes it easier for me to roll over that shoulder so the reason for this is you don't want to roll directly over your head because that makes it dangerous when you have a lot of momentum so we're gonna roll from one shoulder to the opposite side of our back for me that means unless shoulder to the right side of the back in a diagonal line like this so once you're ready you have your hands on the ground like this and you slowly roll over the shoulder on that line on the back like I've just shown you just to be safe we're gonna practice that a bunch of times and staying on the ground by rolling over the shoulder and landing on the side of the leg like this and once you're comfortable doing that a bit you want to make sure you speed it up a little and get on to your feet instead now we can start playing around with it and you can start doing some small jumps into it to make sure that you're using the momentum properly so the next move is called precision jumps and it's real fun because we can use our stairs for this and it's like a game you just try to go to the next step until you've reached your max so I'm going to start off by just jumping from here on to the first step and trying to stick the landing so what helps to stick the landing is you want to be on the ball of your feet so that's the front of the foot and then you want to have your knees slightly bent in your arms in front the reason for this position is it helps you control and balance so usually in parkour we'd have a precision jump from one obstacle to another that is much further but all we have are stairs so we're gonna try and go higher instead so once you're comfortable with that we're gonna go to the second step and if you want to build up your power and be better at jumping you can also connect them so try and hit your max every time so I'm gonna try to do five steps and then five steps again all the way to the top now the next move I'm going to show you guys is called the safety ball and we're going to be using a couch again for this one so you want to make sure that you use a couch or an obstacle with the solid back because we're going to be putting a lot of our weight onto it so this trick is really easy to learn because you can take it step by step we're just gonna start off by putting one hand on the obstacle and then the opposite foot on the obstacle too so since I've put in my right hand I'm gonna put on my left foot then all you have to do is bring your other leg through the gap onto the sitting part of the couch like this now like I said you want to make sure that you've got a solid couch because you don't want to step onto something that's not solid or perhaps break the couch so again make sure you ask your parents might not look like much but when you speed it up and starts to look like this so the next move I'm going to teach you guys is a cartwheel and for those of you who do gymnastics it's going to look a little bit different because in part four we do it sideways one of the reasons for this is so we can do a trick after so we'll do a cartwheel and do an Arabian after or just do a side flip that we need to be stay on the same axis so again with this one we're not going to need any obstacles we're just going to use a lot of room but we're gonna start off in a sideways position like this so I'm going to be going to my left over here so I'm going to start off by putting the left hand on the ground first then soon after that my right hand is gonna come over so one of the mistakes you want to avoid is getting your hand around like this should get your hand around like this too much we're gonna do a sideways thing like this and that's not what you want because you're gonna look like a nude so you put it the first hand you want to reach over with the other hand like this the ideal goal with this is to keep all your hands and feet on a straight line so you can find a line on the ground and try and get your hands and your feet on that line all the time so once the first hand is on the ground you're gonna kick up with the other foot to bring it over faster and harder that you kick that leg up over your body the easier that cartwheel is get a B because if you have no momentum you're gonna do that sideways thing again bye so again we don't want that you want to kick up with your leg like this as you just saw once your feet are in here you're gonna land back on the ground one foot at a time so if my right leg was the one that was kicking over that's the first one that's going to land on the other side so this might just look like gymnastics to you guys but we use it all the time in parkour and freerunning with combos and even in tricking looks a little bit like this the next move is called a two-handed vault that I'm going to be using the couch again looks a little bit like this this move is really cool for beginners to get over rails and obstacles outside but since we're in Kranti we're just gonna be doing it in our house so I'm just gonna start off putting in both of my hands on the couch like this and then I'm just gonna get my feet over to the other side of the obstacle so if you're using a couch like me you just want to make sure that you get your legs high enough that you don't clip the back of the couch over here because then you could potentially face fun or something like that if you clip your feet in it obviously that was faith but I don't want that to happen to you guys so make sure you safe if you have us all in the couch and enough space after you can practice kind of running into it and running out of it I don't have much space before but have some space after now this one's a little more advantage and I don't recommend it for anyone that doesn't have soft ground it's called the kippa also I'm going to take off my socks because I don't want to slip on this slippery hardwood so the first thing you want to do with this trick is you're going to crouch down so that you don't have too much momentum so I'm going to start off like this and then I'm going to do a partial back roll onto the top of my shoulders so you want to make sure that you stop when most of your weight is that the top of your shoulders and you also want to put your hands on the ground like this also if you notice my legs were up and close to my face that way they're ready to kick up to get momentum so you want to practice that a couple of times make sure you're comfortable with it just putting your hands and getting your legs up so at this point you pretty much just have to go for it you want to make sure that you push off the ground with your hands and your shoulders and you also want to kick up with your legs at the same time and you want to make sure that you reach for the ground with your legs after they kick up so what that means is you kick up with your legs towards this angle to make sure you get momentum but once they kick you want to make sure they aim for the ground so that you can land on your feet now like this this next one's a little more freerunning than parkour but it's the handstand as usual we're gonna start off with progressions and there's two types of progressions that we can do for it and both involve a wall so the first one is we're gonna slowly walk up the wall like this hands on the ground so if you have soft ground you can actually practice going into a handstand from that position without using the wall and if you go too far you just go into a forward roll now the next regression is basically the same thing but the other way so you want to handstand into the wall facing the other way you see how I can stop myself with my feet and then with my feet I can push myself away from the wall to try and keep the hand stick [Music] and if you follow boom that's it once you're comfortable with the doubles you can just do it without the wallet support oh sorry just showing off so when you do the handstand without the wall what you want to do is put your hands on the ground and then kick your back leg to get your feet up so you can practice mini hops like that not going all the way up you see how one foots on the ground and the other leg is kicking and then when you're comfortable what you want to do is get the other foot that was on the ground laughs join the other foot up in the air so some tips I've received from gymnastics coaches for these is to try and keep your body straight and not have your legs leaning forward a lot of people when they learn they look like this and that's cool law but sometimes it makes it hard to keep your balance so you want to make sure that you keep your body straight that way you use your core of your abs to get your balance so this next one is called a lazy ball it's a little hard to land without the proper obstacle because ideally I'd have something a lot thinner but it's super fun to do indoors and land on your couch because you're gonna end up like this which if you ask me just makes the lazy name a lot more accurate so first things first we're gonna start off on the other side of the obstacle with your body sideways like this since my right hand is the closest to the obstacle I'm gonna put it on the couch like that and then I'm gonna kick my right leg over so we can practice that a few times without actually jumping over the couch so once that right leg kicks over we're gonna put on the left hand behind us that second hand is going to come on the couch where the first hand was to replace it so once that other hands on you removed the other one and at the same time as you're doing that you're also gonna let your other leg join the other one that kicked over the couch so it's gonna look like this first hand first leg and then second hand so ideally we'd have a thinner obstacle so that we could just keep running after but all we have is couch so we can just practice it like this for now landing sitting down so next up we got the backwards roll which is another one then I don't recommend you do on a hard ground because you can actually hit your head on this one so definitely make sure you do it either on your bed or some carpet so for this one we're just gonna start off sitting on the ground like this because we don't want too much momentum and go out of control the first thing you're gonna do is push off of your feet on the ground and then put your hands over your shoulder to the ground behind you push and then hands the reason is just like the Ford Roller roll we're not going to go directly over your head especially with this one so as you're doing it you're gonna get your hands on one side and make sure that you tilt your head so that you don't hit it on the ground and once you get over your head you can just push off of your hands to get back on your feet although you do want to select slope this one is harder without momentum so once you're comfortable then you can start speeding it up so you might be thinking what the heck is this crap I've never seen a parkour but it's actually really useful when you're doing a backwards trick off an obstacle and you have too much momentum or too much height and you just want to over rotate safely so that is it those are 10 tricks that you should be able to learn at home and I'm so excited for you guys to try them make sure you let me know in the comments down below which tricks you've tried don't forget to click the subscribe button right over here to see more videos like this next up you can watch my list view by clicking over here or you can watch another cool video just like this one by clicking right here as usual I'll catch you guys on the flipside
Channel: Nick Pro
Views: 1,533,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn parkour, 10 parkour moves for beginners, learn parkour at home, parkour tutorials, parkour, beginner parkour, how to start parkour, parkour tutorial, how to parkour, parkour in quarantine, quarantine, parkour training, easy parkour, 10 parkour tricks, 10 parkour moves, free running, learn free running, quarantine vlog, self quarantine, simple parkour, freerunning, parkour tricks, 10 easy parkour tricks, free running tutorial, tricking, parkour roll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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